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STS2017 track1.ar-ar Someone carrying a skateboard for a night on the sidewalk. A man sitting alone reading on a round table, outside a convenience store. شخص ما يحمل لوح التزلج ليلا على الرصيف. رجل جالس بمفرده يقرأ على طاولة مستديرة ، خارج أحد المتاجر.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Aldaitona women racing in the 500 race. Racing some men within the ski competition. تتسابق النساء في سباق الدايتونا 500. يتسابق بعض الرجال ضمن مسابقة التزلج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Women walk side by side. There are girls walking Mottagorat تمشي النساء جنبا إلى جنب. هناك فتيات يمشين متجاورات
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Jumps man with the green jersey aloft on the grass. The man walks with a white shirt on the long grass holding a stick. يقفز الرجل ذو القميص الأخضر عاليا على العشب. يمشي الرجل ذو القميص الأبيض على العشب الطويل ممسكا بعصا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two men sitting on the grass, and with them a banana. Three men hanging around when the mattress selling fruit. رجلان يجلسان على العشب ومعهما موز. ثلاثة رجال يتسكعون عند فرشة بيع الفاكهة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A pile of rocks bearing strange signs, caused the people gathered around. Some people walking on some rocks in the water. كومة من الصخور تحمل علامات غريبة ، تسببت في تجمع الناس حولها. يسير بعض الأشخاص على بعض الصخور الموجودة في الماء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Women helped one of the runners who had fallen, to stand on his feet again. The woman put make-up. ساعدت النساء أحد العدائين الذي كان قد سقط ، للوقوف ثانية على قدميه. كانت المرأة تضع المكياج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Buy women spinning. One of the women sell the crop. تشتري المرأة الغَزْل. تبيع إحدى النساء المحصول.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Rush a woman in one of the alleys, wearing black clothes. A young man walking with a black jacket on the sidewalk. تهرول امرأة في أحد الأزقة ، مرتدية ملابس سوداء . يسير شاب ذو سترة سوداء على الرصيف.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar It's a concert. A person who provides a concert. إنه حفل موسيقي. يقدم شخصٌ حفلا موسيقيا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The two men went to school together. Two men go to work. ذهب الرجلان إلى المدرسة معا. يذهب رجلان إلى العمل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Women's bag containing art exhibition you are. Women carrying a work of art at the school. تحتوي حقيبة المرأة على المعرض الفني الذي تتواجد فيه. تحمل المرأة عملا فنيا في المدرسة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Three people were standing on a black platform next to a solid black guitar chair. Stands a woman playing the harp on a chair in front of the White House. يقف ثلاثة أشخاص على منصة سوداء صلبة بجانب كرسي أسود وقيثارة. تقف امرأة تعزف القيثارة على كرسي أمام البيت الأبيض.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Backpack wide from the inside. Woman sits inside the dressing room in the yacht. حقيبة الظهر واسعة من الداخل. تقبع المرأة داخل غرفة الملابس الموجودة في اليخت.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Artist trying to sell his paintings. Artist shows his paintings to others. فنان يحاول بيع لوحاته. فنان يظهر لوحاته للآخرين.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man talking to three men for a woman looks weird on the left Two women talking to each other, while a man seen them. رجل يتحدث إلى ثلاثة رجال عن امرأة تبدو غريبة الأطوار على اليسار تتحدث امرأتان إلى بعضهما البعض ، بينما ينظر رجل إليهما.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two men watching Mrtdian dark-colored clothes, a crowd of people. There are people dressed in white staring at horses. يراقب رجلان مرتديان ملابس داكنة اللون ، حشدا من الناس. هناك أشخاص يرتدون ملابس بيضاء يحدقون في الخيول.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man was banging drums. The man holds his guitar. كان الرجل يقرع الطبول. يحمل الرجل قيثارته.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Ground by snow. Snow on the ground. الأرض عليها ثلوج. ثلوج على الأرض.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The length of the rock scalable. Rock longer than men. طول الصخرة قابل للتسلق. الصخرة أطول من الرجل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Read a child a book about dogs. Dog reading a book to a child. يقرأ طفل كتابا عن الكلاب. كلب يقرأ كتابا للطفل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A military parade in the washroom. A crowd watches an exhibition. هناك عرض عسكري في الخلاء. هناك حشد يشاهد معرضا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Wearing tennis player uniforms contradictory colors. Tennis player wears clothes in orange in the middle game of tennis. ترتدي لاعبة التنس زيا متناقض الألوان. لاعبة تنس ترتدي ملابس باللون البرتقالي في منتصف مباراة لكرة المضرب.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The two men scans rare insects in the jungle. There are two dogs in the snow, and in one thing Fmm يقوم الرجلان بتفحص حشرات نادرة في الأدغال. يوجد كلبان في الثلوج ، وفي فمم أحدهما شيء
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Gymnast, it might be appropriate. A man will go to Spahhhala. قد يكون لاعب الجمباز مناسبا. سيذهب رجل للسباحةحالا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A dog chasing a cat abroad. Dog tries to catch a cat. قطة تطارد كلبا في الخارج. يحاول كلب الإمساك بقطة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar It runs a group of dogs sleds in the race. Pulls the sledge dogs in one of the races. تركض مجموعة من كلاب الزلاجات في السباق. يسحب كلبان زلاجة في أحد السباقات.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Electrician to install wiring on a pole in the surface. A man rode the elevator to the surface. يعمل كهربائي لتثبيت الأسلاك على قطب في السطح. استقل رجل المصعد إلى السطح.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The girl in the second section running, smiling, while her sisters carry a towel. A young girl playing with her boyfriend Game fancy clothes in the balcony. الفتاة في القسم الثاني تركض مبتسمة ، بينما تحمل منشفة أخواتها. فتاة صغيرة تلعب مع صديقها لعبة الملابس التنكرية في الشرفة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Drajthm shattered man. Man driving one of the cars, while truck seen. حطم رجل دراجتهم. رجل يقود إحدى السيارات ، بينما ينظر إلى شاحنة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Children playing with balloons, sitting above man dressed in a banana outfit. A woman wearing a pink and black clothes, has a large tattoo on her back. أطفال يلعبون بالبالونات ،يجلس فوقه رجل يرتدي زي الموز. امرأة ترتدي ملابس وردية وسوداء لديها وشم كبير على ظهرها.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Soldiers walking in front of Phil Sergeant leading his troops in formation inside a large room with a lot of flags in the background. يسير جنود أمام فيل رقيب يقود قواته في تشكيل داخل غرفة كبيرة مع الكثير من الأعلام في الخلفية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Girl has Kahlan Mxworan. The girl without legs. فتاة لديها كاحلان مكسوران. الفتاة بدون أرجل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Sitting woman wearing a T-shirt in white plastered surrounded by a garden. A man sitting, wearing black clothes on a bench in the park next to a large plate. تجلس امرأة مرتدية قميصا أبيض في حديقة محاطة بالملصقات. يجلس رجل مرتديا لباسا أسود على مقعد في الحديقة بجانب لوحة كبيرة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The drawings on the wall depicting children paint the words "Brick City" on the wall. Drawing some of the art on a wall. تصور رسومات على الحائط أطفالا يرسمون الكلمات " Brick City " على الحائط. رسم بعض الفنون على أحد الجدران.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Painter paints on clothing Baby clothes by the color white. يرسم الرسام على الملابس ملابس الطفل بها لون أبيض.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Men from the Middle East to attend the fish in the kitchen. Two women in the kitchen are preparing the vegetables in the frying pan. يحضر رجال من الشرق الأوسط السمك في مطبخ. امرأتان في مطبخ تحضران الخضار في مقلاة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Dog plays Belath. Dog plays Belath. يلعب كلب بلعبته. يلعب كلب بلعبته.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The girl carrying beer. Women bear beer. تحمل الفتاة جعة. تحمل المرأة جعة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man cut something with a knife. Mince man something on the table with a knife. يقطع رجل شيئا ما بسكين. يفرم رجل شيئا ما على الطاولة بالسكين.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Seven men were praying in the church. Two people were praying outside the temple. سبعة رجال يؤدون الصلاة في كنيسة. شخصان يصليان خارج المعبد.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man near the children. The boy near the other children. الرجل بالقرب من طفلين. الصبي بالقرب من أطفال آخرين.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Boy wearing a red shirt. Boy wearing a yellow T-shirt. يرتدي الصبي قميصا أحمر. يرتدي الصبي قميصا أصفر.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two boys walking into the parade. Musicians within walking procession. يسير صبيان ضمن موكب. يسير الموسيقيون ضمن موكب.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A woman sitting on the beach. A woman sitting on the beach. امرأة جالسة على الشاطئ. تجلس امرأة على الشاطئ.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Children playing outside. Children playing outside. أطفال يلعبون في الخارج. أطفال يلعبون في الخارج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The child was crying because he was hungry. The child does not cry. كان الطفل يبكي لأنه كان جائعا. لا يبكي الطفل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Dog limp middle of the field. Dog running around in the field. الكلب يعرج وسط الحقل. يركض الكلب في الحقل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two people sitting next to a large building, where they were talking. Two men beside the building. يجلس شخصان بجانب مبنى كبير، حيث كانا يتحدثان. رجلان بجانب مبنى.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A child wearing a red jump on something red, while others laugh. A man without a shirt starts jumping from the side of the drum amid a host of other drums. يقفز طفل مرتديا أحمر على شيء أحمر ، بينما يضحك الآخرون. يبدأ رجل بدون قميص بالقفز من جانب الطبل وسط مجموعة من الطبول الأخرى.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar There are no women on the street wearing green. The man walks on the street dressed in a white jacket. لا يوجد امرأة في الشارع ترتدي الأخضر. يمشي الرجل على الشارع مرتديا سترة بيضاء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The two men carrying a slogan directed at the president. Three men standing in front of a signal by the American flag. يحمل الرجلان شعارا موجها إلى الرئيس. يقف ثلاثة رجال أمام إشارة عليها العلم الأمريكي.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Rocks factor resides in one of the airports. Man who resides in one of the stations. يتواجد عامل صخور في أحد المطارات. يتواجد رجل في إحدى المحطات.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Child sweats on the beach. Child on the beach. الطفل يتعرق على الشاطئ. الطفل على الشاطئ.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People asleep on the couch. People are sleeping on the couch. الناس نائمون على الأريكة. الناس نيام على الأريكة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Gray dog running around outside. White dog running around outside. كلب رمادي يركض في الخارج. كلب أبيض يركض في الخارج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Woman wearing a winter coat. Woman wearing a large coat. امرأة مرتدية معطفا شتويا. امرأة مرتدية معطفا كبيرا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar However, a woman holding her child. However, a girl stuck her mother. تمسك امرأة بيد طفلها. تمسك فتاة بيد أمها.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People taking photos of one of the elephants. A group of people taking photos. أناس يلتقطون صورا لأحد الفيلة. مجموعة من الناس يلتقطون صورا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Biker after the race. Wins the race a person on a bicycle BMX سائق الدراجة بعد السباق. يفوز في السباق شخص على دراجة BMX
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Yellow bag empty. A yellow bag. الحقيبة الصفراء فارغة. الحقيبة صفراء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Young has cookies. The woman breakfast for her and her boyfriend. شاب لديه كعك. تعد امرأة فطورا لها ولصديقها.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Meet the crowds in Times Square. Meet a crowd of people in Times Square. تجتمع الحشود في ساحة التايمز. يجتمع حشد من الناس في ساحة التايمز.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Bardan dog in a pond. Dog closed the water after swimming in the pond. كلب بردان في أحد البرك. كلب ينفض الماء بعد السباحة في البركة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Stands for a group of people, mostly hats made of straw, in the open among the green land. Stands for a group of people, mostly hats made of straw, in the open among the green land. تقف مجموعة من الناس ، أغلبهم بقبعات مصنوعة من القش ، في الخلاء بين الأراضي الخضراء. تقف مجموعة من الناس ، أغلبهم بقبعات مصنوعة من القش ، في الخلاء بين الأراضي الخضراء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The waiter drink. A man cut something in the kitchen. يُعد النادل شرابا. يقطع رجل شيئا ما في المطبخ.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Kalban Itardan rabbit. Two shots Ttardan rabbit. كلبان يطاردان أرنبا. قطتان تطاردان أرنبا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Shave the dog through the air in the plane. Shave the dog in the air. يحلق الكلب عبر الهواء في الطائرة. يحلق الكلب في الهواء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Woman sews the torn piece. Woman using the machine for sewing. تخيط امرأة القطعة الممزقة. تستخدم امرأة آلة للخياطة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People shopping for Christmas holiday for their fellow workers. People are shopping to buy gifts for the Christmas holiday. يتسوق الناس لعيد الميلاد من أجل زملائهم العمال. يتسوق الناس لشراء هدايا لعيد الميلاد.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Lies a small boy wearing a beanie on the green grass, with dry leaves on the ground, about to take a nap. Two young girls, eating corn on the back Jawad short legs, on the sidewalk, without shoes. يستلقي صبي صغير مرتديا قبعة صغيرة على عشب أخضر ، مع أوراق يابسة على الأرض ، على وشك أن يأخذ قيلولة. فتاتان صغيرتان تأكلان الذرة على ظهر جواد قصير الأرجل ،على الرصيف ، بدون أحذية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People shopping in the open air. People were shopping. يتسوق الناس في الهواء الطلق. الناس يتسوقون.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar He plays the tuba machine man wearing a leather jacket. Alsksifun machine plays the man wearing a red jacket abroad. يعزف على آلة التوبا رجل يرتدي سترة جلدية. يعزف على آلة السكسيفون رجل يرتدي سترة حمراء في الخارج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man comes out the garbage. A man collects all garbage. رجل يُخرج القمامة. رجل يجمع كل القمامة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man lying on the ground. A man lying on the ground outside. رجل يستلقي على الأرض. رجل يستلقي على الأرض في الخارج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A number of people under the rain. People in the rain. عدد من الأشخاص تحت الأمطار. الناس تحت المطر.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The band perform eight songs under the spotlight. The band played under the lights. تؤدي الفرقة 8 أغنيات تحت الأضواء. الفرقة تعزف تحت الأضواء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Spectators watching the play suffered. Get the choir on the images that were taken during the show. يشاهد المتفرجون المسرحية التي تُعرض. تحصل الجوقة على صورها التي تم التقاطها خلال العرض.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar White paste. Table thick. العجينة بيضاء. الطاولة سميكة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Boys playing a video game. Two boys playing a video game. صبية يلعبون لعبة فيديو. صبيان يلعبان لعبة فيديو.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Child inside the rail tunnel. A man crosses a bridge in front of a deserted buildings. طفل داخل نفق للسكك الحديدية. رجل يعبر جسرا مهجورا أمام أحد الأبنية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Competing group of people in a kind of enemy competitions. There is a group of people in the contest. يتنافس مجموعة من الناس في نوع من مسابقات العدو. هناك مجموعة من الناس في مسابقة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Little girl karate lessons apply to her brother. Girl see her boyfriend practicing martial arts. تطبق فتاة صغيرة دروس الكاراتيه على أخيها. فتاة تشاهد صديقها يمارس فنون الدفاع عن النفس.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The boy shakes hands with a man municipality. The boy is not wearing something on his head. يصافح الصبي رجل البلدية. لا يرتدي الصبي شيئا على رأسه.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man on the beach. The man on the beach. الرجل على الشاطئ. الرجل على الشاطئ.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Dog jumped high. Dog jumps high, when it is abroad. قفز الكلب عاليا. يقفز كلب عاليا ، حين يكون بالخارج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Once among the blue plum. Brown puppy lay on his back on the grass. ذات مرة بين البرقوق الأزرق. يستلقي جرو بني على ظهره فوق العشب.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar An elderly man holding something sharp in his hands. A man with something in his hand. رجل مسن يمسك شيئا حادا بين يديه. رجل معه شيء ما بيده.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People standing in front of mechanical equipment. There are people standing in front of mechanical equipment. يقف أناس أمام معدات ميكانيكية. هناك أشخاص يقفون أمام معدات ميكانيكية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two dogs running towards Sahbhma. Two dogs running Sahbhma. يركض كلبان باتجاه صاحبهما. يركض كلبان إلى صاحبهما.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two brothers dealing with food. People are stealing food from a vendor food runabout. شقيقان يتناولان الطعام. أشخاص يسرقون الطعام من بائع المواد الغذائية المتجول.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Baseball player white in color. There are a baseball player wearing a white color. لاعب البيسبول أبيض اللون. هناك لاعب بيسبول يرتدي اللون الأبيض.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man pulls a gun to steal a mattress seller. A man tries to extinguish a small fire. يسحب الرجل مسدسا لسرقة فرشة البائع. يحاول رجل إخماد حريق صغير.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People watching a professional offer to play with fire. Some children are playing outside. يشاهد الناس عرضا محترفا للعب بالنار. بعض الأطفال يلعبون لعبة في الخارج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Girl pink Tertra riding a foal. Girl riding a foal. فتاة ترتري الوردي تمتطي مهرا. فتاة تمتطي مهرا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A young man who works has cheated on a bicycle. Boy doing bike tricks. شاب يقوم بعمل خدع من على دراجة. صبي يقوم بعمل حيل الدراجة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man wearing a bathing swimsuit Aagafzaly pond hat, while seen by other men. Factor of peace wearing a helmet, steel jacket, while the other men at the bottom works. رجل يرتدي قبعة الاستحمام وملابس السباحة يقفزإلى البركة ، في حين ينظر إليه رجال آخرون. عامل على السلم يرتدي خوذة فولاذية وسترة ، في حين يعمل رجال آخرون في الأسفل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Someone is going to swim in the ocean. Someone floating in the ocean. شخص ما ذاهب للسباحة في المحيط. شخص ما يسبح في المحيط.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar It is sunny outside. it's cold outside. الجو مشمس في الخارج. الجو بارد في الخارج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man and a woman Asttien do not see each other. Man looking for someone. رجل وامرأة لا يستطيعان رؤية بعضهما البعض. يبحث الرجل عن شخص ما.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar There is a man waiting for the subway. A man looks at his watch while waiting at the subway. هناك رجل ينتظر في مترو الأنفاق. رجل ينظر إلى ساعته أثناء انتظاره مترو الانفاق.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Air bubble length of 20 feet. Climber climbs in the dark. فقاعة هواء طولها 20 قدما. متسلق يتسلق في الظلام.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Naked man sitting on the couch. A man sitting on the couch. رجل عارٍ يجلس على الأريكة. رجل يجلس على الأريكة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man carving carved from ice. A man makes art forms of ice رجل ينحت منحوتة من الجليد. رجل يصنع أشكالا فنية من الجليد
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Fire is part of the show for exhibitors streets. A person displays in the street. النار جزء من العرض لعارض الشوارع. الشخص يعرض في الشارع.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Children Hop around on the beach and they are looking for shellfish. Three children look at the dead fish floating in the ocean. يتقافز الأطفال على الشاطئ وهم يبحثون عن المحار. ثلاثة أطفال ينظرون إلى الأسماك النافقة الطافية فوق مياه المحيط.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man with a black leather jacket in the movie A man with a black leather jacket. رجل ذو سترة جلدية سوداء في فيلم رجل ذو سترة جلدية سوداء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man was not wearing a shirt but was wearing jeans. The man was wearing pants. رجل لم يكن يرتدي قميصا ولكنه كان يرتدي سروالا من الجينز. كان الرجل يرتدي السراويل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar An old man sits. An old man sitting يجلس رجل عجوز. رجل عجوز جالس
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Fans boy bike. A person walking a dog, the child riding a skateboard. صبي معجب بدراجة. شخص يسير الكلب، والطفل يركب لوح التزلج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Some people were practicing sports, and wounded one man. Men group of close friends, they have a game night. بعض الناس كانوا يمارسون الرياضة، وأصيب رجل واحد. مجموعة رجال من الأصدقاء المقربين ، لديهم مباراة ليلية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Lady standing on the shoulders of a tall man. A man speaking to a woman sitting behind the table. سيدة تقف على أكتاف رجل طويل القامة. رجل يتحدث أمام سيدة تجلس وراء طاولة .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man watching another man he plays the game. A child plays in a car and Igilz, and a man watching him. رجل يراقب رجلا آخر وهو يلعب لعبة. طفل يلعب في بسيارة ويجيلز، ورجل يراقبه .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Baby wearing a T-shirt striped rainbow paid game cart. Girl striped shirt sitting on a bicycle. طفل يرتدي قميصا مقلما بقوس قزح يدفع عربة لعبة. فتاة بقميص مقلم تجلس على دراجة هوائية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar There was not a bike No one on the bike. لم يكن هناك دراجة لا أحد على دراجة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Preparing a group of people to swim. A group of people preparing for swimming. تستعد مجموعة من الناس للسباحة. مجموعة من الناس تستعد للسباحة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A couple in Paris. Both men and women were shopping for dinner زوجان في باريس. الرجلان والمرأة كانوا يتسوقون من أجل العشاء
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Person reclining on the wall. A person lying on the sidewalk. شخص مستلقٍ على جدار. شخص مستلقٍ على الرصيف .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two men playing with guns nails, but without wood. Two women play a game with sticks and a small white ball. رجلان يلعبان ببنادق المسامير، ولكن بدون خشب . تلعب امرأتان لعبة بالعصي وكرة صغيرة بيضاء .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Stir man's couch. The man moves يحرك الرجل الأريكة. الرجل يتحرك
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Tourists admire in Rome's Trevi fountain. Watching tourists in Rome sculptures. السياح في روما معجبون بنافورة تريفي. يشاهد السياح في روما المنحوتات.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Blonde woman protester in front of the airport. Woman is strained. امرأة شقراء متظاهرة أمام مطار. امرأة غير متكلفة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar It works with another employee. Director speaks to a member of staff with him. هو يعمل مع موظف آخر. مدير يتحدث إلى أحد العاملين عنده .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Stop the man near the banner of Nebraska. The man near the saw. وقف الرجل بالقرب من لافتة نبراسكا. الرجل بالقرب من المنشار.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Teenage boy Aagafzaaly inflatable sled. Boy bouncing on a trampoline. صبي مراهق يقفزعلى مزلجة قابلة للنفخ. صبي يثب على ترامبولين .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People continued to play hopscotch for 12 hours. There are land come to all children and sitting on a ring before the start of the game استمر شخص بلعب الحجلة لمدة 12 ساعة. هناك أرض يأتي إليها جميع الأطفال ويجلسون على شكل حلقة قبل بداية المباراة
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man dressed as a ghost, like the music that plays aggressively. A man plays the guitar, dressed in traditional. رجل يرتدي زي شبح ، يحب الموسيقى التي تعزف بعنف. رجل يعزف على غيتاره، مرتديا زيا تقليديا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A boy and happily balancing a plate. A boy is to achieve a balance plate. صبي وبسعادة موازنة طبق من ذهب. صبي هو يحقق توازن طبق من ذهب.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Girl wearing colors dance abroad. A small girl wearing a pink, dancing on the sidewalk. فتاة ترتدي ألوانا ترقص في الخارج . فتاة صغيرة ترتدي ورديا ، ترقص على الرصيف.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A bird sitting on a power cord. A man next to a traffic light. عصفور يجلس على سلك الطاقة. رجل بجوار إشارة المرور.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A group of children swimming in the pool. A group of women Tsobhn in the swimming pool. مجموعة من الأطفال يسبحون في مَسْبَح. مجموعة من النساء تسبحن في مَسْبَح.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Someone writes something on the book. Someone opens a book. شخص يكتب شيئا ما على كتاب. شخص ما يفتح كتابا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Man what Anziv windows inside. Someone sleeps on the floor Altobah. رجل ما ينظيف النوافذ في الداخل. ينام شخص ما على الأرض الطوبية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Girls held their fingers on the form of V. A man and a woman standing next to his hands on Zqounama holiday Christmas tree. تعقد البنات أصابعهن على شكل V. رجل وامرأة يقفان بجوار شجرة عيد الميلاد وأيديهما على ذقونهما .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People flee from foreigners. People are fleeing abroad. يهرب الناس من الأجانب. الناس في الخارج يلوذون بالفرار .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man playing for a crowd. Woman playing to a crowd. يعزف الرجل لحشد من الناس . امرأة تعزف لحشد من الناس .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A young boy climbs a shrub in the city center. Girl meditate on a rock high peak in the middle of a forest. صبي صغير يتسلق شجيرة في وسط المدينة. فتاة تتأمل على قمة صخرة عالية في وسط غابة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar This woman watching TV, while it is waiting for the food. Family watching TV together. هذه المرأة تشاهد التلفاز ، بينما هي تنتظر الطعام. عائلة تشاهد التلفاز معا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A group of men are talking. The man is with a group of friends مجموعة من الرجال يتحدثون . الرجل موجود مع مجموعة من الأصدقاء
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Men ate a topic. Two people were transporting the platform to a new place. رجال يتناولون موضوعا ما . شخصان ينقلان منصة إلى مكان جديد .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Children dressed in clothes compliant are present at a party. Men and women, all dressed luxurious party. أطفال يرتدون ملابس متوافقة متواجدون في حفلة. الرجال والنساء جميعهم يرتدون ملابس أنيقة لحفلة فاخرة .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Many people are walking in the street. Some people walking in the streets of a city. كثير من الناس يسيرون في الشارع. بعض الناس يسيرون في أحد شوارع المدينة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A woman walking next to food peddler on the streets A woman walks next to a restaurant serving fast food. امرأة تمشي بجوار بائع أغذية متجول في الشوارع امرأة تسير بجانب مطعم يقدم الوجبات السريعة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Child sitting on a stone wall. Child sitting on a stone wall in the autumn. يجلس طفل على جدار حجري . يجلس طفل على جدار حجري في فصل الخريف.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Chasing a giant rat for two women Edhma. Two women entered in a battle with the cat. يطارد فأر عملاق امرأتين لعضهما . دخلت امرأتان في معركة مع القط.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Young people taking photos from the air. There are girls Tltqtun images. الشباب يلتقطون صورا من الجو . هناك فتيات تلتقطن صورا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Girl and her father during Tenzema Altqtan pictures in the park. He took a child by her father to walk in the park. طفلة ووالدها يلتقطان صورا أثناء تنزهما في الحديقة. اصطحبت طفلة بواسطة والدها إلى نزهة في حديقة .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Building a car abroad. Construction crew working abroad. سيارة البناء في الخارج. يعمل طاقم البناء في الخارج .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Surfer wearing a black suit divers. A man in a black suit divers riding the waves on a board to ride the waves of green. يرتدي راكب الأمواج بدلة غواصين سوداء . رجل في بذلة غواصين سوداء يركب الأمواج علي لوح ركوب أمواج أخضر.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man outside next to a banner buses. Cross the street a woman, seeing the camera are among the two buses. الرجل في الخارج بجوار لافتة الحافلات . تعبر امرأة الشارع ، رؤية الكاميرا هي من بين حافلتين.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar There is a dog in the picture. There is a dog in the picture يوجد كلب في الصورة. هناك كلب في الصورة
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two boys wearing clothes for swimming Girls wear skirts. صبيان يرتديان ملابس للسباحة الفتيات ترتدين التنانير.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Elderly woman pushing stroller Elderly woman pushing a baby carriage. سيدة مسنة تدفع عربة سيدة مسنة تدفع عربة أطفال.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man plays the French horn to attract attention. Boy pasteurization plays the French horn. رجل يعزف على بوق فرنسي لجذب الانتباه . صبي بسترة يعزف على البوق الفرنسي.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People playing music to celebrate this week. People lead presentation on stage. يعزف الناس الموسيقى لاحتفال هذا الأسبوع . يؤدي الناس العرض على خشبة المسرح.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Workers on the ground looks at the foundation base. Iron worker stands next to the flag at the top of the building in which it operates. عامل على الأرض ينظر إلى قاعدة الأساس. عامل بالحديد يقف بجانب العلم في الجزء العلوي من المبنى الذي يعمل عليه .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man cut fish. A man cut fish رجل يقطع السمك . رجل يقطع السمك
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Boys while holding a bicycle. Two daughters on a bicycle. صبيان يمسكان بدراجة . بنتان على دراجة .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Dogs play outdoors. Animals play outdoors. تلعب الكلاب في الهواء الطلق. تلعب الحيوانات في الهواء الطلق.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Play two shots in the water. Dogs play in the water. تلعب قطتان في الماء. تلعب الكلاب في الماء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Girl eat all the pasta, do not keep any of it to her friend. A man and a woman in the kitchen with another woman, a cook something to eat. تأكل فتاة المعكرونة كلها ، ولا تبقي منها شيئا لصديقتها. رجل وامرأة في المطبخ مع امرأة أخرى وهي تطهي شيء للطعام.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A male and a female inside. Male with a small female. هناك ذكر وأنثى بالداخل. الذكر مع أنثى صغيرة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A group of people standing in a warehouse. A group of three people standing in front of an empty swimming fish .. مجموعة من الناس يقفون في أحد المخازن. مجموعة مكونة من ثلاثة أشخاص يقفون أمام حوض أسماك فارغ ..
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A young man riding a single bicycle. A man helping a little girl to ride a bike. شاب يركب دراجة أحادية. رجل يساعد فتاة صغيرة على ركوب دراجة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar There are people close to the football. Some people threw the football toward the sun. هناك أشخاص بالقرب من كرة قدم. بعض الأشخاص يقذفون كرة القدم نحو الشمس.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Monster came out of the ocean. A young boy runs away away from the ocean waves approaching. وحش خرج من المحيط. صبي صغير يهرب بعيدا عن موجات المحيط المقتربة .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two young men riding a raft down the river. They blaspheme down favorite river. شابان يركبان الرمث أسفل النهر. إنهم يجدفون أسفل نهر مفضل .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Workers clearing rubbish street. Workers out of work in a flooded street. عمال يزيلون قمامة الشارع. العمال خارج العمل في شارع غمرته المياه.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Girls and boy and abroad. The boy and the girl are walking out. البنات والولد والخارج. الصبي والفتاة يسيرون خارجا .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Bird statue holds a flower. Women comply in front of two large statues of elephants in a museum. تمثال الطائر يحمل زهرة. تمتثل المرأة أمام اثنين من تماثيل الفيلة الكبيرة في متحف.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Atqatlan two adults in the street after a football match. The two girls in the middle of the game. شخصان بالغان يتقاتلان في الشارع بعد مباراة لكرة القدم. الفتاتان في منتصف اللعبة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Cowboy about to be reeling from the bull. Clown about to be run over by a bull. راعي البقر على وشك أن يترنح من على الثور. مهرج على وشك أن يتم دهسه من قبل ثور.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man sitting in a chair reading a book. A man sitting in a chair reading a magazine. رجل يجلس على كرسي يقرأ كتابا . رجل يجلس على كرسي يقرأ مجلة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Sleeping baby while the mother you pay in a stroller. Toddler running toward his mother. طفل نائم في حين أن والدته تقوم بدفعه في عربة الأطفال. طفل صغير يركض باتجاه أمه .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A group of people go jogging. A group of people talking next to each other. مجموعة من الناس يذهبون للجري. مجموعة من الناس يتحدثون بجانب بعضهم البعض .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The factory workers making bottles Factories yellow resolutely workers working. عمال المصنع يصنعون زجاجات يعمل عمال المصانع بحزم الصفراء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Three men are preparing for the marathon. Two men were training in preparation for the marathon race ثلاثة رجال يستعدون لسباق ماراثون. رجلان يتدربان استعدادا لسباق مارثون
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People learn to swim. Woman learn how to swim. شخص يتعلم السباحة. امرأة تتعلم كيفية السباحة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar People walking as a group abroad. A group of people walking in the open. الناس يسيرون كمجموعة في الخارج. مجموعة من الناس يسيرون في الخلاء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two dogs running around behind the ball outside. Dogs took place in a field and then drove monitored. يركض كلبان خلف كرة في الخارج. كلبان يجريان في الحقل وصحبهما يراقبها.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man just came from the sea wearing a diving suit and now holds the fund. Man with no shirt and a woman in a bikini in the water consciously look in their eyes away from the camera. رجل جاء لتوه من البحر يرتدي بدلة الغوص والآن يحمل صندوق. رجل بلا قميص وامرأة في بيكيني في الماء يشيحون بنظرهم بعيدا عن الكاميرا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Asian man seen an event of many decorations in the background Chinese characters. Osewean couple standing alongside fictional poster. رجل آسيوي يشاهد حدثا ذا زخارف كثيرة في خلفيتها حروف صينية. زوجان أسيويان يقفان إلى جانب ملصق خيالي.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Black dog playing a game of green. Black plays a game of red dog. كلب أسود يلعب بلعبة خضراء. يلعب كلب أسود بلعبة حمراء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar DJ device works in the club Bring DJ a lot of money for the club جهاز الدي جي يعمل في النادي جلب الدي جي الكثير من المال للنادي
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Three people are waiting for the people next to a stone wall. Two people working on a stone wall ثلاثة أشخاص ينتظرون الناس بجوار جدار حجري. شخصان يعملان علي جدار حجري
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man completely attentive on the train. A man on board Qtarattalaa of the window. رجل يقظ تمامًا في القطار. رجل على متن قطاريتطلع من النافذة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar There are people quarreled. The man is not near any people. هناك شخص يتعارك. الرجل ليس بالقرب من أي أشخاص.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A couple playing water polo in the holiday. The boy goes to the pool when it is in recess. زوجان يلعبان كرة الماء في الأجازة. يذهب الولد للسباحة عندما يكون في عطلة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The car passed them next to people prohibitive rain I breathed the smoke race car when he crossed the finish line. مرت السيارة بجوار الأشخاص مانعة عنهم المطر نفثت سيارة سباق الدخان عندما اجتازت خط النهاية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Girl look to her image reflected in a pool of water. Girl rehearse in the room. طفلة تنظر لصورتها المنعكسة في بركة ماء. فتاة تتمرن في الغرفة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man in the new test target pistol. A man does a trick on a bike in the air. الرجل يختبر الهدف في مسدسه الجديد. رجل يقوم بخدعة على دراجة في الهواء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Atorjuhan two children in a crowded stadium. Teenage boys walking together on the sidewalk in the city. طفلان يتأرجحان في ملعب مزدحم. صبيان مراهقان يسيران معا على الرصيف في مدينة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Woman who painted her face. Woman paint her face امرأة رسمت وجهها. المرأة ترسم وجهها
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Dog wondering where mate. A young boy smiling at him for being a dog. كلب يتساءل أين رفيقة. صبي صغير يبتسم لكلب يجري نحوه.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A boy wearing a warm suit the color yellow in black playing with brown dog wearing a red collar. A young boy wearing a blue and red jacket unearth securities. صبي يرتدي بدلة دافئة لونها أصفر في أسود يلعب مع كلب بني يرتدي طوق أحمر. صبي صغير يرتدي سترة زرقاء وحمراء ينبش الأوراق.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Women play a ski race and fell one wearing yellow. Two boys playing a game of horse in the summer. تلعب النساء سباق التزلج وسقطت واحدة ترتدي الأصفر. اثنين من الصبية يلعبون لعبة الحصان في فصل الصيف.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar There is a man having dinner in a restaurant. Addresses the couple had dinner at a restaurant. هناك رجل يتناول العشاء في أحد المطاعم. يتناول زوجان العشاء في أحد المطاعم.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Crowd in the theater. A man stands in line at the movie theater. جمهرة في المسرح. رجل يقف في طابور في صالة السينما.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The same rule for dust plate pitch in order to see better. The ladies are ready to hit the ball as soon as it arrives. نفض الحكم الغبار عن صفيحة الملعب لكي يراها بشكل أفضل. السيدات مستعدات لضرب الكرة فور وصولها.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The girl Balhqlbh. A woman Balhqlbh on a trampoline. فتاة تقوم بالشقلبة. امرأة تقوم بالشقلبة على الترامبولين.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man is not on a motorcycle. The man on the motorcycle. الرجل ليس على دراجة نارية. الرجل على دراجة نارية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Teenager slept on the mat Girl goes beyond the rope. مراهق ينام على حصيرة فتاة تتخطى حبل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The world has no microscope to be seen There is a world seen through a microscope. عالم لا يوجد لديه مجهر لينظر إليه هناك عالم ينظر من خلال مجهر.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Toddler admire sports car green. A man in blue clothes on a skateboard. طفل صغير معجب بسيارة رياضية خضراء. رجل في ثياب زرقاء على لوح التزلج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Many men and women pass the farm. Two girls Ttan through the grass in the fall. العديد من الرجال والنساء يجتازون مزرعة. فتاتان تعدوان خلال العشب في الخريف.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The girl saw the car. Girl vomited in the car. الفتاة شاهدت السيارة. تقيأت فتاة في السيارة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man will reach the age of 49 this year. There is only one person in the whole picture. سيبلغ الرجل سن 49 هذا العام. هناك شخص واحد فقط في الصورة كلها.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Man holding Bmes. Man holding Bmes. رجل يمسك بمزمار. رجل يمسك بمزمار.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man dressed as a film personality with a gun in the lobby of the movie theater. The man inside the movie theater. رجل يرتدي زي شخصية فيلم يحمل بندقية في بهو صالة السينما. الرجل داخل صالة السينما.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Being a dog and holding a ball Dog catches the ball. كلب يجري ويمسك بالكرة كلب يمسك بالكرة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Nothing more than a dog house The enemy of the dog كلب يعدو للمنزل عدو الكلب
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Reclining man on the beach A woman lying on the beach. رجل مستلق على الشاطئ امرأة مستلقية على الشاطئ.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two adults and two children sitting on a park bench while someone takes a picture. Two children whisper in the season while Ergbhma else. شخصان بالغان وطفلان يجلسان على مقعد في حديقة بينما يقوم شخص ما بالتقاط صورة. يتهامس طفلان في فصل بينما يرقبهما آخر .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Asian woman smiles for the camera Small Asian girl Taatsta funny face for television cameras. امرأة أسيوية تبتسم لكاميرا فتاة آسيوية صغيرة تتصتع وجها مضحكا لكاميرة التلفزيون.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Woman hates gray pullover. Woman wearing gray pants. امرأة تكره السترة الرمادية. امرأة ترتدي بنطال رمادي.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Dog jogging across the grass. Dog jogging across the grass. كلب يعدو عبر العشب. كلب يعدو عبر العشب.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Woman man have just been finished from their wedding Women enjoy the work required outside with horses. امرأة رجل انتهيا لتوهما من زفافهما تستمتع المرأة بيومها في الخارج مع خيولها.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Mzaour child rides his horse nervously. A woman riding a bull while clowns waiting patiently. طفل مزعور يمتطي بعصبية حصان. امرأة تركب ثورا بينما ينتظر المهرجين بأناة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Woman and a young man in the outside with the animal. Male and female hard-working woman. امرأة ورجل صغير في الخارج مع حيوان. ذكر وامرأة أنثى يعملون بجد.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Man kicking another man. An old man falls asleep a little bit. رجل يركل رجل آخر. رجل عجوز يغفو قليلا.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Three girls Icomn Balhqublh on the beach. Tagafzan little girls on the bed. ثلاث فتيات يقومن بالشقبلة على الشاطئ. الفتاتان الصغيرتان تقفزان على السرير.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two men are recited in the train Two women keratosis on the train رجلان يقرآن في القطار امرأتان تقرآن في القطار
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man uses a saw at the show. A boy in the exhibition. رجل يستخدم منشار في المعرض. صبي في المعرض.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A boy on a bicycle ride in the park. There is a girl riding a bike through the park. صبي يركب دراجة ركوب في الحديقة. هناك فتاة تركب الدراجة عبر الحديقة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Woman sunbathing on the beach. Scorched man on the beach. امرأة تسفع على الشاطئ. رجل يسفع على الشاطئ.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Woman wash. The man washes. امرأة تغسل. الرجل يغسل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Child helps his mother. Child spared with his friend. الطفل يساعد أمه. الطفل يدخر مع صديقه.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A row of legs and black shoes with a boy sitting at the end of the row. A man wearing a gray T-shirt put his arm on the wall next to the two men in uniform. صف من الأرجل والأحذية السوداء مع صبي يجلس في نهاية الصف. رجل يرتدي قميصا رمادي يضع ذراعه على حائط بجوار رجلين في زي رسمي.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Factor fit prop attachment. Someone driving a car. عامل يصلح دعامة المرفق. شخص يقود سيارة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Women sitting. All the women were sitting. النساء يجلسون. كل النساء جالسات.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Teenagers on a city bus. Two people in a car on a city street. المراهقون على متن حافلة المدينة. شخصان في سيارة في أحد شوارع المدينة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A group of women offering to the public. Women offering to the public مجموعة من النساء يعرضون للجمهور. النساء يعرضون للجمهور
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Gay men Women are الرجال مثلي الجنس النساء هن
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The man has a black and white scarf around his neck and wearing a black hat. A black man wearing a black shirt, black hat, and sunglasses puts his hand over his mouth. الرجل لديه وشاح أبيض وأسود حول رقبته ويرتدي قبعة سوداء. رجل أسود يرتدي قميصا أسود، وقبعة سوداء، ونظارات شمسية يضع يده حول فمه.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar The band, who wears the yellow and green uniforms Tserali pitch. Orchestra in red and white uniforms. الفرقة الموسيقية التي ترتدي زي أصفر وأخضر تسيرعلي أرض الملعب. فرقة موسيقية في زي أحمر وأبيض.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Friends, enjoy a drink together abroad. A couple talking and are enjoying some drinks. الأصدقاء، يتمتعون معا بمشروب في الخارج. زوجان يتحدثان وهما يتمتعان ببعض المشروبات.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Man blow the trumpet in the band. A man knocks on a drum in a band. رجل ينفخ في البوق في الفرقة الموسيقية. رجل يقرع طبل في فرقة موسيقية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Scientists hate science Students watch a scientific experiment. العلماء يكرهون العلم الطلاب يشاهدون تجربة علمية.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Child chasing ducks in the park happily. Child watching ducks in the park. الطفل يطارد البط في الحديقة بسعادة. الطفل يراقب البط في الحديقة.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Biker in the bike shop. The man entered the bike shop. راكب الدراجة النارية في متجر للدراجات. دخل الرجل متجر للدراجات.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Full of school children. A handful of women in the library with the children. مدرسة ممتلئة بالأطفال. حفنة من النساء في مكتبة مع الأطفال.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Two men and a woman working in the booths. There are four women and a man in the kitchen. رجلان وامرأة يعملون في مقصورات. هناك أربع نساء ورجل في المطبخ.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Women learn sewing girl. The girl women will learn that weaves. المرأة تعلم الفتاة الحياكة. سوف تعلم المرأة الفتاة أن تنسج.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar There are boat resisting the sloping river area between Ckrtin. There are boat ramps in the area between the river Ckrtin. هناك زورق يقاوم في منطقة النهر المنحدرة بين صخرتين . هناك زورق في منطقة النهر المنحدرة بين صخرتين .
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Classmates room watching a movie. A small child sitting in his room. غرفة زملاء الصف يشاهدون فيلما. طفل صغير يجلس في غرفته.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Young plays the unity of the general gaming controllers. A group of children playing video games at a friend's house. شاب يلعب بوحدة تحكم الألعاب العامة. مجموعة من الاطفال يلعبون ألعاب الفيديو في منزل أحد الأصدقاء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Man trying to communicate. A man tries to access to work. رجل يحاول التواصل. رجل يحاول الوصول للعمل.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar A man wearing a yellow skating, jumping over a barrel. Someone on a mountain with green glider. رجل يرتدي أصفر يتزلج قفزا فوق برميل. شخص على جبل معه طائرة شراعية خضراء.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Some people do not waving flags. People waving. بعض الناس لا يلوحون بأعلام. الناس يلوحون.
STS2017 track1.ar-ar Stick maintained by a person with dark clothing. A man walks in front of an old house Garmtala عصا ممسوكة من قبل شخص ذي ملابس داكنة. رجل يسير أمام منزل قديم غيرمطلي
STS2017 track2.ar-en two men are crying Two men laughing. two men are crying رجلان يضحكان.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A tired businessman takes a quick nap while riding the train. A man finds time to take a nap in the electric car. A tired businessman takes a quick nap while riding the train. يجد رجل الوقت لأخذ غفوة في سيارته الكهربائية.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man working on a light that has been broken for a week. The women work hard on a crooked down. A man working on a light that has been broken for a week. كان يوم عمل المرأة شاقا وهي ملتوية للأسفل .
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is attempting to fix the air compressor. A man uses a high-power hose to put out the fire. A man is attempting to fix the air compressor. رجل يستخدم خرطوما فائق القوة لإخماد الحريق .
STS2017 track2.ar-en a twelve year old girl eats chocolate ice cream Girl eat ice cream. a twelve year old girl eats chocolate ice cream فتاة تأكل آيس كريم.
STS2017 track2.ar-en a man holds a pro Judea protest sign at a protest rally A man holds a sign of protest a man holds a pro Judea protest sign at a protest rally رجل يحمل لافتة احتجاج
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman holds a little boy wearing a blue sweatshirt. A woman carrying a child smiling, wearing a blue shirt. A woman holds a little boy wearing a blue sweatshirt. امرأة تحمل طفلا مبتسما يرتدي قميصا أزرق.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A bike riding blond child. The girl riding her bike. A bike riding blond child. الفتاة تركب دراجتها .
STS2017 track2.ar-en people are in the road People near the road people are in the road الناس بالقرب من الطريق
STS2017 track2.ar-en The windows are tall. The windows open. The windows are tall. النوافذ مفتوحة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is being chased by the police. Police arrest man A man is being chased by the police. تعتقل الشرطة رجلا
STS2017 track2.ar-en A girl has binoculars A young girl carrying a camera A girl has binoculars فتاة شابة تحمل كاميرا
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two people ride red bikes. Two men are leading the way to another Two people ride red bikes. رجلان يقودان إلى آخر الطريق
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two people are standing next to each other wearing pink. There are three men, two of them wearing Qmichin Ohmaren Thertheran together Two people are standing next to each other wearing pink. هناك ثلاثة رجال، اثنان منهما يرتديان قميصين أحمرين يثرثران معا
STS2017 track2.ar-en A black woman is buying donuts at the store. Women look at the shampoo at a grocery store. A black woman is buying donuts at the store. المرأة تنظر إلى الشامبو في محل للبقالة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man works in the local market. A group of traders working in the market. The man works in the local market. مجموعة من التجار يعملون في السوق.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman in red wears glasses and long earrings. Woman wearing glasses, big earrings, and a lid on her head. A woman in red wears glasses and long earrings. امرأة تلبس نظارات، وأقراطا كبيرة، وغطاء على رأسها.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Skateboarder in midair at a park. Man outdoor skate park. Skateboarder in midair at a park. رجل في الهواء الطلق حديقة تزلج.
STS2017 track2.ar-en a man working the kinks out of his old bones The man works in his hand a man working the kinks out of his old bones الرجل يعمل بيده
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman in a one-piece bathing suit with a man on a boardwalk on a foggy day. A man wearing a suit and a woman wearing a wedding dress walking on the sidewalk wet. A woman in a one-piece bathing suit with a man on a boardwalk on a foggy day. رجل يرتدي بذلة وامرأة ترتدي ثوب زفاف يسيران على رصيف مبتلّ.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man in a blue shirt helping a man in a red shirt fix a car. A man with a blue shirt a red shirt helps a man to fit a bicycle path A man in a blue shirt helping a man in a red shirt fix a car. رجل ذو قميص أزرق يساعد رجلا ذا قميص أحمر ليصلح مسار دراجة
STS2017 track2.ar-en A girl kneels on the ground with her friend. Or stretched out on the ground with her son A girl kneels on the ground with her friend. تفترش أم الأرض مع ابنها
STS2017 track2.ar-en The gymnast is a few feet off the ground. Someone in the air with skis on his feet. The gymnast is a few feet off the ground. شخص في الهواء مع الزلاجات على أقدامه.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Boy walks past man in orange overalls who is sweeping garbage from the street. Women carrying a black bag cross the street. Boy walks past man in orange overalls who is sweeping garbage from the street. المرأة التي تحمل حقيبة سوداء تعبر الشارع.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two men are trying to drink beer while tubing. Two women carrying drinks and two PAG. Two men are trying to drink beer while tubing. إمرأتان تحملان مشروبات وهما تسيران.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is riding a jet ski. Dog riding a plane. The man is riding a jet ski. كلب يركب طائرة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Girls are standing up. Girls stood by. Girls are standing up. الفتيات واقفات .
STS2017 track2.ar-en men sitting on their couch while eating bull Two women Tjlsan to table their clothes resemble frogs men sitting on their couch while eating bull امرأتان تجلسان إلى طاولة ملابسهما تشبه الضفادع
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is bending down in a park next to a woman on a bike. A man in a wheelchair walking down the sidewalk A man is bending down in a park next to a woman on a bike. رجل في كرسي متحرك يسير أسفل الرصيف
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two men on a platform Four men on the platform. Two men on a platform أربعة رجال على منصة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The homeless man is alone in his box. Man Home Alone The homeless man is alone in his box. الرجل وحيدا في المنزل
STS2017 track2.ar-en A bunch of people gathered on a beach. A group of people on the beach. A bunch of people gathered on a beach. مجموعة من الناس على الشاطئ.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The girl is sitting and drinking water. Sitting girl drink water. The girl is sitting and drinking water. فتاة جالسة تشرب ماء .
STS2017 track2.ar-en A lady shows a guy a reptile while another child is in the background. Girl picks up the image of an older in a wide garden Girl A lady shows a guy a reptile while another child is in the background. فتاة تلتقط صورة لفتاة أكبر سنا في حديقة واسعة
STS2017 track2.ar-en The people are not clapping. People all Aapson. The people are not clapping. الأشخاص كلهم عابسون.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Jockeys race the fast horses. Varsan Atsabakan on horseback. Jockeys race the fast horses. فارسان يتسابقان على الخيل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en They are playing with an antique set. The men next to the table. They are playing with an antique set. الرجال بجوار طاولة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The people are in the water. People in the water. The people are in the water. الناس في الماء.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A young man who looks Oriental is selling things. Like the young girl is not her shoe boots. A young man who looks Oriental is selling things. تحب الفتاة الشابة حذاء ليس حذاءها.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A group of women practice yoga in the backyard of a yellow house. A group of people sitting in a swimsuit on a beach in yoga postures. A group of women practice yoga in the backyard of a yellow house. مجموعة من الأشخاص يجلسون في ملابس السباحة على شاطئ في أوضاع اليوغا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The boy is ready to take a swing at a ball using a bat. A boy prepares to catch a ball. The boy is ready to take a swing at a ball using a bat. صبي يستعد لإمساك كرة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Four women wearing bicycle riding clothing sit on a bench. Two men sitting on the grass wearing bicycle helmets. Four women wearing bicycle riding clothing sit on a bench. رجلان يجلسان على العشب يرتديان خوذات الدراجات.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is taking a picture of the Empire State Building. Women in the military. The man is taking a picture of the Empire State Building. المرأة في الجيش.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The people are sleeping in the snow. People in the snow. The people are sleeping in the snow. الناس في الثلج.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The insect is from Mars. Insect fly. The insect is from Mars. الحشرة تطير.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A group of people eating outdoors. A group of people eat A group of people eating outdoors. مجموعة من الناس يأكلون
STS2017 track2.ar-en A teenage pole vaulter is performing. Slider performs a jump. A teenage pole vaulter is performing. المتزلج ينفذ قفزة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The girl is learning how to use a microscope. An elderly woman showing how to use the washing table to do the laundry. The girl is learning how to use a microscope. امراة كبيرة فى السن تظهر كيفية استخدام طاولة الغسيل للقيام بالغسيل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two men dressed in white shirts button down shirts, white hats, with blue scarves tied around their necks Three men dressed in red and white striped shirts, white shorts and black hats carrying flags. Two men dressed in white shirts button down shirts, white hats, with blue scarves tied around their necks ثلاثة رجال يرتدون أقمصة حمراء وبيضاء مخططة، وسراويل بيضاء وقبعات سوداء يحملون أعلاما.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is that just purchased and put on a rainbow colored necklace and is very happy. A man and a child on the sand. A man is that just purchased and put on a rainbow colored necklace and is very happy. رجل وطفل على الرمل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The young boys are brothers. Neonates two little brothers. The young boys are brothers. الولدان الصغيران شقيقان .
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two kids are in a field. Two dogs were working in a field Two kids are in a field. كلبان يعملان في حقل
STS2017 track2.ar-en There were only strawberries to eat at the baby shower. People at the ceremony newborn There were only strawberries to eat at the baby shower. الناس في حفل الوليد
STS2017 track2.ar-en There is a bear in the jewelry store. Women in the store looking for things in supplies There is a bear in the jewelry store. المرأة في المتجر تبحث عن أشياء في المؤن
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is holding a computer monitor. A man working in the window. A man is holding a computer monitor. رجل يعمل في نافذة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en the man is using a heat suit control the flame A man using a blowtorch to melt the plastic. the man is using a heat suit control the flame رجل يستخدم موقد اللحام لإذابة البلاستيك.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Superman breaks down the sign so the group may pass Bull is trying to take a man's back Superman breaks down the sign so the group may pass الثور يحاول إلقاء الرجل للخلف
STS2017 track2.ar-en The people are standing in line at the water slide. A group of people look through the fence on the water and land covered by fog. The people are standing in line at the water slide. مجموعة من الناس ينظرون عبر السور على الماء والأراضي المغطاة بالضباب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A child is laying in a bed in a medical setting. Child in bed. A child is laying in a bed in a medical setting. طفل في سرير.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman pops a bubble. Girl blowing bubble by stick A woman pops a bubble. فتاة تنفخ فقاعة بواسطة عصا
STS2017 track2.ar-en The 2 drunk men are standing in the street getting ready for a fist fight. The man with the red shirt sitting in his car waiting for the rain to stop The 2 drunk men are standing in the street getting ready for a fist fight. الرجل ذو القميص الأحمر جالس في سيارته في انتظار المطر أن يتوقف
STS2017 track2.ar-en The dog is chasing a lizard. Dog chasing a ghost. The dog is chasing a lizard. الكلب يطارد شبحا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A women and two children are walking between buildings in the rain with an umbrella. Two women in a field with no buildings surrounded by. A women and two children are walking between buildings in the rain with an umbrella. امرأتان في حقل بلا مبان تحيط بهما.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A person asking for directions Someone asks for guidance. A person asking for directions شخص يسأل عن إرشاد.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The woman is trying to make the man get up. Wife angry tourists from the man who can not work his mind. The woman is trying to make the man get up. زوجة السائح غاضبة من الرجل الذي لا يستطيع أن يُعمِل عقله.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Roller blade cops are talking. Few men are leap background. Roller blade cops are talking. قليل من الرجال يقومون بقفزة خلفية.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A tall human falling Tall man jumped. A tall human falling إنسان طويل القامة قفز.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A Chinese farmer is working in a rice field Asian farmer walking in a rice field with an ox. A Chinese farmer is working in a rice field مزارع آسيوي يمشي في حقل أرز مع ثور.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A father rides a horse while his daughter stands nearby. A man riding a bike, ride his daughter by his side. A father rides a horse while his daughter stands nearby. رجل يركب دراجة، تركب ابنته بجانبه.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The men try to show the coach what they're made of. Both men are at the wheel of commanded them to get the job done. The men try to show the coach what they're made of. كلا الرجلين في عجلة من امرهما لانجاز المهمة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en a man smokes a cigarette. Woman smoking a cigarette a man smokes a cigarette. امرأة تدخن سيجارة
STS2017 track2.ar-en A player catches the football in the end zone. Football player runs to the latter region. A player catches the football in the end zone. لاعب كرة القدم يركض إلى المنطقة الأخيرة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The band is performing on a stage. The band on stage. The band is performing on a stage. الفرقة على خشبة المسرح.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The beam is firmly in place. Proven lighting the lamp on the floor. The beam is firmly in place. ثُبِّت مصباح الإنارة على الأرض.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The family gets a portrait taken The man picks up a picture of his girlfriend. The family gets a portrait taken يلتقط الرجل صورة لصديقته.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A group of children are stretching. There are a group of children abroad. A group of children are stretching. توجد مجموعة من الأطفال في الخارج.
STS2017 track2.ar-en People walk by through a city juggling. People walk through the city. People walk by through a city juggling. الناس يدخلون من خلال المدينة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is walking by a mural. A man walks from the plate. The man is walking by a mural. رجل يسير من اللوحة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A lone woman walks in the surf at the beach. A woman walks among the waves on the beach. A lone woman walks in the surf at the beach. امرأة يمشي بين الأمواج على الشاطئ.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man in a white shirt and a woman in a black shirt riding a motorcycle. A man wearing jeans, a red shirt riding a motorcycle on the highway. A man in a white shirt and a woman in a black shirt riding a motorcycle. رجل يرتدي الجينز، وقميصا أحمر يركب دراجة نارية على الطريق السريع.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two men are searching for canned goods Two men peddling vegetables. Two men are searching for canned goods رجلان يبيعان الخضار.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A sharp looking man is cruising in the sunshine. A man offers tricks on a bike is very high in the air. A sharp looking man is cruising in the sunshine. رجل يقدم حيلا على دراجة مرتفعا جدا في الهواء.
STS2017 track2.ar-en a boy steals an apple alone A man with a game someone. a boy steals an apple alone رجل لديه لعبة شخص ما.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman is training to be an expert shot with a pistol. A man uses a wheelchair talking in a field for a few women. A woman is training to be an expert shot with a pistol. رجل يستخدم كرسيا متحركا يتحدث في حقل لبضع نساء.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A mother is cutting fabric into squares for a quilt. A woman cut off the canvas. A mother is cutting fabric into squares for a quilt. امرأة تقطع القماش.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The small boy is sleeping. There is a boy near the shoes. The small boy is sleeping. هناك صبي بالقرب من الأحذية.
STS2017 track2.ar-en woman goes grocery shopping Woman grocery shopping woman goes grocery shopping امرأة تسوق البقالة
STS2017 track2.ar-en the father plays catch with his son A father and his sons play basketball. the father plays catch with his son يلعب أب وأبنائه كرة السلة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man cuts a melon. A man cut a cake. A man cuts a melon. رجل يقطع كعكة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en An asian woman with a microphone stands amongst a crowd of raised hands. A woman standing in a crowd of people in Asia. An asian woman with a microphone stands amongst a crowd of raised hands. امرأة تقف في حشد من الناس في آسيا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en She is watching a movie inside. A man sitting and watching a movie. She is watching a movie inside. رجل يجلس ويشاهد فيلم.
STS2017 track2.ar-en two black dogs on the beach Three black dogs on the beach. two black dogs on the beach ثلاثة كلاب سوداء على الشاطئ.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man's hands are full. Women wore their hands on the man's head. The man's hands are full. النساء يضعن أيديهن على رأس الرجل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Humans in shirts. Dog and chicken have the same colors. Humans in shirts. الكلب والدجاج لهما نفس الألوان.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman is taking a break from reading her book. A young woman takes a photo during a short break from her job as a waitress. A woman is taking a break from reading her book. امرأة شابة تأخذ صورة أثناء استراحة قصيرة من وظيفتها كنادلة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is waiting on someone by the building. Man standing building to wait for someone. The man is waiting on someone by the building. رجل يقف إلى مبنى الانتظار لشخص ما.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is sleeping while the woman watches silently. An old sleeps naked on her own. A man is sleeping while the woman watches silently. عجوز تنام عارية بمفردها.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man plays piano with his shoes. A man plays the violin, smiling. A man plays piano with his shoes. رجل يلعب الكمان مبتسما.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two kids having a snowball fight. Two girls Taataarcan padding. Two kids having a snowball fight. فتاتان تتعاركان بالوسادة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A girl is crying in the park. A baby crying in the garden. A girl is crying in the park. رضيع يبكي في الحديقة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is playing a round of golf. Sad man in the game. The man is playing a round of golf. أُحزِن الرجل في اللعبة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A canine is in the field. The man in the field. A canine is in the field. الرجل في الميدان.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A mountain biker jumps off of a fence while going downhill. Skater man steeper incline sharply. A mountain biker jumps off of a fence while going downhill. رجل متزلج انحدر انحدارا حادا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman uses a high tech sewing machine to make a scarf Woman using a sewing machine for garment. A woman uses a high tech sewing machine to make a scarf تستخدم امرأة ماكينة خياطة لصناعة الملابس.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Group of black men loading luggage onto the top of a bus A group of men are loading the goods on the back of the car. Group of black men loading luggage onto the top of a bus مجموعة من الرجال يقومون تحميل البضائع على الجزء الخلفي من السيارة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en An artist drawing. Artist paints. An artist drawing. فنان يرسم.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The people are not standing. All people are standing. The people are not standing. الناس كلهم واقفون.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two guys are having lunch in a Chinese restaurant. Two women waiting for a meal in a restaurant. Two guys are having lunch in a Chinese restaurant. امرأتان تنتظران وجبة في أحد المطاعم.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A boy is putting his black socks and shoes on his feet. Black boy take off his shoes. A boy is putting his black socks and shoes on his feet. صبي يقلع حذائه الأسود.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is standing next to a sheep. A man standing next to a dog. The man is standing next to a sheep. رجل يقف بجانب كلب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Young man in blue shirt peering through a large bubble. A man wearing a white shirt and sunglasses staring at the horizon. Young man in blue shirt peering through a large bubble. رجل يرتدي قميصا أبيض ونظارات شمسية يحدق في الأفق.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman sits fanning herself The red-haired woman sitting inside A woman sits fanning herself وقالت امرأة ذات الشعر الأحمر يجلس داخل
STS2017 track2.ar-en The blow-up figure is Karl Marx. A panel of Albert Einstein on a bear. The blow-up figure is Karl Marx. هناك لوحة لألبرت أينشتاين وهو على دب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A male and female worker is whipping up a meal. A man wearing female food Luna offers rosy. A male and female worker is whipping up a meal. يقدم رجل الطعام لأنثى ترتدي لونا ورديا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Workers are standing near the tracks. Two factors in the sun Workers are standing near the tracks. عاملان في الشمس
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two kids wearing cold clothing look happily down through a tire swing for a picture. Two children dressed in warm clothes looking at below them happily through the swing frames in order to take a picture. Two kids wearing cold clothing look happily down through a tire swing for a picture. طفلان يرتديان ملابس دافئة ينظران تحتهما بسعادة عبر إطارات الأرجوحة من أجل التقاط صورة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en people walking a standing in a city park. People sitting in a public park. people walking a standing in a city park. أناس جالسون في حديقة عامة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en men sitting on steps with a dog Two men talking with another man in the balcony men sitting on steps with a dog رجلان يتحدثان مع رجل آخر في الشرفة
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two men with long hair sit on sofas. Two men dressed in black T-shirts put up a man a man under their laptops on the couch own. Two men with long hair sit on sofas. رجلان يرتديان قمصانا سوداء يضعان رجلا على رجل تحت أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة الخاصة بهم على الأريكة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en two children riding horses in a rural setting while playing lacrosse Girls tend to the house. two children riding horses in a rural setting while playing lacrosse الفتيات يتجهن للمنزل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man tying his shoe at a beach. A man takes a break with his dog in a public park. A man tying his shoe at a beach. رجل يأخذ استراحة مع كلبه في حديقة عامة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Three people hang out on top of a big hill. A group of men in the back of a truck Al loud high Three people hang out on top of a big hill. مجموعة من الرجال في الجزء الخلفي من سيارة نقل عل مرتفع عال
STS2017 track2.ar-en A car is driving in the mud. The man in the truck driven away. A car is driving in the mud. الرجل في الشاحنة يقودها مبتعدا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A little boy got his pants wet. The boy wet his pants. A little boy got his pants wet. بلل الصبي سرواله.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A group of women yelling at a man. Two men shouting at a woman in the market. A group of women yelling at a man. رجلان يصرخان في امرأة في السوق.
STS2017 track2.ar-en the woman was driving fast Men, nor the beasts thereof in speedboat the woman was driving fast رجل و حيوانه في قارب سريع
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two men chatting about a bank heist. A group of men were gathered around a broken Below are a car. Two men chatting about a bank heist. مجموعة من الرجال متجمعون حول سيارة مكسورة بالأسفل .
STS2017 track2.ar-en The person is dead. Person dead. The person is dead. الشخص ميت.
STS2017 track2.ar-en a group of basketball players trying to get the ball from another player. Basketball player trying to take the ball from another. a group of basketball players trying to get the ball from another player. لاعب كرة سلة يحاول أخذ الكرة من آخر.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two girls are reading books outside. Three girls keratosis books. Two girls are reading books outside. ثلاث فتيات تقرأن كتبا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A boy in a black t-shirt gets ready to throw. Toddler gets a black horse. A boy in a black t-shirt gets ready to throw. طفل صغير يحصل على حصان أسود.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A snowboarder jumping high. Skater jumps aloft while he is on a skateboard. A snowboarder jumping high. متزلج يقفز عاليا بينما هو على لوح التزلج .
STS2017 track2.ar-en Child playing with a hula hoop in his home A child plays Bhola hop. Child playing with a hula hoop in his home طفل يلعب بهولا هوب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is woman are in a relationship. Women talking. The man is woman are in a relationship. المرأة تتحدث.
STS2017 track2.ar-en An audience at a concert. Representative on stage at the ceremony An audience at a concert. ممثل على خشبة المسرح في حفل
STS2017 track2.ar-en the adults are inside Adults are sitting at home. the adults are inside بالغين يجلسون في الداخل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en There is a group of young men playing instruments. There are a group of men playing music. There is a group of young men playing instruments. هناك مجموعة من الرجال يعزفون الموسيقى.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A baby is chewing on his fingers while wearing a cute blue striped outfit. A small girl wearing a red shirt and jacket inflated bubble in a big stick. A baby is chewing on his fingers while wearing a cute blue striped outfit. فتاة صغيرة ترتدي قميصا أحمر و سترة تنفخ فقاعة في عصا كبيرة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en There are only two athletes Some men running There are only two athletes بعض الرجال يركضون
STS2017 track2.ar-en The girl is a starving, homeless child in Africa, and missionaries have given her bread to eat. A man offers food for children. The girl is a starving, homeless child in Africa, and missionaries have given her bread to eat. رجل يقدم طعاما لطفل .
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man in a green shirt making a cup. A man carrying a blue shirt Cuba. A man in a green shirt making a cup. رجل بقميص أزرق يحمل كوبا .
STS2017 track2.ar-en An older woman had a cart full of groceries. Man driving his cart full of purchases. An older woman had a cart full of groceries. رجل يقود عربته المليئة بالمشتريات .
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man carrying steel beams across a lumberyard. Furniture sits inside a moving truck on a slope. A man carrying steel beams across a lumberyard. أثاث يقبع داخل شاحنة متحركة في منحدر.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The food the child is eating is sweet. The boy eats food. The food the child is eating is sweet. الصبي يأكل طعاما.
STS2017 track2.ar-en a player throwing a ball is tackled by another A player throws a ball. a player throwing a ball is tackled by another لاعب يرمي كرة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Black dog playing with toys A young boy Btaban short red laughs. Black dog playing with toys صبي صغير بتبان قصير أحمر يضحك.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The elderly man is resting on his bicycle. The man sits waiting for his role. The elderly man is resting on his bicycle. الرجل يجلس منتظرا دوره .
STS2017 track2.ar-en Man sitting at the end of a row of green chairs by some payphones. People are folding chairs look of a cliff. Man sitting at the end of a row of green chairs by some payphones. أشخاص على كراسي قابلة للطي ينظرون من منحدر .
STS2017 track2.ar-en The people are doing the back stroke. People are taking a break. The people are doing the back stroke. الناس يأخذون استراحة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The woman is wearing a uniform Woman wearing a hat. The woman is wearing a uniform المرأة ترتدي قبعة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The carpenter is taking a break. Al-Najjar was taking a break. The carpenter is taking a break. كان النجار يأخذ استراحة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A baby in pink is held. Woman Ford is food for children in blue sitting under the table. A baby in pink is held. إمرأة بالوردي تعد طعاما لطفل بالأزرق يجلس تحت الطاولة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Someone is dressed in clothing and putting her face in front of a talking tube. Woman green shirt and carrying a camera and surrounded by a group of people. Someone is dressed in clothing and putting her face in front of a talking tube. إمرأة بقميص أخضر وتحمل كاميرا و محاصرة من مجموعة من الناس.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A brown dog with a blue collar is running. Brown dog wearing a blue gasket being on the grass. A brown dog with a blue collar is running. كلب بني يرتدي طوقا أزرق يجري على العشب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two dogs are playing in a yard. Two dogs playing in the park. Two dogs are playing in a yard. كلبان في منتزه يلعبان .
STS2017 track2.ar-en A dog with a Frisbee in its mouth is running through snow. A dog is being built in the snow dish bird in his mouth. A dog with a Frisbee in its mouth is running through snow. كلب بني يجري في الثلج بطبق طائر في فمه.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two women standing near the subway There are three women standing at the bus station. Two women standing near the subway هناك ثلاث نساء يقفن في محطة الحافلة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en This marketplace features multiple vendors selling fruits, vegetables, and other items. Fruit market center offers artichokes, and many different types of fruit. This marketplace features multiple vendors selling fruits, vegetables, and other items. مركز سوق الفاكهة يعرض الخرشوف، والعديد من أنواع مختلفة من الفاكهة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Man sleeps outside store A man sleeps outside. Man sleeps outside store رجل ينام خارجا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is racing down the mountain. The man skating down the mountain. The man is racing down the mountain. الرجل يتزلج أسفل الجبل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Four Mormons walking along the beach. Two people walking along the beach. Four Mormons walking along the beach. شخصان يمشيان على طول الشاطئ.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man in a black swimming suit is holding onto the edge of a in ground pool. Woman suit pool stick to the edge of the swimming pool. A man in a black swimming suit is holding onto the edge of a in ground pool. إمرأة ببدلة سباحة تتمسك بحافة بركة السباحة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is using a shopping cart. A man walks through the Wal-Mart with a cart full of things. The man is using a shopping cart. رجل يسير عبر وول مارت مع عربة مليئة بالأشياء.
STS2017 track2.ar-en People walk beside a stone wall. A man walks down the corridor of a set of interfaces shops. People walk beside a stone wall. رجل يسير أسفل ممر من مجموعة من واجهات محلات تجارية.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man play football in the park. A man plays football in the park. A man play football in the park. رجل يلعب كرة القدم في المنتزه.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two young individuals are playing drummer boys using soda cans and drumsticks Two children playing with knives. Two young individuals are playing drummer boys using soda cans and drumsticks طفلان يلعبان بالسكاكين.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is sleeping with a small dog. A man with a small dog. A man is sleeping with a small dog. رجل لديه كلب صغير.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The jeep crashes onto some rocks. Many of the cars parked on a mountain. The jeep crashes onto some rocks. كثير من السيارات متوقفة على جبل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A band performs on a sidewalk. Band playing on the sidewalk. A band performs on a sidewalk. فرقة تعزف على الرصيف.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The boy had a black hat and red shirt on while skateboarding. A young boy wearing a blue shirt and red hat afternoon. The boy had a black hat and red shirt on while skateboarding. ظهر صبي صغير يرتدي قميصا أزرق وقبعة حمراء.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The young man is jumping. A little boy jumps. The young man is jumping. هناك ولد صغير يقفز.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A reader is telling the children a story A person reading a book. A reader is telling the children a story شخص يقرأ كتابا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man with a suit and a name tag is sitting outside, waiting to start a presentation. Woman suit talking to a man on a bench. A man with a suit and a name tag is sitting outside, waiting to start a presentation. إمرأة ببدلة تتحدث إلى رجل على مقعد .
STS2017 track2.ar-en Boy laughs while playing in mud puddle. A boy wearing the pool screaming while being sprayed with water. Boy laughs while playing in mud puddle. صبي بلبس سباحة يصرخ في حين يجرى رشه بالماء.
STS2017 track2.ar-en a man examining plants The man cultivated plants. a man examining plants الرجل يزرع نباتات.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The children stole a bike A woman in a white bikini driving a bicycle, and people walking and driving behind her. The children stole a bike امرأة في بيكيني أبيض تقود دراجة هوائية، والناس يمشون ويقودون خلفها.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man stops for a picture with the scenery during his hike. A man takes a picture of the view never seen before. A man stops for a picture with the scenery during his hike. رجل يأخذ صورة لمنظر لم يره من قبل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Teenagers are swimming. Three teenagers swimming. Teenagers are swimming. ثلاثة مراهقين يسبحون.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Man riding his bike in the street. A young man riding his bicycle in the street. Man riding his bike in the street. شاب يركب دراجته في الشارع.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A toddler in a frilly dress shows her joy. A woman dressed in a colorful walk. A toddler in a frilly dress shows her joy. امرأة ترتدي ثوبا ملونا تمشي.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The child in a jacket has a round toy. Woman connecting shoe girl wearing purple. The child in a jacket has a round toy. امرأة تربط حذاء فتاة ترتدي الأرجواني.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman teaching a young girl not to be afraid of puppies. A woman talks to the children. A woman teaching a young girl not to be afraid of puppies. امرأة تتحدث إلى الأطفال.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man and child are riding an elephant. Woman and child riding an animal. A man and child are riding an elephant. امرأة وطفل يركبون دابة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Three men are drinking apple juice while on the beach. Two men allowances been drinking coffee on the opposite tables. Three men are drinking apple juice while on the beach. رجلان ببدلات يشربان القهوة على طاولات متقابلة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A group of people. hreesome. A group of people. مجموعة من ثلاثة أشخاص.
STS2017 track2.ar-en people in a house People talk outside the home. people in a house يتحدث الناس خارج منزل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The road is closed down. sunsets. The road is closed down. الشمس تغرب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two people kissing. Two people were not kissing. Two people kissing. شخصان لا يقبلان بعضهما.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A sad male is playing electric guitar while wearing a white hat. A man playing electric guitar, wearing a white hat. A sad male is playing electric guitar while wearing a white hat. رجل يلعب الغيتار الكهربائي مرتدياً قبعة بيضاء.
STS2017 track2.ar-en the beach is mainly isolated except for a few families and some rain Some people in the jungle. the beach is mainly isolated except for a few families and some rain بعض الناس في غابة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A black mother and five children in a rural area A man with his son on a horse farm in the rural areas. A black mother and five children in a rural area رجل مع ولده على الخيل في مناطق ريفية زراعية.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman is assisting a runner by keeping rain off of her and giving her hydration. Woman waiting for the rain with umbrella. A woman is assisting a runner by keeping rain off of her and giving her hydration. امرأة تنتظر المطر مع مظلتها.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The person is making fabric. There is someone with a cloth. The person is making fabric. هناك شخص مع قماش.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Woman in shorts and a t-shirt with seated men, watching someone perform. Women wear shorts and a T-shirt short-sleeve stand by some of the men sitting and watching a monitor or speaker. Woman in shorts and a t-shirt with seated men, watching someone perform. المرأة تلبس سروالا قصيرا وقميصا قصير الأكمام تقف إلى جانب بعض الرجال الجالسين ويشاهدون العرض أو المتحدث.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two adults swing high toward the camera at a playground park. Atorjuhan two adults in the gaming area. Two adults swing high toward the camera at a playground park. شخصان بالغان يتأرجحان في منطقة الألعاب .
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is about to release a ball. A woman on the verge of throwing a ball. A man is about to release a ball. امرأة على وشك قذف كرة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en People from a bike race. People in the cycling race. People from a bike race. الناس في سباق الدراجات.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A young girl is throwing food to some ducks in a pond. A little girl running during feed the ducks. A young girl is throwing food to some ducks in a pond. فتاة صغيرة تجري أثناء إطعام البط.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A person swimming underwater poses for a picture with some underwater vegetation. The man generally goofy underwater while swimming in a pool. A person swimming underwater poses for a picture with some underwater vegetation. رجل يقوم بوجه أبله تحت الماء في بركة أثناء السباحة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The trees had a dog near them. A man outside near the water The trees had a dog near them. رجل في الخارج قريب من الماء
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two surfers are competing in the open water against each other. Kalban Ptsabakan with each other in the water. Two surfers are competing in the open water against each other. كلبان بتسابقان مع بعضهم البعض في الماء.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man in shorts, a sweatshirt, and sneakers is mowing the grass. A woman in a green shirt and black pants running. A man in shorts, a sweatshirt, and sneakers is mowing the grass. امرأة في قميص أخضر وسروال أسود تركض.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman is running on a lawn. People dressed in white sitting on a bicycle. A woman is running on a lawn. شخص في زي أبيض يجلس على دراجة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en City workers are helpful. Help people abroad. City workers are helpful. الناس تساعد في الخارج.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A snowboarder wearing a blue jacket and green pants running from an avalanche. A man wearing a blue jacket and brown trousers walking on foot to the top of the mountain. A snowboarder wearing a blue jacket and green pants running from an avalanche. رجل يرتدي سترة زرقاء وسروال بني يسير مشياً على الأقدام إلى أعلى الجبل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The two kids are fighting each other. Atqatlan two children with each other. The two kids are fighting each other. طفلان يتقاتلان مع بعضهم البعض.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is giving a speech and a woman is holding a cowboy hat. A man talking to a woman holding a cowboy hat. A man is giving a speech and a woman is holding a cowboy hat. رجل يتحدث إلى امرأة تحمل قبعة رعاة البقر.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Tall humans pushing Humans a tall point Tall humans pushing البشر طويلي القامة يشيرون
STS2017 track2.ar-en A boy holding a float. A boy holds a rope. A boy holding a float. صبي يحمل حبل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Children listen to a teacher read a story. Children Aldgron listen to Professor attractive / attractive professor read the story. Children listen to a teacher read a story. الأطفال الضجرون يستمعون إلى أستاذة جذابة/أستاذ جذاب تقرأ القصة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Someone is trying to trim the plants Workers are doing something for the tree. Someone is trying to trim the plants عمال يفعلون شيئا ما لشجرة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The old man is playing a banjo. A man playing the banjo abroad. The old man is playing a banjo. رجل يلعب البانجو في الخارج.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Nobody is wet Athbll man. Nobody is wet الرجل يتبلل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The woman is playing a game inside. A man playing a game abroad. The woman is playing a game inside. رجل يلعب لعبة في الخارج.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman holds a baby on a boat. A man by a woman on a boat. A woman holds a baby on a boat. رجل قبّل امرأة على متن قارب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en An ice skater practices Attractive woman skate on the ice. An ice skater practices امرأة جذابة تتزلج على الجليد.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A group of people standing in a courtyard on a tour looking up at people out on balconies above. A group of young people sitting on the sidewalk at night. A group of people standing in a courtyard on a tour looking up at people out on balconies above. مجموعة من الشباب يقفون على الرصيف في الليل.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A young girl. A little girl holding a little boy. A young girl. فتاة صغيرة تحمل صبيا صغيرا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The woman on the bike was riding fast. A man riding his bike and saw the sunrise. The woman on the bike was riding fast. رجل يركب دراجته ورأى شروق الشمس.
STS2017 track2.ar-en People are walking in a long hallway with blue walls. Many women walk through the building tiled Babaouat Bahia. People are walking in a long hallway with blue walls. العديد من النساء تمشي من خلال بناء قرميدي بعباءات باهية.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A girl braiding her hair. Woman twisted her hair. A girl braiding her hair. امرأة تجدل شعرها.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The woman refused to look at the old camera. Women want the child to look at the camera. The woman refused to look at the old camera. المرأة تريد من الطفل أن ينظر إلى الكاميرا.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Man roller skates for a crowd to watch. The man jumps Motocross while the crowd watched. Man roller skates for a crowd to watch. رجل يقوم بقفزات موتوكروس في حين الحشد يشاهد.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is a the library. The man in the library. The man is a the library. الرجل في المكتبة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A little girl swimming in the ocean. A little boy swimming in the ocean. A little girl swimming in the ocean. صبي صغير يسبح في المحيط.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is flexing his muscles. A man is flexing its muscles. The man is flexing his muscles. رجل يستعرض عضلاته.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two men are fighting over who gets to speak into the microphone. Two women standing back to back. Two men are fighting over who gets to speak into the microphone. اثنان من النساء يقفون ظهراً لظهر.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is doing cartwheels down the street. A man walks down the street quickly. The man is doing cartwheels down the street. رجل يسير بسرعة في الشارع.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A groom and his wife kiss while posing for photos. Bride stand for photos with members of her new husband's family. A groom and his wife kiss while posing for photos. العروس تقف للصور مع أفراد أسرة زوجها الجديد.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Dogs on a mountainside with their heads in the ground. The boy and the dog out of the park with a little snow still on the ground. Dogs on a mountainside with their heads in the ground. الصبي والكلب خارج الحديقة مع القليل من الثلج لا تزال على الأرض.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man with the beard is driving his car. Black man driving with both hands on the steering wheel. The man with the beard is driving his car. الرجل الأسود يقود سيارته بكلتا يديه على عجلة القيادة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en It is raining very lightly. It's snowing profusely It is raining very lightly. إنها تثلج بغزارة
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two children dressed as clowns on ropes performing with other children. Two children dressed as clowns Atorjuhan on the ropes over the other children, who are also in uniform. Two children dressed as clowns on ropes performing with other children. طفلان بزي مهرجين يتأرجحان على الحبال فوق أطفال آخرين، الذين هم أيضا في زي.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A homeless person is taking a nap. A homeless person takes a nap. A homeless person is taking a nap. هناك شخص بلا مأوى يأخذ قيلولة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is sitting watching a parade of clown cars. A man watching the procession. A man is sitting watching a parade of clown cars. رجل يراقب الموكب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Multiple people carry a sesame street float through the streets for a parade. Two people riding a Drajatehma in the street with a person standing on the proximity of them on the sidewalk. Multiple people carry a sesame street float through the streets for a parade. شخصان يركبان دراجاتيهما في الشارع مع شخص يقف على القرب منهما على الرصيف.
STS2017 track2.ar-en two men holding cats. The three men chasing a dog. two men holding cats. الرجال الثلاثة يطاردون كلب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A female is vaulting at the Olympics. Gymnast in the competition. A female is vaulting at the Olympics. لاعبة الجمباز في المسابقة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is eating some cake as he walks. It seems that a man gets a lot of love from the great white shark. A man is eating some cake as he walks. يبدو أن رجل يحصل على الكثير من الحب من سمكة قرش بيضاء ضخمة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man is resting from a wipeout he had due to a hard trick Women take a break. A man is resting from a wipeout he had due to a hard trick تأخذ المرأة استراحة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A person is checking out buildings to buy. A man looks at some of the food on a stick to buying for himself or for another person. A person is checking out buildings to buy. رجل ينظر إلى بعض المواد الغذائية على عصا ليشتري لنفسه أو لشخص آخر.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The man is at the office. The man in the room is the director. The man is at the office. الرجل في الغرفة هو المخرج.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A musician plays guitar while sitting. Musician plays the guitar. A musician plays guitar while sitting. يلعب موسيقي الغيتار.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The biker is riding in a bike race. Women Arkpn bike in the road race. The biker is riding in a bike race. النساء يركبن الدراجة في سباق الطريق.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The Vons shopping carts are being loaded onto the truck by a man. A group of cars parked on the street. The Vons shopping carts are being loaded onto the truck by a man. كانت مجموعة من السيارات متوقفة على الشارع.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The Chinese girl was playing the guitar. Two men play a guitar while they are on a boat. The Chinese girl was playing the guitar. رجلان يلعبان الغيتار بينما هم على متن قارب.
STS2017 track2.ar-en The person is hiding under an umbrella. Person under the umbrella. The person is hiding under an umbrella. شخص تحت مظلة.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A woman and her kids are flying kites. A woman and her children fly kites in the rain. A woman and her kids are flying kites. امرأة وأطفالها يطيّرون الطائرات الورقية في المطر.
STS2017 track2.ar-en A man attempts to get good signal inside an internet cafe. The phone call someone on the sidewalk. A man attempts to get good signal inside an internet cafe. شخص يقوم بمكالمة هاتفية على الرصيف.
STS2017 track2.ar-en Two men learning to use their legs again. Women and men use their hands to make their point. Two men learning to use their legs again. النساء والرجال يستخدمون أيديهم لتقديم وجهة نظرهم.
STS2017 track3.es-es A dog is with a toy. A dog has a toy. Un perro está con un juguete. Un perro tiene un juguete.
STS2017 track3.es-es Children pet a bunny. Children pet a dog. Los niños acarician un conejito. Los niños acarician un perro.
STS2017 track3.es-es People cook on the grill. Pedestrians stare in amazement as two people cook breast on a grill. La gente cocina en la parrilla. Los peatones miran con asombro mientras dos personas cocinan pechuga en una parrilla.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man builds a small sand castle A girl is building a sand castle. El hombre construye un pequeño castillo de arena Una muchacha está construyendo un castillo de arena.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is running behind a sled pulled by four dogs. A man being pulled on a dog sled. Un hombre está corriendo detrás de un trineo tirado por cuatro perros. Un hombre siendo tirado en un trineo por perros.
STS2017 track3.es-es A person doing abseiling. A person is abseiling Una persona haciendo rapel. Una persona esta haciendo rapel
STS2017 track3.es-es People are waiting for car parts. People are waiting for the car. La gente está esperando piezas de autos. La gente está esperando por el auto.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man is excited because this is his first presentation for his new company. A man is playing an instrument he created for money on the street. El hombre está emocionado, ya que esta es su primera presentación para su nueva empresa. Un hombre está tocando un instrumento que él creó por dinero en la calle.
STS2017 track3.es-es A girl in a pink dress stands headfirst. A woman in pink is covering her face with a scarf. Una muchacha en un vestido rosado está parada de cabeza. Una mujer de rosado está cubriendo su rostro con una bufanda.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is piling groups of rocks by the sea. The band is playing inside a small nightclub. Un hombre está apilando grupos de rocas junto al mar. La banda está tocando dentro de un pequeño club nocturno.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man wearing only a towel is standing outside near the water. A man is sitting in front of a water fountain Un hombre vestido sólo con una toalla está de pie fuera cerca del agua. Un hombre se está sentando delante de una fuente de agua
STS2017 track3.es-es The book you read is Harry Potter The man is reading a Harry Potter book. El libro que se lee es Harry Potter El hombre está leyendo un libro de Harry Potter.
STS2017 track3.es-es Man in scottish costume playing bagpipes on a rainy day on the sidewalk. Two girls swaying side by side in a park on a warm day. Hombre con traje escocés tocando la gaita en un día lluvioso en la acera. Dos niñas balanceándose de lado a lado en un parque en un día cálido.
STS2017 track3.es-es Cyclist in a forest covered with snow at night The skier is near the snowy ground. Ciclista en un bosque cubierto de nieve en la noche El esquiador está cerca del suelo cubierto de nieve.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man takes a photo of a girl and she is near the water. A girl is displaying herself in front of her friend. Un hombre toma la foto de una muchacha y ella está cerca del agua. Una muchacha se está exhibiendo delante de su amigo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A lady is singing A lady singing. Una dama está cantando Una dama cantando.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man is a street artist and has people watching his tricks A young man surfs a big wave while others are quiet in the background. El hombre es un artista callejero y tiene gente viendo sus trucos Un joven surfea una gran ola mientras que otros están quietos en el fondo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A captain receiving a prize. After a great performance, the man receives a standing ovation after receiving a prize. Un capitán recibiendo un premio. Después de una gran actuación, el hombre recibe una ovación de pie después de recibir un premio.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man is riding a monocycle with a parrot on his shoulder A woman is riding her bicycle with a helmet on. El hombre está montando un monociclo con un loro en su hombro Una mujer está montando en su bicicleta con un casco puesto.
STS2017 track3.es-es A little boy is holding a wedding ring. A little boy in a suit holds the ring for a wedding. Un niño pequeño está sosteniendo un anillo de bodas. Un niño pequeño en un traje sostiene el anillo para una boda.
STS2017 track3.es-es Each person shown is holding a puppy. A person is talking. Cada persona que se muestra está sosteniendo un cachorro. Una persona está hablando.
STS2017 track3.es-es The girl is enjoying the day. The woman is celebrating New Year. La muchacha está disfrutando del día. La mujer está celebrando Año Nuevo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A young protester holds up a sign against the war. A man waving his hand while giving a speech. Un joven manifestante sostiene un letrero contra la guerra. Una hombre saludando con la mano mientras da un discurso.
STS2017 track3.es-es A couple is sitting on the grass with their feet crossed, and they are kissing. The man and the woman move away from each other. Una pareja está sentanda en el césped con sus pies cruzados, y se están besando. El hombre y la mujer se alejan uno del otro.
STS2017 track3.es-es The water is very warm. The water in the pool is very cold. El agua está muy caliente. El agua de la piscina está muy fría.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two guitarists on both sides of a stage and a drummer behind a red drum in the center. A band placed on the stage, with the guitarist and the bass player in front Dos guitarristas a ambos lados de un escenario y un baterista detrás de una batería roja en el centro. Una banda colocada en el escenario, con el guitarrista y el bajista delante
STS2017 track3.es-es People are about to buy a painting at a fair. A couple of people in a museum looking in the gift shop will potentially buy something. La gente está a punto de comprar una pintura en una feria. Un par de personas en un museo mirando en la tienda de regalos, potencialmente va a comprar algo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A group of girls wearing headscarves poses for a group photo. A girl with a red umbrella and face paint standing next to other girls. Un grupo de niñas que llevan pañuelos en la cabeza posan para una foto grupal. Una niña con un paraguas rojo y pintura de la cara de pie junto a otras chicas.
STS2017 track3.es-es A parade in which there is a woman dressed in white on stilts. There is a girl in a red dress standing on the dock. Un desfile en el cual hay una mujer vestida de blanco sobre zancos. Hay una muchacha en un vestido rojo de pie en el muelle.
STS2017 track3.es-es A young boy sings to a baseball outside the golf course A man and a boy are playing in the water. un chico joven canta a una bola de baseball fuera del campo de golf Un hombre y un niño están jugando en el agua.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman feeling scared on a horse on a snowy mountain A girl sitting in the snow Una mujer sientiéndose asustada en un caballo en una montaña cubierta de nieve Una niña sentada en la nieve
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men in red suits practicing martial arts. Two men in martial arts uniforms training. Dos hombres en trajes rojos practicando artes marciales. Dos hombre en uniformes de artes marciales entrenando.
STS2017 track3.es-es People are standing in public. People are in public. La gente está de pie en público. La gente está en público.
STS2017 track3.es-es A skater in a black hooded sweatshirt running a great rail grind on her skateboard. A skater in a white hooded sweatshirt running a great rail grind on her skateboard. Una patinadora en una sudadera negra con capucha ejecutando un estupendo rail grind en su patineta. Una patinadora en una sudadera blanca con capucha ejecutando un estupendo rail grind en su patineta.
STS2017 track3.es-es A girl in pink pants playing on the floor. A boy in blue pants plays on the floor Una muchacha con pantalón rosado jugando en el suelo. Un niño con pantalón azul juega en el suelo
STS2017 track3.es-es Night game in the small league Soccer players on game day. Juego nocturno en la pequeña liga Jugadores de fútbol en el día del juego.
STS2017 track3.es-es A pink woman is holding her daughter. A woman is walking with her daughter. Una mujer de rosado está sosteniendo a su hija. Una mujer está caminando con su hija.
STS2017 track3.es-es People are watching a rap concert inside the Yankee Stadium The crowd goes crazy over the band La gente está viendo un concierto de rap dentro del estadio yankee La multitud se vuelve loca por la banda
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is watching a small television set in the alcove of a red building. A child with a green balloon is standing outside a large building. Un hombre está viendo un pequeño televisor en la hornacina de un edificio rojo. Un niño con un globo verde está de pie fuera de un edificio grande.
STS2017 track3.es-es Father and son wearing cowboy outfits are watching a rodeo. A little boy and his father are wearing blue plaid shirts and watching a rodeo. Padre e hijo que visten atuendos de vaqueros iguales está viendo un rodeo. Un pequeño niño y su padre están usando camisas de cuadros azules y viendo un rodeo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is holding an advertising sign. A man is holding a sign for a restaurant. Un hombre está sosteniendo un letrero de publicidad. Un hombre está sosteniendo un letrero para un restaurante.
STS2017 track3.es-es The jacket is made of leather The jacket is made of leather La chaqueta está hecha de cuero La chaqueta está hecha de cuero
STS2017 track3.es-es Three women are standing together. Two women are standing together. Tres mujeres están de pie juntas. Dos mujeres están de pie juntas.
STS2017 track3.es-es Little girl playing with her doll A mother plays peek-a-boo with her baby Niña jugando con su muñeca Una madre juega peekaboo con su bebé
STS2017 track3.es-es A man shows some clothes while wearing blue shoes. A man and a woman are wearing hats of different colors for their date. Un hombre muestra alguna ropa mientras usa zapatos azules. Un hombre y una mujer están usando sombreros de colores diferentes para su cita.
STS2017 track3.es-es Three women knitting stockings Women are sewing and knitting baby blankets. Tres mujeres tejiendo medias Las mujeres están cosiendo y tejiendo mantas de bebé.
STS2017 track3.es-es A child is inside. A child is inside. Una niño está dentro. Una niño está dentro.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman in a striped shirt climbs a mountain. A man in a red jacket climbing a mountain Una mujer en una camisa a rayas sube una montaña. Un hombre en una chaqueta roja subiendo una montaña
STS2017 track3.es-es A man with a mustache plays the saxophone. A man with a beard plays the guitar. Un hombre con un bigote toca el saxofón. Un hombre con una barba toca la guitarra.
STS2017 track3.es-es A child is driving a small race car. A child is riding a bicycle. Un niño está conduciendo un pequeño auto de carreras. Un niño está montando una bicicleta.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man threw a stick. The man throws a stick. El hombre lanzó un palo. El hombre lanza un palo.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man wears a blue sweater and is barefoot on a court. The man is standing in a store wearing a blue shirt. El hombre viste un suéter azul y está descalzo en una cancha. El hombre está de pie en una tienda vistiendo una camisa azul.
STS2017 track3.es-es The reflection of the old woman can be seen in a puddle. A woman is standing in a crowd but no one can see her because she is a ghost. El reflejo de la anciana puede ser visto en un charco. Una mujer está de pie en una multitud pero nadie puede verla porque ella es un fantasma.
STS2017 track3.es-es Three men talking seriously at Walmart. Three women staying at night. Tres hombres conversando seriamente en Walmart. Tres mujeres que se quedan por la noche.
STS2017 track3.es-es An amateur is catching a ball in foul A man stands parallel in the air, trying to kick the soccer ball past the goalkeeper. Un aficionado está trando de atrapar una pelota en foul Un hombre está paralelo en el aire, tratando de patear el balón de fútbol más allá del arquero.
STS2017 track3.es-es There is a ball near the field doing where the players run The boys are out in a field. Hay una pelota cerca del campo haciendo donde corren los jugadores Los muchachos están afuera en un campo.
STS2017 track3.es-es The woman is selling dolls that look like barbies. The cute baby is playing with a toy. La mujer está vendiendo muñecas que parecen barbies. El lindo bebé está jugando con un juguete.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman is calling her friend. A man is calling his girlfriend. Una mujer está llamando a su amiga. Un hombre está llamando a su enamorada.
STS2017 track3.es-es An art teacher helping a student. A teacher helps a student in the carpentry class. Un profesor de arte ayudando a un estudiante. Un profesor ayuda a un estudiante en la clase de carpintería.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is getting ready to run a marathon. A man running for a marathon. Un hombre está preparándose para correr una maratón. Un hombre corriendo para un maratón.
STS2017 track3.es-es A stranger is sleeping in an art gallery. A woman is inside an art museum. Un desconocido está durmiendo en una galería de arte. Una mujer está dentro de un museo de arte.
STS2017 track3.es-es People having a barbecue People are at home having dinner. Personas teniendo una barbacoa La gente está en casa cenando.
STS2017 track3.es-es A boy is opening the box containing his new puppy. A man is doing a trick on a board. Un niño está abriendo la caja que contiene a su nuevo perrito. Un hombre está haciendo un truco en un tablero.
STS2017 track3.es-es Everyone was running He goes fast. Todos estaban corriendo Él va rápido.
STS2017 track3.es-es An orchestra is tuning for a private rehearsal. A small orchestra playing for an audience. Una orquesta está afinando para un ensayo privado. Una pequeña orquesta tocando para una audiencia.
STS2017 track3.es-es A dog plays in a field. A dog playing in a field. Un perro juega en un campo. Un perro jugando en un campo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A boy reassures a big dog. A boy throws something for a white dog to catch. Un niño tranquiliza a un perro grande. Un niño lanza algo para que un perro blanco lo atrape.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men play cricket outside. Two men play cricket. Dos hombres juegan cricket afuera. Dos hombres juegan cricket.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is operating machinery. The man is operating machinery. Un hombre está operando maquinaria. El hombre está operando una maquinaria.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man is walking with his bicycle. The man is walking his bike. El hombre está caminando con su bicicleta. El hombre está caminando su bicicleta.
STS2017 track3.es-es 3 basketball players are trying to win a game Two teams of soccer players do not start a game 3 jugadores de baloncesto están tratando de ganar un juego Dos equipos de jugadores de fútbol no comienzan un juego
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men are having a day off. Four men are having a conversation. Dos hombres están teniendo un día de descanso. Cuatro hombres están teniendo una conversación.
STS2017 track3.es-es Imagine looking at a marathon cyclist on his bike, down a hall of people. A man is trying to ride four bikes at the same time. Imagina mirando a un ciclista de maratón en su bicicleta, bajando por un pasillo de gente. Un hombre está tratando de montar cuatro bicicletas al mismo tiempo.
STS2017 track3.es-es Summer really is nice. A couple is enjoying the good day. El verano realmente es agradable. Una pareja está disfrutando del buen día.
STS2017 track3.es-es People drop their flags. People are near the flag. La gente deja caer las banderas. La gente está cerca a la bandera.
STS2017 track3.es-es A crowd prepares for an event. A crowd is waiting for an event to begin. Una multitud se prepara para un evento. Una multitud está esperando que comience un evento.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man bought alone The man read only outside El hombre compró solo El hombre leyó solo afuera
STS2017 track3.es-es A small dog is wearing a ribbon on the street. A small dog jumping on the street. Un pequeño perro lleva un lazo por la calle. Un pequeño perro saltando en la calle.
STS2017 track3.es-es Entrepreneurs are gathered to discuss their latest initiatives. Two men are discussing their business meeting. Los empresarios están reunidos para discutir sus últimas iniciativas. Dos hombres están discutiendo su reunión de negocios.
STS2017 track3.es-es A group of people talk while they huddle in the street Group of people gathered as in a meeting with food in front of them. Un grupo de personas hablan mientras se acurrucan en la calle Grupo de personas reunidas como en una reunión con comida delante de ellos.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman shares her umbrella. A man and a woman holding hands. Una mujer comparte su paraguas. Un hombre y una mujer de la mano.
STS2017 track3.es-es A person is climbing a pole to secure the flag as people look. A person coming down from the mountain. Una persona está subiendo un asta para asegurar la bandera mientras que la gente mira. Una persona bajando de la montaña.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man dodging adversaries with a basketball while another man watches A middle aged man is about to hit a tennis ball with his racket. Un hombre esquivando adversarios con una bola de basquet mientras otro hombre observa Un hombre de mediana edad está a punto de golpear una pelota de tenis con su raqueta.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman harvesting her crops in a swampy area. A woman using a hoe near her crops on a farm Una mujer cosechando sus cultivos en un área pantanosa. Una mujer usando una azada cerca de sus cultivos en una granja
STS2017 track3.es-es A sad man putting black material on the street. A man placing black material on the street. Un hombre triste colocando material negro en la calle. Un hombre colocando material negro en la calle.
STS2017 track3.es-es A series of people standing near a statue of a bull. A golden statue of a man as people walk in front of a restaurant bar. Una serie de personas de pie cerca a una estatua de un toro. Una estatua de oro de una hombre mientras que gente camina frente a un bar de restaurante.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man and his dog on top of a mountain. A man on a horse. Un hombre y su perro en la cima de una montaña. Un hombre encima de un caballo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A little girl wearing a dress at a wedding. A woman wearing a dress and a man wearing a shirt sitting next to the art. Una niña llevando un vestido en una boda. Una mujer llevando un vestido y un hombre llevando una camiseta sentados al lado del arte.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man on a bicycle makes a backflip. Someone is doing a backflip on a bicycle. Un hombre en una bicicleta hace un backflip. Alguien está haciendo un backflip en una bicicleta.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man running on a runner A man is walking on a runner Un hombre corriendo en una corredora Un hombre está caminando en una corredora
STS2017 track3.es-es He was near a bridge. The old man was near the fire. Él estaba cerca de un puente. El anciano estaba cerca del fuego.
STS2017 track3.es-es Elderly people helping each other The man is reviewing his actions before making a comment to the other people. Personas ancianas ayudándonse los unos a los otros El hombre está revisando sus acciones antes de hacer un comentario a las otras personas.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is running in a hurry in the street. The man is driving a bicycle on the street. Un hombre está corriendo de prisa en la calle. El hombre está manejando una bicicleta en la calle.
STS2017 track3.es-es The men are on strike. The two men are putting out the fire. Los hombres están en huelga. Los dos hombres están apagando el fuego.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men observe a chemical reaction. A group of men are outside with guns. Dos hombres observan una reacción química. Un grupo de hombres está afuera con armas.
STS2017 track3.es-es A crowd is looking at a man on stage. A man sings alone on stage for a crowd. Una multitud está mirando a un hombre en el escenario. Un hombre canta solo en el escenario para una multitud.
STS2017 track3.es-es A group is acting for some children A group of children look at a group of adults. Un grupo está actuando para unos niños Un grupo de niños miran a un grupo de adultos.
STS2017 track3.es-es Lady in a dark top, missing with impressions, red stockings and walking shoes Woman walking on the street in high heels, black leggings, black coat and red wallet Dama en un top oscuro, falta con impresioes, medias rojas y zapatos caminando Mujer caminando en la calle con tacones altos, leggins negros, abrigo negro y cartera roja
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman is using a fishing net in the river. A fish is jumping out of the water to catch a fly. Una mujer está usando una red para pescar en el río. Un pez está saltando fuera del agua para atrapar una mosca.
STS2017 track3.es-es There may be a woman under an image of Jesus. There is a person in the picture. Puede haber una mujer bajo una imagen de Jesús. Hay una persona en la fotografía.
STS2017 track3.es-es The older lady is wearing sunglasses to protect her eyes from the bright sun. This man wears sunglasses to keep the sun out of his eyes La señora mayor está usando lentes de sol para proteger sus ojos del sol brillante. Este hombre usa lentes de sol para mantener el sol fuera alejado de sus ojos
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman about to eat fish. A woman about to eat trout. Una mujer a punto de comer pescado. Una mujer a punto de comer trucha.
STS2017 track3.es-es A team of young athletes plans their great victory Your team is winning. Un equipo de atletas jóvenes planea su gran victoria Su equipo está ganando.
STS2017 track3.es-es One cable is larger than the other. One cable is larger than the other. Un cable es más grande que el otro. Un cable es más grande que el otro.
STS2017 track3.es-es A child has a smartphone and nothing else. A man can have a smartphone. Un niño tiene un teléfono inteligente y nada más. Un hombre puede tener un teléfono inteligente.
STS2017 track3.es-es People are outdoors on a mountain. People are standing around for two ATVs on a beach. La gente está al aire libre en una montaña. La gente está de pie alrededor de dos cuatrimotos en una playa.
STS2017 track3.es-es Four women are in the pool. The four women are in a pool Cuatro mujeres están en la piscina. Las cuatro mujeres están en una piscina
STS2017 track3.es-es A girl is trying to hide from her parents A young girl trying to hide from her mom. Una niña está intentando esconderse de sus padres Una muchacha joven tratando de esconderse de su mamá.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men are in their cars in heavy traffic The two people are driving trucks. Dos hombres están en sus autos en tráfico pesado Las dos personas están conduciendo camiones.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men located in a control cabin. Two men from the same military branch are seated on a bus. Dos hombres ubicados en una cabina de control. Dos hombres de la misma rama militar están sentados en un bus.
STS2017 track3.es-es The big black dog is behind the small black dog. The black and white dog is chasing a cat. El perro negro grande está detrás del perro negro pequeño. El perro negro y blanco está persiguiendo un gato.
STS2017 track3.es-es The dog is driving a car. The man is driving a blue car. El perro está conduciendo un auto. El hombre está conduciendo un auto azul.
STS2017 track3.es-es This little girl is excited about the wedding The little girl is looking for something weird. Esta pequeña niña está emocionada por la boda La pequeña niña está buscando algo raro.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man wears a green pole The man wears a green polo shirt. El hombre viste un polo verde El hombre viste una camisa de polo verde.
STS2017 track3.es-es There is no color in the image. There is a sign in this image. No hay color en la imagen. Hay un letrero en esta imagen.
STS2017 track3.es-es A tourist is using binoculars to see the ocean. The dog is about to jump into the water. Un turista está usando los binoculares para ver el océano. El perro está a punto de saltar al agua.
STS2017 track3.es-es A young boy with a coat on his head is holding his goat. A young boy becoming a fool wore his coat on his head and holds a goat. Un muchacho joven con un abrigo en su cabeza está sosteniendo su cabra. Un muchacho joven haciéndose el tonto usa su abrigo en su cabeza y sostiene una cabra.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman works in a cheese factory. A man is in the kitchen cooking bread. Una mujer trabaja en una fábrica de quesos. Un hombre está en la cocina cocinando pan.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man and the women are jogging. There are men and women walking. El hombre y las mujeres están trotando. Hay hombres y mujeres caminando.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man inside reading the newspaper. A man reading the newspaper outside. Un hombre en el interior leyendo el periódico. Un hombre leyendo el periódico afuera.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men gather for lunch to discuss business. Three men discuss business during lunch. Dos hombres se reúnen para almorzar para hablar de negocios. Tres hombres discuten negocios durante el almuerzo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A young woman looks away because she is shy. A young boy is about to paint his face. Una joven mira hacia otro lado porque es tímida. Un muchacho joven está a punto de pintar su cara.
STS2017 track3.es-es A group of five runners crouched in front of a large crowd. Two men in front of a crowd. Un grupo de cinco corredores se agachó frente a una gran multitud. Dos hombres frente a una multitud.
STS2017 track3.es-es The dog is wearing a collar. The dog is wearing a red collar. El perro está usando un collarín. El perro está usando un collarín rojo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A couple is enjoying a connoved sitting on a sofa. A couple is enjoying a moving session on a couch watching a movie. Una pareja está disfrutando una connovedora sesión en un sofá. Una pareja está disfrutando una conmovedora sesión en un sofá viendo una película.
STS2017 track3.es-es Four people are jumping in the air. People are jumping in the air. Cuatro personas están saltando en el aire. La gente está saltando en el aire.
STS2017 track3.es-es An animal plays with a hoop. An African man is not doing a trick with a stick. Un animal juega con un aro. Un hombre africano no está haciendo un truco con un palo.
STS2017 track3.es-es The men drove Two men sitting near their bikes Los hombres condujeron Dos hombres sentados cerca de sus bicicletas
STS2017 track3.es-es Two firefighters work in the fire truck. Three workers are leaving their building in flames during a fire. Dos bomberos trabajan en el camión de bomberos. Tres trabajadores están saliendo de su edificio en llamas durante un incendio.
STS2017 track3.es-es The volleyball match is ongoing between the ladies Women participating in the finals of the tennis competition El partido de voleibol está en curso entre las damas Mujeres participando en las finales de la competencia de tenis
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman with gray hair and a white dress standing in front of a wall. A man standing in front of a blue wall with a brown shirt and white pants. Una mujer con el pelo gris y un vestido blanco de pie delante de una pared. Un hombre de pie delante de una pared azul con una camisa marrón y pantalones blancos.
STS2017 track3.es-es In China, workers in the field do their homework while the sun goes down. Workers in China do homework while the sun goes down. En China, los trabajadores en el campo realizan sus tareas mientras se pone el sol. Trabajadores en China realizan tareas mientras el sol se pone.
STS2017 track3.es-es A boy finishing his ice cream cone grimaces at the camera. A woman with glasses is reading a side of a metal bowl Un niño que termina su cono de helado hace una mueca para la cámara. Una mujer con gafas está leyendo un lado de un tazón de metal
STS2017 track3.es-es A crowd is at an event. A race is taking place in a stadium. Una multitud está en un evento. Una carrera se está realizando en un estadio.
STS2017 track3.es-es Construction workers are using specific floor plans. Construction workers are using tools to work in the tunnel. Los trabajadores de la construcción están utilizando planos de planta específicos. Los trabajadores de la construcción están utilizando herramientas para trabajar en el túnel.
STS2017 track3.es-es A young girl holding two walking sticks is standing on a rock in a creek. A man and a woman are climbing on a mountain. Una joven muchacha que sostiene dos bastones para escalar está de pie sobre una roca en un arrollo. Un hombre y una mujer están escalando en una montaña.
STS2017 track3.es-es People are walking through a station. There are people walking on a busy street. La gente está caminando a través de una estación. Hay gente caminando en una calle muy concurrida.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is on the stage. This man is on stage Un hombre está en el escenario. Este hombre está en un escenario
STS2017 track3.es-es The woman is taking care of the child. A boy is running towards his mother. La mujer está cuidando al niño. Un niño está corriendo hacia su madre.
STS2017 track3.es-es There is a person standing next to the building wearing a suit. A man in a black suit sitting on the steps of a building. Hay una persona de pie junto al edificio vistiendo un traje. Un hombre en un traje negro sentado en los escalones de un edificio.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man walks in the city. A woman walks in the city. Un hombre camina en la ciudad. Una mujer camina en la ciudad.
STS2017 track3.es-es A group of women in a library with children. A group of school children are enjoying story time. Un grupo de mujeres en una biblioteca con niños. Un grupo de niños de la escuela está disfrutando del tiempo de cuentos.
STS2017 track3.es-es A hockey player throws the disc. A hockey player is playing with a disc. Un jugador de hockey tira el disco. Un jugador de hockey está jugando con un disco.
STS2017 track3.es-es Couple doing a dance. Young girls perform at a dance recital. Pareja realizando un baile. Jovencitas se presentan en un recital de baile.
STS2017 track3.es-es A hiker on a trail looking at animal life in a wooded area with a black kangaroo. Man jogging on a path, through a large forest. Un excursionista en un sendero mirando la vida animal en una zona boscosa con un canguro negro. Hombre trotando en un sendero, a través de un gran bosque.
STS2017 track3.es-es The band plays for a group of people. The band is performing for a group of people. La banda toca para un grupo de personas. La banda se está presentando para un grupo de personas.
STS2017 track3.es-es A boy is on a school trip in a pumpkin patch. A little girl is drawing on a table near a baby. Un niño está en un viaje escolar en un huerto de calabazas. Una pequeña niña está dibujando en una mesa cerca de un bebé.
STS2017 track3.es-es People are in a football game. Some people are in a football game. La gente está en un partido de fútbol. Algunas personas están en un partido de fútbol.
STS2017 track3.es-es Some children are reading silently. The children are reading silently. Algunos niños están leyendo silenciosamente. Los niños están leyendo silencionamente.
STS2017 track3.es-es A bird flies over the lake. A person is walking towards the ocean. Un pájaro vuela sobre el lago. Una persona está caminando hacia el océano.
STS2017 track3.es-es The dogs ran in the opposite direction. The man and the horse are running away from the police. Los perros corrieron en sentido opuesto. El hombre y el caballo están huyendo de la policía.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man rides his bicycle on the street. A man rides his bicycle on the street. Un hombre monta su biclicleta por la calle. Un hombre monta su bicicleta por la calle.
STS2017 track3.es-es The couple is eating. The family is eating out. La pareja está comiendo. La familia está comiendo fuera.
STS2017 track3.es-es The train car is almost empty. A car is turning in front of the bus carrying passengers. El vagón del tren está casi vacío. Un auto está girando delante del bus que transporta pasajeros.
STS2017 track3.es-es The dog is taking a bath. A dog is taking a bath. El perro está tomando un baño. Un perro está tomando un baño.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman in a pink shirt is standing behind a table with many salad dressings and paper plates. A woman sits by a table covered with dishes and saucers. Una mujer en una camisa rosada está de pie detrás de una mesa con muchos aderezos para ensaladas y platos de papel. Una mujer se sienta junto a una mesa cubierta de platos y platillos.
STS2017 track3.es-es A person is without a hat and is inside. A woman is holding a tin can. Una persona está sin sombrero y está dentro. Una mujer está sosteniendo una lata.
STS2017 track3.es-es The children laugh as they glide in the snow. The white cat is difficult to see in the snow as it runs playfully. Los niños se ríen mientras se deslizan en la nieve. El gato blanco es difícil de ver en la nieve mientras corre juguetonamente.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men fix a bicycle in a garage. Two men fix a car in a garage. Dos hombres arreglan una bicicleta en un garaje. Dos hombres arreglan un auto en un garaje.
STS2017 track3.es-es A horse and a car pass through the water. A man is cycling in the water. Un caballo y un auto atraviesan el agua. Un hombre va en bicicleta al agua.
STS2017 track3.es-es The boy is telling the man what to do. The lady is not talking to anyone. El niño le está diciendo al hombre qué hacer. La dama no está hablando con nadie.
STS2017 track3.es-es A person is sleeping at home. A person is sleeping at home. Una persona está durmiendo en casa. Una persona está durmiendo en casa.
STS2017 track3.es-es The woman is carrying a child and posing for a photo. A man is taking a picture of a couple and their son. La mujer está cargando a un niño y posando para una foto. Un hombre está tomando una foto de una pareja y su hijo.
STS2017 track3.es-es An Asian boy and a man are standing outside Starbucks. An Asian boy and an Asian girl are smiling in a crowd of people. Un muchacho asiático y un hombre están de pie fuera de Starbucks. Un niño asiático y una niña asiática están sonriendo en una multitud de personas.
STS2017 track3.es-es A crowd gathers for an important speech. A hearing is meeting for a performance Una multitud se reúne para un discurso importante. Una audiencia está reunida para una actuación
STS2017 track3.es-es Children spinning on a glass rotating wheel Two cats standing in a puddle, and one has a yellow tennis ball. Niños que giran en una rueda giratoria de cristal Dos gatos parados en un charco, y uno tiene una pelota de tenis amarilla.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man sends a food order A businessman is waiting to order food. Un hombre envía un pedido de comida Un hombre de negocios está esperando para pedir comida.
STS2017 track3.es-es The band is under the spotlights. The band is not in the photo. La banda se encuentra bajo los reflectores. La banda no está en la foto.
STS2017 track3.es-es The woman and the man are working on a farm. A man and a woman are working in a garden. La mujer y el hombre están trabajando en una granja. Un hombre y una mujer están trabajando en un jardín.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man moves a table. A man keeps a table. El hombre mueve una mesa. Un hombre guarda una mesa.
STS2017 track3.es-es A child makes a prayer before a lit candle. An old woman is blowing candles on her three-tiered birthday cake. Un niño hace una oración ante una vela encendida. Una anciana está soplando las velas en su torta de cumpleaños de tres niveles.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two cute and well dressed asian kids are standing next to a tree. Two little girls are happy. Dos niños asiáticos lindos y bien vestidos están de pie al lado de un árbol. Dos niñas pequeñas están felices.
STS2017 track3.es-es A boy and a dog on a pier are watching another dog swim in the distance. A big boy and a dog standing on a dock watching another dog swim in the water. Un niño y un perro en un muelle están viendo otro perro nadar a la lejanía. Un niño y un perro grande parados en un muelle que mira otro perro nadar en el agua.
STS2017 track3.es-es A driver wears blue A woman is wearing a blue shirt and is riding a bicycle. Un conductor viste de azul Una mujer está vistiendo una camisa azul y está montando una bicicleta.
STS2017 track3.es-es The little boy was in the park. A child was leaving the park. El pequeño niño estaba en el parque. Un niño estaba saliendo del parque.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two children are on the beach. Two girls are on the beach. Dos niños están en la playa. Dos niñas están en la playa.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two girls visiting New York. The two girls who work in the restaurant are new. Dos muchachas visitando Nueva York. Las dos muchachas que trabajan en el restaurante son nuevas.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two women sitting on a bench eating. Five women sitting on a bench. Dos mujeres sentadas en un banco comiendo. Cinco mujeres sentadas en un banco.
STS2017 track3.es-es Outside a door a couple of people standing Two people standing outside a door. Fuera de una puerta un par de personas de pie Dos personas de pie fuera de una puerta.
STS2017 track3.es-es Three men get something out of a drum. Two children play on a large swing tire. Tres hombres sacan algo de un tambor. Dos niños juegan en una llanta columpio grande.
STS2017 track3.es-es A bartender is preparing drinks for his customers. The waitress is giving her customers free drinks. Un bartender está preparando bebidas para sus clientes. La camarera le está dando a sus clientes bebidas gratis.
STS2017 track3.es-es Multiple people do a dance synchronized with jumps. They are at a track event. Múltiples personas hacen una danza sincronizada con saltos. Ellos están en un evento de pista.
STS2017 track3.es-es The students are talking in a debate about gun control. Several people are queuing at a counter. Los estudiantes están hablando en un debate sobre el control de armas. Varias personas están haciendo cola en un mostrador.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man with a beard is painting. A man with a beard painting. Un hombre con una barba está pintando. Un hombre con una barba pintando.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man wears a green suit The man wears a blue suit. El hombre usa un traje verde El hombre usa un traje azul.
STS2017 track3.es-es These people are walking through a field of weeds. These two children and the dog are running through a grass field. Estas personas están caminando por un campo de malezas. Estos dos niños y el perro están corriendo a través de un campo de hierba.
STS2017 track3.es-es A boy squats in front of an empty net with an inflatable castle behind him. A boy is squatting in front of an empty net while others are standing around an inflatable castle behind him. Un muchacho se pone en cuclillas delante de una red vacía con un castillo inflable detrás de él. Un niño está en cuclillas frente a una red vacía, mientras que otros están de pie alrededor de un castillo inflable detrás de él.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two women are smiling together. There are two women dancing. Dos mujeres están sonriendo juntas. Hay dos mujeres bailando.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two children are in a sandbox. The children are in a sandbox. Dos niños están en una caja de arena. Los niños están en una caja de arena.
STS2017 track3.es-es A boy is riding skateboard. There's a boy riding a skateboard outside. Un muchacho está montando patineta. Hay un muchacho montanto patineta afuera.
STS2017 track3.es-es An old woman is sewing a new sweater in her living room. A girl is a pinstripe suit is standing in her mother's kitchen, wishing she were home. Una anciana está cosiendo un suéter nuevo en su sala. Una muchacha es un traje a rayas está de pie en la cocina de su madre, deseando que estuviera en casa.
STS2017 track3.es-es All children hang out in the games room Some people hang out at the bowling alley. Todos los niños pasar el rato en la sala de juegos Algunas personas pasan el rato en el boliche.
STS2017 track3.es-es A group of girls are playing in a dumpster. A group of children are playing in the water. Un grupo de niñas están jugando en un basurero. Un grupo de niños están jugando en el agua.
STS2017 track3.es-es There are two people, one of them a husband and one his wife, leaving the store. There are two people, a man and a woman, sitting on a bus Hay dos personas, una de ellas un marido y una su esposa, saliendo de la tienda. Hay dos personas, un hombre y una mujer, sentadas en un bus
STS2017 track3.es-es Groupe Air France prepares a train for a trip They take a ride on the hot air balloon over the atlantic Groupe Air France prepara un tren para un viaje Ellos toman un paseo en el globo de aire caliente sobre el atlántico
STS2017 track3.es-es Some volunteers help clean up next to a meter. Workers volunteer to clean the subway. Algunos voluntarios ayudan a limpiar al lado de un metro. Los trabajadores se ofrecen voluntariamente para limpiar el metro.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman milking a cow. A woman pushes a cart. Una mujer ordeñando una vaca. Una mujer empuja un carrito.
STS2017 track3.es-es A little boy is holding hands with someone. The little girl is holding hands with someone. Un niño pequeño está tomandose de las manos con alguien. La niña pequeña está tomandose de las manos con alguien.
STS2017 track3.es-es The girl is walking to school in the rain. The girl is playing outside in the snow. La niña está caminando a la escuela en la lluvia. La niña está jugando afuera en la nieve.
STS2017 track3.es-es People hike through an icy and mountainous landscape. People are hiking on a beach. La gente de excursión a través de un paisaje helado y montañoso. La gente está de excursión en una playa.
STS2017 track3.es-es Tall people sleeping Tall people walking Gente alta durmiendo Gente alta caminando
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman is sitting while talking to a shirtless man she has just met A woman is sitting while talking to a shirtless man. Una mujer está sentada mientras habla con un hombre sin camisa que acaba de conocer Una mujer está sentada mientras habla con un hombre sin camisa.
STS2017 track3.es-es A hockey bout explodes. A fight in a hockey game explodes Una pelea de hockey estalla. Una pelea en un juego de hockey estalla
STS2017 track3.es-es There is a black and white dog running on a doormat with a man in a blue shirt looking. A dog stands next to a man in shorts and a blue and white shirt. Hay un perro blanco y negro corriendo en un felpudo con un hombre en una camisa azul que mira. Un perro está parado junto a un hombre en shorts y una camisa azul y blanca.
STS2017 track3.es-es Men preparing to take a bath in the ocean. A snowy dog up to his belly tries to move. Hombres que se preparan para tomar un baño en el océano. Un perro cubierto de nieve hasta su vientre intenta moverse.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman drags an Irish Lobero The soldier is a girl Un mujer arrastra un Lobero irlandés El soldado es una muchacha
STS2017 track3.es-es People are in a boat. There are people in a boat. La gente está en un bote. Hay gente en un bote.
STS2017 track3.es-es A little girl is playing outside. A little girl is playing outside. Una pequeña niña está jugando fuera. Una pequeña niña está jugando fuera.
STS2017 track3.es-es A little boy removes all his clothes. A woman in a tight blue shirt stands as if she's just released something from her hand. Un niño pequeño se quita toda su ropa. Una mujer con una camisa azul apretada está de pie como si acabara de soltar algo de su mano.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two boys playing guitar with a woman singing and playing a tambourine standing next to them. Two boys playing guitar with a woman standing next to them. Dos muchachos que tocan la guitarra con una mujer que canta y que toca una pandereta de pie al lado de ellos. Dos muchachos que tocan la guitarra con una mujer de pie al lado de ellos.
STS2017 track3.es-es The snowboarder does a trick. The snowboarder did a trick. El snowboarder realiza un truco. El snowboarder realizó un truco.
STS2017 track3.es-es A group of people is sitting in a bar. A group of people is standing in a bar. Un grupo de personas está sentado en un bar. Un grupo de personas está de pie en un bar.
STS2017 track3.es-es A group of several people sitting on the floor inside a building A group of people is sitting on a ledge in front of a building. Un grupo de varias personas sentadas en el piso dentro de un edificio Un grupo de personas está sentado en una cornisa delante de un edificio.
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman blindfolded is on her knees. Tired, the woman rests her head in her backpack while lying down. Una mujer con los ojos vendados está de rodillas. Cansada, la mujer descansa su cabeza en su mochila mientras está acostada.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man in a t-shirt plays basketball. A man is in the sports shirt attends a game. Un hombre en una camiseta juega baloncesto. Un hombre está en la camiseta deportiva asiste a un juego.
STS2017 track3.es-es Older gentlemen in a green jacket and blue jeans sitting at a small table. A man wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans teaching in a wooden school. Señores mayores en una chaqueta verde y jeans azules sentados en una pequeña mesa. Un hombre vistiendo una camisa azul y jeans azules enseñando en una escuela de madera.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man pushing rocks. A woman is pushing rocks lazily. Un hombre empujando rocas. Un mujer está empujando rocas perezosamente.
STS2017 track3.es-es The boy is wearing a blue jacket and a pink t-shirt while playing outside. A man in an orange shirt and blue jeans is playing with a hula hula El niño está usando una chaqueta azul y una camiseta rosada mientras juega afuera. Un hombre en una camisa naranja y jeans azules está jugando con un hula hula
STS2017 track3.es-es A child with a balloon. The beagle of a woman having a drink while walking Un niño con un globo. El beagle de una mujer tomando un bebida mientras camina
STS2017 track3.es-es A young man in an orange shirt plays the tuba. A man in a shirt plays the drums. Un hombre joven en una camisa naranja toca la tuba. Un hombre con una camisa toca los tambores.
STS2017 track3.es-es A painter is painting a mural next to a house. A painter is painting a vivid image of a park on the side of a street Un pintor está pintando un mural al lado de una casa. Un pintor está pintando una imagen vívida de un parque en el lado de una calle
STS2017 track3.es-es Six large white trucks are moving. Big orange trucks are traveling down a four lane street. Seis camiones blancos grandes se están moviendo. Camiones naranjas grandes están viajando por una calle de cuatro carriles.
STS2017 track3.es-es The man in yellow pants is raising his arms. The man in the yellow shirt has a mop in his hands. El hombre con pantalones amarillos está levantando sus brazos. El hombre de la camisa amarilla tiene un trapeador en las manos.
STS2017 track3.es-es A small child fell to the ground. A little girl falling in the snow while another observes. Un pequeño niño cayó al suelo. Una pequeña niña cayendo en la nieve mientras que otra observa.
STS2017 track3.es-es A talent contestant jumps and sings. An audience is watching a couple dance. Una persona del concurso de talentos que salta y canta. Una audiencia está mirando a una pareja bailar.
STS2017 track3.es-es There is a brown dog jumping on the beach. A black and brown dog is running on the beach. Hay un perro marrón saltando en la playa. Un perro negro y marrón está corriendo en la playa.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man walks in front of a building A man walks in front of a building. Un hombre camina delante de un edificio Un hombre camina delante de un edificio.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man is sleeping outside. A woman is sleeping outside. Un hombre está durmiendo afuera. Una mujer está durmiendo afuera.
STS2017 track3.es-es Three people wear modern clothes. Two people wear work uniforms. Tres personas visten ropa moderna. Dos personas visten uniformes de trabajo.
STS2017 track3.es-es There is a man with books. There is a man writing. Hay un hombre con libros. Hay un hombre escribiendo.
STS2017 track3.es-es Colorful yellow seats with a sparse crowd lined up behind four soccer players trying to chase a ball. Two people with glasses are playing a game sitting on the floor. Asientos amarillos coloridos con una muchedumbre escasa alineada detrás de cuatro jugadores de fútbol que intentan perseguir una pelota. Dos personas con anteojos están jugando un juego sentadas en el suelo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A crowd watching a man outside A crowd is watching a man Una multitud viendo a un hombre afuera Una multitud está viendo a un hombre
STS2017 track3.es-es A woman standing next to a microwave. A woman on the phone is sitting on a chair. Una mujer de pie junto a un microondas. Una mujer al teléfono está sentada en una silla.
STS2017 track3.es-es A person in red is jumping on a trampoline. The man is jumping on a trampoline. Una persona de rojo está saltando en un trampolín. El hombre está saltando en un trampolín.
STS2017 track3.es-es Four children are crying Three children are crying Cuatro niños están llorando Tres niños están llorando
STS2017 track3.es-es A girl is near a child whose face is not shown. A boy is very close to a girl. Una niña está cerca de un niño cuyo rostro no se muestra. Un niño está muy cerca de una niña.
STS2017 track3.es-es The train is small The boat is small. El tren es pequeño El bote es pequeño.
STS2017 track3.es-es A man in a swimming pool holds a smiling child in a float. A man is carrying a girl in a swimming pool. Un hombre en una piscina sostiene a un niño sonriente en un flotador. Un hombre está cargando a una niña en una piscina.
STS2017 track3.es-es An old beige man standing near a younger man in blue in front of a building. A man in a white shirt walking in front of an old building. Un hombre mayor de beige de pie cerca de un hombre más joven de azul delante de un edificio. Un hombre en una camisa blanca caminando delante de un edificio antiguo.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two women are acting. The two women are acting. Dos mujeres están actuando. Las dos mujeres están actuando.
STS2017 track3.es-es A person in bright shorts tries to catch a frisbee The woman with the camera is throwing a Frisbee for her brown dog to catch. Una persona en shorts brillantes trata de atrapar un frisbee La mujer con la cámara está lanzando un Frisbee para que su perro marrón lo atrape.
STS2017 track3.es-es The blond boy sat next to the guitar and the book. The girl was playing with Lincoln Logs. El niño rubio se sentó junto a la guitarra y el libro. La chica estaba jugando con Lincoln Logs.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two construction workers stop at the mall for lunch Construction workers are detained for lunch. Dos trabajadores de construcción se detienen en el centro comercial para el almuerzo Los trabajadores de construcción son detenidos para el almuerzo.
STS2017 track3.es-es A couple paints on the floor A woman paints on the floor Una pareja pinta en el suelo Una mujer pinta en el suelo
STS2017 track3.es-es Rhythmic gymnast does a routine. A girl performs a rhythmic gymnastics routine. Gimnasta rítmica hace una rutina. Una niña realiza una rutina de gimnasia rítmica.
STS2017 track3.es-es A worker wearing a mask and carrying a broom, standing guard A man in a blue shirt carries a bag over his right shoulder. Un trabajador que usa una máscara y que lleva una escoba, de pie vigilando Un hombre en una camisa azul lleva una bolsa sobre su hombro derecho.
STS2017 track3.es-es Two men, dress layers and canvas bags. Two children in blue jeans and cinnamon shirts are standing out from the tents. Dos hombres, capas de vestir y bolsas de lona. Dos niños en jeans azules y camisas de color canela están pie delate de las carpas.
STS2017 track3.es-es A motocross rider doing a cross jump, wearing protective gear. A woman wearing black cycling equipment and a white helmet pedals hard uphill on her bicycle. Un ciclista de motocross haciendo una salto cruzado, usando equipo de protección. Una mujer usando equipo de ciclismo negro y un casco blanco pedalea con fuerza cuesta arriba en su bicicleta.
STS2017 track3.es-es A sad man is sitting on the steps of the door in front of a house. A woman is sitting on the steps of the door in front of a house. Un hombre triste está sentado en los escalones de la puerta delante de una casa. Una mujer está sentada en los escalones de la puerta delante de una casa.
STS2017 track3.es-es People are walking on a sidewalk of the city. People are walking along a sidewalk in the city. La gente está caminando en una acera de la ciudad. La gente está caminando por una acera de la ciudad.
STS2017 track4a.es-en People show their affection for each other. A women giving something to other lady. La gente muestra su afecto el uno por el otro. A women giving something to other lady.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two children are dancing Kids are dancing. Dos niños están bailando Kids are dancing.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two fishermen walking to work on the pier. Two children play in the water by a pier and building. Dos pescadores caminando a trabajar por el muelle. Two children play in the water by a pier and building.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The girl is trying to hit a pinata. A sad boy in a surfing shirt is swinging on a swing. La niña está intentando golpear una piñata. A sad boy in a surfing shirt is swinging on a swing.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A tracking dog is sniffing the group trying to find the scent of the criminal. The woman is sniffing the other. Un perro de rastreo está olfateando al grupo tratando de encontrar el olor del criminal. The woman is sniffing the other.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The ponies are friendly. The ponies are in love Los ponis son amistosos. The ponies are in love
STS2017 track4a.es-en A large group of triathlon athletes are competing in a race through the streets of the city. A group of outdoor enthusiasts are traveling as a group to their campsite up in the mountains. Un gran grupo de atletas de triatlón están compitiendo en una carrera por las calles de la ciudad. A group of outdoor enthusiasts are traveling as a group to their campsite up in the mountains.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of people is resting near hills and cliffs. A group of girls are overlooking the water. Un grupo de personas está descansando cerca de colinas y acantilados. A group of girls are overlooking the water.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An adult and a child are ruining their nails. An adult and a child sitting down and both are biting their fingernails. Un adulto y un niño están arruinando sus uñas. An adult and a child sitting down and both are biting their fingernails.
STS2017 track4a.es-en People are buying vegetables. Some of the people are shopping for clothes. La gente está comprando verduras. Some of the people are shopping for clothes.
STS2017 track4a.es-en One man plays the guitar while another plays the drums on stage. The man is playing a guitar while another plays the drums behind him. Un hombre toca la guitarra mientras otro toca la batería en un escenario. The man is playing a guitar while another plays the drums behind him.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The group of men competed. The group of men are from Chippendales. El grupo de hombres compitió. The group of men are from Chippendales.
STS2017 track4a.es-en There is a very large crowd watching the presentation There is a crowd watching a performance. Hay una multitud muy grande viendo la presentación There is a crowd watching a performance.
STS2017 track4a.es-en They are singing too. Two musicians are completely out of tune. Ellos están cantando también. Two musicians are completely out of tune.
STS2017 track4a.es-en There is a lady carrying children in her two hands. The woman's hands are full with what she is carrying. Hay una señora llevando a niños en sus dos manos. The woman's hands are full with what she is carrying.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Many people are resting in the grass. The people are sleeping in the grass. Mucha gente está descansando en la hierba. The people are sleeping in the grass.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The woman walks alone on the sidewalk. A woman walks on the sidewalk. La mujer camina sola en la acera. A woman walks on the sidewalk.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A pianist and a singer are ready to perform. The musician have a guitar and is waiting to perform. Un pianista y un cantante están listos para actuar. The musician have a guitar and is waiting to perform.
STS2017 track4a.es-en They are alone. They are alone. Ellos están solos. They are alone.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A cigarette is light. A man is smoking a cigarette and holding a honeycomb. Un cigarrillo es luz. A man is smoking a cigarette and holding a honeycomb.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A boy is in an office building. A child is in an office building. Un niño está en un edificio de oficinas. A child is in an office building.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A monkey eats the kid eats a frog Un mono come the kid eats a frog
STS2017 track4a.es-en A dog jumps over obstacles for a canine show. A dog jumps over something. Un perro salta sobre los obstáculos para un show canino. A dog jumps over something.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man is holding hats trying to sell them on the street. A man tries to sell something on the street. Un hombre está sosteniendo sombreros tratando de venderlos en la calle. A man tries to sell something on the street.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The trees are all lush and green. All of the trees are green with freshly bloomed leaves. Los árboles son todos exuberantes y verdes. All of the trees are green with freshly bloomed leaves.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An older woman sits next to a small girl who is wearing a striped dress. A woman is dressed up. Una mujer mayor se sienta al lado de una niña pequeña que está usando un vestido de rayas. A woman is dressed up.
STS2017 track4a.es-en They are watching their favorite team play. They are cheering for their favorite team. Ellos están viendo a su equipo favorito jugar. They are cheering for their favorite team.
STS2017 track4a.es-en You can see more than one dog in the photo. You can see that there is more than one animal in the shot. Puedes ver más de un perro en la foto. You can see that there is more than one animal in the shot.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man wearing a helmet riding his bicycle down the street. A man is riding a blue bicycle helmet down a busy street. Un hombre que lleva un casco montando su bicicleta por la calle. A man is riding a blue bicycle helmet down a busy street.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman sits while playing a guitar. A woman is playing a piano. Una mujer se sienta mientras toca una guitarra. A woman is playing a piano.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman looks at another person. A woman is looking at a person. Una mujer mira a otra persona. A woman is looking at a person.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The police are trying to help people. The people are trying to get home. La policía está tratando de ayudar a la gente. The people are trying to get home.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A boy with a pacifier in his mouth is sitting in a suitcase. A child in a stroller with a pacifier in its mouth. Un niño con un chupete en su boca está sentado en una maleta. A child in a stroller with a pacifier in its mouth.
STS2017 track4a.es-en There are people participating in competitive swimming. These people are swimming in a competition. Hay personas participando en natación competitiva. These people are swimming in a competition.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of people sitting around discussing something. There is a group of people standing around, looking like they are waiting for something. Un grupo de personas está sentado discutiendo algo. There is a group of people standing around, looking like they are waiting for something.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of people posing outside a building for a photo shoot of a magazine. A group of people pose for a photograph. Un grupo de personas posando fuera de un edificio para una sesión de fotos de una revista. A group of people pose for a photograph.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of three young adults stopped to pose for a photo outside a clothing store. The children are taking a picture outside. Un grupo de tres jóvenes adultos se detuvo para posar para una foto fuera de una tienda de ropa. The children are taking a picture outside.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A girl runs down the street. A boy runs down the street. Una chica corre por la calle. A boy runs down the street.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A young man turning a screwdriver. A young person turning a screwdriver. Un hombre joven que gira un destornillador. A young person turning a screwdriver.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A boy is with his pet. A man holding a child and a baby. Un niño está con su mascota. A man holding a child and a baby.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man flies on a carpet. Dogs pull a man on a sled down a hill. Un hombre vuela sobre una alfombra. Dogs pull a man on a sled down a hill.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The woman is crying while she plays the guitar. The man is singing and the woman is playing guitar. La mujer está llorando mientras toca la guitarra. The man is singing and the woman is playing guitar.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The child jumps to the other mattress. The child is holding the toys up to his eyes. El niño salta al otro colchón. The child is holding the toys up to his eyes.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A shirtless boy is taking a nap in the grass. A boy walking in the grass. Un muchacho sin camisa está tomando la siesta en la hierba. A boy walking in the grass.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man sleeps in his bed. An old person sleeps in a bed. Un hombre duerme en su cama. An old person sleeps in a bed.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The white dog is getting a bath in the canine hairdressers. The white dog is taking a bath El perro blanco está recibiendo un baño en los peluqueros caninos. The white dog is taking a bath
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman reading while waiting for a train. A man is reading while waiting for a bus. Una mujer leyendo mientras espera un tren. A man is reading while waiting for a bus.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An Asian man standing by a door points to something. A person stands with their back to us. Un hombre asiático de pie junto a una puerta apunta a algo. A person stands with their back to us.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman and a young girl are seated at a table in a restaurant. a woman and a boy are sitting at a table Una mujer y una jovencita están sentadas en una mesa en un restaurante. a woman and a boy are sitting at a table
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man wears a thong and is standing on the stool. A man wearing tan pants and blue shirt is sitting on a sidewalk resting. El hombre usa tanga y está de pie sobre el taburete. A man wearing tan pants and blue shirt is sitting on a sidewalk resting.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A girl is reading about trains. There is a girl reading. Una niña está leyendo sobre trenes. There is a girl reading.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The animals are domesticated. The dogs are reptiles. Los animales están domesticados. The dogs are reptiles.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two men are together preparing to do gymnastics. The men and women are going to perform. Dos hombres están juntos preparándose para hacer gimnasia. The men and women are going to perform.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A person is tying his hair in a forest A person is in the water and throwing their hair back. Una persona está atándose el cabello en un bosque A person is in the water and throwing their hair back.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The window is small. the room is large La ventana es pequeña. the room is large
STS2017 track4a.es-en One girl is wetting another with her water gun. A girl is inside with her dog Una niña está mojando a otra con su pistola de agua. A girl is inside with her dog
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of hikers wearing green, red and black standing in the dirt in a wooded area Two brown and white dogs fighting on a grassy area in front of a tree. Un grupo de excursionistas que visten de verde, rojo y negro de pie en la suciedad en un área boscosa Two brown and white dogs fighting on a grassy area in front of a tree.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man has put on elbow pads and a helmet. The man has on elbow pads. El hombre tiene puestas almohadillas de codo y un casco. The man has on elbow pads.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two riders on their horses on a racetrack. Two dogs racing on a track. Dos jinetes en sus caballos en una pista de carreras. Two dogs racing on a track.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man is standing next to two children on a hot day. A man and woman are running to the store on a Summer day Un hombre está de pie junto a dos niños en un día caluroso. A man and woman are running to the store on a Summer day
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man in a blue shirt is in a hut in a village. The man in a blue sweatshirt is in a kitchen. Un hombre con una camisa azul está en una choza en una aldea. The man in a blue sweatshirt is in a kitchen.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A cameraman goes out to eat with his family. A man is waiting for his friend to catch up. Un camarógrafo sale a comer con su familia. A man is waiting for his friend to catch up.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man is sitting in a taxi. The woman is in a taxi cab. Un hombre está sentado en un taxi. The woman is in a taxi cab.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The nose has a mucus inside. The dog has a stick in it's mouth. La nariz tiene un moco dentro. The dog has a stick in it's mouth.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man fishing is relaxing while fishing. A man is fishing alone. Un hombre que está pescando está relajándose mientras pesca. A man is fishing alone.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two people are talking about life at a table. There are two people looking at a book. Dos personas están hablando de la vida en una mesa. There are two people looking at a book.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man stands on a ladder near huge tanks. A man on a ladder is power washing a building. Un hombre está en una escalera cerca de tanques enormes. A man on a ladder is power washing a building.
STS2017 track4a.es-en There are a lot of people out in front of an enlarged giant figure of Oscar the Grumpy Many people are leading a giant blow-up figure of Oscar the Grouch in his can down a street. Hay muchas personas afuera antecediendo una figura ampliada gigante de Oscar el Gruñón Many people are leading a giant blow-up figure of Oscar the Grouch in his can down a street.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A person is trying to hit the ball. A child is trying to hit a ball. Una persona está tratando de golpear la pelota. A child is trying to hit a ball.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A cowboy and his horse slip in the mud. Man with cowboy hat loading a chest onto a pack of horses in the wilderness. Un vaquero y su caballo resbalan en el barro. Man with cowboy hat loading a chest onto a pack of horses in the wilderness.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Men are feeling hot. The people get wet in the rain, and they think it is funny. Los hombres se sienten acalorados. The people get wet in the rain, and they think it is funny.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A nun looks for weapons in a priest. An elderly man is holding a gun. Una monja busca armas en un sacerdote. An elderly man is holding a gun.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A person in a SpongeBob costume awaits a hot dog. A dog is in a dog show. Una persona en un traje de Bob Esponja espera un hot dog. A dog is in a dog show.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Mischief in an indoor pool. A little girl is covered in a towel at a swimming pool. Travesuras en una piscina cubierta. A little girl is covered in a towel at a swimming pool.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Babies are working on a construction site. Two people are working at a construction site. Los bebés están trabajando en un sitio de construcción. Two people are working at a construction site.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The dogs sleep in heaps. A dog laying in the water. Los perros duermen amontonados. A dog laying in the water.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A dog runs through a mud puddle A child scoops dirt into a bucket. Un perro corre a través de un charco de barro A child scoops dirt into a bucket.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The children are in a karate tournament. Two martial art students spar in a tournament. Los niños están en un torneo de karate. Two martial art students spar in a tournament.
STS2017 track4a.es-en There is a tacos buffet. The buffet is only seafood. Hay un buffet de tacos. The buffet is only seafood.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The pet has a leash for safety. This man has safety gear on. La mascota tiene una correa por seguridad. This man has safety gear on.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Some people wait for a taxi. Some people wait for a train. Algunas personas esperan un taxi. Some people wait for a train.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An automobile accident A crash immobilizes a car. Un accidente automovilístico A crash immobilizes a car.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The band is in a parade. The band is in a Christmas parade. La banda está en un desfile. The band is in a Christmas parade.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Person on horseback The person rode a horse. Persona a caballo The person rode a horse.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A lawn mower is right next to a person. The guy is standing next to a tree. Una cortadora de césped está justo al lado de una persona. The guy is standing next to a tree.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Some people in a building. People are in a building. Algunas personas en un edificio. People are in a building.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man was in a race with a scooter. A man running in a race. Un hombre estaba en una carrera con un scooter. A man running in a race.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The yellow and green team played soccer the football team is wearing red and green El equipo amarillo y verde jugó fútbol the football team is wearing red and green
STS2017 track4a.es-en The women are sitting on the ski lift The people are on a ski lift Las mujeres están sentadas en el telesquí The people are on a ski lift
STS2017 track4a.es-en A large number of railway workers wearing orange vests that shine by day and hard hats are standing on some railroad tracks. Several workers in orange vests and white construction hats holding blue bags are working along side railroad tracks. Un gran número de trabajadores de ferrocarril que visten chalecos anaranjados que brillan de día y sombreros duros están de pie en algunas vías del ferrocarril. Several workers in orange vests and white construction hats holding blue bags are working along side railroad tracks.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A young Asian boy running with a white and gray dog on green grass. A black dog and a brown and white dog running in the grass. Un muchacho asiático joven corriendo con un perro blanco y gris en hierba verde. A black dog and a brown and white dog running in the grass.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A mother and daughter are cooking. An older woman is cooking for her family. Una madre e hija están cocinando. An older woman is cooking for her family.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An African-American band is playing outdoors on a stage surrounded by trees. There is a band performing in front of a large crowd Una banda afroamericana está tocanda al aire libre en un escenario rodeado de árboles. There is a band performing in front of a large crowd
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man climbs the steps between two houses at night Two people sit at a table under a tent as a third man stands near them. Un hombre sube los escalones entre dos casas por la noche Two people sit at a table under a tent as a third man stands near them.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A lady walking outside. a lady and girl walk outside Una señora caminando afuera. a lady and girl walk outside
STS2017 track4a.es-en The classroom is for adults only. The children are in a classroom. El aula es para adultos solamente. The children are in a classroom.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man is flying a space shuttle. THere is a plane in the hangar. El hombre está volando un transbordador espacial. THere is a plane in the hangar.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman in comfortable clothes is fixing her toenails. There is a women getting her hand painted Una mujer con ropa cómoda está arreglando sus uñas de los pies. There is a women getting her hand painted
STS2017 track4a.es-en There's an old man, ironing a shirt for his job. A man with a shirt is doing work. Hay un hombre mayor, planchando una camisa para su trabajo. A man with a shirt is doing work.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A professional roofer thinks about how better are other forms of roof. The human has some floating things while in the white hard stuff. Un techador profesional piensa sobre cuán mejores son otras formas de techo. The human has some floating things while in the white hard stuff.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A brown and white dog standing on the bank of the river looking at his master. A brown and white dog is standing in the river by the bank. Un perro marrón y blanco parado en la orilla del río mirando a su amo. A brown and white dog is standing in the river by the bank.
STS2017 track4a.es-en He feels the rhythm Nobody is playing the drumset. Él siente el ritmo Nobody is playing the drumset.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two people cross the street in front of an ambulance. A group of people are walking along the side of the road. Dos personas cruzan la calle frente a una ambulancia. A group of people are walking along the side of the road.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A young boy plays a video game at a McDonald's restaurant. A boy plays a video game at mCDonald's Un muchacho joven juega un videojuego en un restaurante de McDonald's. A boy plays a video game at mCDonald's
STS2017 track4a.es-en The woman is outside waiting for a walk. A woman is waiting for the bus. La mujer está fuera esperando un paseo. A woman is waiting for the bus.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Four guys on a boat together Three boys put together a sailboat. Cuatro chicos en un barco juntos Three boys put together a sailboat.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A brown dog running across an open field. A brown dog runs through a field. Un perro marrón corriendo a través de un campo abierto. A brown dog runs through a field.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Group of children fighting. A group of girls Grupo de niños peleando. A group of girls
STS2017 track4a.es-en People looking at a garden People sitting at a garden. Gente mirando un jardín People sitting at a garden.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman wearing something looks happy. A man is helping someone get dressed. Una mujer que lleva algo parece feliz. A man is helping someone get dressed.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two small dogs are in a cage outside. The two dogs are in a cage. Dos perros pequeños están en una jaula afuera. The two dogs are in a cage.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The ladies are trotting down the street. The men walk down the street with their kids. Las señoras están trotando por la calle. The men walk down the street with their kids.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A person animates from the stands. A person standing in a crowd. Una persona anima desde las gradas. A person standing in a crowd.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The animals are in cages at the zoo. The dogs are in cages. Los animales están en jaulas en el zoológico. The dogs are in cages.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Men with long hair play instruments while their dog lies down on the couch The dogs are playing with a rope. Hombres con cabello largo tocan instrumentos mientras su perro se acuesta en el sofá The dogs are playing with a rope.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A girl with dark brown hair is sitting at a table and looking over her shoulder. A woman with orange hair is looking over her left shoulder. Una muchacha con cabello castaño oscuro se está sentando en un mesa y mirando sobre su hombro. A woman with orange hair is looking over her left shoulder.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A black and white dog lying down with a large stick under its paw. A white and brown cat is laying down on a red jacket with a rodent standing on it. Un perro blanco y negro acostándose con un palo grande bajo su pata. A white and brown cat is laying down on a red jacket with a rodent standing on it.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of people run a float A group of people on a break. Un grupo de personas dirige un flotador A group of people on a break.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two young women in black t-shirts eat at a table. The two women in blue shirts eat dinner with the kids. Dos mujeres jóvenes con camisetas negras comen en una mesa. The two women in blue shirts eat dinner with the kids.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Dogs drink some water in the grass The dogs are in water. Los perros beben un poco de agua en la hierba The dogs are in water.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man in the gray hat has slipped on the ice. The boy in the green shirt swings with one arm on the silver pole. El hombre del sombrero gris se ha resbalado en el hielo. The boy in the green shirt swings with one arm on the silver pole.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Cyclist driving bicycle. A skier skiing. Ciclista manejando bicicleta. A skier skiing.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two people sit on a wooden bench by the trees in front of a white building. Man laying on a wooden bench with other people in the background. Dos personas se sientan en un banco de madera por los árboles delante de un edificio blanco. Man laying on a wooden bench with other people in the background.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Three dogs look like a human holds a pink ball on the beach. A man and a dog are on the sand. Tres perros miran como un ser humano sostiene una bola rosada en la playa. A man and a dog are on the sand.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A couple is walking their dogs outdoors. A couple are walking outdoors. Una pareja está paseando a sus perros al aire libre. A couple are walking outdoors.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A young man dancing for a small audience. A sad woman putting on a dance for a small audience. Un hombre joven bailando para una pequeña audiencia. A sad woman putting on a dance for a small audience.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Some cats running in the desert The dogs are running in the desert. Algunos gatos corriendo en el desierto The dogs are running in the desert.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man in a blue coat walks to a small white animal while a bus passes in the background. A person in a red dress is running behind a black animal. Un hombre en un abrigo azul pasea a un pequeño animal blanco mientras un bus pasa en el fondo. A person in a red dress is running behind a black animal.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The monks were playing jump rope on the road. Two men are playing jump rope in the middle of the street. Los monjes estaban jugando a saltar la cuerda en la carretera. Two men are playing jump rope in the middle of the street.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two women are climbing. Two men are jumping. Dos mujeres están escalando. Two men are jumping.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An old man skiing downhill while it snows. A skier going down the snowy hill. Un anciano esquiando cuesta abajo mientras nieva. A skier going down the snowy hill.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The food is barbecue the food is hot La comida es barbacoa the food is hot
STS2017 track4a.es-en A family walks under large wooden beams. A person sitting under trees and a large metal sculpture. Una familia camina bajo grandes vigas de madera. A person sitting under trees and a large metal sculpture.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An orange dragster parked on the runway. A race car is on the dirt track. Un auto dragster naranja estacionado en la pista. A race car is on the dirt track.
STS2017 track4a.es-en There are at least two males. The two people are both males. Hay al menos dos machos. The two people are both males.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A boy and a woman are in the snow sledding and playing. A man and a child are sledding in the snow together. Un niño y una mujer están en la nieve paseando en trineo y jugando. A man and a child are sledding in the snow together.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A young boy in velcro shoes and a blue t-shirt hangs from a harness on a dock. A man in a blue shirt is looking up at a dog. Un muchacho joven en los zapatos de velcro y una camiseta azul cuelga de un arnés en un muelle. A man in a blue shirt is looking up at a dog.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The three actors are on the stage acting. Two men are performing on a stage. Los tres actores están en el escenario actuando. Two men are performing on a stage.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Emergency workers with hoses lined up and down stairs. Firemen looking down a set of stairs. Trabajadores de emergencia con mangueras alineadas y descendiendo por las escaleras. Firemen looking down a set of stairs.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man is kissing with his wife in a crowd. A man is showing off for his friends. Un hombre se está besando con su esposa en una muchedumbre. A man is showing off for his friends.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A guy paints an ad. A man paints a picture. Un tipo pinta un anuncio. A man paints a picture.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Three children sit in an outdoor seat. Two women sitting in a room. Tres niños se sientan en un asiento al aire libre. Two women sitting in a room.
STS2017 track4a.es-en There is a man wearing a yellow shirt riding a unicycle. There is a person wearing a red shirt riding a skateboard. Hay un hombre vistiendo una camisa amarilla montando un monociclo. There is a person wearing a red shirt riding a skateboard.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The boy in a bathing suit is lying face down on a damp pavement. A dog with mud stuck on his underside is running on grass. El niño en traje de baño está tendido boca abajo sobre un pavimento húmedo. A dog with mud stuck on his underside is running on grass.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The girls sing people dancing Las niñas cantan people dancing
STS2017 track4a.es-en A young asian boy is giving a young asian girl a ride on his shoulders A white Asian boy is giving young asian girl a piggyback ride. Un muchacho asiático joven está dando a muchacha asiática joven un paseo en sus hombros A white Asian boy is giving young asian girl a piggyback ride.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A person is going to work on his bicycle. There is a person working on a bicycle. Una persona está yendo a trabajar en su bicicleta. There is a person working on a bicycle.
STS2017 track4a.es-en People carrying food in trays People holding containers on alcohol. Personas llevando comida en bandejas People holding containers on alcohol.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The fortunes said will turn out to be true. The street post does not have anything on it. Las fortunas dichas resultarán ser verdaderas. The street post does not have anything on it.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A bicycle race in the snow stops while the cyclist's bicycle is repaired by a mechanic. This man is riding a skateboard on a bike jump. Una carrera de bicicletas en la nieve se detiene mientras que la bicicleta del ciclista es reparada por un mecánico. This man is riding a skateboard on a bike jump.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man standing in a shadow. A man is standing on a ladder. Un hombre de pie en una sombra. A man is standing on a ladder.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Three brothers posing outside family business. A group of friends are shopping. Tres hermanos posando fuera del negocio familiar. A group of friends are shopping.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A crowd watches a man cut logs. A blond-haired man in a blue shirt surrounded by screens sitting at a desk and talking into a microphone. Una multitud mira a un hombre cortar troncos. A blond-haired man in a blue shirt surrounded by screens sitting at a desk and talking into a microphone.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man is with a dog. The dog is with a woman. El hombre está con un perro. The dog is with a woman.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A well dressed man walking through a rural area A man and a boy are walking in a deserted area. Un hombre bien vestido caminando por una zona rural A man and a boy are walking in a deserted area.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An African American woman looking into a microscope with images of microorganisms on her desk. A woman and a girl view a piece of artwork up close. Una mujer afroamericana mirando en un microscopio con imágenes de microorganismos en su escritorio. A woman and a girl view a piece of artwork up close.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A shaved man runs at full speed down the sidewalk with a white leotard. A young woman with a shave head in a brown skirt and sandals walking past a stone building. Un hombre afeitado corre a toda velocidad por la acera con un leotardo blanco. A young woman with a shave head in a brown skirt and sandals walking past a stone building.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman and a man are kissing on the boardwalk. A man is sleeping between two flags. Una mujer y un hombre se están besando en el paseo tablado. A man is sleeping between two flags.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man standing on a cliff. A man on a cliff. Un hombre de pie en un acantilado. A man on a cliff.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The bird is on the tree The bird sits on the tree branch. El pájaro está en el árbol The bird sits on the tree branch.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Cyclists in a bicycle race turn abruptly to the left. A rally race car is navigating around a turn on a race course surrounded by hay bails. Los ciclistas en una carrera de bicicletas giran bruscamente a la izquierda. A rally race car is navigating around a turn on a race course surrounded by hay bails.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two women compete in a kick-boxing fight. Two women compete in a soccer match. Dos mujeres compiten en uma pelea de kick-boxing. Two women compete in a soccer match.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Women are auditioning for Swan Lake. Some boys are going swimming in the lake. Las mujeres están audicionando para el Lago de los Cisnes. Some boys are going swimming in the lake.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The children are playing football. The boys are playing baseball. Los niños están jugando fútbol americano. The boys are playing baseball.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two children are sitting on a beach. Two girls prepare a small sailboat as two boys watch them from the beach. Dos niños están sentándose en una playa. Two girls prepare a small sailboat as two boys watch them from the beach.
STS2017 track4a.es-en He successfully completes a set of martial arts moves. A martial arts student kicks a wooden board to advance in his rank. Él completa con éxito un conjunto de movimientos de artes marciales. A martial arts student kicks a wooden board to advance in his rank.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man with the yellow team is about to rappel from a high distance. A person in black is off in the distance. El hombre con el equipo amarillo está a punto de hacer rapel desde una distancia alta. A person in black is off in the distance.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Construction workers sit near a railroad track. A line of construction workers walk along a train track under an overpass. Los trabajadores de construcción se sientan cerca de una vía de ferrocarril. A line of construction workers walk along a train track under an overpass.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The grumpy guy is playing an instrument outside there is a guy playing an instrument. El tipo gruñón está tocando un instrumento afuera there is a guy playing an instrument.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Three photographers taking a picture of a skater doing a trick on one of the photographers. The photographer is taking a picture of four women looking at the camera with blank faces. Tres fotógrafos tomando una foto de un patinador que realiza un truco sobre uno de los fotógrafos. The photographer is taking a picture of four women looking at the camera with blank faces.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Three young men stand against a wall conversing as a young boy looks forward holding a poster. Two young boys hold a man's hands. Tres hombres jóvenes se paran contra una pared conversando mientras que un muchacho joven mira hacia adelante sosteniendo un cartel. Two young boys hold a man's hands.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Small Asian children getting ready for a sport game. The kids are playing a friendly game of one on one soccer. Pequeños niños asiáticos preparándose para un juego deportivo. The kids are playing a friendly game of one on one soccer.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man is roasting duck in his oven A man having a piece of chicken. Un hombre está asando pato en su horno A man having a piece of chicken.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The performance will be on the news. The sign has at least one word on it. La actuación estará en las noticias. The sign has at least one word on it.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A dog sniffs another dog. a dog chases another dog. Un perro olfatea otro perro. a dog chases another dog.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The musician decided to stay home tonight. The man waited until night to go home. El músico decidió quedarse en casa esta noche. The man waited until night to go home.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The two men in blue jackets are brothers. The two men in blue jackets are sitting down. Los dos hombres con chaquetas azules son hermanos. The two men in blue jackets are sitting down.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Several people are walking. There are several people walking. Varias personas están caminando. There are several people walking.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A farmer gathers his cows. A farmer drives on two cattle to plow a field for his work as he grows corn crops Un granjero reúne sus vacas. A farmer drives on two cattle to plow a field for his work as he grows corn crops
STS2017 track4a.es-en Three people stare at the screens of the mobile phone. Three people are smiling at the camera. Tres personas miran fijamente las pantallas del teléfono móvil. Three people are smiling at the camera.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman tries to keep children away from her parents. Man giving the child back to parents Una mujer trata de alejar a los niños de sus padres. Man giving the child back to parents
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man comes to work with the cables above a desk. Man puts his feet up on a desk. Un hombre llega a trabajar con los cables por encima de un escritorio. Man puts his feet up on a desk.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The rock is about to fall on the man. The rock holding the boy is about to roll. La roca está a punto de caer sobre el hombre. The rock holding the boy is about to roll.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The girl is walking the boy is walking La niña está caminando the boy is walking
STS2017 track4a.es-en A child wears a David Wright T-shirt outdoors. A young man is wearing a suit outdoors. Un niño viste una camiseta de David Wright al aire libre. A young man is wearing a suit outdoors.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man's sweatshirt is gray. the man is wearing gray La sudadera del hombre es gris. the man is wearing gray
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman wearing black pants is holding a piercing hammer next to a broken concrete walkway. A woman wearing a blue skirt is on a walkway looking at a body of water. Una mujer que viste pantalones negros está sosteniendo un martillo perforador al lado de una calzada de cemento roto. A woman wearing a blue skirt is on a walkway looking at a body of water.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of people pose in front of the ocean. A small group of people are sitting on the bank of a large body of water in the grass. Un grupo de personas posan delante del océano. A small group of people are sitting on the bank of a large body of water in the grass.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man and a boy are fixing a truck in a garage. A man is working on a truck. Un hombre y un niño están arreglando un camión en un garaje. A man is working on a truck.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A guy repairs a jacket. A man repairs a shoe. Un tipo repara una chaqueta. A man repairs a shoe.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man dances in the street while another man looks. A woman and a man are dancing in the street. El hombre baila en la calle mientras otro mira. A woman and a man are dancing in the street.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Boys play in a park people playing a game at the park Chicos juegan en un parque people playing a game at the park
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two competitors are in a race. Three runners are racing. Dos competidores están en un carrera. Three runners are racing.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The men in blue stand at the column. Woman in pink top walking past 3 men sitting on the steps. Los hombres en azul se paran ante la columna. Woman in pink top walking past 3 men sitting on the steps.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An old woman looks at life on a park bench. An old man lays on a park bench. Una anciana contempla la vida en un banco del parque. An old man lays on a park bench.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A dental procedure. A child is receiving painful dental surgery Un procedimiento dental. A child is receiving painful dental surgery
STS2017 track4a.es-en Children have very clean faces. Some people are making funny faces while they get their picture taken. Los niños tienen caras muy limpias. Some people are making funny faces while they get their picture taken.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The couple was away on their honeymoon The couple smiles before leaving for their honeymoon. La pareja estaba lejos en su luna de miel The couple smiles before leaving for their honeymoon.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Sled dogs are outside. The dogs are pulling a sled. Los perros de trineo están afuera. The dogs are pulling a sled.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of butchers are trying recipes made with meat that they cut. The cooks are putting together the ingredients for a massive burrito. Un grupo de carniceros están probando recetas hechas con carne que cortan. The cooks are putting together the ingredients for a massive burrito.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man doing windsurfing in the ocean. A man is snorkeling in the ocean. Un hombre haciendo windsurf en el océano. A man is snorkeling in the ocean.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A child on the shoulders of a man. a man and a boy in shorts stand on a bridge Un niño sobre los hombros de un hombre. a man and a boy in shorts stand on a bridge
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man in a skating park is doing an ollie in a half-pipe in front of the beach A man in a skate park is doing an ollie in a half-pipe near the beach Un hombre en un parque de patinaje está haciendo un ollie en un half-pipe frente a la playa A man in a skate park is doing an ollie in a half-pipe near the beach
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man has a beard. A bearded man is outside. El hombre tiene barba. A bearded man is outside.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two women waiting for the light of the pedestrian crossing to change to green. The people are waiting for the light to turn green. Dos mujeres esperando que la luz del paso peatonal cambie a verde. The people are waiting for the light to turn green.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Women clean the debris left on their porch Woman inside sweeping the floor. Las mujeres limpian los escombros dejados en su porche Woman inside sweeping the floor.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Illegal loggers felled a giant tree in the spring forest. The spotted dog chews on the bark of a pine tree. Los madereros ilegales talaron un árbol gigante en el bosque primaveral. The spotted dog chews on the bark of a pine tree.
STS2017 track4a.es-en An athlete is moving. The athlete is moving. Un atleta se está moviendo. The athlete is moving.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The two children are playing hide and seek. the boys are home playing hide and seek Los dos niños están jugando a las escondidas. the boys are home playing hide and seek
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man wears a hat and waits for a bus. A man in a blue shirt and a hat is sitting in a truck. Un hombre usa un sombrero y espera un bus. A man in a blue shirt and a hat is sitting in a truck.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man building his house. A man building a house. Un hombre construyendo su casa. A man building a house.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Garden tools are in the greenhouse The street is empty and the buildings are white. Las herramientas de jardín están en el invernadero The street is empty and the buildings are white.
STS2017 track4a.es-en She is walking through the public park. A person is walking through the park. Ella está caminando a través del parque público. A person is walking through the park.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man in a red sweater waits at a street food stand. A little girl is standing on the street, holding a red bag. Un hombre con un suéter rojo espera en un stand de comida callejera. A little girl is standing on the street, holding a red bag.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man has brown hair along with a woman who has blonde hair. a women with blonde and brown hair has her arms around a man Un hombre tiene el cabello castaño junto con una mujer que tiene cabello rubio. a women with blonde and brown hair has her arms around a man
STS2017 track4a.es-en A little boy is outside. A woman is near a little kid. Un niño pequeño está afuera. A woman is near a little kid.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man juggles a crowd. A man and a crowd. Un hombre hace malabares para una multitud. A man and a crowd.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A black dog running very fast with a blond woman running after him in the background. A young girl doing a back flip in the water. Un perro negro corriendo muy rápido con una mujer rubia corriendo tras él en el fondo. A young girl doing a back flip in the water.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman sitting on a chair showing children a book. A female child turns the page of a book while she sits on a colorful stool Una mujer sentada en una silla mostrando a los niños un libro. A female child turns the page of a book while she sits on a colorful stool
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two men in suits are cycling through a crosswalk. Two men are jogging on a trail. Dos hombres con trajes andan en bicicleta por un cruce de peatones. Two men are jogging on a trail.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two men taking the warm sun. The men are in the hot sun. Dos hombres tomando el cálido sol. The men are in the hot sun.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two people are standing outside a shop on a city street. The people are standing in a crowded store. Dos personas están de pie fuera de una tienda en una calle de la ciudad. The people are standing in a crowded store.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Bicycles are on a road. Bicycles are laying on the side of the road. Las bicicletas están en una carretera. Bicycles are laying on the side of the road.
STS2017 track4a.es-en People pay for their purchases in the store. Families wait to enter the store for a big sale. La gente paga por sus compras en la tienda. Families wait to enter the store for a big sale.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The guy is at home sleeping. The guy is sleeping at home. El tipo está en casa durmiendo. The guy is sleeping at home.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The boy finished opening all his Christmas presents. A woman is in the process of changing her clothes for her big date tonight. El niño terminó de abrir todos sus regalos de Navidad. A woman is in the process of changing her clothes for her big date tonight.
STS2017 track4a.es-en People are happy to be on the beach. People are at a beach. La gente está feliz de estar en la playa. People are at a beach.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The lady is sitting near the fruit. A lady in green is walking outside. La dama está sentada cerca de la fruta. A lady in green is walking outside.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The white child is on the bars, while the brown is on the bottom. The two girls are in the water and one has a white shirt on. El niño de color blanco está en las barras, mientras que el de color marrón está de pie abajo. The two girls are in the water and one has a white shirt on.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Waitress working at a restaurant cutting watermelon. a restaurant makes vegetables for everyone who enters Mesera trabajando en un restaurante cortando sandía. a restaurant makes vegetables for everyone who enters
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man is shopping in the middle. A man is shopping in a mall. Un hombre está haciendo compras en el centro. A man is shopping in a mall.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A hockey player is skating on ice. A hockey player is sitting on the ice. Un jugador de hockey está patinando sobre hielo. A hockey player is sitting on the ice.
STS2017 track4a.es-en There's a woman riding a horse. A person is riding a horse outside. Hay una mujer montando a caballo. A person is riding a horse outside.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man in a store A man in a supermarket. Un hombre en una tienda A man in a supermarket.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man jumping in the air A man is jumping into the air. Un hombre saltando en el aire A man is jumping into the air.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The dog is asleep in bed. A dog is asleep on the bed. El perro está dormido en la cama. A dog is asleep on the bed.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Three swimmers are getting ready to start their swimming competition. The swimming competitors prepare for their meet. Tres nadadores se están preparando para que comience su competencia natación. The swimming competitors prepare for their meet.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The two men are running. two of the three men are running. Los dos hombres están corriendo. two of the three men are running.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man is reading a book near the fireplace. A man is reading a book on the couch. Un hombre está leyendo un libro cerca de la chimenea. A man is reading a book on the couch.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man is standing after his performance on the play. the person is taking a break from the game in the picture El hombre está de pie después de su actuación en la obra. the person is taking a break from the game in the picture
STS2017 track4a.es-en A little girl running in a field A little girl is running in a field. Una niña pequeña corriendo en un campo A little girl is running in a field.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A group of people watches as the bride and groom exchange their vows. A group of people wait for their turn to cross the street. Un grupo de personas mira como la novia y el novio intercambian sus votos. A group of people wait for their turn to cross the street.
STS2017 track4a.es-en After the birth of a baby, the nurses make sure that it is okay. The woman is getting ready for the day. Después del nacimiento de un bebé, las enfermeras se aseguran de que está bien. The woman is getting ready for the day.
STS2017 track4a.es-en Two men standing in a sleeping area. Three men are walking in front of a tent. Dos hombres de pie en un área para dormir. Three men are walking in front of a tent.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man is pumping air on the tires of his bicycle. A man is pumping air into his bicycle. Un hombre está bombeando aire en las llantas de su bicicleta. A man is pumping air into his bicycle.
STS2017 track4a.es-en The man was talking on the phone in the bathroom. A man is by the door looking at his phone. El hombre estaba hablando por teléfono en el baño. A man is by the door looking at his phone.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A man asleep in a fountain outdoors. A man is looking at an outdoor shower. Un hombre dormido en una fuente al aire libre. A man is looking at an outdoor shower.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A woman running down the street holding an accordion. A man in a business suit walks down the street. Una mujer corriendo por la calle sosteniendo un acordeón. A man in a business suit walks down the street.
STS2017 track4a.es-en A little boy taking photos. A man and little boy are getting a picture taken. Un niño pequeño tomando fotos. A man and little boy are getting a picture taken.