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  <div class="slide" id="slide-1">
    <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="gbforth">GBForth</h1>
<h2 id="a-forth-based-game-boy-development-kit">A Forth-based Game Boy development kit</h2>
<p><img src="gbschematic.jpg" alt="background"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-2">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="game-boy-hardware">Game Boy hardware</h3>
<li>8-bit CPU</li>
<li>4 MHz (~1M instructions)</li>
<li>32kB ROM (of which 16 bankable)</li>
<li>4kB RAM</li>
<li>Cartridge contains data + hardware</li>
<p><img src="memmap.gif" alt="memmap">
<em><span style="color: #EB3223">ROM</span>
<span style="background-color: #72FBFD">Tile RAM</span>
<span style="color: #0022F5;">BG Map</span>
<span style="background-color: #FFFD54;">RAM</span>
<span style="color: #CC36D8">OAM</span></em></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-3">
    <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="draw.png" alt="draw"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-4">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="forth">Forth</h3>
<li>Stack based</li>
<pre><code class="lang-fs">: INC
  <span class="hljs-number">1</span> + ;
<p>Only <strong>numbers</strong> and <strong>words</strong>:</p>
<pre><code>1   →   PUSH 1
+   →   CALL +
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-5">
    <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="approaches-we-considered">Approaches we considered</h1>
<li>Read docs about GB</li>
<li>Start writing a compiler</li>
<li>...wait forever until you get something on the screen</li>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-6">
    <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="however-">However...</h1>
<li>Not incremental</li>
<li>Long feedback cycle</li>
<h1 id="-">😕</h1>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-7">
    <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="our-approach-">Our approach ✨</h1>
<li>Start with working game (binary)</li>
<li>Make Forth emit those bytes</li>
<li>Reverse engineer + refactor bytes<ul>
<li>Add abstractions</li>
<li>Build libraries</li>
<li>Forth compiler → GB binary</li>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-8">
    <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="helloworld.png" alt="helloworld"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-9">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="reverse-engineer-binary-to-assembly">Reverse-engineer binary to assembly</h2>
<pre><code>$00  $c3  $50  $01  $ce  $ed  $66  $66
$cc  $0d  $00  $0b  $03  $73  $00  $83
$00  $0c  $00  $0d  $00  $08  $11  $1f
$88  $89  $00  $0e  $dc  $cc  $6e  $e6
$dd  $dd  $d9  $99  $bb  $bb  $67  $63
$6e  $0e  $ec  $cc  $dd  $dc  $99  $9f
$bb  $b9  $33  $3e  $45  $58  $41  $4d
$50  $4c  $45  $00  $00  $00  $00  $00
$00  $00  $00  $00  $00  $00  $00  $00
$00  $00  $01  $33
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-10">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="make-program-that-emits-bytes">Make program that emits bytes</h2>
<pre><code>$00 c, $c3 c, $50 c, $01 c, $ce c, $ed c, $66 c, $66 c,
$cc c, $0d c, $00 c, $0b c, $03 c, $73 c, $00 c, $83 c,
$00 c, $0c c, $00 c, $0d c, $00 c, $08 c, $11 c, $1f c,
$88 c, $89 c, $00 c, $0e c, $dc c, $cc c, $6e c, $e6 c,
$dd c, $dd c, $d9 c, $99 c, $bb c, $bb c, $67 c, $63 c,
$6e c, $0e c, $ec c, $cc c, $dd c, $dc c, $99 c, $9f c,
$bb c, $b9 c, $33 c, $3e c, $45 c, $58 c, $41 c, $4d c,
$50 c, $4c c, $45 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c,
$00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c,
$00 c, $00 c, $01 c, $33 c,
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-11">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="find-the-patterns-and-meaning">Find the patterns and meaning</h2>
$00 c, $c3 c, $50 c, $01 c, <span style="color: #AA00AA">$ce c, $ed c, $66 c, $66 c,
$cc c, $0d c, $00 c, $0b c, $03 c, $73 c, $00 c, $83 c,
$00 c, $0c c, $00 c, $0d c, $00 c, $08 c, $11 c, $1f c,
$88 c, $89 c, $00 c, $0e c, $dc c, $cc c, $6e c, $e6 c,
$dd c, $dd c, $d9 c, $99 c, $bb c, $bb c, $67 c, $63 c,
$6e c, $0e c, $ec c, $cc c, $dd c, $dc c, $99 c, $9f c,
$bb c, $b9 c, $33 c, $3e c,</span> <span style="color: #00AA00">$45 c, $58 c, $41 c, $4d c,
$50 c, $4c c, $45 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c,
$00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c,</span>
$00 c, $00 c, $01 c, $33 c,
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-12">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="extract-patterns-into-definitions">Extract patterns into definitions</h2>
<span style="color: #AA00AA">: logo
  $ce c, $ed c, $66 c, $66 c, $cc c, $0d c, $00 c, $0b c,
  $03 c, $73 c, $00 c, $83 c, $00 c, $0c c, $00 c, $0d c,
  $00 c, $08 c, $11 c, $1f c, $88 c, $89 c, $00 c, $0e c,
  $dc c, $cc c, $6e c, $e6 c, $dd c, $dd c, $d9 c, $99 c,
  $bb c, $bb c, $67 c, $63 c, $6e c, $0e c, $ec c, $cc c,
  $dd c, $dc c, $99 c, $9f c, $bb c, $b9 c, $33 c, $3e c, ;</span>

<span style="color: #00AA00">: title
  $45 c, $58 c, $41 c, $4d c, $50 c, $4c c, $45 c, $00 c,
  $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, $00 c, ;</span>

$00 c, $c3 c, $50 c, $01 c,
<span style="color: #AA00AA">logo</span>
<span style="color: #00AA00">title</span>
$00 c, $00 c, $01 c, $33 c,

  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-13">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="implement-assembler">Implement assembler</h2>
<p><img src="asm.png" alt="asm"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-14">
    <section class="slide-content"><h2 id="full-forth-assembler-game">Full Forth Assembler &quot;game&quot;</h2>
<span style="color: #00AA00">title: EXAMPLE</span>

$150 ==>

$ffff # sp ld,

%11100100 # a ld,

a [rGBP] ld,

0 # a ld,
a [rSCX] ld,
a [rSCY] ld,

<span style="color: #777777">( ... )</span>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-15">
    <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="helloworld.png" alt="helloworld"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-16">
    <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="helloreaktor.jpg" alt="helloreaktor"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-17">
    <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="now-what-">Now what? 🤔</h1>
<h2 id="implementing-forth">Implementing Forth</h2>
<li>Break binary compatibility</li>
<li>New testing strategy<ul>
<li>Unit tests</li>
<li>Visual comparison</li>
<li>Using emulator for automated testing</li>
<li>Rewriting <em>Hello World</em> to Forth</li>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-18">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="implementing-forth">Implementing Forth</h3>
<li>Add a compiler</li>
<li>Implement code primitives</li>
<li>Adding libraries</li>
<li>Replacing ASM with Forth</li>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-19">
    <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="forth.png" alt="forth"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-20">
    <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="the-final-test-">The final test 💪</h1>
<h2 id="compiling-a-third-party-forth-game-">Compiling a third party Forth game...</h2>
<h2 id="">&nbsp;</h2>
<pre><code class="lang-fs">\ sokoban - a maze game <span class="hljs-keyword">in</span> FORTH

\ Copyright (C) <span class="hljs-number">1995</span>,<span class="hljs-number">1997</span>,<span class="hljs-number">1998</span>,<span class="hljs-number">2003</span>,<span class="hljs-number">2007</span>,<span class="hljs-number">2012</span>,<span class="hljs-number">2013</span>,<span class="hljs-number">2015</span>
\ Free Software Foundation, Inc.

\ This file is part <span class="hljs-keyword">of</span> Gforth.

<span class="hljs-number">40</span> Constant /maze  \ maximal maze line

Create maze  <span class="hljs-number">1</span> cells allot /maze <span class="hljs-number">25</span> * allot  \ current maze
Variable mazes   <span class="hljs-number">0</span> mazes !  \ root pointer
Variable soko    <span class="hljs-number">0</span> soko !   \ player position
Variable &gt;maze   <span class="hljs-number">0</span> &gt;maze !  \ current compiled maze

: maze-field ( -- addr n )
    maze dup cell+ swap @ chars ;

: .score ( -- )
    .<span class="hljs-string">" Level: "</span> level# @ <span class="hljs-number">2</span> .r .<span class="hljs-string">"  Score: "</span> score @ <span class="hljs-number">4</span> .r
    .<span class="hljs-string">"  Moves: "</span> moves @ <span class="hljs-number">6</span> .r .<span class="hljs-string">"  Rocks: "</span> rocks @ <span class="hljs-number">2</span> .r ;

: .maze ( -- )  \ display maze
    <span class="hljs-number">0</span> <span class="hljs-number">0</span> at-xy  .score
    cr  maze-field over + swap
    DO  I /maze <span class="hljs-class"><span class="hljs-keyword">type</span> <span class="hljs-title">cr</span>  /<span class="hljs-title">maze</span> <span class="hljs-title">chars</span>  +<span class="hljs-title">LOOP</span> ;</span>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-21">
    <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="tweet1.png" alt="tweet1"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-22">
    <section class="slide-content"><p><img src="tweet2.png" alt="tweet2"></p>
  <div class="slide hidden" id="slide-23">
    <section class="slide-content"><h3 id="future-development-">Future development 🚀</h3>
<li>ASM bug fixes</li>
<li>Compiler optimisations</li>
<li>GB Color support</li>
<li>Declaritive RAM initialisation</li>
<li>Automatic ROM bank switching</li>
<li>Debugging tools</li>
<li><strong>Actually writing a game</strong></li>
  <div class="slide hidden  dark" id="slide-24">
    <section class="slide-content"><h1 id="-more-">🤓 More?</h1>
<li><a href="https://ams-hackers.github.io/gbforth">ams-hackers/gbforth</a></li>
<li><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyzD8pNlpwI">The Ultimate Game Boy Talk (33c3)</a></li>
<li>Join <strong>#amsterdam-hacking</strong></li>
<p><img src="gbschematic2.jpg" alt="background"></p>

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