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File metadata and controls

88 lines (64 loc) · 2.75 KB


Python 3.11.3, FastAPI based webpage using SNMP to get temperatures, all running via poetry.

  • Run client/record_temp.bat locally at an interval to record temperatures to the database
  • Web page ( only reads data from the database
  • Web page refreshes every 30 seconds

create /an_farmview/.env file to set some environment variables, use env_template.txt as an example:

SNMP_IP=ip of snmp device

Make sure poetry is using Python 3.11

$ where python
C:\Program Files\Python311\python.exe
poetry env use "C:\Program Files\Python311\python.exe"

first time install dependencies

poetry install


Record temperature from SNMP

Create a scheduled task to run the client bat file an_farmview/client/record_temp.bat at a 5min interval or whatever you like.


run fastapi via uvicorn, use same port as flask did and allow other IPs

poetry run uvicorn an_farmview.main:app --reload --host --port 5000

Uses jinja2 templates just like flask but need to install manually

runs here



This script lists the features hosted on your license server. You'll need to set up a password first:

  1. Login to end user portal (
  2. Click Search Servers from the option on the right
  3. Click the License Server ID (note the ID for later)
  4. On the View Server page click the Set Password option (far right of the options displayed above Add-Ons)

The Set Password page lists some password rules and allows the user to set the password for the ‘admin’ user

Once that is set, you'll need to set two environment variables:

FNO_SERVER: The server ID you spotted in step 3 earlier FNO_PASSWORD: The password you set in step 4

To set these safely on Linux to avoid keeping the password in history or the environment it's best to run the script like so:


When you manually copy $DATABASE_URL from heroku into .env copy it verbatum, it will be converted to postgresql:// instead of postgres:// so it works local and on heroku

sqlalchemy needs psycopg2 for some reason not installed with it.

poetry add psycopg2

Alembic migrations

Just like in django but needed to set it up [](I followed this article)

poetry add alembic

# init migrations (first time only)
poetry run alembic init migrations

# make migration(revision?)
poetry run alembic revision --autogenerate -m "added vray ubl"

# migrate
poetry run alembic upgrade head