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License: MIT Build Status Discord
A Discord API Wrapper for Java


  • Builders and managers to makes creating and managing discord objects easier.
  • Multiple choices for receiving events.
  • Easy to use command system via reflection.
  • Post bot status to bot listing websites automatically.
  • Built in support for Webhook and OAuth 2
  • Get emojis by aliases use in Discord. No more external emoji dependencies.


  • All Jars
  • Gradle (In your build.gradle file)
repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.AlienIdeology:J-Cord:-SNAPSHOT'
  • Maven (In your pom.xml file)


Note: Using -SNAPSHOT as the version will automatically be the latest commit from branch master. To use the latest commit of other branches, use BranchName-SNAPSHOT. You may also use a release tag or commit hash to specify the version you intend to use.


Ask questions in the Discord Support Server or open an issue.

How to Use

Bot & Selfbot


  • Build an Identity
Identity bot = new IdentityBuilder()
        new EventManager().registerDispatchers(
            new ExampleDispatcher())


  • Ways to subscribe to events:
  1. Use DispatcherAdaptor
    Objects registered as adaptors must extends DispatcherAdaptor.
    DispatcherAdaptor example:
public class ExampleDispatcher extends DispatcherAdaptor {
    public void onMessageCreate (MessageCreateEvent event) {
        if (event.getMessage().getContent().startsWith("?") { // Prefix
            // Do stuff

When building identity:

    new EventManager().registerDispatchers(
        new ExampleDispatcher())
  1. Use EventSubscriber annotation Register objects that have methods annotates as EventSubscriber.
    EventSubscriber example:
public class ExampleSubscriber {
    public void onMessageCreateEvent(MessageCreateEvent event) {

When building identity:

new EventManager().registerEventSubscriber(
    new ExampleSubscriber()
  • Wait for an Event
    • Asynchronously (Perform the consumer action when a specified event is dispatched before the timeout)
    // Get the Event Manager
        event -> event.getUser().isSelf(), // Only get message create events that are from the identity
        event -> System.out.println("I just said: " + event.getMessage().getContent(), // Perform actions
        3000, // Timeouts in millisecond
        () -> System.out.println("Still no response after 30 seconds!") // Actions to perform if timeout exceeds
    • Synchronously (Blocking the thread until event dispatched or timeout exceeds)
    // Get the Event Manager
    MessageCreateEvent event = eventManager.waitForNext(
        event -> event.getUser().isSelf(), // Only get message create events that are from the identity
        3000, // Timeouts in millisecond
        () -> System.out.println("Still no response after 30 seconds!") // Actions to perform if timeout exceeds
    System.out.println("I just said: " + event.getMessage().getContent()

Command System

  1. Create classes that implements CommandResponder (Empty interface)
  2. Annotate methods as @Command
public class ExampleResponder implements CommandResponder {
    @Command (aliases = {"ping", "pong", "thump"})
    public String onPingCommand (String[] args, MessageCreateEvent event) {
        return event.getUser().mention()+" pong!";
  1. Register CommandResponders in a CommandFramework
  2. Register the CommandFramework in EventManager
new EventManager().registerCommandFrameworks(
    new CommandFramework()
            new ExampleResponder()


  • Setting Up the Agent
    1. DiscordBots
    PostAgent agent = PostAgent.DISCORD_BOTS
        .setIdentity(identity) // Set the Identity object, which is used to post shard and guild count
        .setAPIToken(YOUR_TOKEN_HERE) // The token for Discord Bots API
        .post(); // Post the status
    1. Discord Bot List
    PostAgent agent = PostAgent.DISCORD_BOT_LIST
        .setAPIToken(YOUR_TOKEN_HERE) // The token for Discord Bot List API
        .post(); // Post the status
    1. Discord List
    PostAgent agent = PostAgent.DISCORD_LIST
        .addPostField("token", YOUR_TOKEN_HERE) // The token for Discord List API
        .post(); // Post the status
    1. Custom website
    PostAgent agent = new PostAgent(identity)
        .setAPIName("Discord Bla Bla Bla Bots Bla Bla Bla List") // Isn't the name typically like that?
        .setPostUrl("same_api_endpoint") // An API EndPoint URL
        .setJsonShardIDKey("shard_id") // The json field for shard ID (0 based)
        .setJsonShardKey("shard_count") // The json field for shard count
        .setJsonServerKey("server_count") // The server count
        .addPostField("some_json_key", "some_value") // Add whatever is required
        .post(); // Or you can use .post(Consumer<MultipartBody>) to add custom fields or headers, too
  • Post Automatically
    Every post agent will automatically post status on GuildCreateEvent, GuildUnavailableEvent, and GuildDeleteEvent.
    You can cancel the auto post by calling:
    agent.setAutoPost(false); // To enable this again, invoke agent.setAutoPost(true);


  • Using the OAuthBuilder
OAuthBuilder builder = new OAuthBuilder()
    .setClientId(ID) // Application's ID
    .setClientSecret(SECRET) // Application's secret
    .setRedirectUrl(URL) // Used to redirect an user agent and provide authorization code for the oauth
    .setScopes(Scope.BOT, Scope.IDENTIFY);
  • Get the Authorization URL for the application
String authorizationUrl = builder.buildUrl();
  • Build an OAuth instance
OAuth application = builder
    .autoAuthorize(); // Automatically get the authorization code


  • Get Emojis:
List<Emoji> emojis;

emojis = Emojis.EMOJIS; // A collection of all emojis in Discord
emojis = Emojis.getByCategory(EmojiCategory.PEOPLE); // Returns a list of emojis that belongs to the "people" category
  • Get an Emoji by an attribute:
Emoji emoji;

emoji = Emojis.getByName("face with tears of joy");

emoji = Emojis.getByKeyword("laugh");

emoji = Emojis.getByAlias(":joy:");

emoji = Emojis.getByUnicode("\uD83D\uDE02");

// All the methods above returns the emoji "😂"


See this GitGub repository.


Please fork this project, and read Use Issue for creating issues, and use Pull Request for creating pull requests.

