wth is a microlith?
-- Marty McFly
The Majestic Monolith built with IaC using serverless cloud services.
brew bundle --no-lock
nodenv install -s
yarn install
# Silence npm warning about mismatched binaries due to nodenv using a shim.
npm config set scripts-prepend-node-path auto
Initial infra/stack deployment (bootstraps aws-sam-cli-managed-default
stack, if not already present):
sam build
# in the following command it is recommended to use the format, `${appName}-${stageName}`, for 'Stack Name'
sam deploy --guided
(Initial deployment can take up to 20 minutes due to CloudFront distribution.)
Add outputs to .env.(development.local|staging|production)
(select accordingly):
where values, CfDistributionId
, and WebsiteBucketName
, can be queried by substituting the OutputKey
value below:
aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <value> --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='...'].OutputValue" --output text
(A similar command can be issued against the aws-sam-cli-managed-default
stack to retrieve the value for SourceBucket
# `ENV` represents your deployment stage (typically, `development`, `staging` or `production`).
ENV=<value> yarn run-s build deploy
A local frontend instance can be configured to connect to the remote (AWS-hosted) development stack via proxy:
API_BASE_URL=https://<CfDistributionId>.cloudfront.net yarn dev