Table of Contents
The goal of this project is to create a unique tool that allows easy execution of tools and collection of outputs remotely using the APIs available in current EDR/XDRs and abstracting from the manufacturer.
This allows researchers to execute their own tools or interact with EDRs from their own scripts and tools in a simple way.
And of course... just for fun!
Copy portable executable of TheVlad to the investigator machine where you want to perform the analysis, execution or triage [-h] [-V] -c CLIENT -v VENDOR [-l LIST_ENDPOINTS] [-s SEARCH_ENDPOINTS] [-x BASE64_COMMAND] [-m MACHINEID] [-b BINARY] [-d DOWNLOAD_FILE] [-f FORCE_EXECUTION]
python3 -c XXXXXX -v MDATP -m XXXXXX -d C:\Users\XXXXXX\Desktop\POC.png -f
python3 -c XXXXXX -v MDATP -m XXXXXX -b C:\Users\XXXXXX\Downloads\Procdump\procdump.exe -x U3RhcnQtUHJvY2VzcyAtRmlsZVBhdGggInByb2NkdW1wIiAtQXJndW1lbnRMaXN0ICItYWNjZXB0ZXVsYSAtbWEgNTU4NCAgQzpcIg== -f
Devices must be running one of the following:
- Windows 11
- Windows 10
- Version 1909 or later
- Version 1903 with KB4515384
- Version 1809 (RS 5) with KB4537818
- Version 1803 (RS 4) with KB4537795
- Version 1709 (RS 3) with KB4537816
- Windows Server 2019 - Only applicable for Public preview
- Version 1903 or (with KB4515384) later
- Version 1809 (with KB4537818)
- Windows Server 2022
- macOS (Additional configuration profiles:
- 13 (Ventura)
- 12 (Monterey)
- 11 (Big Sur)
- Linux (Supported Linux server distributions and kernel versions: **Microsoft 365 Defender Portal Features Required **
- 25 response sessions at a time
- Idle time for a session is 30 minutes.
- Individual live response commands have a time limit of 10
- Getfile, findfile and run have a limit of 30 minutes
- A single user can initiate 10 concurrent sessions
- A device can only be in one session
The following file size limits are applicable:
- getfile limit: 3 GB
- fileinfo limit: 30 GB
- library limit: 250 MB
- 10 calls per minute limit
- 25 concurrently running sessions
- RunScript timeout after 10 minutes
- Live response commands can’t be queued up and can only be executed one at a time.
- Multiple live response commands can be run on a single API call. However, when a live response command fails all the subsequent actions won’t be executed.
- When RBAC grouping is enabled the automated remediation level must be assigned, at least with a minimum Remediation Level
- Multiple live response sessions can’t be executed on the same machine
- Add real-life scenarios
- Add SentinelOne Support
- Add Crowdstrike Support
- Add Cortex Support
- Add TrendMicro Vision One Support