All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- allow overriding of correlation id
- refactor
- add capability to customize extraction of request, response info #68
- add fastapi support #65
- fix Sanip IP information is a str not a list #63
- re fix #61 Using root logger + flask outside of flask request context throws RuntimeError
- Fix #61 Using root logger + flask outside of flask request context throws RuntimeError
- Fix #57
- yanked, wrong branch released
- Fix condition for checking root logger handlers #53
- fix #44
- fix #51
- fix #50
- fix #49
- fix #45
- fix #46
- refactoring
- optimization log record
- Add the possibility to modify the formatter for request logs.
- fix #30
- add missing kwargs for init_non_web
- add method to support getting request logger by using method json_logging.get_request_logger(), fix #23
- prevent log forging, fix #1
Breaking change:
- add more specific init method for each framework
- minor correct for ENABLE_JSON_LOGGING_DEBUG behaviour
- update few code comments
- fix: add japanese character encoding for json logger #24
- fix: connexion under gunicorn has no has_request() #22
- Add Connexion support
- Fix #19
- Fix #16
- Adds functionality to customize the the JSON - change keys, values, etc.
- Support for exception tracing exception
- Add Quart framework support
- fixed bobbui#2
- Initial release