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61 lines (50 loc) · 2.22 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (50 loc) · 2.22 KB

BOOTiful Rest Service

Checkout the Restful service endpoint:

  • Publishes a message to Kafka
  • Integrates with a gRPC service
  • Decorated with Jaeger trace feature
  • DockerFile is available to run this service as a docker container
  • Run mvn clean generate-sources to generate Java classes representing books.proto
  • Swagger endpoint: http:\\localhost:8081\anair-service-a\swagger-ui.html

Run as a spring boot app

  • Add this Spring boot app to Run/Debug configurations in Eclipse/Intellij.
    • The app should be visible in the Spring boot dashboard as well
  • Optionally run through command line: mvn clean spring-boot:run -P container

Run service in K8s

Kustomize only works in k8s >= 1.14

Create docker image when code changes

mvn clean package
docker build -t service-rest:latest .

K8s dashboard

cd $WORKSPACE/anair-service-rest/src/main/resources
kubectl apply -f k8s/dashboard-serviceaccount.yaml
kubectl apply -f k8s/dashboard-clusterrole.yaml

# Get token and store it temporarily to login to kubernetes dashboard. Need to this everytime token expires.
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}')

Base steps

  • Create namespace "anair"
cd $WORKSPACE/anair-service-rest/src/main/resources
kubectl apply -f k8s/namespace.yaml

Configuration change evolution

  • Add new changes to a new directory like "002"
  • Add patches in kustomization.yaml "patchesStrategicMerge" section
cd $WORKSPACE/anair-service-rest/src/main/resources

# Run kustomize script
kubectl apply -k .

#Enable port forward. Get pod name and replace in below command
kubectl port-forward {{PODNAME}} 8081:8081

Accessing service-rest

  • Run kubectl describe svc service-rest-service -n anair
  • Get NodePort
  • Go to http://localhost:NODEPORT/anair-service-rest/actuator/health