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Building Wardroom Images

This directory contains tooling for building base images for use as nodes in Kubernetes Clusters. Packer is used for building these images.


Prerequisites for all images

Prerequisites for Amazon Web Services

  • An AWS account
  • The AWS CLI installed and configured

Prerequisites for Google Cloud

  • A Google Cloud account
  • The gcloud CLI installed and configured
  • A precreated service account json file

Building Images

Build Variables

The following variables can be overriden when building images using the -var option when calling packer build:

Variable Default Description
build_version unset A unique build version for the image
kubernetes_version 1.9.5-00 Kubernetes Version to install
kubernetes_cni_version 0.6.0-00 CNI Version to install

For exmaple, to build all images for use with Kubernetes 1.8.9 for build version 1:

packer build -var kubernetes_version=1.8.9-00 -var build_version=1

There are additional variables that may be set that affect the behavior of specific builds or packer post-processors. packer inspect packer.json will list all available variables and their default values.

Limiting Images to Build

If packer build is run without specifying which images to build, then it will attempt to build all configured images. packer inspect packer.json will list the configured builders. The --only option can be specified when running packer build to limit the images built.

For example, to build only the AWS Ubuntu image:

packer build -var build_version=`git rev-parse HEAD` --only=ami-ubuntu packer.json

Building the AWS AMIs

Building AWS images requires setting additional variables not set by default. The aws-us-east-1.json file is provided as an example.

To build both the Ubuntu and CentOS AWS AMIs:

packer build -var-file aws-us-east-1.json -var build_version=`git rev-parse HEAD` --only=ami-centos,ami-ubuntu packer.json

Required Permissions to Build the AWS AMIs

The Packer documentation for the Amazon AMI builder supplies a suggested set of minimum permissions. However, Wardroom has been successfully tested with the following IAM permissions:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"

Building Google Cloud Images

Building Google Cloud images requires setting the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable and providing the IDs of the source images. For the latter, the gcp-source-images.json file is provided as an example.

To build only the Ubuntu Google Cloud Image:

packer build -var-file=gcp-source-images.json -var build_version=`git rev-parse HEAD` -var project_id=<your-project-id-here> -only gcp-ubuntu packer.json

Permissions Required to Build Google Cloud Images

The account used by Wardroom (as specified by the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable) must have the following permissions in order for Wardroom to function as expected:


Building Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Images

Building Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) images requires a correct configuration for the Oracle CLI as outlined in the "CLI Configuration Information" section of this page, althoug the Oracle CLI does not need to be installed (Packer will use the values in the configuration file).

You will also need the following pieces of information:

  • The Oracle Cloud ID (OCID) of the compartment where the build VM will be instantiated (you can use the root compartment, whose OCID is equal to the tenancy OCID)
  • The name of the availability domain where the build VM will be instantiated
  • The OCID for the subnet that corresponds to the availability domain where the build VM will be instantiated

To build an OCI image:

packer build -var-file oci-us-phoenix-1.json -var build_version=`git rev-parse HEAD` -var oci_availability_domain="<name of availability domain>" -var oci_compartment_ocid="<OCID of compartment>" -var oci_subnet_ocid="<OCID of subnet in specified availability domain>" -only=oci-ubuntu packer.json

Testing Images

Connect remotely to an instance created from the image and run the Node Conformance tests using the following commands:

wget$(< /etc/kubernetes_community_ami_version)/kubernetes-test.tar.gz
tar -zxvf kubernetes-test.tar.gz kubernetes/platforms/linux/amd64
cd kubernetes/platforms/linux/amd64
sudo ./ginkgo --nodes=8 --flakeAttempts=2 --focus="\[Conformance\]" --skip="\[Flaky\]|\[Serial\]|\[sig-network\]|Container Lifecycle Hook" ./e2e_node.test -- --k8s-bin-dir=/usr/bin

Deploying Images


There is a helper script to aid in seeding built AMI's to all other AWS regions. This script can be installed from the root of this repository by running python3 install.

wardroom aws copy-ami -r <SOURCE_REGION> <SOURCE_AMI>

Google Cloud

Unlike AWS, Google Cloud Images are not limited to specific regions, so no further steps are needed to use the create images.

Updating the Heptio AWS Quick Start Images

  • Build the base image

    packer build -var-file aws-us-east-1.json -var build_version=`git rev-parse HEAD` --only=ami-ubuntu packer.json
  • Run Node Conformance against the built image

  • Deploy the image using copy-ami

  • Update the Quick Start to use the new images


GCP Service Account Credentials

Create a GCP service account

You'll need to download the credential file after creating your account. Make sure you don't commit it, it contains secrets.

If you want to use a service account for use with Wardroom, you'll also need to grant the service account the ServiceAccountUser role in order for Wardroom to function properly.

You'll also need to make note of the "project ID" you wish to run the container in. It's a string, and you can find it at the top of the Google Cloud Console, or with gcloud projects list.