All the lines and sarcasm and also conversations in alphabetic characters. Could it be more wonderfull :)
Ross : I dont want to be single; i want to be married again. Chandler : And i just want a million dollars!
Joey : What if you saw a three-legged puppy?
Chandler : I'd be sad, sure - but I wouldn't cry.
Joey : OK; well, what if the puppy said, "Help me, Chandler. All the other puppies pick on me"?
Chandler : Cry? I just found a talking puppy! I'm rich!
Chandler : im Chandler, i make jokes when im ucomfortable.
Chandler : im not great at the advice; can i intrest you with a sarcastic comment? some cheese?!
Joey : Hey Chandler come on in; we are knitting potholders.
Chandler : No, thanks Josephine!.
Joey : look i got you
Chandler : oh my god; you almost gave me a heart attak!
Pheobe : Hey look i got you a present
Chandler : Oh my god where did you hide it?!
Chandler : sometimes i wish i was a lesbian
did i said that out loud??
Joey : Some girl ate Monica.
Monica : Shut up; the camera adds 10 pounds.
Chandler : So, how many cameras are actually on you?!
Monica : What happend?
Chandler : Well, Joey was born and then 28 years later I was robbed!.
Chandler : Hold on; there is somyhing diffrent.
Ross : I went to that tanning place your wife sugessted.
Chandler : Was that place the sun??!
Ross : so does it do anything special?
Chandler : Yes Ross, pressing my third nipple opens up the delivery intrance of magical land of Narnia!