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Wire specification and API (v0.2.x)

MetaSean edited this page Jan 26, 2016 · 4 revisions

Gun Wire Methods

Documentation for each of gun's wire methods, .get, .put and .key.

put(graph, callback, options)


The graph is a container with nodes going one level deep, each keyed by a unique ID.

callback(error, okay)

The callback takes two arguments, error and okay. It must be invoked at some point, either with error or success, as gun's asynchronous engine depends on the response to continue execution.

  • errors should be passed into the callback as an object {err: new Error(msg)}. If any data fails to persist, the entire put is considered a failure and should error out immediately.
  • okay is an object {ok: true} passed as the second parameter.

Object options

No options currently available.

get(name, callback, options)

The responsiblity of get is to find the data requested and stream it back to the client.


get can handle two types of requests: keys and relations.


A key is a graph containing relation objects, each pointing to other objects. get's responsibility is to extract each soul, find it's corresponding object, and stream back a graph containing those objects, keyed by their souls.


A relation is an object that points to another object, or references that object. Relations are always objects containing only one property named "#", who's value is a soul (more detail). When passed a relation, get should return a graph containing the object it points to, keyed by it's soul.

callback(error, okay)

The get operation, whether successful or not, should invoke the callback with the appropriate arguments.


If your function irrevocably fails, invoke the callback with an error object { err: new Error(msg) } and quit the operation.


The get method is expected to stream data back to the server, allowing three seperate types of responses:

object stream
callback(null, {
  [soul]: { /* your object */ }

If you have a thousand properties on an object, you can break it into chunks and send one at a time. Respond with a graph containing the soul of the node and the data that belongs to it. The node does not need to be complete.

object termination
callback(null, {
  [soul]: Gun.union.pseudo(soul)

This is gun's special termination sequence. It does not end the stream, it simply ends the node. Above we mentioned that your node could be broken into pieces and streamed. This is what we use to tell gun the entire node has been sent.

stream termination
callback(null, {})

Once you've sent all the data requested, terminate the connection by sending an empty object.


No options currently available.

key(name, soul, callback)

.key takes a string as a name and a soul to associate with that name. Keys should be able to hold entire graphs of souls, storing them as relation objects, producable on demand from .get.


The name can be any string. It is what will be passed into .get to return the data set.


By default, the soul is a unique 24-digit alphanumeric string that points to an object: I1447469384953RQ7KG4. It's what gun uses as a "link" to that object.

callback(error, okay)

The function to invoke once we have finished.

Error: if the data fails to save, we send an error into the callback as the first argument: callback({ err: new Error(msg) }).

Once we're certain the key's been written, we invoke the callback with an object as the second parameter: callback(null, { ok: true }).

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