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Project name: Online Library Management System

The purpose of the project: To create a complex system for the provision of library resources, users and management.


○ Books: ■ Searching and filtering books (category, author, year of publication, etc. on). ■ Adding, updating, deleting and viewing books. ■ Inventory management of books (tracking the number of books).

○ Authors: ■ Searching and filtering authors ■ Adding, updating, deleting and viewing authors. ■ Management of authors ' books.

○ Rating and reviews: ■ Users writing ratings and reviews for books. ■ Viewing Ratings and reviews.

○ Book Reservation: ■ For users to reserve books online. ■ For users to reserve books online. ■ Tracking and managing reservation dates.

○ Book Rental: ■ Renting and returning books. ■ Tracking rental dates and return reminders.

○ Notifications and reminders: ■ Book return reminders notifications about new books and events

○ Administration: ■ System input-output and management. ■ User management (except superadmin).

○ User Module: ■ User Add, Update, Delete and view (except superadmin)..

○ Accountability: ■ Generating and viewing reports (rent statistics, most read books, etc.).

Technical Task The operations that must be performed on the modules are explained below:

❖ Book Management-APIs

  1. addBook: adds new books.
  2. updateBook: updates the information of the current book.
  3. deleteBook: deletes the book.
  4. getBookById: retrieves information about a particular book.
  5. getAllBooks: gets all the books.

❖ Book Search and filtering

  1. searchBooks: searches books according to search criteria.
  2. filterBooks: filters books according to certain criteria. Inventory Management
  3. getBookInventory: tracks and displays the current number of books.

❖ User Management-APIs

  1. addUser: adds new user.
  2. updateUser: updates the data of the current user.
  3. deleteUser: deletes the user.
  4. getUserById: retrieves information about a particular user.
  5. getAllUsers: gets all users.
  6. getUserByUsername: retrieves user information based on userName.
  7. getUsersByRole: acquires users with a certain role.
  8. deactivateUser: deactivates the user account.

❖ Registration and authorization-APIs

  1. registerUser: performs user registration.
  2. login: confirms user login.
  3. logout: performs user's exit.

❖ Author Management – APIs The functions of adding, updating, deleting and viewing authors will be provided. The following methods will provide this functionality:

  1. addAuthor: adds a new author.
  2. updateAuthor: updates the current author's data.
  3. deleteAuthor: deletes the author.
  4. getAuthorById: obtains information about a particular author.
  5. getAllAuthors: acquires all authors.
  6. getAuthorByName: retrieves data based on the author's name.

❖ Management Of Books By Authors

  1. removeBookFromAuthor: removes the author's book.
  2. getBooksByAuthor: acquires books belonging to the author.

❖ Ratings and Reviews – APIs

  1. addRatingAndReview(): Adds new rating and feedback.
  2. getRatingsAndReviewsByBook(): Brings all ratings and reviews for a book.
  3. getRatingsAndReviewsByUser(): It brings all ratings and reviews given by a user.
  4. updateRatingAndReview(): Updates the current rating and review.
  5. deleteRatingAndReview(): Removes the current rating and review.

❖ Reservations-APIs

  1. addReservation: adds new reservation for book by user.
  2. updateReservation: updates an existing reservation (for example, changes dates).
  3. cancelReservation: cancels an existing reservation.
  4. getUserReservations: gets all the active reservations of the user.
  5. getBookReservations: gets all active reservations for the book.
  6. getReservationDetails: gets detailed information about certain reservations.
  7. checkAvailability: checks whether the book is available on certain dates.

❖ Report generation-APIs

  1. generateRentalStatistics: generates rental statistics.
  2. getMostReadBooks: gets the most read books.
  3. generateUserActivityReport: generates user activity report.
  4. getBookRentalHistory: gets the rental history of the book.
  5. getUserLoginHistory: retrieves the user's login history.

❖ APIs for notifications and reminders

  1. addReminder ○ Work to do: adds a reminder to the user to return the book. ○ Input parameters: userId, bookId, reminderDate
  2. removeReminder ○ Work to do: deletes the reminder. ○ Input parameters: reminderId
  3. getRemindersByUser ○ Work to do: gets all reminders for a specific user. ○ Input parameters: userId
  4. getUpcomingReminders ○ Work to do: gets reminders of the future (for example, after a certain date). ○ Input parameters: date
  5. sendReminderNotification ○ Work to do: sends a reminder to the user via email, SMS, or in-app notification. ○ Input parameters: userId, message
  6. addNewBookNotification ○ Work to do: adds notifications to users about new books. ○ Input parameters: userId, bookId, notificationMessage
  7. addEventNotification ○ Work to do: adds notification to users about actions. ○ Input parameters: userId, eventId, notificationMessage
  8. getNotificationsByUser ○ Work to do: gets all notifications for a specific user. ○ Input parameters: userId
  9. removeNotification ○ Work to do: deletes the notification. ○ Input parameters: notificationId

❖ Automatic check and refund-APIs The functions of automatic checking and returning books will be provided. The following methods will provide this functionality:

  1. checkOverdueBooks ○ Work to do: checks books with a refund date past. ○ Input Settings: currentDate (today's date)
  2. sendOverdueNotices ○ Work to do: sends notifications to users for non-refundable books. ○ Access Settings: overdueBooks (list of non-refundable books)
  3. updateBookStatus ○ Work to do: updates the status of the book (for example, “returned”). ○ Input parameters: bookId, newStatus
  4. logReturnEvent ○ Work to do: records the event that occurred during the return of the book. ○ Input parameters: bookId, userId, returnDate

Roles and permission

  1. Admin (SuperAdmin) ○ User management: ability to add, delete, update users and view all user data. ○ Book management: the ability to add, update, delete books and view the list of books. ○ Author Management: the ability to add, update, delete authors and view the list of authors. ○ Reservation management: ability to confirm or cancel book reservations. ○ Rating and Feedback Management: the ability to track, approve and delete ratings and reviews that users give for books. ○ Notifications and reminders: adding, removing and updating notifications and reminders. ○ Reports: viewing rental statistics, most read books and other reports. ○ System settings: change and manage System Settings. ○ Roles and permissions: assignment and management of roles and permissions.

  2. Library Worker (Admin) ○ Book management: the ability to add, update, delete books and view their list. ○ Reservation management: accepting and managing book reservations. ○ Reminders and notifications: sending reminders to users and tracking notifications. ○ Return of books: to carry out the return and automatic verification of books. ○ Authors management: updating and viewing authors ' information. ○ Viewing reports: viewing rental statistics and other reports.

  3. USER (User) ○ Book Search: searching and filtering books. ○ Booking:book books. ○ Rating and feedback: giving ratings and writing reviews for books. ○ Reminders: keep track of reminders. ○ Notifications: viewing notifications about new books and events. ○ User data: updating your own user data.