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Leland Kwong edited this page Feb 15, 2018 · 13 revisions

TODO: Page needs to be redone. Copied from end section of Hello World. TODO: Should have short list of most used API to jump to, roadmap on how to use docs, option to do crash course

Further Reading

  • Glossary
    Graph databases and distributed systems each have field specific terminology. On top of those, gun has some of its own terminology. The glossary provides a concise list of terms you may not have seen before.

  • GUN’s Data Format
    Everything you save into gun gets turned into a JSON subset. This page explains more of how and why.

  • Circular References
    As mentioned before, gun supports circular references between data. Read this if you wanna know how it works.

  • CAP Theorem
    The CAP Theorem says you there's Consistency, Availability, and Partition Tolerance, and databases can only choose two. This page explains which gun chooses and why.

  • Conflict Resolution with Guns
    Since gun is offline-first in one of the harshest programming environments on earth (the browser), it's conflict resolution algorithm has to be rock-solid. This page gives a high-level overview.

How To:

  • Start Your Own Gun Server
    In order to sync data between two peers, you'll need at least one gun server. This is how.

  • Delete Data
    Deleting stuff in distributed systems is harder than you'd think. Read this to see what nuances are at play and some tricks for dealing with them.

  • Use Amazon S3 for Storage
    One of our storage plugins syncs directly with Amazon's S3 service, so you can reliably persist your data for mere pennies.

  • Build Modules for Gun
    Although gun comes bundled with storage and transport plugins, you can swap them out for others. This page explains how to build your own.

This wiki is where all the GUN website documentation comes from.

You can read it here or on the website, but the website has some special features like rendering some markdown extensions to create interactive coding tutorials.

Please feel free to improve the docs itself, we need contributions!

Clone this wiki locally