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User Guide

Deployment Map

The deployment_map.yml file (or files) lives in the repository named aws-deployment-framework-pipelines on the Deployment Account. These files are the general pipeline definitions that are responsible for mapping the specific pipelines to their deployment targets along with their respective parameters. The AWS CDK will synthesize during the CodeBuild step within the aws-deployment-framework-pipelines pipeline. Prior to the CDK creating these pipeline templates, a input generation step will run to parse the deployment_map.yml files, it will then assume a read-only role on the management account in the Organization that will have access to resolve the accounts in the AWS Organizations OU's specified in the mapping file. It will return the account name and ID for each of the accounts and pass those values into the input files that will go on to be main CDK applications inputs.

The deployment map file defines the pipelines along with their inputs, providers to use and their configuration. It also defines the targets of the pipeline within a list type structure.

Each entry in the 'targets' key list represents a stage within the pipeline that will be created. The deployment map files also allow for some unique steps and actions to occur in your pipeline. For example, you can add an approval step to your pipeline by putting a step in your targets definition titled, 'approval'. This will add a manual approval stage at this point in your pipeline.

A basic example of a deployment_map.yml would look like the following:

  - name: iam
    description: |-
      This description is used as a description for the CodeCommit repository.
        provider: codecommit
          # The AWS Account ID where the source code will be in a
          # CodeCommit Repository
          account_id: 111111111111
      notification_endpoint:  # Optional
      foo: bar  # Pipelines support tagging
      - path: /security
        regions: eu-west-1
      # This is a shorthand example of an approval step within a pipeline
      - approval
      # This is a shorthand example of a step within a pipeline targeting an OU
      - /banking/testing

  - name: vpc
        provider: codeconnections
          # Optional, name property will be used if repository is not specified
          repository: my-github-vpc
          # Who owns this Github Repository
          owner: awslabs
          # The path in Amazon Systems Manager Parameter Store that holds the
          # Connections Arn.
          # Please note, by default ADF only has access to read /adf/
          # parameters. You need to create this parameter manually
          # in the deployment region in the deployment account once.
          # It is recommended to add a Tag like CreatedBy with the user that
          # created it. So it is clear this parameter is not managed by ADF
          # itself.
          # Example content of the parameter, plain ARN as a simple string:
          # arn:aws:codeconnections:eu-west-1:111111111111:connection/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
          # Or in the case of a CodeStar Connection:
          # arn:aws:codestar-connections:eu-west-1:111111111111:connection/11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
          codeconnections_param_path: /adf/my_github_connection_arn_param
      - path: /banking/testing
        name: fancy-name  # Optional way to pass a name for this stage in the pipeline

In the above example we are creating two pipelines with AWS CodePipeline. The first one will deploy from a repository named iam that lives in the account 111111111111. This CodeCommit Repository will automatically be created by default in the 111111111111 AWS Account if it does not exist. The automatic repository creation occurs if you enable auto-create-repositories (which is enabled by default). The iam pipeline will use AWS CodeCommit as its source and deploy in three steps. The first stage of the deployment will occur against all AWS Accounts that are in the /security Organization unit and be targeted to the eu-west-1 region. After that, there is a manual approval phase which is denoted by the keyword approval. The next step will be targeted to the accounts within the /banking/testing OU (in your default deployment account region). By providing a simple path without a region definition it will default to the region chosen as the deployment account region in your adfconfig. Any failure during the pipeline will cause it to halt.

The second pipeline (vpc) example deploys to an OU path /banking/testing. You can choose between an absolute path in your AWS Organization, AWS Account ID or an array of OUs or IDs. This pipeline also uses Github as a source rather than AWS CodeCommit. When generating the pipeline, ADF expects the GitHub Token to be placed in AWS Secrets Manager in a path prefixed with /adf/.

By default, the above pipelines will be created to deploy CloudFormation using a change in two actions (Create then Execute).

Targeting via Tags

Tags on AWS Accounts can also be used to define stages within a pipeline. For example, we might want to create a pipeline that targets all AWS Accounts with the tag cost-center and value of foo-team. You cannot use a combination of path/target and tags.

We do that with the following syntax:

  - name: vpc-for-foo-team
      # ...
      - tags: # Using tags to define the stage rather than a path or account id
          cost-center: foo-team
        # Optionally use the 'name' key to give this stage a meaningful name
        name: foo-team

Adding or Removing Tags to an AWS Account in AWS Organizations will automatically trigger a run of the bootstrap pipeline which will in turn execute the pipeline generation pipeline in the deployment account.

Important Notes

Zero-prefixed AWS Account Ids

In most cases, you can target accounts directly by passing the AWS Account Id as an integer, as shown in the example above. However, in case the AWS Account Id starts with a zero, for example 012345678910, you will need to pass the AWS Account Id as a string instead.

Due to the way the YAML file is read, it will automatically transform zero-leading numbers by removing the zero. Additionally, if the AWS Account Id starts with a zero and happens to include numbers between 0 and 7 only, for example 012345671234, it will treat it as a octal number instead. Since this cannot be detected without making risky assumptions, the deployment will error to be on the safe side instead.


The ADF comes with an extensive set of abstractions over CodePipeline providers that can be used to define pipelines. For example, see the following pipeline definition:

  - name: sample-ec2-java-app-codedeploy
    description: |-
      This description is used as a description for the CodeCommit repository.
        provider: codecommit
          account_id: 111111111111
        provider: codebuild
        # Use a specific docker image (supports Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9) for
        # the build stage in this pipeline
        image: "STANDARD_5_0"
        provider: codedeploy
      - target: 999999999999
          application_name: sample
          deployment_group_name: testing-sample

The pipeline sample-ec2-java-app-codedeploy has a default_providers key that defines the high-level structure of the pipeline. It explicitly defines the source (requirement for all pipelines) and also defines what type of build will occur along with any associated parameters.

In this example, we're explicitly saying we want to use AWS CodeBuild (which is also the default) and also to use a specific Docker Image for build stage. The default deployment provider for this pipeline is configured to be codedeploy in this example. This means that any of the targets of the pipeline will use AWS CodeDeploy as their default Deployment Provider.

In the targets section itself we have the opportunity to override the provider itself or pass in any additional properties to that provider. In this example we are passing in application_name and deployment_group_name as properties to CodeDeploy for this specific stage. The properties can either be defined by changing the default_providers configuration or get updated at the stage level. Stage level config overrides default provider config.

By default, the build provider is AWS CodeBuild and the deployment provider is AWS CloudFormation.

For detailed information on providers and their supported properties, see the providers guide.

Targets Syntax

The Deployment Map has a shorthand syntax along with a more detailed version when you need extra configuration for the targets key as detailed below:


  - 9999999999 # Single Account, Deployment Account Region
  - /my_ou/production  # Group of Accounts, Deployment Account Region


  - target: 9999999999 # Target and Path keys can be used interchangeably
    regions: eu-west-1
    name: my-special-account  # Defaults to adf-cloudformation-deployment-role
    # If you intend to override the provider for this stage
    # (see providers guide for available providers)
    provider: some_provider
      # If you intend to pass properties to this specific stage
      my_prop: my_value
  - path: /my_ou/production  # Can also be an array of OUs or AWS Account IDs
    regions: [eu-central-1, us-west-1]
    name: production_step
    provider: ...
    properties: ...
  - path: /my_ou/production/some_path
    regions: [eu-central-1, us-west-1]
    name: another_step
      # (Optional) The size forces the pipeline to split this OU into separate
      # stages, each stage containing up to X accounts
      size: 30
      # (Optional) List of accounts to exclude from this path.
      - 9999999999
    properties: ...
  - path: /my_ou/production/**/*  # This would target all accounts in the OU path
    regions: [eu-central-1, us-west-1]
    name: production_step
    exclude: # (Optional) List of OU Paths and Account Ids
      - /my-ou/production/alpha # excludes any accounts and OUs in this path.
      - 11111111111 # Excludes this account, regardless of OU path.
    properties: ...

CodePipeline has a limit of 50 actions per stage. A stage is identified in the above list of targets with a new entry in the array, using -.

To workaround this limit, ADF will split the accounts x regions that are selected as part of one stage over multiple stages when required.

A new stage is introduced for every 50 accounts/region deployments by default. The default of 50 will make sense for most pipelines.

However, in some situations, you would like to limit the rate at which an update is rolled out to the list of accounts/regions.

This can be configured using the wave/size target property. Setting this to 30 as shown above, will introduce a new stage for every 30 accounts allocated within the target stage.

Note: Each account defined within a stage may consist of several actions depending on the specific provider action type defined as well as how many regions are selected for the target stage. This should be taken into consideration when utilizing custom wave sizes.

The minimum wave size should not be set less than the amount of actions necessary to deploy a single target account.

If the /my_ou/production/some_path OU would contain 25 accounts (actually 26, but account 9999999999 is excluded by the setup above), multiplied by the two regions it targets in the last step, the total of account/region deployment actions required would be 50.

Since the configuration is set to 30, the first 30 accounts will be deployed to in the first stage. If all of these successfully deploy, the pipeline will continue to the next stage, deploying to the remaining 20 account/regions.


Pipelines also have parameters that don't relate to a specific stage but rather the pipeline as a whole. For example, a pipeline might have an single notification endpoint in which it would send a notification when it completes or fails. It also might have things such as a schedule for how often it runs.

The following are the available pipeline parameters:

  • notification_endpoint (String) | (Dict) defaults to none
    • Can either be a valid email address or a string that represents the name of a Slack Channel. A more complex configuration can be provided to integrate with Slack via AWS ChatBot.
  type: chat_bot
  # Target is the name of an slack channel configuration you created within the
  # AWS Chat Bot service. This needs to be created before you apply the changes
  # to the deployment map.
  target: example_slack_channel
  • In order to integrate ADF with Slack see Integrating with Slack in the admin guide. By default, notifications will be sent when pipelines Start, Complete, or Fail.

  • schedule (String) defaults to none

    • If the Pipeline should execute on a specific schedule. Schedules are defined by using a Rate or an Expression. See here for more information on how to define a Rate or an Expression.
  • restart_execution_on_update (Boolean) default: False.

    • If the Pipeline should start a new execution if its structure is updated. Pipelines can often update their structure if targets of the pipeline are Organizational Unit paths. This setting allows pipelines to automatically run once an AWS Account moved in or out of a targeted OU.

Completion Triggers

Pipelines can also trigger other pipelines upon completion. To do this, use the on_complete key on the triggers definition. For example:

  - name: ami-builder
        provider: codecommit
          account_id: 222222222222
        provider: codebuild
        role: packer
        size: medium
      schedule: rate(7 days)
    # What should trigger this pipeline
    # and what should be triggered when it completes
          - my-web-app-pipeline  # Start this pipeline

  - name: my-web-app-pipeline
        provider: codeconnections
          repository: my-web-app
          owner: cool_coder
          codeconnections_param_path: /adf/my_github_connection_arn_param
      - path: /banking/testing
        name: web-app-testing

Completion triggers can also be defined in a short handed fashion. Take the above example for the ami-builder pipeline.

  - name: ami-builder
    # Default providers and parameters are the same as defined above.
    # Only difference: instead of using `triggers` it uses the
    # `completion_trigger`
      schedule: rate(7 days)
    # What should trigger this pipeline
    # and what should be triggered when it completes
        - my-web-app-pipeline  # Start this pipeline

  - name: my-web-app-pipeline
    # Same configuration as defined above.

Additional Triggers

Pipelines can also be triggered by other events using the triggered_by key on the triggers definition. For example, a new version of a package hosted on CodeArtifact being published:

  - name: ami-builder
        provider: codecommit
          account_id: 222222222222
        provider: codebuild
        role: packer
        size: medium
    # What should trigger this pipeline, and what should be triggered
    # when it completes
          repository: my_test_repository

In the above example, the ami-builder pipeline is triggered when a new package version is published to the my_test_repository repository in CodeArtifact.

Additional Deployment Maps

You can also create additional deployment map files. These can live in a folder in the pipelines repository called deployment_maps. These are entirely optional, but can help split up complex environments with many pipelines.

For example, you might have a map used for infrastructure type pipelines and one used for deploying applications. These additional deployment map files can have any name, as long as they end with .yml.

Taking it a step further, you can create a map per service. So you can organize these deployment map files inside your preferred directory structure. For example, the aws-deployment-framework-pipelines repo could look like this:

│   ├───amazon-guardduty.yml
│   └───aws-config.yml
    │   └───some-role-pipeline.yml


Source entities for pipelines can consist of AWS CodeCommit Repositories, Amazon S3 Buckets or GitHub Repositories. Repositories are attached to pipelines in a 1:1 relationship. However, you can choose to clone or bring other repositories into your code during the build phase of your pipeline. You should define a suitable buildspec that matches your desired outcome and is applicable to the type of resource you are deploying.

Removing Pipelines

If you decide you no longer require a specific pipeline, you can remove it from the deployment_map.yml file and commit those changes back to the aws-deployment-framework-pipelines repository (on the deployment account) in order for it to be cleaned up. The resources that were created as outputs from this pipeline will not be removed by this process.

Deploying via Pipelines


If you are using AWS CodeBuild as your build phase you will need to specify a buildspec.yml file that will live along side your resources in your repository. This file defines how and what AWS CodeBuild will do during certain phases.

Let's take a look at an example and breakdown how the AWS Deployment Framework uses buildspec.yml files to elevate heavy lifting when it comes to deploying CloudFormation templates.

version: 0.2

      # Copy down the shared modules from S3
      - aws s3 cp s3://$S3_BUCKET_NAME/adf-build/ adf-build/ --recursive --quiet
      # Install Requirements via requirements.txt
      - pip install -r adf-build/requirements.txt -q
      # Generate Parameter files dynamically
      - python adf-build/
  # Package up all outputs and pass them along to next stage
  files: '**/*'

In the example we have three steps to our install phase in our build, the remaining phases and steps you add are up to you. In the above steps we simply bring in the shared modules we will need to run our main function in The $S3_BUCKET_NAME variable is available in AWS CodeBuild as we pass this in from our deployment map that defines the CodeBuild Project. You do not need to change this.

Other packages such as cfn-lint can be installed in order to validate that our CloudFormation templates are up to standard and do not contain any obvious errors. If you wish to add in any extra packages you can add them to the requirements.txt in the bootstrap_repository which is brought down into AWS CodeBuild and installed. If the requirements are project specific, you can add them into the buildspec.yml defined in the project itself.

If you wish to hide away the steps that can occur in AWS CodeBuild, you can move the buildspec.yml content itself into the pipeline by using the spec_inline property in your map files. By doing this, you can remove the option to have a buildspec.yml in the source repository at all. This is a potential way to enforce certain build steps for certain pipeline types.

Custom Build Images

You can use custom build environments in AWS CodeBuild. This can be defined in the your deployment map files like so:

  - name: example-custom-image
        # ...
        provider: codebuild
            repository_arn: arn:aws:ecr:region:111111111111:repository/test
            tag: latest  # optional (defaults to latest)
      - # ...

Public images from docker hub can be defined in your deployment map like so:

  - name: example-custom-image
        # ...
        provider: codebuild
          image: docker-hub://bitnami/mongodb
      - # ...

CloudFormation Parameters and Tagging

When you define CloudFormation templates as artifacts to push through a pipeline you might want to have a set of parameters associated with the templates. You can utilize the params folder in your repository to add in parameters as you see fit. To avoid having to create a parameter file for each of the stacks you wish to deploy to, you can create a parameter file called global.yml (or .json) any parameters defined in this file will be merged into the parameters for any specific account parameter file at build time. For example you might have a single parameter for a template called CostCenter the value of this will be the same across every deployment of your application. However, you might have another parameter called InstanceType that you want to be different per account. Using this example we can create a global.yml file that contains the following content:

    CostCenter: department-abc

This can be represented in json in the same way if desired.

    "Parameters": {
        "CostCenter": "department-abc"

Then we can have a more specific parameter for another account, this file should be called account.yml where account is the name of the account you wish to apply these parameters too.

    InstanceType: m5.large

When the stack is executed it will be executed with the following parameters:

    InstanceType: m5.large
    CostCenter: department-abc

This aggregation of parameters works for a few different levels, where the most specific level takes precedence. In the example above, if CostCenter is defined in both global.yml and account.yml ("account" here represents the name of the account) then the value in the account.yml file will take precedence.

The different types of parameter files and their order of precedence (in the tree below, the lowest level has the highest precedence) can be used to simplify how parameters are specified. For example, a parameter such as Environment might be the same for all accounts under a certain OU, so placing it under a single ou.yml params file means you don't need to populate it for each account under that OU.

Note: When using OU parameter files, the OU must be specified in the deployment map as a target. If only the account number is in the deployment map the corresponding OU parameter file will not be referenced.

└───deployment_org_stage.yml (e.g. global_dev.yml)
  └───deployment_account_region.yml (e.g. global_eu-west-1.yml)
      └───ou.yml (e.g. ou-1a2b-3c4d5e.yml)
          └───ou_region.yml (e.g. ou-1a2b-3c4d5e_eu-west-1.yml)
              └───account.yml (e.g. dev-account-1.yml)
                  └───account_region.yml (e.g. dev-account-1_eu-west-1.yml)

This concept also works for applying Tags to the resources within your stack. You can include tags like so:

    CostCenter: '123'
    Environment: testing
    TagKey: TagValue
    MyKey: MyValue

Again this example in json would look like:

    "Parameters": {
        "CostCenter": "123",
        "Environment": "testing"
    "Tags": {
        "TagKey": "TagValue",
        "MyKey": "MyValue"

This means that all resources that support tags within your CloudFormation stack will be tagged as defined above.

It is important to keep in mind that each Deployment Provider (Code Deploy, CloudFormation, Service Catalog etc) have their own parameter structure and configuration files. For example, Service catalog allows you to pass a configuration file as such:

    "SchemaVersion": "1.1",
    "ProductVersionName": "test",
    "ProductVersionDescription": "My awesome product",
    "Properties": {
        "TemplateFilePath": "/template.yml"

You can create the above parameter files if you are deploying products to your Service Catalog's in the same fashion as with CloudFormation (global.yml etc).

For more examples of parameters and their usage see the samples folder in the root of the repository.

Note: Currently only Strings type values are supported as parameters to CloudFormation templates when deploying via AWS CodePipeline.

CloudFormation Parameters in a Multi-Organization ADF Setup

The CloudFormation Parameter generation feature is fully compatible with the Multi-Organization ADF Setup approach.

For example, in a setup with three AWS Organizations; with a separate dev, an int, and a prod AWS Organization. This implies that the SSM parameter /adf/org/stage will have one of the following three values: dev, int, or prod; depending on the AWS organization you are in. Let's further assume that your application in scope requires AWS Organization specific parameters. In that case, the params folder should have the following content:


Where it will prefer the AWS Organization specific configuration global_${org_stage} over the global parameters in case they both match the same parameter or tag.

Serverless Transforms

If the template that is being deployed contains a transform, such as a Serverless Transform it needs to be packaged and uploaded to S3 in every region where it will be deployed. This can be achieved by setting the CONTAINS_TRANSFORM environment variable to True in your pipeline definition with a deployment map file. After defining the environment variable, update the buildspec.yml file to call the helper script (bash adf-build/helpers/ This script will package your template to each region and transparently generate a region specific template for the pipeline deploy stages.

  - name: example-contains-transform
        provider: codecommit
          account_id: 222222222222
        provider: codebuild
            # If you define CONTAINS_TRANSFORM environment variable its expected
            # that you are using the contains_transform helper in your build
            # stage.
            CONTAINS_TRANSFORM: True
      - /banking/testing

Parameter Injection

Parameter injection solves problems that occur with cross-account parameter access. This concept allows the resolution of values directly from SSM Parameter Store within the Deployment account into Parameter files (eg global.json, account-name.json) and also importing of output values from CloudFormation stacks across accounts and regions.

Retrieving parameter values

If you wish to resolve values from Parameter Store on the Deployment Account directly into your parameter files you can do the the following:

    Environment: development
    InstanceType: m5.large
    SomeValueFromSSM: resolve:/my/path/to/value

When you use the special keyword resolve:, the value in the specified path will be fetched from Parameter Store on the deployment account during the CodeBuild Containers execution and populated into the parameter file for each account you have defined. If you plan on using any sensitive data, ensure you are using the NoEcho property to ensure it is kept out of the console and logs. Resolving parameters across regions is also possible using the notation of resolve:region:/my/path/to/value. This allows you to fetch values from the deployment account in other regions other than the main deployment region.

To highlight an example of how Parameter Injection can work well, think of the following scenario: You have some value that you wish to rotate on a monthly basis. You have some automation in place that updates the value of a Parameter store parameter on a schedule. Each time this pipeline runs it will check for that value and update the resources accordingly, effectively detaching the parameters from the pipeline itself.

There is also the concept of optionally resolving or importing values. This can be achieved by ending the import or resolve function with a ?. For example, if you want to resolve a value from Parameter Store that might or might not yet exist you can use an optional resolve (e.g. resolve:/my/path/to/myMagicKey?). If the key myMagicKey does not exist in Parameter Store then an empty string will be returned as the value.

Importing output values

Parameter injection is also useful for importing output values from CloudFormation stacks in other accounts or regions. Using the special import syntax you can access these values directly into your parameter files.

  BucketInLoggingAccount: 'import:111111111111:eu-west-1:stack_name:output_key'

In the above example 111111111111 is the AWS Account Id in which we want to pull a value from, eu-west-1 is the region, stack_name is the CloudFormation stack name and output_key is the output key name (not export name). Again, this concept works with the optional style syntax (e.g. import:111111111111:eu-west-1:stack_name:output_key?) if the key output_key does not exist at the point in time when this specific import is executed, it will return an empty string as the parameter value rather than an error since it is considered optional.

Uploading assets

Another built-in function is upload:, You can use upload: to perform an automated upload of a resource such as a template or file into Amazon S3 as part of the build process.

Once the upload is complete, the Amazon S3 URL for the object will be put in place of the upload string in the parameter file.

For example, If you are deploying products that will be made available via Service Catalog to many teams throughout your organization (see samples) you will need to reference the AWS CloudFormation template URL of the product as part of the template that creates the product definition. The problem that the upload: function is solving in this case is that the template URL of the product cannot exist at this point, since the file has not yet been uploaded to S3.

  ProductYTemplateURL: 'upload:path:productY/template.yml'

In the above example, we are calling the upload: function on a file called template.yml that lives in the productY folder within our repository and then returning the path style URL from S3 (indicated by the word path in the string). The string upload:path:productY/template.yml will be replaced by the URL of the object in S3 once it has been uploaded.


# Using the default region:

# Or, when you would like to choose a specific region:

There are five different styles that one could choose from.

  • path style, as shown in the example above, will return the S3 path to the object as. This is referred to as the classic Path Style method.
    • In case the bucket is stored in us-east-1, it will return:${bucket}/${key}
    • In case the bucket is stored in any other region, it will return: https://s3-${region}${bucket}/${key}
  • virtual-hosted style, will return the S3 location using the virtual hosted bucket domain.
    • In case the bucket is stored in us-east-1, it will return: https://${bucket}${key}
    • In case the bucket is stored in any other region, it will return: https://${bucket}.s3-${region}${key}
  • s3-url style, will return the S3 location using S3 URL with the s3:// protocol. As an example, this style is required for CloudFormation AWS::Include transform.
    • It returns: s3://${bucket}/${key}
  • s3-uri style, will return the S3 location using S3 URI without specifying a protocol. As an example, this style is required for CodeBuild project source locations.
    • It returns: ${bucket}/${key}
  • s3-key-only style, similar to s3-uri but it will only return the key value.
    • It returns: ${key}

The region is optional. This allows you to upload files to S3 Buckets within specific regions by adding in the region name as part of the string (eg. upload:us-west-1:path:productY/template.yml).

The local_path references the files that you would like to be uploaded from the location where adf-build/ scripts gets executed from. As shown in the example shared above, the file to upload would be the productY/template.yml file that is stored in the root of the repository.

The bucket being used to hold the uploaded object is the same Amazon S3 Bucket that holds deployment artifacts (On the Deployment Account) for the specific region which they are intended to be deployed to. Files that are uploaded using this functionality will receive a random name each time they are uploaded.

Nested CloudFormation Stacks

AWS CloudFormation allows stacks to create other stacks via the nested stacks feature. ADF supports a single entry template which defaults to template.yml, the stacks that you wish to nest will need to spawn from this template. Nested stacks allow users to pass a TemplateURL value that points directly to another CloudFormation template that is either in S3 or on the File System. If you reference a template on the file system you will need to use the helper script during AWS CodeBuild execution (during the build phase) in your pipeline to package up the contents of your templates into finalized artifacts.

This can be achieved with a buildspec.yml like so:

version: 0.2

      - aws s3 cp s3://$S3_BUCKET_NAME/adf-build/ adf-build/ --recursive --quiet
      - pip install -r adf-build/requirements.txt -q
      - python adf-build/
      - bash adf-build/helpers/
  files: '**/*'

This allows us to specify nested stacks that are in the same repository as our main template.yml in our like so:

    Type: "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack"
      TemplateURL: another_template.yml  # file path to the nested stack template

When the command is executed, the file will be packaged up and uploaded to Amazon S3. Its TemplateURL key will be updated to point to the object in S3 and this will be a valid path when template.yml is executed in the deploy stages of your pipeline.

Deploying Serverless Applications with SAM

Serverless Applications can also be deployed via ADF (see samples). The only extra step required to deploy a SAM template is that you execute bash adf-build/helpers/ from within your build stage like so:

For example, deploying a NodeJS Serverless Application from AWS CodeBuild with the aws/codebuild/standard:7.0 image can be done with a buildspec.yml that looks like the following read more:

version: 0.2

      python: 3.12
      nodejs: 20
      - aws s3 cp s3://$S3_BUCKET_NAME/adf-build/ adf-build/ --recursive --quiet
      - pip install -r adf-build/requirements.txt -q
      - python adf-build/
      - bash adf-build/helpers/
  files: '**/*'

Using YAML Anchors and Aliases

You can take advantage of YAML Anchors and Aliases in the deployment map files. As you can see from the example below, The &generic_params and &generic_targets are anchors. They can be added to any mapping, sequence or scalar. Once you create an anchor, you can reference it anywhere within the map again with its alias (e.g. *generic_params) to reproduce their values, similar to variables.

  - name: sample-vpc
      source: &generic_provider
        provider: codecommit
          account_id: 111111111111
    targets: &generic_targets
      - /banking/testing
      - approval
      - path: /banking/production
        regions: eu-west-1

  - name: some-other-pipeline
      source: *generic_provider
    targets: *generic_targets

If you want to define anchors before you use them as an alias, you can use any top-level key that starts with x- or x_. For example, if you want to define all account ids in one place, you could write:

  - &codecommit_account: "111111111111"
  - &some_target_account: "222222222222"
  - name: sample-vpc
        provider: codecommit
          account_id: *codecommit_account
      - *some_target_account

For more advanced yaml usage, see here

One to many relationships

If required, it is possible to create multiple Pipelines that are tied to the same repository.

  - name: sample-vpc-eu-west-1
    default_providers: &generic_source
        provider: codecommit
          account_id: 111111111111
          repository: sample-vpc
    regions: eu-west-1
    targets: &generic_targets
      - /banking/testing
      - approval
      - /banking/production

  - name: sample-vpc-us-east-1
    default_providers: *generic_source
    regions: us-east-1
    targets: *generic_targets

By passing in the Repository name (repository) we are overriding the name property which normally is the name of our associated repository. This will tie both of these pipelines to the single sample-vpc repository on the 111111111111 AWS Account.

Terraform pipeline


To enable ADF Terraform extension the following steps are required:

  • Enable ADF Terraform extension. Set the parameter extensions > terraform > enabled to True in the adfconfig.yml file, as shown in the example-adfconfig.yml, to deploy all the necessary resources.
  • Rename file example-global-iam.yml to global-iam.yml in the following path aws-deployment-framework-bootstrap/adf-bootstrap/ and ensure the CloudFormation resources ADFTerraformRole and ADFTerraformPolicy are no longer commented out.
  • Rename file example-global-iam.yml to global-iam.yml in the following path aws-deployment-framework-bootstrap/adf-bootstrap/deployment Please note: the use of deployment at the end) and ensure the CloudFormation resources ADFTerraformRole and ADFTerraformPolicy are no longer commented out.

Important note: ADFTerraformPolicy IAM policy is a sample. This policies should NOT be used for purposes other than testing. You should scope this policy depending on what you would like to deploy using Terraform within the selected Organizational Units.


ADF support the deployment of Terraform code to multiple accounts and regions through Terraform pipelines. The module consists of four build stages defined in the following CodeBuild build specification:

  • buildspec.yml: install the version of Terraform specified in the pipeline configuration.
  • tf_scan.yml: (optional) scans for vulnerabilities in the Terraform code using the Terrascan application. If vulnerabilities are found, it will fail and block further execution in the pipeline. It is recommended to enable this step in all ADF Terraform pipelines.
  • tf_plan.yml: get the list of accounts from the organization and run a Terraform plan.
  • tf_apply.yml: get the list of accounts from the organization and run a Terraform plan and apply.
  • tf_destroy.yml: get the list of accounts from the organization and run a Terraform plan and destroy.

An optional approval step could be added between plan and apply as shown in the pipeline definition below.

Please look into the sample-terraform pipeline for more details in the setup and integration.


  • TERRAFORM_VERSION: the Terraform version used to deploy the resource. This parameter must be defined in the buildspec.yml file of the repository.
  • TARGET_ACCOUNTS: comma separated list of target accounts.
  • TARGET_OUS: comma separated list of target leaf OUs (parent OUs are supported).
  • REGIONS: comma separated list of target regions. If this parameter is empty, the main ADF region is used.
  • MANAGEMENT_ACCOUNT_ID: id of the AWS Organizations management account.

Deployment procedure

Example Terraform deployment map:

  - name: sample-terraform
        provider: codecommit
          account_id: 111111111111  # Source account id
        provider: codebuild
        provider: codebuild
          image: "STANDARD_7_0"
            TARGET_ACCOUNTS: 111111111111,222222222222  # Target accounts
            TARGET_OUS: /core/infrastructure,/sandbox  # Target OUs
            MANAGEMENT_ACCOUNT_ID: 333333333333  # Billing account
            # Target regions, as a comma separated list is supported
            # For example, "eu-west-1,us-east-1".
            REGIONS: eu-west-1
      - name: terraform-scan  # optional
          spec_filename: tf_scan.yml  # Terraform scan
      - name: terraform-plan
          spec_filename: tf_plan.yml  # Terraform plan
      - approval  # manual approval
      - name: terraform-apply
          spec_filename: tf_apply.yml  # Terraform apply
      - name: terraform-destroy # (optional stage)
          spec_filename: tf_destroy.yml  # Terraform destroy
  1. Add a sample-terraform pipeline in ADF deployment-map.yml as shown above.

  2. Add the project name in params/global.yml file.

  3. Add Terraform code to the tf folder. Please note: Do not make changes to file and in the root folder of the sample. These contain the definition of the remote state file location and the Terraform provider definition. Any change to these files could disrupt the standard functionalities of this module.

  4. Add variable definition to tf/ file and variable values to tfvars/

    • Local variables (per account and per region) can be configured using the following naming convention

      tfvars <-- This folder contains the structure to define Terraform
      │          variables
      └─── <-- this file contains global variables applied to
      │                          all the target accounts
      └───111111111111 <-- this folders contains variable files related to
      │   │                the account
      │   └──────│ <-- this file contains variables
      │          │                         related to the account
      │          └───eu-west-1
      │              └────── <-- this file contains
      │                      variables related to the account and the region
  5. Define the desired TERRAFORM_VERSION in the buildspec.yml file as shown in the sample-terraform example. ADF supports Terraform version v0.13.0 and later.

  6. Push to your Terraform ADF repository, for example the sample-terraform one.

  7. Pipeline contains a manual approval step between Terraform plan and Terraform apply. Confirm to proceed.

Note: The pipeline leverages the terraform behavior on reading *.local.tfvars files, so the latter file in lexicographical order overrides variables already defined in preceding files.

Given the structure above, terraform can possibly find 3 files:


and it means that can override variables passed in, that in turn can override variables passed in

Terraform state files are stored in the regional S3 buckets in the deployment account. One state file per account/region/module is created.


  • Project name: sample-tf-module
  • Target accounts: 111111111111, 222222222222
  • Target regions: eu-west-1 (main ADF region), us-east-1

The following state files are created:

  • 111111111111 main region (eu-west-1) -> adf-global-base-deployment-pipeline-bucket-xyz/sample-tf-module/111111111111.tfstate
  • 111111111111 secondary region (us-east-1) -> adf-regional-base-deploy-deployment-framework-region-jsm/sample-tf-module/111111111111.tfstate
  • 222222222222 main region (eu-west-1) -> adf-global-base-deployment-pipeline-bucket-xyz/sample-tf-module/222222222222.tfstate
  • 222222222222 secondary region (us-east-1) -> adf-regional-base-deploy-deployment-framework-region-jsm/sample-tf-module/222222222222.tfstate

A DynamoDB table is created to manage the lock of the state file. It is deployed in every ADF regions named adf_locktable. Please note: usage of this locking table is charged on the deployment account.