This is an open-source project where players can observe everything about MFF recent updates to make the most appropriate decision.
When I started this project, I had great thing in mind; and I still do have those!
My main goal is to create a website where players can communicate together and have their accounts linked to their netmarble account so that they are able to demonstrate it ✌🏻
This project is a Django app base project that I start in second year of university to challenge myself. It's consists of these essential parts:
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- SQLite
- PostgreSQL
- ...
- Selenium
- BeautifulSoap
- JavaScript
- ...
These are some of the screenshots of the pages that are ready to go!
- Cards page:
You can click on this Link or clone this project on your computer and adjust you changes; then you can run it by typing the following command:
Create and Activate a Virtual Environment:
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv [YourVenvName]
$ source [YourVenvName]/bin/activate
> pip install virtualenv
> python -m venv [YourVenvName]
> [YourVenvName]/Scripts/activate
Then you can run this command to run the server:
$ python runserver [PORT]
*you can specify a port to run the server on if you want; otherwise it will run on the default
I'm more than happy to hear your feedbacks and collaborate with you guys!
if you had any problem contributing on the project, feel free to contact me:
- Amirhoseein Khalili