Releases: amit9838/mousam
Release v1.4.0
What’s New:
• Added new backgrounds for both day and night weather conditions.
• Introduced a welcome screen for first-time users.
UI Improvements:
• Updated branding colors to align with the app’s theme.
• Reduced grid spacing and made forecast items and UI components smaller for a cleaner look.
Translation Updates:
• Added Italian translations, thanks to @Nekothegamer!
• Added Traditional Chinese (zh-TW) translations, thanks to @lipcut.
• Updated Spanish translations, thanks to @radical4ever.
Bug Fixes:
• Fixed typos and improved code formatting for better maintainability.
• Resolved issues related to styling and default location settings.
New Contributors:
• @lipcut made their first contribution in #171
• @Nekothegamer made their first contribution in #158
• @radical4ever made their first contribution in #155
Full Changelog:…v1.4.0
Thanks to everyone who contributed and raised issues on GitHub!
Release v1.3.2
What's New:
- New app icon, thanks to @bertob!
Bug Fixes:
- Resolved the issue of sunset/sunrise time always displaying in 12-hour format.
- Improved sun rotation functionality to support both 12-hour and 24-hour formats.
Translation Updates:
- Updated Hindi translation, thanks to @Scrambled777!
New Contributors
- @bertob made their first contribution in #134
- @rainloreley made their first contribution in #137
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.3.2
Thanks to everyone who raised issue on github
Release v1.3.0
What's New
- Added option to switch between different time formats 12h/24h.
- Now app remembers the window size/state.
- Improved app startup and weather refresh performance.
- Romanian by @georgescutelnicu
- French by @SpicyWasab
Thanks to
- And thanks to those who reported bugs on GitHub issues.
Release v1.2.0
What's new
- Added keyboard shortcuts for various like refresh, open settings etc. Thanks to @francobattista
- Mousam is now more usable on low resolution displays.
- "Now" label in hourly forecast is automatically scrolled in the view. Thanks to @georgescutelnicu
- Now Mousam uses gnome runtime-version 46.
Need to add 24 hr option
Bug fixes
- Tomorrow's forecast is fixed now where it was showing offset forecast.
- Some UI improvements in search city dialog.
- Fixed error where sun rotation was inaccurate sometimes.
- App is now available in various in various native languages :
- Dutch by @Vistaus
- French + German by @Yellowbery01
- Brazilian Portuguese by @Luiz-C-Lima
- Polish by @LukaszH77
- Ukrainian by @SimonOriginal
- Hindi by @Scrambled777
Thanks to
- @LukaszH77 for adding context related translation changes
- @yakushabb for adding translation related patches
Auto generated change log
What's Changed
- Add Code of Conduct and Contribution Guide page by @chlawrence31 in #88
- Update debian changelog file for version 1.1.0 by @hsbasu in #94
- Create pt_BR.po with Brazilian Portuguese Translation. by @Luiz-C-Lima in #95
- Polish translation by @LukaszH77 in #98
- Update Brazilian Portuguese Translation by @Luiz-C-Lima in #99
- Added context to repeatedly used strings by @LukaszH77 in #101
- French + German translations added by @Yellowbery01 in #104
- Added Dutch translation by @Vistaus in #107
- Translation related patches by @yakushabb in #108
- Keyboard shortcuts added: -Open settings, -Open locations, -Refresh w… by @francobattista in #113
- Improve shortcuts keys, search locations, add keyboard shortcuts dialog, update mousam.pot file by @amit9838 in #114
- Add scrollbar offset logic in HourlyDetails widget by @georgescutelnicu in #115
- Added Ukrainian language by @SimonOriginal in #116
- Initial Hindi translation by @Scrambled777 in #117
New Contributors
- @chlawrence31 made their first contribution in #88
- @Luiz-C-Lima made their first contribution in #95
- @LukaszH77 made their first contribution in #98
- @Yellowbery01 made their first contribution in #104
- @Vistaus made their first contribution in #107
- @yakushabb made their first contribution in #108
- @francobattista made their first contribution in #113
- @georgescutelnicu made their first contribution in #115
- @SimonOriginal made their first contribution in #116
- @Scrambled777 made their first contribution in #117
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
What's New
- Dynamic background is back again, app background changes based on current weather condition.
- Option to see precipitation in inches.
- App is now slimmer
Bug Fixes
- Fix no internet issues, when external DNS communication is blocked #84
- Improve air pollution level
- Improve ui
Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.1.0
Release v1.0.2
What's Changed
- Multiple fixes , mostly related to build
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.0.2
Release v1.0.1
What's New
- Introducing new design with entirly new app experience.
- New design follows card design pattern highlighting important data utilising graphs and bars.
- New Backend that is more optimised and offers better user experience.
- New set of icons shipped by the app which covers wide range of conditions, and is independent of system icons.
- Now weather better scales with various screen sizes (desktop).
- Covers more cities and locations.
- Sunrise, Sunset current time of location selected is shown in local time zone of the selected location.
Thanks to :
@basmilius - for creating beautiful weather-icons
@sabriunal - for bug fixes and translation related changes
@soumyaDghosh - for bug fixes related to snap
@Nokse22 - for fixes and creating new icon
@hui1601 - for fixing translation related bugs
@vishal146 - for helping in writing sun rotation expressions.
@suryansh076 - for helping with new design
@AYehia0 - for creating the website for weather
and thanks to the folks who reported bugs on GitHub.
Release v1.0.0
What's New
- Introducing new design with entirly new app experience.
- New design follows card design pattern highlighting important data utilising graphs and bars.
- New Backend that is more optimised and offers better user experience.
- New set of icons shipped by the app which covers wide range of conditions, and is independent of system icons.
- Now weather better scales with various screen sizes (desktop).
- Covers more cities and locations.
- Sunrise, Sunset current time of location selected is shown in local time zone of the selected location.
Thanks to :
@basmilius - for creating beautiful weather-icons
@sabriunal - for bug fixes and translation related changes
@soumyaDghosh - for bug fixes related to snap
@Nokse22 - for fixes and creating new icon
@hui1601 - for fixing translation related bugs
@vishal146 - for helping in writing sun rotation expressions.
@suryansh076 - for helping with new design
and thanks to the folks who reported bugs on GitHub.
Release v0.6.0
Adds air-pollution info
Adds Snowfall summary
Adds forecast text in 5-day forecast
Follow system font scaling
UI Improvements
Various bug fixes