Clone the repository to a path of your choice, e.g. nio-smith
If you're looking for a more stable experience, it's recommended to check out the latest tag:
mkdir nio-smith
git clone --branch v0.0.9 nio-smith
If you really want the latest development commits, e.g. to submit PRs, check out HEAD:
mkdir nio-smith
git clone nio-smith
You should be able to install libolm from your distribution's package
manager, e.g. apt install libolm3 libolm-dev
on Debian/Ubuntu
Create and activate a Python 3 virtual environment:
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
Change to the folder created earlier:
cd nio-smith
Install python dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To install all plugin requirements (specified in each plugin's requirements.txt
), you may optionally run:
find . -iname requirements.txt -exec pip install -r {} \;
Copy the sample configuration file to a new config.yaml
cp sample.config.yaml config.yaml
Edit the config file. The matrix
section must be modified at least.
Make sure to source your python environment if you haven't already:
source ~/env/bin/activate
Change to the bots directory if you haven't already:
cd nio-smith
Then simply run the bot with:
By default, the bot will run with the config file at ./config.yaml
and load all plugins from the plugins
You may optionally specify a different config-file and plugins-directory by running:
python [configfile [plugins_directory]]
python myconfig.yaml myplugins
If you've checked out a tag in step 1, switch to the latest tag.
git fetch
git checkout v0.0.9
If you've checked out HEAD, just do
git pull
In case of changed requirements, repeat "Install Python dependencies".
Proceed with "Running" as usual.