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Serenity-Selenium-Cucumber-Junit-Maven-Java Sample Test Automation Solution

  • Serenity BDD is a library that makes it easier to write high quality automated acceptance tests, with powerful reporting and living documentation features. It has strong support for both web testing with Selenium, and API testing using RestAssured.
  • Design patterns like Lean Page Objects, Action & Question Classes approach are used in this solution to make the tests very readable and easily maintainable.
  • Tests are written in BDD Gherkin format and it is represented as a living documentation in the test report.
  • Application under test:

The project directory structure

  + main
      + utils                       Utililty classes to read test data and generate DTO's
  + test
    + java                          Test runners and supporting code
      + account                     Domain model directory
          AccountPage               Lean Page Object containing only locating strategy
          AccountPageActions        Action class containing only user actions on the page
          AccountPageQuestions      Question class containing only verifications & validations
    + resources
      + features                    Feature files directory
        + checkout                  Feature file subdirectories (Epics in test report)
          checkout_item.feature     Features containing BDD scenarios (Features in test report)
      + testdata                    Test data files 
      + webdriver                   Bundled webdriver binaries
        + linux
        + mac
        + windows
          chromedriver.exe          OS-specific Webdriver binaries
      Serenity.conf                 Configurations file

Executing the tests

Run mvn clean verify from the command line.

All tests will by default run in parallel mode with each feature running in seperate browsers.

Note: For Mac users: Latest versions of chromedriver and geckodriver are included in the package and your system will need chrome version 78 or firefox version 69.03 to run the tests.

For Windows users: Latest versions of chromedriver and geckodriver are included in the package and your system will need chrome version 77 or firefox version 69.03 to run the tests.

For Linux users: This solution is not tested in Linux. Please update the driver/your browser if you end up having issues while executing the test. You can also run the tests in Zalenium docker grid which will handle all these dependencies automatically inside the docker container.

By default, the tests will run using Chrome. You can run them in Firefox by overriding the driver system property, e.g.

$  mvn verify -Dwebdriver.driver=firefox

The test results will be recorded here target/site/serenity/index.html. Please run the below command from root directory to open the result after execution.

open target/site/serenity/index.html 

A sample completed test report is attached in the serenity-results/index.html directory Sample Result

Additional command line parameters can be passed for switching the application environment

$ mvn clean verify -Denvironment=prod

To enable screenshots for each step during the tests, the following command line parameter can be passed. Screenshots are by default enabled only for test failures to improve execution speed

$ mvn clean verify -Dserenity.take.screenshots=FOR_EACH_ACTION

Container based Zalenium grid parallel run

Parallel runs have been implemented with docker container using the Zalenium ( which provides video recording,live preview and a dashboard for monitoring the tests.

This setup can be used when running tests in a CI system for distributed execution or even in local machine for painless execution without worrying about the latest browser drivers. The container will take care of pulling the latest drivers for both selenium and firefox for test execution.

Zalenium Dashboard

Your machine needs docker to be installed to run the tests with Zalenium. Once docker is installed. Please follow the below steps.

  • Pull Zelenium from dockerhub
docker pull dosel/zalenium
  • Run it
docker run --rm -ti --name zalenium -p 4444:4444 \
      -e PULL_SELENIUM_IMAGE=true \
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
      -v /tmp/videos:/home/seluser/videos \
      --privileged dosel/zalenium start
  • Once the Zalenium grid is up and running, run the test
mvn verify -Dwebdriver.driver=remote -Dwebdriver.remote.url=http://localhost:4444/wd/hub
docker stop zalenium

Other Configurations configuration

All of the below mentioned test run configurations are configured in the test/resources/serenity.conf file.

Webdriver configuration

Configuration for running tests in local and other browser properties are defined here.

The project also bundles some of the WebDriver binaries that you need to run Selenium tests in the src/test/resources/webdriver directories.

This configuration means that development machines and build servers do not need to have a particular version of the WebDriver drivers installed for the tests to run correctly.

drivers {
  windows { = "src/test/resources/webdriver/windows/chromedriver.exe"
    webdriver.gecko.driver = "src/test/resources/webdriver/windows/geckodriver.exe"
  mac { = "src/test/resources/webdriver/mac/chromedriver"
    webdriver.gecko.driver = "src/test/resources/webdriver/mac/geckodriver"
  linux { = "src/test/resources/webdriver/linux/chromedriver"
    webdriver.gecko.driver = "src/test/resources/webdriver/linux/geckodriver"

Environment-specific configurations

Application's invidual environments are configured here, so that the tests can be run in different environments. Individual page path is also externalised for easier management of direct page navigations

environments {
  default {
    webdriver.base.url = ""
  dev {
    webdriver.base.url = "http://dev.automationpractice.comm/"
  staging {
    webdriver.base.url = ""
  prod {
    webdriver.base.url = ""
  all { = "#{webdriver.base.url}" = "#{webdriver.base.url}/index.php?controller=authentication&back=my-account"

Other Libraries

  • Java Faker - This library is used in the tests to generate random data to be passed to the application like user details
  • Jackson - To read test data from yaml file and load it to DTO class
  • Lombok - To reduce boilerplate code in DTO classes and increase readabilty
  • Assertj - To assert the tests. Soft assertions are used where multiple assertions are present so that user can see all passing assertions along with the failed ones