/audio/noise.py warning: plot cannot show the imaginary part of numebrs: link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17958223/numpy-warningcasting-complex-to-real-discards-imaginary-part
/rpi* no error
/WordCount no error
/Plottnig/first_try error: print: cause: the python version. changed to print("blah blah") error: some cells in notebook should be converted to markdown
/machine error: print: cause: the python version. changed to print("blah blah")
/Pandas/pandas_movie.py error: UnicodeDecodeError solution: adding encoding = "ISO-8859-1" to pd.read_cvs call: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18171739/unicodedecodeerror-when-reading-csv-file-in-pandas-with-python
/Multiprocessing/ no error
/Image_Video some errors on cv2: have to install ovencv incomplete