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106 lines (77 loc) · 1.89 KB

File metadata and controls

106 lines (77 loc) · 1.89 KB



This is the very first project in the 42Cursus and it aims to recode and reproduce the behavior of some pre-defined functions in C Standard Libs.
some of these functions are pre-defined in the standard C libs and others are not.

The Libft project consists of three parts:

  • Mandatory Part 1
  • Mandatory Part 2
  • Bonus Part

To validate your project and have it accepted, you must at least do both of the Mandatory Parts. (The bonus part is not that necessary but it gives extra XPs and days for The Blackhole).


Note: I haven't shared the PDF of this project, as well as, I haven't explained anything due to school privacy reasons!


  • ft_atoi
  • ft_calloc
  • ft_itoa


  • ft_bzero
  • ft_strlen
  • ft_strlcpy
  • ft_strlcat
  • ft_strdup
  • ft_strchr
  • ft_strrchr
  • ft_strncmp
  • ft_strnstr
  • ft_memset
  • ft_memmove
  • ft_memcpy
  • ft_memcmp
  • ft_memchr


  • ft_isalnum
  • ft_isalpha
  • ft_isprint
  • ft_iascii
  • ft_digit
  • ft_tolower
  • ft_toupper

Other Functions

  • ft_lstadd_back
  • ft_lstadd_front
  • ft_lstnew
  • ft_lstsize
  • ft_lstlast
  • ft_lstdelone
  • ft_lstclear
  • ft_lstiter
  • ft_lstmap
  • ft_split
  • ft_strsub
  • ft_putchar_fd
  • ft_putstr_fd
  • ft_putendl_fd
  • ft_putnbr_fd
  • ft_strjoin
  • ft_strmapi
  • ft_striteri
  • ft_strmapi
  • ft_strtrim

Things you will learn in this project

Linked Lists

Memory Allocation and manipulation

String manipulation

Understanding how Memory works

File Descriptors


Pointers in depth

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