- Upgrade faucetconfrpc, faucet, gauge, grafana, pylint, pytype
- Remove build for arm v7 due to ninja not being able to compile anymore
- Moved to poetry for package management and dependencies
- Restructured components to work with poetry
- Upgraded dependencies
- Require at least python3.8
- Upgrade to OVS 2.17.2
- Upgrade faucetconfrpc, faucet, gauge, pylint, pytype, cmd2, grafana, prometheus, pika, flask
- Upgrade to OVS 2.17.1
- Upgrade network-tools, networkml
- Upgrade faucetconfrpc, faucet, gauge, prometheus, grafana, pylint, pytype, httpx, pbr, flask, pika
- Upgrade to OVS 2.17.0
- Upgrade network-tools, networkml
- Upgrade faucetconfrpc, faucet, gauge, prometheus, grafana, pylint, pytype, transitions, cmd2, pytest
- Upgrade to OVS 2.16.2
- Upgrade network-tools, networkml
- Upgrade faucetconfrpc, faucet, gauge, httpx, ruamel.yaml, prometheus, grafana, cmd2, pbr, pylint, pytype
- Use health checks for faucetconfrpc, better handle faucetconfrpc not being available yet at startup (req. min docker-compose 1.29.2).
- Workaround typed_ast.
- Upgrade c65sdn, network-tools, prometheus.
- Upgrade c65sdn, prometheus, faucetconfrpc, docker, networkml, pylint, pytype, httpx, grafana, pbr
- Use c65sdn
- Upgrade grafana, OVS, codecov, prometheus, cmd2, pyyaml, faucetconfrpc, docker
- upgrade network-tools, network_tap, faucetconfrpc, codecov-action, prometheus, docker, transitions
- upgrade network-tools, network_tap, networkml, grafana, httpx, prometheus
- test reliability
- tshark parsing/reliability fixes in dependencies
- replace eventlet/greenlet/unicorn with bjoern
- yaml cleanup
- precommits
- upgrade network-tools, network_tap, networkml, ovs, pytype, pep8, codecov, faucet, gauge, event_adapter_rabbitmq
- Upgrade grafana, cm2, prometheus, urllib3, requests, httpx, texttable, network_tap, networkml, faucetconfrpc
- Upgrade faucetconfrpc, certstrap, cmd2, grafana, codecov, urllib3, flask
- Recut for pypi packages
- Same as v0.17.7, but with the correct version number
- IMPORTANT: Due to moving from a default branch name of 'master' to 'main', when upgrading you'll first need to do the following (then proceed with the normal upgrade process
poseidon update
curl -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/IQTLabs/poseidon/main/bin/poseidon -o /usr/local/bin/poseidon
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/poseidon
- Updated codecov, pre-commit, reorder_python_imports, autopep8, pytype, network_tap, flask, faucet, gauge, prometheus, grafana, event_adapter_rabbitmq, faucet-certstrap, faucetconfrpc, falcon, greenlet, gunicorn, pbr, schedule, transitions, urllib3, python3.9, docker, six, network-tools, and networkml
- Removed CRviz
- Upgrade transitions, docker, grafana, prometheus, crviz, eventlet, faucetconfrpc, network_tap.
- Upgrade net-tools, networkml, cmd2, eventlet, grafana, pika, rabbitmq
- fix metadata merge keyerror
- Updated crviz, urlib3, certstrap, faucetconfrpc, prometheus, networkml, net-tools
- Fix networkml no results.
- Major restructuring of codebase, maintaining same functionality
- Updated poseidon script to use git clone instead of tar file from releases for pbr
- Added certstrap to the same poseidon network for docker-compose, so there is only one network instead of two
- Updated docker, transitions, codecov, prometheus, faucetconfrpc, network_tap, certstrap, greenlet, and grafana
- Reduce overhead of processing unneed Faucet events.
- Fix arm releases
- Upgrade codecov
- Move to PBR/package for posiedon core, api, cli
- Add generic receive of pcap tool parsing support.
- Upgrade grafana, pytype
- Remove Redis storage, move to Prometheus
- Remove active/inactive endpoint states (endpoints now will expire over time if not observed)
- Updated NetworkML, faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbitmq, faucetconfrpc, certstrap, prometheus, grafana, requests, pytype, mock, pytest
- Refactored RabbitMQ connections, processing Faucet events, and cleanly exiting.
- Removed behavior from states and NetworkML results as it no longer being used in NetworkML
- Updated NetworkML, pre-commit, event-adapter-rabbitmq, certstrap, faucetconfrpc, pytype, grafana, and docker
- Cleaned up formatting and style
- Incremental refactoring to simplify tests and main.py
- Move to faucetconfrpc add/remove/clear port mirror RPCs
- Updated faucetconfrpc, certstrap, faucet, gauge, grafana, codecov, prometheus, pytype, urllib3, cmd2, requests, networkml, transitions
- Upgrade networkml, faucetconfrpc, faucet, gauge, httmock, grafana, pytest, event-adapter-rabbitmq, certstrap
- Speed up DNS resolution (parallel)
- Poseidon can use its own grpc client key
- Upgrade network-tools, networkml, pytype, transitions, prometheus, urllib3, faucet, faucetconfrpc, grafana
- Add e2e test, reduce size of poseidon and poseidon-api containers.
- Updated faucetconfrpc, certstrap, pytype, transistions, pytest, cmd2, faucet, gauge, grafana
- Updated faucetconfrpc (move certstrap to faucetconfrpc)
- Fix handling of empty faucet.yaml
- Updated pytype, pytest, prometheus, texttable, ruamel.yaml, cmd2
- Updated cmd2, pytype, faucetconfrpc
- Updated faucet, gauge, grafana, rabbitmq, faucetconfrpc, cmd2, docker, pylint, pytest-cov, and pytype
- Clean up RPC calls to Faucet
- Fix certstrap created certificates (old faucetconfrpc certificates must be removed, will be automatically recreated)
- Use more specific faucetconfrpc write RPCs to fix conflicts with other RPC applications.
- updated network-tools, cmd2, docker, faucetconfrpc, pytype, urllib3, grafana
- updated faucetconfrpc (and certificates move to /opt/faucetconfrpc by default).
- updated to networkml 0.6.0
- repo move from cyberreboot to iqtlabs
- updated cmd2, faucet, grafana, prometheus, pytype
- Internal refactoring for faucetconfrpc compatibility
- updated faucetconfrpc, networkml, pytest, docker, urllib3, pytype, crviz
- updated faucetconfrpc, crviz
- Internal refactoring to simplify ACL processing.
- Updated network-tap, pytype, cmd2, faucet, gauge, faucetconfrpc, grafana, netaddr.
- Poseidon now uses faucetconfrpc to manage Faucet's config files (controller_config_file is obsolete)
- controller_uri, rabbit_enabled, rabbit_server, rabbit_port all obsolete (Poseidon will always use its own rabbit server)
- Poseidon no longer supports Faucet log parsing to retrieve events (default remains the Faucet event API)
- Poseidon can now mirror leaf switches like (WiFi APs) by mirroring the port on a neighboring switch (see controller_proxy_mirror_ports)
- Changed from alpine:3.12 to debian/python:3.8-slim to reduce build times.
- Updated docker, netaddr, transitions, pytype, faucet, gauge, faucet-adapter-rabbitmq, grafana, prometheus, networkml, network-tools
- Removed support for BCF (BigSwitch Cloud Fabric)
- Better cleanup of services when using docker swarm
- Faucet tunnels are now used for mirroring, allowing multi-switch mirroring to a single location
- Updated faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbitmq, cmd2, requests, pylint, pytest-cov, buildx
- BCF (Bigswitch Cloud Fabric) support is deprecated and will be removed in the next release
- Experimental support for docker swarms
- When FAUCET stacking is detected, do not redundantly learn endpoints on stack links
- Update faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbit-mq, buildx, pytype, docker, redis, grafana, pytest
- Fix API not updated with networkml/p0f results.
- Update pytest, redis, faucet, gauge, pytype, grafana.
- networkml 0.5.4 (can return multiple results)
- Poseidon can parse multiple results from both networkml and p0f
- Poseidon does atomic replace of FAUCET config files
- Update faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbit-mq, pylint, prometheus
- Major update networkml to 0.5.3 (complete implementation change from v0.4.x)
- p0f and networkml no longer update redis, now done by poseidon
- Update faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbit-mq, pytype, network-tap, pylint, codecov, grafana, prometheus
- Update faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbit-mq, network-tap, pytype, cmd2, flask, transitions
- crviz to v0.3.21
- Update faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbit-mq, pytest, prometheus, transitions, grafana, pyyaml, cmd2, mock
- refactor for future FAUCET tunneling support
- Update faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbit-mq
- Add config infrastructure for Volos (should copy new VOLOS and PIPETTE sections into existing poseidon.config)
- network-tools v0.11.4, networkml v0.4.8 (fix no results from networkml).
- Add KEEPIMAGES diagnostic environment variable to keep containers.
- Update grafana, requests, cmd2, faucet, gauge, event-adapter-rabbit-mq
- Initial Volos infrastructure.
- Fix stale images for ncapture and rabbitmq.
- Linux arm7 and arm64 now supported via Docker.
- NetworkML now run against combined pcap (one to many) rather than host to host.
- Add new gen_pcap_manifest.py script to aid curation of pcaps by MAC or IP.
- Move to github actions rather than TravisCI.
- Upgraded versions of NetworkML, CRViz and network-tools
- New versions of mock, pytype, redis, pytest, grafana, urllib3, cmd2
- Poseidon is now completely docker-compose only; remove all vestiges of vent. Pcap logs are now logged in /opt/poseidon_files not /opt/vent_files
- New versions of pyyaml, pytype, cmd2, transitions, grafana, CRviz, network-tap, NetworkML, pcap-to-node-pcap, tcprewrite-dot1q, p0f
- Updated version of prometheus
- Moved orchestrator from Vent to docker-compose
- Removed .deb package now that it can be run with docker-compose
- Updated versions of grafana, pytest, pytype, cmd2
- Updated versions of NetworkML, CRviz, and vent-plugins
- Updated versions of grafana, pytest, cmd2, gunicorn, pytype, pyyaml
- Updated versions of urllib3, prometheus, cmd2, pylint, and pytest
- Added more documentation
- Added extra protocol label field to CLI
- Fixed missing event data for ACL history
- Added more tests
- Fix bug where jq wasn't already on the system installing the deb
- Updated versions grafana/grafana Docker tag
- Added property audit logging for behavior and OS
- Fixed pytype checks
- Added mirror port checks
- Updated versions of redis, pytest, cmd2, grafana, prometheus, pylint, and pytype
- Added volume for Faucet UDS
- Added more files to ignore in Docker container
- Added API endpoint to retrieve data by IP
- Added ability to apply ACLs with RabbitMQ message
- Ensure VLAN is a string
- Persist Vent info in a volume
- Updated versions of prometheus, pytest-cov, pytest, grafana, and redis
- Fixed some typos in the documentation
- Added a warning about max time between investigations
- Added ACLs to the CLI and the API
- Using ipaddress library for ip addresses now
- Added pytype checks
- Fixed filtering for ipv4/ipv6 in the CLI
- Fix key checks for automated ACLs
- Updated versions of urllib3, pytest, grafana, cmd2, and pylint
- Now uses the auto revert feature of Faucet when using the helper run script
- Endpoints are now a dictionary instead of a list to prevent duplicates
- Fixed an issue where messages from ncapture weren't being handled correctly
- Fixed an issue where the investigations count could be wrong
- Resets the debconf response for collector_nics when not in use
- Debconf option for setting the reinvestigation frequency
- Fixed viz command for Poseidon script
- Handle IP addresses being None
- Better diff of when endpoints change
- Added type entries to history
- Fixed an issue where queue was being triggered on inactive endpoints
- Fixed the IP for the
helper Faucet script - Fixed some instances of the wrong member being called in main
- Force triggering a transition when ncaptures complete
- Updated versions of pytest and transitions
- Fixed error where VLAN wasn't getting properly stored
- Updated demo.txt to match current output
- CLI can now output in CSV, JSON, and table formats
- Updated CRviz integration URL
- Slightly improved state transitions
- Fix several bugs in the automated ACLs
- Added experimental support for automated ACL changes with Faucet
- Added two new fields for the config: automated_acls and rules_file
- Updated versions of redis, transitions, and pytest
- Packaged new version of vent v0.9.8
- Updated versions of cmd2, redis, pip, and pytest
- updated for new NetworkML message format
- Removed Support for Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish)
- Updated versions of cmd2, pika, redis, and pyyaml
- introduced release scripts
- Updated versions of cmd2, pytest, flask, and texttable
- Updated versions of cmd2, ubuntu, alpine, prometheus_client
- Added sudo for creating log file in the helper script
- Updated versions of pytest, prometheus_client, pyyaml
- Packaged new version of components, including vent v0.9.3, CRviz v0.3.4, and NetworkML v0.3.3
- Fixed VLAN issue for BCF
- Renamed tenant to VLAN
- Fixed the namespace label for using a fork of Poseidon
- Fixed bug where config differences broke git
- Packaged new version of components, including vent v0.9.2, CRviz v0.3.3, and PoseidonML v0.3.2
- Updated versions of urllib3, requests, and flask
- Fixed a bug where subnet could get set to './24'
- Packaged new version of components, including vent v0.9.1
- Fixed header in certain cases for IPv4 and IPv6 in the CLI
- Updated versions of mock and pytest
- Support for multiple collector nics across multiple switches for Faucet
- Support for ignoring specific ports or VLANs for Faucet
- Support trunk ports behavior for Faucet
- Count number of captures triggered in Redis
- Add default Grafana dashboard that gives Poseidon Stats from Prometheus
- Packaged new version of components, including CRviz v0.2.11 and vent v0.9.0
- Add support for Ubuntu Disco and removed support for Ubuntu Trusty
- Cleanup documentation
- Updated version of pip, cmd2, falcon, mock, and pytest-cov
- Add new
show version
option in the CLI
- Packaged new versions of components, including poseidonml v0.3.1 and vent v0.8.3
- Added new options for deleting old captures on a schedule
(defaults to not enabled) - Added new fields
- Added flags to the CLI
- Fixed some type errors in the CLI
- Updated versions of pika, pytest, and urllib
- Moved the CLI from cmd to cmd2, enabling things like Ctrl-r for searching history
- Added persistent history of commands in the CLI across sessions
- Added new flag for executing shell commands without going into the shell
poseidon shell -c <command>
- Better error checking for invalid flags being passed into commands in the CLI
- Can now redirect or pipe output of commands in the CLI to any linux command on the system, such as
- Packaged versions of components, including vent-plugins v0.1.1, poseidonml v0.3.0, crviz v0.2.10, and vent v0.8.2
- New option
poseidon pcap
is now fully operational - Poseidon can now be run without an SDN controller, useful for using the above pcap feature, or looking at an existing Poseidon database
- Updated version of pika, pytest
- Log level can now we set on any controller mode including Demo
- Suppressed error messages on
poseidon stop
- Fixed issue where ipv4 and ipv6 addresses from Faucet were getting set to 0
- Fixed issue where ipv6 columns were not showing up when specified in fields in the CLI
- Updated version of redis, pika, pyyaml, scp, pytest
- Cleanly shutdown poseidon container on
poseidon stop
- Add an experimental
option to the poseidon command - Remove BCF filter rules on poseidon stop and remove any previous filters on start
- Cleanup BCF response code when calling the API
- Packaged versions of components, including vent-plugins v0.1.0, poseidonml v0.2.9, and vent v0.8.0
- Fixed role bug in CLI
- Added more test coverage to get back up to 90%
- Updated version of pip, pylint
- Fix crashing bugs in the CLI
- Made fields and field names consistent in the CLI and the API
- Added the tool a particular field came from if it wasn't Poseidon directly
- Can now toggle IPv4 and IPv6 in the CLI
- Updated version of prometheus, pytest, redis, texttable
- Fixed issues where the shell can crash
- Changed 'device type' in CLI to 'role'
- Added 'quit' and 'exit' aliases in the CLI
- Fixed bug where 'unknown' wasn't getting output correctly in the CLI
- Fixed multi-word args in the CLI to not use spaces
- Better help summary in the CLI
- Add OUI ethernet vendor lookups
- Add rDNS lookups
- Add '?' functionality in the CLI
- Updated the default list of fields in the CLI
- Split out role and confidence to different fields in the CLI
- Changed 'UNDEFINED' to 'NO DATA'
- Updated the CLI commands to have a more intuitive flow
- Updated version of httmock, redis, pip, pytest
- Ability to build both net and regular poseidon packages easier in Make now
- Can use the 'all' field sepcifier in the CLI to get all fields
- Added new configuration option: trust_self_signed_cert which defaults to True
- Output from external sources such as PoseidonML, p0f, etc. now show results in the CLI
- Fixed fields of mixed types so they can be used to sort by in the CLI
- Original header is preserved when overriding fields in CLI
- Updated and improved documentation for using BCF
- Fixed an error where results from PoseidonML were sometimes not retrieved
- Fixed an error where duplicate records were showing up in the CLI
- Fixed an error where endpoints that were already mirroring superceded queued endpoints
poseidon reset
now clears out the Redis database- Fixed port and switch output in the CLI for BCF results
- Finished implementing specific show commands in the CLI
- BCF API response codes are now parsed and logged appropriately
- Action commands in the CLI now work, including changing state and collecting, via changing to say a mirror state
- Fixed the poseidon shell script to handle if the poseidon-net package was installed
- Updated Docker images to use alpine 3.9
- Fixed a serious bug that caused BCF to no longer work with Poseidon due it not being able to create filters by MAC address
- Updated version of pytest, pika, texttable, schedule
- Added first version of CLI, accessed with
poseidon shell
- Can now query endpoint information like what state and when
- Can now clear out inactive endpoints or ignore specific endpoints
- Pin pip to a version
- Improved logging output
- Updated version of gevent, pytest, pytest-cov
- Made use of sed more stable across platforms
- Added an additional debian package poseidon-net that is slim and downloads images after installation
- Ensure that timeout exists in faucet config before trying to remove/change it
- Updated Redis key storage - need to clean out redis DB upon upgrade
- Updated Prometheus labels - need to clean out prometheus DB upon upgrade
- Updated API with different fields
- Redis is now updated from Poseidon directly
- Split out ip address to both ipv4 and ipv6
- Cleaned up containers on reconfig
- Poseidon start will recreate images if they were removed
- Keeps state of endpoints across restarts
- Actually checks if collector response succeeded or not
- Only creates a tap if the mirror was successful
- Fixes issue where changes to the faucet.yaml file weren't taking effect inside the container
- Added extra transitions for external services changing state of endpoints
- Prioritizes queued endpoints over reinvestigations
- Made default_ip more robust when whening more than one
- Cleaned up API to use standard libraries and reduce duplication
- Controller updates switch config when an endpoint expires
- Ignores learn events for endpoints that are already being investigated
- Cleans up mirrors on restarts
- Updates Vent to stop captures on expired endpoints
- All states of endpoints get stored periodically from Poseidon now, so it is consistent
- Updated version of pytest, urllib3, requests, scp, pylint, certifi, redis, prometheus_client
- Restructred the code base into a more simplified architecture
- Replaced the custom state machine with pytransitions to make it more reliable
- Cleaned up logging to be more readable at an INFO level and more useful at a DEBUG level
- Various bug fixes along the way
- Updated version of pytest, gunicorn, prometheus_client, urllib3, scp, gevent, certifi, requests
- Fixed a few typos
- Fixed L2 timeout compared with ARP timeout for Faucet
- Fixed creation of files/dirs at container start time for volumes
- Added some developer instructions to the Readme
- Added an inactive state
- Fixed operating system results from p0f
- Fixes roles results from PoseidonML
- Fixed log file creation and rotation
- Updated version of pytest and pytest-cov
- Fixed the number of endpoints that can be in the mirroring/investigating state
- Improvements to the logging output
- Fixed API when learning at L2
- Reinvestigates if ML results come back with nothing
- Validates connectivity to the controller before making network_tap requests
- Reduce connection timeout times
- Now uses Docker for building Debian package
- Added reinvestigation_frequency as a configuration option for the Debian package
- Fix reprompting when using the Debian package with demo and upgrading
- Updated version of certifi, gevent, and pytest
- Automatically sets timeouts for L2 and L3 for Faucet based on reinvestigation frequency
- Add api option to poseidon tool
- Collect and learn at L2 now instead of requiring L3
- Add timestamps to poseidon.log
- Improved logging, both poseidon logs and poseidon system-logs exist now
- Updated README
- Demo now uses cat instead of less
- Updated version of pytest, prometheus_client, and pylint
- Improved logging, created a poseidon.log
- Updated to alpine 3.8
- If span fabric or interface group doesn't exist, don't mirror
- Updated version of pylint and gevent
- Improved test coverage
- Fixed URI for BCF in installer
- Improved
poseidon start
when forking poseidon - Clarity around reconfig rather than configure
- Fixed learn_public_addresses being set to the wrong type
- Logged errors with Faucet Connections
- Improved README
- Deployment now uses a .deb package
- Fixed the docs builder
- Fixed issues for missing Faucet files
- Fix missing keys in metadata for BCF
- Ensure configured span_fabric and interface_group options exist in BCF
- Update version of pytest, pyyaml, and prometheus_client
- Lock Python at 3.6 for gevent
- Cleaned up and removed old scripts, code, and docs
- Improved documentation in the README
- Update version of pika, gevent, and pytest
- Progress on debian package installer and systemd unit
- Improvements to Travis tests
- Add healthcheck
- Cleanup Dockerfile names
- Fix issues with Poseidon configuring Faucet locally not over SSH
- Update fixes for Faucet yaml changes
- Make interface-group configurable for BCF
- Fix some environment variable issues
- PoseidonML moved to the CyberReboot org
- Updated version of gevent, pytest, pylint, and requests
- Updated version of pytest
- Improved test coverage
- Improve handling environment variables with the helper script
- Update version of gevent
- Adds option to ignore learning public ip addresses
- Includes tcprewrite_dot1q in vent startup
- Fixes subnets for IPv6
- Updated version of gevent
- Publishes specific port for Prometheus
- Properly converts IPv6 to an int for Prometheus
- Updated version of scp
- Updated version of pylint
- Add metrics to Prometheus
- Allow span-fabric name to be configured
- Update pytest version
- Update gunicorn version
- Update API version of Alpine Linux
- Add additional metadata for active or inactive (expired hosts)
- Stores state changes to external systems (Vent)
- Includes an additional endpoint to the API for extra details of the network (/network_full)
- When unmirroring, it ensures that all captures on that port are finished first
- Listens to FAUCET PORT_CHANGE and L2_EXPIRE events now
- Updates known endpoints when they go away
- Improved mac learning
- Improved logging
- Log additional FAUCET Events
- Fix mirroring and unmirroring for FAUCET
- Updates FAUCET paths to conform with 1.7.x
- Adds an API for getting endpoints that Poseidon knows about
- Updates a number of dependency versions
- Adds CRviz for visualizing the network that Poseidon knows about
- Fixes some bugs with mirroring
- Fixes a bug where null would get written to faucet.yaml
- FAUCET mirroring now uses messages from Events rather than logs
- FAUCET can now unmirror
- Adds support for RabbitMQ events from FAUCET
- Allows queue to not be exclusive
- Improve mirroring ports to allow for multiple mirrors simultaneously
- Fixes feedback and gets out of mirroring when appropriate
- Includes p0f in the helper script
- Fixes a change in the formatting of the FAUCET log file
- Slightly better error checking for environment variables
- Updated versions for dependencies
- Quoted controller_mirror_ports to allow for special characters
- Fixed mirroring for FAUCET
- Better error checking for the helper script
- Clarify some documentation
- Set defaults for log and config files for FAUCET
- Fixed bug where mirroring was backwards for FAUCET (thanks @alshaboti)
- Improved the helper run script to be easier
- Removed Elasticsearch and RMQ-to-ES containers from Vent build and runtime for Poseidon
- New feature if poseidon and faucet on the same host, doesn't require ssh/scp
- Various bug fixes
- Initial release
- Basic functionality with Big Cloud Fabric and FAUCET controllers
- Can be run as a standalone Docker container or orchestrated through Vent.