- Warn usage in client and lack of cache function, also option to suppress warinng.
Changed peer dependency of the project and publish the source code too for transparency
Breaking change: It might break some things regarding the node_modules and how it behaves when imported
Why: So that I dont have to update next version everytime they updates and so that you guys can see the source code in the IDE and adapt accordingly
How: Just check everything works perfectly when installed.
- Also fixed readme.md
- improve readme
- Fixed and improve readme
- Fixed typo in readme
- Patch:previous change not applied
- Fixed typo in docs (#2) and added usage examples in docs (thanks @andrewkucz, @RuthwikReddy09)
- Fixed logging for memoization. (#1) got miss and hit mixed up
- fix return type
- include libs
- Improve Logging: recolor and prints param
- Fixed return type
- fixed out folder not in npm
- Changed readme
- Removed output folder from git
- Added callback to retrieve parameters
- Removed package-lock.json