- Home Button added in Game Won and Game Lost scene.
- Pause button added in the ARExample scene. When clicked it opens a pause menu which has the options to restart the game, resume the game, and return to main menu.
- Shoot button was modified to shoot continuously when pressed.
- Health bars for AAGuns and buildings on the military base.
- Drones (IntelligentNPCs) were added.
- Rocket Launcher was added as a collectible. It allows the user to have more than one type of ammunition and it destroys the objects on the base in one shot. It is active for 5 seconds.
- Laser position modified.
- Outline provided for the assignment does not work with complex objects. We did try adding a hue to the object but since some objecrs were darker in color it was difficult to see.
Usability Isuues resolved from preliminary prototype
- Game abruptly closes (Home Button)
- Could have a resume and pause option while playing. (Pause Menu)
- Pause menu should be implemented for user convenience (Pause Menu)
- No setting menu to pause the game (Pause Menu)
- Ammo should be able to shoot on holding (Shoot Button)
- Can only shoot one bullet when pressing the shoot button. Player should be allowed to shoot continuously. (Shoot Button)
- Only one ammo type. There could be more fire options like rockets.(Rocket Launcher)
- The shooting ray was abrupt when the device location was not close. It didn't look like shooting in some phone positions. That can be improved. You can add a gun object as well if the scene looks good. (Laser)
- Outline on the game objects not visible (Outline)
- Outline the objects to be destroyed. (Outline)