A simple RESTful web catalog app using the Python framework Flask along which uses third-party (Google) OAuth authentication.
Built With :
- flask - The web framework used.
- jinja2 - The templating engine used.
- postgres9.5.7 - The database used.
- python3.6 - The server side scripting language used.
- glyphicon - The icon pack used.
- bootstrap3 - The CSS framework used.
- SQLAlchemy - The ORM used.
- nginx1.10.0 - The webserver used
- Install server os (In my case ubuntu 16.04).
- Change the port used for ssh SSH.
- Configure the Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) to only allow incoming connections for SSH (the port you set in step 2), HTTP (port 80), and NTP (port 123).
- Setup key based login & disable password login for ssh.
- Install and configure Apache to serve a Python mod_wsgi application.
- Install and configure PostgreSQL.
- Create a new database user named catalog that has limited permissions to the catalog application database.
- Install flask/sqlalchemy
- Install git if it not installed
- Clone the catalog app catalog
- Install nginx