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MPC Protocol for Private Histograms

Authors: Charlie Harrison, Mariana Raykova‎


This document describes low level technical details of a system that could implement the high level goals of Go to that doc if you want a higher level picture.

In this draft, we outline a 2-helper MPC protocol that securely aggregates reports from multiple browsers while keeping data from any individual browser private.

The basic functionality is that all browsers are reporting input records of the data:

{string aggkey: int value}

The MPC protocol should return output that allows computing the counts and sum(value) for every aggkey:

    string aggkey: {
        int sum_value,
        int count

The aggregate output from the secure computation will have privacy protected with differential privacy. The doc explores two MPC protocols: a basic protocol and a more refined one that has better privacy properties in the event of a misbehaving helper server.

Properties we want to achieve

At a high level, we want the output of the mechanism if executed honestly to achieve differential privacy for the:

  • value sums for each aggkey
  • counts for each aggkey

However, we also want those properties to hold (or be gracefully reduced) in the event one helper is malicious. For now our threat of a malicious helper is one which logs all intermediate data in the computation for later analysis, and shares with the server receiving the aggregate output.

Input authentication is out of scope for this doc, for now.

Primitives and notation

  • Ek(v): Authenticated public key encryption of value v with key k
  • HEk(v): Homomorphic encryption with respect to multiplication (e.g. El Gamal) with public key k and over value v.
    • The key property we use is the fact that HEk(v)s =HEk(vs)
  • Encrypting over multiple concatenated values is notated by commas Ek(v1,v2,...)
  • H(x): Hash function
    • Used to hash x to a point on an elliptic curve to use with El Gamal encryption HEk(H(x))
  • Secret sharing
    • Integer value = value1 + value2 i.e. we can split up an integer value into two random-looking secret shares.
    • String aggkey = aggkey1 xor aggkey2
  • PRF: A pseudorandom function whose output appears random

First Attempt: Protection via Thresholding + Noise

At a high level, this protocol:

  • Browser splits up a value and aggkey into secret shares
  • Aggkeys are set up so that helpers can only jointly compute a PRF of the aggkeys, where the PRF keys are shared across both helpers
    • The secret shares of the aggkeys is needed to recover the real aggkey for keys above threshold
  • Helpers sum up value shares associated with each PRF(aggkey), and add some independent noise
  • Helpers count records associated with each PRF(aggkey), and add some consistent noise that is the same for each helper
  • Helpers drop records whose noisy count is below a fixed threshold
  • Helpers return, for every PRF(aggkey)
    • sums of value shares with added per-helper DP noise
    • the record counts with added DP noise consistent across each helper
    • the sums of aggkey shares

Detailed Protocol

Step 0: Browser generates encrypted reports, sends to servers

  • Helper server broadcast public keys to browsers
    • k1, k2 → public keys for helper 1 and 2 respectively
    • kH1, kH2 → public keys for homomorphic encryption
  • For a single report with a given aggkey and value, browsers generate:
    • Report for Helper 1: Ek1(IDeph, HEkH2(H(aggkey)), value1, aggkey1)
    • Report for Helper 2: Ek2(IDeph, HEkH1(H(aggkey)), value2, aggkey2)
  • The party that wants to know the aggregated counts and values (e.g. the ad-tech server) collects these encrypted reports from many browsers
  • Each helper will receive a batch of these from this party
  • IDeph is an ephemeral ID used to associate records between the two helpers

Step 1: Setup, decryption, and partial PRF computation

  • Helpers generate s1, s2 secret PRF keys
  • Helpers generate R1, R2 partial random seeds
    • These will be used to ensure noise added to counts is consistent across each helper
  • Helper decrypts all their reports in a batch
  • Helper 1 evaluates HEkH2(H(aggkey)s1)
  • Helper 2 evaluates HEkH1(H(aggkey)s2)

Step 2: Exchange partial PRFs and compute final PRF

  • Helpers transmit all partial PRFs to each other
    • Helper 1 sends IDeph,HEkH2(H(aggkey)s1)
    • Helper 2 sends IDeph,HEkH1(H(aggkey)s2)
  • Helpers hold on to IDeph, and value and key shares
  • Helpers transmit their partial seeds R1 and R2 to each other and each compute R = R1 xor R2
  • Each helper computes AggID = H(aggkey)s1*s2 which is a shared blind aggregation ID and associates it with the original report it came from
    • Decrypt H(aggkey)s1
    • Exponentiating AggID = H(aggkey)s1*s2
  • Associate each AggID with the original value / key shares based on the IDeph

Step 3: Aggregation

  • Each helper computes the count of all reports CAgg for any given AggID
  • Each helper computes the sum of all value secret shares SAgg for any given AggID

Step 4: Privacy preserving output

  • For each helper i and for each AggID:
    • Compute S’Agg_i by adding noise with non-shared randomness
    • Compute C’Agg_i by adding noise deterministically via the shared seed R and the AggID such that each helper computes the same noise per AggID
    • Drop the report if C’Agg_i is below a pre-specified, fixed threshold T

Step 5: Return data

  • Each helper i sends a list of the following values back to the calling server
    • AggID, S’Agg_i, C’Agg_i, aggkeyi (the secret share of the key with the lowest unique IDeph)
  • Server joins on AggID and sums value / aggkey shares to learn
    • sum(value) + noise = S’Agg_1 + S’Agg_2
    • count = C’Agg_i (both helpers should return the same thing)
    • aggkey = aggkey1 xor aggkey2


  • Can achieve differentially private output on counts and value sums if both helpers are honest
  • Values are hidden from the helper servers via secret shares
  • Keys are hidden from the helper servers via secret shares and the homomorphic encryption
  • Helpers learn true counts of keys in pseudorandom space AggID = H(aggkey)s1*s2
  • If one helper is malicious and colluding with an ad-tech
    • See attack for more details
    • Lose differential privacy for counts for keys above the threshold (helper reveals the noise added to counts)
    • DP with partial noise for sums of values (helper reveals their noise share added to the sums)
    • Keys below threshold are protected by default since the honest helper never reveals the key share
    • Keys below threshold whose records are marked by the ad-tech are not protected and the count is available in the clear

Output DP analysis

For this basic write-up we will achieve record-level privacy in the output per query, i.e. consider two neighboring datasets to be ones with a record removed. We will be able to show user-level bounds when composing this service with a rate-limited client.

Every record is embedded in the output in two ways, via presence in a count and in a sum. Via simple composition we can split the epsilon budget here as eps = epscount + epsvalue.

Noisy data from the API should be easy to interpret e.g. we should be able to say precisely what distribution (and parameters) the noise at the output is sampled from.


Via removal DP the sensitivity of a count is 1, so we can achieve DP on the counts by adding Laplace(1 / epscount) to the true count.


We can achieve (eps, delta) DP by choosing a threshold of

T = 1 + log(1 / (2 delta)) / epscount

For instance, to achieve eps = 1 and delta = 10^-5, we need a threshold of ~14. This threshold is applied to the noisy counts computed above. Since counts are consistent across helpers in this protocol, both helpers should apply thresholds consistently too.

This threshold follows ones stated in Google's differential privacy library (1, 2).

Sums of secret shares

We have a few options for the independent noise addition each helper can add to their secret shares. Since secret shares operate on a discrete domain (e.g. uint32) it makes sense to add discrete noise. We want to achieve a few properties on the noise we are adding:

  • In the “safe case” where both helpers are honest, we don’t want to add more noise than we need to protect user privacy
  • In the “malicious case” where one helper is not adding noise, we still want to be able to show reasonable DP protection if only partial noise is applied

One natural choice here is to make sure that the sum of the noise from the two helpers follows the discrete Laplace distribution (also called symmetric geometric distribution). This is explored in the paper Differentially Private Summation with Multi-Message Shuffling (Section 4) and it entails both helpers sampling from the difference of two Polya distributions.

If only a single helper is honest, we should still be able to show DP bounds on the noise added just from sampling the Polyas, but it is an open item to compute this bound. If the privacy is non-ideal we can consider one of the alternatives below.

Note that we will always need to add noise scaled to the sensitivity of the aggregation. i.e. the input to the protocol should bound the maximum value, fixing the sensitivity of the computation.

TODO: DP bounds on difference of Polya.

Alternative: Each helper adds Discrete Laplace

See (1, 2) for more details. Essentially each helper samples from a two-sided geometric distribution, and the result is the sum of these two samples. However, for the same privacy this would introduce more variance on the noise than having the sum of the noise shares follow discrete Laplace.

TODO: DP bounds for noise distributed according to the sum of two discrete Laplace rvs.

Alternative: Each helper samples from Skellam

Helpers each sample from the Skellam distribution with parameter u by taking the difference between two Poisson distributions with mean u. One useful property is that the sum of n Skellam distributions with parameter u is equivalent to the Skellam distribution with parameter n * u, making it very easy to compute DP bounds whether or not we have all the helpers honestly adding noise.

This paper shows DP bounds for Skellam, although we may be able to compute tighter bounds.

Attacks against this protocol

The biggest problem with this protocol is that if one of the helpers is malicious, all counts associated with an AggID are revealed in the clear. In addition, the ad-tech can learn the AggID to aggkey mapping if

  • The count for a particular aggkey is above thresholds (which can be easily manipulated by the server which inputs records)
  • The server creates false reports for target aggkeys with known IDeph values, allowing the colluding helper internally to learn the AggID → aggkey mapping for those known false reports.

So while sums are still well protected by DP in this protocol (via reduced noise), the counts of records for a particular aggkey is not well protected, and the thresholding does not provide a lot of protection for aggkeys that are guessable by the adversary.

Refinement to the protocol: Protection via intermediate DP

We can enhance the API by including a step where the helpers first interact to insert fake / dummy records. These records will be used to ensure that event internal counts associated with AggIDs are sufficiently protected via DP, but won’t affect the output at all. The only trade-off we make in this updated protocol is that we need to incur a bit more bandwidth / processing cost to deal with the fake records, and there are a few more crypto operations.

Records will now include a field credit which is split into secret shares summing to 1 if the record is genuine and 0 if it is a record injected from the MPC protocol. This should ensure that fake records are indistinguishable from real records during internal helper processing.

One important point in this new protocol is that we need a domain of aggkeys to sample from, to ensure that the count for each AggID has the same protection (there is an alternative below that does not have this requirement). A silver lining here is that by ensuring the output domain is known a priori by the helpers, we don’t need a thresholding step to achieve DP.

The output domain is communicated to the helpers in a separate message by the server, alongside the raw records.

At a high level, this protocol:

  • Other than the raw records, the servers pass the output domain of aggkeys to the helpers to allow them to compute the PRF of each aggkey
  • Splits up values and credit in the browser into secret shares
  • Aggkeys are set up so that each helper can only compute the PRF(aggkey)
  • Secret shares to be summed by a helper are given to the other helper, in an encrypted form
  • This allows each helper to have a pre-processing step where they inject fake records where credit / value sum to 0
  • Helpers pass the encrypted shares as well as data to compute the PRF of the records and the output domain
  • Helpers sum shares associated with PRF(aggkey) and add independent noise to sums of credit and value

Step 0: Browser generates encrypted reports, sends to servers

  • Report for Helper 1: Ek1(HEkH2(H(aggkey)), Ek2(IDeph, value2, credit2))
  • Report for Helper 2: Ek2(HEkH1(H(aggkey)), Ek1(IDeph, value1, credit1))
  • credit1 + credit2 = 1 for all records coming from browsers
  • Each helper also receives Ek1(IDx, HEkH2(H(aggkey))) (or Ek2(IDx, HEkH1(H(aggkey))) ) for every possible aggkey, generated by the reporting origin. This is the domain of the output e.g. all the histogram labels.
    • IDx is an identifier for a given aggkey coming from the output domain

Step 1: Setup, partial PRF computation, and dummy record insertion

  • Helpers generate s1, s2 secret PRF keys
  • Helpers decrypt the outer layer of encryption
    • e.g. Helper 1 computes HEkH2(H(aggkey)), Ek2(IDeph, value2, credit2)) for each record and IDx, HEkH2(H(aggkey))) for each element of the output domain
  • Helpers insert dummy records. For every element in the domain (Helper 1’s POV)
    • Use one of the methods described below to sample x, the number of fake records to insert.
    • Iterate x times
      • Generate new HEkH2(H(aggkey)) by rerandomizing the domain element
      • Generate an ephemeral ID IDeph
      • split 0 into secret shares credit1 and credit2
      • split 0 into secret shares value1 and value2
      • Generate HEkH2(aggkey)s1, Ek2(IDeph, value2, credit2) i.e. the dummy record
      • Hold on to the IDx, IDeph, value1, credit1
        • These will be used to ensure the inverse values are added to cancel out the values from the dummy records
  • Helpers compute the partial PRF for all the true records and output domain elements
    • i.e. generate HEkH2(aggkey)s1, Ek2(IDeph, value2, credit2)
    • and IDx, HEKH2(aggkey)s1
      • These are used to compute the PRF of the aggkey domain and not related the records
  • Helpers transmit all the records to the other helper as well as the partial PRF of the output domain
    • This transmission should happen in shuffled order, to ensure that the fake reports are completely indistinguishable from the real reports. This also prevents ad-tech and helper colluding to link input records with intermediate state in the protocol.

Step 2: compute final PRF of domain and records

  • Each helper computes AggID = H(aggkey)s1*s2 which is a shared blind aggregation ID and associates it with the original report it came from
    • Decrypt H(aggkey)s1
    • Exponentiating → AggID = H(aggkey)s1*s2
  • Decrypt the value and credit shares
  • Also compute the AggID, IDx from the output domain
  • Drop all records whose AggID does not show up in the output domain
  • Now every helper should have, for every AggID
    • IDx
    • A list of value and credit shares

Step 3: Aggregation

  • Each helper computes the sum of all credit secret shares CAgg for any given AggID
  • Each helper computes the sum of all value secret shares SAgg for any given AggID
  • Each helper contribute the value / credit shares associated with the IDx for all their fake shares, since we should have a mapping of IDx → AggID at this point

Step 4: Privacy preserving output

  • For each helper i and for each AggID:
    • Compute S’Agg_i by adding noise
    • Compute C’Agg_i by adding noise

Step 5: Return data

  • Each helper i sends a list of the following values back to the calling server
    • IDx, S’Agg_i, C’Agg_i, { IDeph }
  • The server checks that the two helpers have aggregated over the sets { IDeph } of records, and if this is not the case, aborts.
  • Server joins on IDx and sums value / credit shares to learn
    • sum(value) + noise = S’Agg_1 + S’Agg_2
    • count = C’Agg_1 + C’Agg_2
    • The helpers should already have a mapping from IDx → aggkey


  • Can achieve differentially private output on counts and value sums if both helpers are honest
  • Values are hidden from the helper servers via secret shares
  • Keys are hidden from the helper servers via the homomorphic encryption
  • Helpers learn noisy counts of keys in pseudorandom space AggID = H(aggkey)s1*s2. We can achieve DP on counts of keys in the output domain (see analysis).
    • Counts for keys not in the output are not protected by DP, but they are also never revealed in the clear, only in pseudorandom space.
  • If one helper is malicious and colluding with an ad-tech
    • DP with partial noise for sums of values and credit (helper reveals their noise share added to the sums).
    • Internal counts of records associated with each AggID is learned, artificially inflated by the fake records (can be analyzed with some flavor of DP)
    • Records that don’t come from the advertised output domain are learned in pseudorandom domain but the aggkey cannot be recovered by default. However, malicious input with known IDeph values (or secret shares) can still be tracked through the protocol, so a dishonest helper could still learn counts in the clear for AggIDs if they are intentionally left out of the output domain since those AggIDs don't include any fakes. This could be mitigated by also sampling fakes from the records themselves, or via other (possibly policy-based) enforcement that the output domain must be honest.

Intermediate DP analysis

We can achieve DP bounds on the internal counts of records associated with a given AggID, as long as it is in the output domain. We do this by sampling fake records in the output domain and injecting them into the protocol. That is, we have a mechanism to add to a sensitive count, but not subtract.

How to configure p to achieve DP depends on the kind of differential privacy bounds we want to show. We have a few potential options.

Epsilon / delta DP

The problem here is similar to the problem of differential privacy with constraints. In our case, the constraint is that the noisy count must always be greater than the true count. To achieve (eps,delta)-DP in this scenario we need to add Z fake records where:

Z = s + L
s = (1/eps) log(((exp(eps) - 1) / (2 delta)) + 1)
L = Laplace(1/eps_sum) truncated to (-s, s)

After applying the noise, the result must be rounded to the nearest whole number in a post-processing step.

This will yield s fake records per AggKey in expectation. For example, choosing eps = ln(2) and delta = 10^-6 will yield s = ~19 expected fake records per key.

One-sided DP

See this paper for more information on one-sided DP. In this formulation we consider the presence of a conversion to be sensitive, and the non-presence of a conversion to be not sensitive. This may be a reasonable relaxation of DP in the event of one malicious helper.

The basic tool here will be adding fake records distributed according to a Geometric distribution.

P(Geo(p) == k) = p(1-p)^k

Consider an AggID count R and R’ that are one-sided-DP neighbors. Without loss of generality there is only one such neighbor to consider, where R has count = n + 1 and R’ has count = n. That is, R’ is a one-sided DP neighbor of R because it consists of replacing a sensitive record with its absence.

For every x >= 0:

P(Geo(p) + n + 1 = x) / P(Geo(p) + n = x)
= p(1-p)^(x - n - 1) / p(1-p)^(x - n)
= 1 / (1-p) <= exp(eps)
eps = log(1/(1-p))

That is, we could choose p = ½ to achieve one-sided DP with epsilon ln(2), yielding one fake record per AggKey in expectation.

Output DP analysis

The output of the refined mechanism can be analyzed based on the DP for sums of secret shares referenced above.

One important thing to note is that because our output is the entire shared output domain at the beginning, we can release credit / values for all aggkeys, including those with no true records. That is, we can remove the thresholds and still preserve DP.

Further refinement: Sampling fake records directly from the raw records

The above protocol achieves internal DP only on records whose aggkey shows up in the output domain. However, there is a technique to achieve privacy on all the records regardless on an advertised output domain: We can sample fake records directly from the raw records themselves. That is, we can iterate through all the raw records at the beginning, and use re-randomization to mint fake records that have the same underlying aggkey.

We must be careful when we do this:

  • We will never generate fake records that aren’t present in the input
  • The input records will not follow any particular distribution

Practically, this would entail something like sampling Geo(p) records per raw input record to provide similar one-sided DP bounds on the count of any one aggkey with record count > 0. Of course, this comes at a greater communication cost that scales with the size of the input rather than the size of the domain. It also might entail some changes to the protocol to ensure that helpers adding fake records can successfully add their fake shares at the end. This may require adding another round of interaction between the helpers to the protocol.

The attack in the original protocol should be fully mitigated by the internal DP on the counts achieved with this refinement. Although we don't achieve internal DP on presence/absence of a particular AggID, the original attacks against the protocol are all predicated on the attacker inserting known records to recover the AggID -> aggkey mapping. If the attacker does not have one of these "fingerprinted" records, then the PRF should provide sufficient privacy for presence/absence.

Note that this technique is fully additive with the previous protocol that pre-shares an output domain. All it adds is a separate step of adding fake records from the raw records in addition to adding fakes based on the output domain. We would still drop records not included in the output domain at the end and avoid any thresholding step.

However, if no output domain is pre-shared, this technique may still be usable on its own. In that case we would need to protect the presence / absence of any aggkey in the aggregate output. To do this we will need to re-introduce the thresholding step on the count of real records + fake records, though this technique will need some investigation:

  • If no output domain is specified, we will need to re-add the aggkey secret shares in a way that still makes the dummy records indistinguishable.
  • The exact threshold needed is not clear given the non-traditional way we are adding positive noise.
  • We need a mechanism for helpers knowing which AggIDs to add their inverse dummy shares to (as mentioned before, this might require adding another round to the protocol)