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Releases: alyssaruth/Entropy

5.3.0 - May 2015

22 Nov 18:18
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Change log:

--------- Version 5.3.0 ---------

+ Strategy API
+ Info tab for online games
= Fixed a bug with the location of online rooms on the screen
= Mass removal of old/duplicated/shitty code

5.2.2 - February 2015

22 Nov 18:16
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Change log:

--------- Version 5.2.2 ---------

= Improved email validation for online accounts
= Improved emailing of logs
= Reduced some font sizes to look better in Nimbus theme
= Bug fix for apple operating systems
= Leaving an online game during the first round will no longer count as a loss

5.2.1 - February 2015

22 Nov 18:14
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Change log:

--------- Version 5.2.1 ---------

= Changed package structure
= Bug fixes
= Leaderboard now only shows non-zero achievement counts

5.2.0 - February 2015

22 Nov 18:13
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Change log:

--------- Version 5.2.0 ---------

+ Ability to change the overall Look & Feel in Appearance preferences
+ Online release

5.1.0 - January 2015

22 Nov 18:10
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Change log:

--------- Version 5.1.0 ---------

+ Global stats for the Leaderboard
+ Link between online account and email for password recovery
+ Account settings online to allow changing of password and/or email
+ Bug Report feature
+ Hidden achievements
+ EV Strategy for Vectropy
+ Room name to saved replays
= Client/Server traffic is now encrypted
= Replays can be deleted in bulk

--------- Version 5.0.0 ---------

+ EntropyOnline
+ Rewards for 40, 45 and 50 achievements
+ New card backs to unlock for every 5 achievements earned
+ Achievements (Citizen's Arrest, Connected, Railbird, Social, Spaceman, Werewolf)
+ Progress Bar for Simulation Dialog
= Fixed performance issues with the Replay Viewer
= Made message dialogs more consistent
= Improved the way Entropy detects that it's already running

4.1.2 - May 2014

22 Nov 18:06
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Change log:

--------- Version 4.1.2 ---------

= Fixed a bug where losses were double-counted
= Help dialog now refreshes properly when Vectropy is unlocked
= Fixed a bug where the bid slider always showed clubs on continuing a game
= Fixed a bug where some continued games started with the wrong player
= Fixed a bug where the replay viewer sometimes refreshed with the wrong filters
= Removed a broken hyperlink from the help dialog
= Made some improvements to the screen layout
= It is now possible to have a file replay and an in-game replay open at once
= The in-game replay now automatically closes between games

--------- Version 4.1.1 ---------

= Fixed a bug with opening the help for the first time
= Fixed 'Distracted' achievement so it isn't earned when a game is over
= Fixed a bug with opening file replays on the last round
= Changed the order of achievement/reward popups

4.1.0 - April 2014

22 Nov 18:05
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Change log:

--------- Version 4.1.0 ---------

+ Test tube representation of achievement progress
+ Username for debugging
+ Unlockable rewards
+ Achievements (Easy as 1,2,3, Distracted)
= Imported and exported replays are now forced to have the '.ent' extension
= Replay files are now encoded
= The in-game replay will now update while open as a game progresses
= Fixed a bug with changing appearance preferences
= Fixed a couple of bugs with starting a new game immediately after losing a challenge

4.0.0 - March 2014

22 Nov 18:02
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Change log:

--------- Version 4.0.0 ---------

+ Vectropy Mode
+ Vectropy achievements (The Mathematician, Base Ten, Five Squared, Half-Century)
+ Vectropy mode to Simulator
+ 'Configure Columns' option to replay viewer
+ Columns to replay viewer: game mode and number of rounds
+ Two new decks and the ability to play with four colours
+ New jokers and card backs
+ New help pages for Vectropy
= Redesigned replay viewer and made it resizable
= Separate statistics for games played/won in Vectropy
= Replay viewer now caches values so refreshing is faster
= Fixed the simulator which got broken in 3.2.1
= Fixed a bug with the maximum bid when jokers are in play
= Changes to game speed now take effect immediately

--------- Version 3.2.1 ---------

= Refactored code to make adding other variants easier

3.2.0 - February 2014

22 Nov 18:00
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Change log:

--------- Version 3.2.0 ---------

+ Achievements (The Chimera, Precision)
+ EV Strategy
+ Hyperlinking to the help dialog
+ Glossary and Clearing Data help pages
+ Command Bar
+ Flags for handicaps to replace "x/y" notation
+ Emailing of logs (both automatic and manual)
+ Date and Flag filter options to Replay Viewer
= Tightened error handling across all classes
= Replay Viewer now shows multiple flags
= Fixed bug where you could change the strategy of opponents mid-game
= Search terms are now highlighted in the help dialog
= Fixed a bug with refreshing the main screen

3.1.0 - January 2014

22 Nov 17:58
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Change log:

--------- Version 3.1.0 ---------

+ Help dialog.
+ Five new achievements.
+ Icons for replay viewer, replays, help and achievements
= Time played in statistics now updates in real-time.
= Disabled multiple instances.
= Fixed perfect game achievements to work with handicaps.
= Sorting by date now works properly on the replay tables
= Replays can now be viewed using the return key with a row selected.
- Simulation achievements.