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  1. Introduction;
    1. Introduction to Cloud Computing and Virtualization - cloud computing, virtualization techniques and abstraction levels;
    2. Core Emulation Techniques - interpretation and translation techniques;
    3. System Virtualization - ISA virtualizability, memory virtualization, paravirtualization and hardware support;
  2. Infrastructure-as-a-Service - overview of IaaS platforms, SLA, scaling architectures;
    1. Amazon Web Services - EC2, CloudWatch, Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing;
    2. Microsoft Azure - Fabric Controller, Hyper-V;
    3. OpenStack - Nova, Neutron, Swift;
  3. Platform-as-a-Service;
    1. High-Level Language VMs - architecture overview, JVM, bytecode, security, garbage collection and JIT;
    2. Cloud PaaS - Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, messaging services (Amazon SQS, Microsoft Azure Queues, Google Cloud Pub/Sub);
    3. Function-as-a-Service - overview, platforms (AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, Azure Functions, IBM OpenWhisk), design and implementation challenges, advanced FaaS apps (ExCamera and Lambada) and FaaS optimizations;
  4. Cloud Storage - Object Storage (Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage), File Storage (Google File System, Hadoop Distributed File System), Table Storage (Amazon DynamoDB, Google BigTable), NoSQL (Google Datastore);
  5. Big-Data Processing
    1. MapReduce - MapReduce programming model, examples (Word Count, Page Rank), MapReduce in Hadoop architecture (master, worker nodes, splits, tasktracker and jobtracker);
    2. Dataflows and Stream Processing - Spark (RDDs, Spark Streaming), Flink;
  6. Cloud Datacenters Design and Operation.


Here are some notes from two courses I took in my bachelor's degree that are related to this course:


  1. Pin - dynamic binary instrumentation tool;
  2. AWS - Amazon Web Services;

Key Concepts

Cloud Computing and Virtualization

Introduction to Cloud Computing and Virtualization

  • Cloud computing: computing as an utility, on-demand, pay-as-you-go (small granularity), elastic, scalable, ...;
    • Deployment models:
      • Public cloud: services are offered over the public internet and available to anyone who wants to purchase them;
      • Private cloud: services are maintained on a private network and are protected by a firewall;
      • Community cloud: services are shared by several organizations and support a specific community that has shared concerns;
      • Hybrid cloud: services are distributed among some combination of private, public, and community cloud;
    • Advantages: shared resources, eliminates initial investment, pay-as-you-go (cost reduction), elasticity, portability;
    • Disadvantages: availability of service, vendor lock-in, data security, resource management;
  • Virtualization: abstraction of computer resources, decoupling of software from hardware, multiple OS on the same hardware, ...;
    • Different from abstraction, because virtualization does not necessarily hide the underlying details;
    • There is a virtual guest and a real host;
    • Computer system interfaces:
      • ISA: instruction set architecture; division between hardware and software; apps only run on the same ISA - allows for IaaS;
      • ABI: application binary interface; division between application and OS; apps only run on the same ISA and OS - allows for PaaS;
      • API: application programming interface; division between application and library; apps only run on the same ISA, OS and library - allows for SaaS;

Core Emulation Techniques

  • Emulation is the process of implementing the interface and functionality of one system on another system - ISA emulation is a key component of virtualization;
  • Interpretation is the simplest form of emulation, where the source code is transformed into an intermediate form and executed by the host system;
    • Decode-and-dispatch interpreter - for each instruction, fetch, decode and dispatch it to an interpreter routine;
    • Threaded interpretation - avoid inefficient control flow;
      • Indirect threaded interpretation - reduce number of branches by duplicating decode-dispatch code, at every instruction (remove the loop);
      • Basic pre-decoding - pre-decode instructions and save it in an intermediate form - dispatch table;
      • Direct threaded interpretation - replace instruction code with pointers to interpreter routines;
  • Translation is a technique to convert the binary code of a program from one ISA to another, instead of having intermediate code - remove interpretation overhead;
    • Simple binary translation - translate instructions from source to target ISA; using state mapping by mapping registers ad memory;
    • Incremental pre-decoding and translation - initially interpret and dynamically perform translation; if the instruction is already translated, execute it directly; if not, interpret it and translate it - translation block;
    • Control transfer optimization - optimize control transfer instructions by replacing them with direct branches to other translated blocks;

Pre-decoding vs Binary Translation
Pre-decoding vs Binary Translation

Decode-and-Dispatch Indirect Threaded Interpretation Basic Pre-decoding Direct Threaded Interpretation Binary Translation
Memory Requirements ✅Low ✅Low ❌High ❌High ❌High
Start-up Performance ✅Fast ✅Fast ❌Slow ❌Slow ❌Very Slow
Steady-state Performance ❌Slow ❌Slow ✅Medium ✅Medium ✅Fast
Code Portability ✅High ✅High ✅High ✅Medium ❌Low

System Virtualization

  • VMM (Virtual Machine Monitor) - software layer that abstracts the hardware and provides a virtual machine interface - schedule and manage allocation of resources for VMs;

    • Point of control for shared physical resources; - approach is to intercept all privileged instructions and all accesses to privileged resources;
    • Type 1 - runs directly on the hardware, with no OS;
    • Type 2 - runs on a host OS;
  • CPU Virtualization - only VMM runs on system mode, guest OS runs on user mode;

    • Core emulation techniques to virtualize the ISA;
      • Well behaved ISA - efficiently virtualizable; trap occurs naturally when emulation is needed, handler jumps to appropriate interpreter routine;
      • Ill behaved ISA - not efficiently virtualizable; trap does not occur naturally, need of code discovery;
    • Instructions:
      • Privileged instructions - trap-and-emulate if user mode, does not trap in system mode - all guest-OS is forced to run in user mode and trap;
      • Not privileged instructions - do not trap;
      • Sensitive instructions - interact with HW; control sensitive - change the config of the system; behavior sensitive - change the behavior of the system;
      • Innocuous instructions - neither control nor behavior sensitive;
      • Critical instructions - sensitive instructions that are not privileged
    • Theorem 1 - efficient VMM construction: sensitive instructions is a subset of privileged instructions; there can be any number of innocuous instructions; there must not be any critical instructions.
      • However, its still possible to virtualize the system with critical instructions: hybrid approach - some instructions must be specially emulated, using binary translation;
  • Memory virtualization

    • Virtual memory -> Real memory -> Physical memory: VM -> VMM -> Physical memory;
    • VMM maintains a real map table: real pages -> physical pages;
    • Page translation supported by page table and TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer);
      • Page table maintained by the OS and TLB maintained by the HW;
      • When occurs a page fault (TLB miss), the MMU walks page table to find an entry; If the entry is not found, the OS is called to handle the page fault;
    • VMM maintains optimized mapping information:
      • Shadow page table - one for each process in each guest VM;
      • Direct virtual-to-physical mapping;
  • Performance Enhancement

    • Paravirtualization - modify the guest OS to make it aware of the virtualization layer;
      • Hypercalls - trap-and-emulate for privileged instructions;
      • Guest OS can issue fewer privileged instructions, reducing the number of traps, replacing them with hypercalls;
    • Hardware support - Intel VT-x;
      • New CPU modes, new instructions, new data structures;
      • VT-x - VMX root (full privilege access to HW) and VMX non-root (limited control of global resources);


  • User does not control the underlying infrastructure, but has control over the OS, storage, and deployed applications;
  • Amazon Web Services:
    • EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) - allows users to launch virtual machines on demand;
      • Choose region and availability zone - regions do not share resources, and communicate through the internet; there are also wave-length zones for ultra-low latency, and AWS outposts for on-premises;
      • Instance is a virtual server in the cloud, with an instance type (family, generation, size), and a private and a public IP (lifetime of the instance); can also have Elastic IP (static IP that is paid for, and can be moved between instances);
      • Uses AMI (Amazon Machine Image) to launch instances, which is a template for the root volume of the instance - you can use a public AMI, or create your own;
      • CPU measured in ECU (Elastic Compute Unit);
      • Requires security groups (firewall rules - only limit inbound traffic - IP rules limit inbound traffic, while group rules limit access to other instances) and key pairs (public and private keys);
    • SQS (Simple Queue Service) - message queuing service;
    • Storage services: S3 (Simple Storage Service), EBS (Elastic Block Store), DynamoDB (NoSQL);
    • CloudWatch - monitoring service: basic monitoring (5 minutes interval, free) and detailed monitoring (1 minute interval, paid);
      • Can access measures, returns a list of data-points (metric), expressed according to a given unit; Results from different services are organized across different namespaces;
    • Auto Scaling - automatically adjust the number of EC2 instances;
    • Elastic Load Balancing - distribute incoming application traffic across multiple EC2 instances;
    • Elastic Beanstalk - deploy and manage applications;
    • Elastic Cache - in-memory data store;
    • CloudFront - content delivery network;
    • CloudFormation - infrastructure as code;
  • Microsoft Azure:
    • Fabric Controller - manages the lifecycle of VMs; a node can be a physical machine or a virtual machine on top of the hypervisor; nodes run windows server with cluster manager, scheduler, cluster monitor and replication;
    • Hyper-V - hypervisor; uses para-virtualization;
    • Azure Blob Storage - object storage;
    • Azure Queues - message queuing service;
  • OpenStack - open-source software platform for cloud computing;
    • Nova - compute service; connects to hypervisors on compute nodes; it uses:
      • Cinder - block storage;
      • Glance - image service;
      • Hierarchical structure based on accounts, containers and objects;
      • CPU overcommit factor ratio is 16:1 and memory overcommit factor ratio is 1.5:1 - memory is less elastic than CPU;
      • Filter scheduler - filters (finds suitable hosts using requirements) and weighers (selects the best host, based on preferences and policies - all weights are normalized);
    • Swift - object storage;
    • Neutron - networking service; floating IP = elastic IP in AWS;
    • Horizon - dashboard;
    • Keystone - identity service;
    • Heat - orchestration service;
    • Ceilometer - telemetry service.

Scaling Architectures

Java VM

  • Java virtual ISA includes:
    • Bytecode - instructions for the JVM;
    • Pre-defined data types;
      • Primitive types: boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, double;
      • Reference types: hold references to objects or null;
    • Metadata - information about classes, methods, fields, etc, in the class file;
  • Data Storage:
    • For each thread:
      • PC (Program Counter) - points to the next instruction to be executed; and other registers;
      • Stack (typed) - contains the frame of the method being executed;
    • Global:
      • Heap - contains objects and arrays;
      • Class file contents, like constant pool;
  • Instruction Set:
    • Opcode byte + 0 or more operands;
    • Operands fetched from the constant pool, local variables, or stack;
    • Each primitive type has its own set of instructions: iadd(int), fadd(float), dadd(double), ladd(long), ...
    • Types of instructions:
      • Data-movement instructions:
        • Pushing constants onto the stack - iconst_0, iconst_1, ...
        • Moving values between the stack and local variables - aload_0, istore_1, ...
        • Via constant pool - ldc, ldc_w, ldc2_w;
        • Stack manipulation - dup, swap, pop;
      • Functional instructions: Arithmetic, logical, and comparison operations;
      • Control-flow instructions:
        • Jumps, conditional jumps - goto, if_icmpeq, if_acmpne, ...
        • Switches - tableswitch (used for switch statements with ranges), lookupswitch (used for switch statements with arbitrary values);
        • Method invocation - invokevirtual (indexes constant pool for method reference, check if arguments match, allocate stack frame of appropriate size, and jump to the method);
        • invokestatic, invokespecial (constructors, private methods, or methods of superclass), invokeinterface;
        • Method return - ireturn, freturn, dreturn, lreturn, areturn, return (void return) - pops the stack frame and returns to the caller;
      • Others:
        • Object creation - new (creates a new object and pushes a reference to it onto the stack) - proper creation requires a constructor call;
        • Field access - getfield, putfield, instanceof, checkcast;
        • Array access, synchronization, exception handling;
        • athrow - throws an exception (a stands for any object);
        • monitorenter, monitorexit - synchronization;
    • All data movement is done through the stack.
  • Security
    • Sandbox model: create a barrier around Java execution environment;
    • Security enforced by static and dynamic checks;
      • Static checks - performed at load time: consistency checks (types, references, etc) and integrity checks (operand stack tracking, and control transfer);
      • Dynamic checks - performed at runtime: check null pointer, array bounds and casting;
    • Operand stack tracking - ensures that the stack is not empty when an instruction requires operands, and that the stack is not full when an instruction pushes operands;
      • Operand stack at any given point should has the same number of operands, the same types and in the same order, regardless of the path taken;
    • Security policy enforcer - checks if the code is allowed to perform certain operations; limitation: only qualitative checks, not quantitative checks (excess threads, recursion, CPU usage, etc);
  • Garbage Collection
    • Mark-and-sweep algorithm: mark phase (mark all reachable objects), sweep phase (reclaim all unmarked objects); ❌ fragmentation;
    • Compacting - move all live objects to one end of the heap, and update all references; ❌ stop-the-world;
    • Copying - divide the heap into two semispaces, allocate objects in one space, and copy them to the other space when the first one is full; ❌ high copying cost;
    • Generational - divide the heap into generations, and collect the younger generations more frequently than the older ones; ❌ stop the world;
    • Incremental and concurrent mark-sweep - mark and sweep in small increments, and allow the application to run concurrently with the GC; tri-color abstraction (white, gray, black);

GC Summary

  • Emulation engine optimizations
    • Method inlining - replace small method calls with the method body;
    • The problem is that the target of virtual calls is not known at compile time;
      • Guarded inlining - inline the most common target, and add a guard to check if the target is the same;
      • Polymorphic inline cache - inline code for a small set of cases.


  • Google App Engine: allows users to deploy web apps written in multiple languages; framework designed for scalability; cloud infrastructure almost completely hidden from the developer;

    • User controls the application code, configuration and middleware stack;
    • Composed of front-end (serves user requests) and back-end (performs background tasks); or static content servers;
      • Frontend: identifices the app based on the URL, and routes the request to the appropriate instance; applications are configured using app.yaml file;
      • Backend: can be dynamic (request-driven) or resident (always running);
    • Apps execute within a strict sandbox (not possible to write to files except for /tmp, no sockets, no threads, no native code);
    • Apps can call other apis (Google Cloud Storage, Google Cloud SQL, Google Cloud Datastore, Google Cloud Pub/Sub, Google Cloud Endpoints, Google Cloud Messaging, Google Cloud Logging, Google Cloud Monitoring, Google Cloud Task Queue, Google Cloud User Authentication);
    • Scalability: number of frontends and servers scales automatically by GAE; web apps are kept in memory; scaling policies can be defined in app.yaml;
    • Payment is independent from number of servers - user charged on real usage, like CPU time, bandwidth, storage, etc;
  • Microsoft Azure: made of Web roles (web apps) and Worker roles (background tasks);

    • Agents - run on the VMs and communicate with the fabric controller, exposing the API both for web and worker roles;
    • Fabric controller - manages the lifecycle of the VMs;
    • Communication between roles is done through queues;
  • Messaging services:

    • Amazon SQS - message queues are replicated for fault tolerance and scalability;
      • Limited message size of 8KB/64KB/256KB;
      • Fault tolerance mechanism: when messages are read, they become invisible for a certain period of time, to avoid being read by another consumer, and they need to be deleted after processing;
      • Use an idempotent message protocol - do not design operations that assume a particular application state, e.g.: setValue instead of incrementValue;
      • Do not use when app has time constraints.
    • Microsoft Azure Queues;
      • Unlimited queues per account and messages per queue;
      • Limited message size of 8KB/64KB;
    • Google Cloud Pub/Sub - messaging service; push-based;
      • Guarantees: synchronous replication of all data to at least two zones, and best-effort replication to a third zone;
      • Core concepts:
        • Topic: a named resource to which messages are sent by publishers;
        • Subscription: a named resource representing the stream of messages from a single, specific topic, to be delivered to the subscribing application;
        • Message: data that is sent to a topic and then delivered to subscriptions;
        • Publisher: an application that creates and sends messages to a topic;
        • Subscriber: an application that receives messages from a subscription;
        • Acknowledgement: a message is considered delivered when the subscriber acknowledges it - acked messages are removed from the subscription queue;


  • Also known as serverless computing;

  • Concurrency is not managed by the developer - simple code;

  • Applications are composed of functions that are triggered by events;

  • Amazon Lambda

    • Max 15 mins timeout;
    • Execute on Firecracker microVMs;
    • Lambdas communicate via storage, queues, db, etc;
    • Concurrency is subject to quotas at the region level, and can be configured;
    • Cost: number of invocations and memory used - single knob: memory, because invocation has fixed price; temporary storage also charged;
  • Google Cloud Functions

  • Microsoft Azure Functions - similar to lambdas, but with a specific pricing in premium plan (additional payment per each vCPU usage time)

  • IBM OpenWhisk

    • NGINX - load balancer;
    • Controller - lambda scheduler;
    • CouchDB - metadata storage;
    • KV store - keeps active nodes;
    • Kafka - pushes actions to the invokers;
    • Invokers - run the lambdas;
    • Docker - lambda execution environment;
  • Lambda startup time is high because of the cold start - the first time a lambda is executed, it needs to be loaded into memory, and the execution time is higher - solution is to reuse already started environments (warm);

  • Problems:

    • Cold start latency;
    • Resource redundancy;
    • Long warm-up time - JIT compilers and interpreters optimize the code over long periods of time;
  • Optimizations:

    • Function co-execution - execute multiple concurrently lambdas in the same runtime, sharing runtime, libraries and global state - photons;
    • AOT compilation - compile HLL into binaries - GraalVM;
    • Sharing code and profiles - share code and profiles between lambdas;

Cloud Storage

  • Types of cloud storage:

    • Object Storage
      • Allows to store and retrieve data as objects or bytes;
      • Supports only Object ID indexing;
      • Examples: Amazon S3 (Dynamo), Google Cloud Storage, Azure Blobs;
    • Cloud File Systems
      • Hierarchical organization of files, permissions and metadata;
      • Examples: Hadoop File System, Google File System;
    • Tables (NoSQL)
      • Records and tables;
      • Search and range scans;
      • Examples: Amazon DynamoDB (Dynamo), Apache HBase, Google BigTable;
    • Relational Databases
      • Full relational model;
      • Conventional services;
      • Examples: Amazon RDS, SQL Azure, Google Cloud SQL.

Object Storage - Dynamo (DynamoDB and Amazon S3)

  • Dynamo - powering DynamoDB and Amazon S3;
    • Availability and partition tolerance are prioritized over consistency - eventual consistency;
    • Reads and writes with unique IDs;
    • Two operations:
      • put(key, context, object);
        • key: object identifier;
        • context: versioning information (vector clocks);
        • object: data to store;
      • get(key) -> (object versions, context);
        • key: object identifier;
        • object versions: list of versions;
        • context: versioning information.
Problem Technique Advantage
Partitioning Consistent Hashing Incremental Stability - Chord
Write availability Vector clocks and conflict resolution Version size does not depend on the update rate
Temporary failures Relaxed/sloppy Quorum and hinted handoff High availability and durability
Permanent failures Anti-Entropy with Merkle Trees Syncs replicas asynchronically
Membership and failure detection Gossip-based protocol Scalability and fault tolerance
  • DynamoDB - hierarchical data storage;

    • Ad hoc data model - no schema;
    • Adds multiple attributes, indexing and queries;
    • Efficient of read operations;
    • ❌ Missing features: joins and ordering;
    • Data model:
      • Table: collection of items, identified by a string;
      • Item: identified by a key and contains attributes;
        • Indexed by an hash key;
        • Additional range key for indexing;
        • Limited to 400KB;
      • Attributes: name-value pairs;
  • Amazon S3

    • Simple Storage Service;
    • Used for storing disk images, photos, videos, often as CDN for web content;
    • ⚠️ Occasionally, some S3 calls fail and must be repeated;
    • Include SLA for 99.99% availability;
    • Data model:
      • Bucket: collection of objects - delimiting namespace;
      • Object: identified by a key and contains data.

File Storage - Google File System and Hadoop Distributed File System

  • Very large-scale distributed file system;
  • Scalability: data operations don't go through the central server;
  • Block-based: files are divided into blocks of 64MB;
    • A file smaller than a block does not occupy the full block - a smaller local file is used;
  • Namenode: manages the file system namespace - folder hierarchy and name uniqueness;
    • Files can be written, read, renamed and deleted, but its no possible to:
      • Write in the middle of a file;
      • Write concurrently in the same file;
  • Datanode: manages a set of blocks;
    • Processes client/namenode requests;
    • Periodically sends a heartbeat to the namenode;
    • Block replication management: when replica number drops below a threshold, the datanode replicates the block.
  • Reading: the client asks the namenode for the block locations and reads directly from the datanodes;

HDFS Reading

  • Writing: the client asks the namenode for a list of datanodes to write the block;
    • The client writes to the first datanode and then to the next - chain replication;
    • Block write requests are kept in a data queue;
    • Unconfirmed write requests are kept in a ack queue;
    • If the datanode fails, the client changes the block ID so the corrupted replica is deleted later;

HDFS Writing

Table Storage - Google BigTable

  • BigTable - distributed storage system for structured data;

  • Stores all persistent state on top of Google File System;

  • Data model:

    • A table has entities;
    • A table has column families - like a property, created statically;
    • Each column family has columns - instance of a property, created dynamically;
      • Each column is timestamped;
    • Entities are ordered alphabetically, and can be:
      • Written;
      • Deleted;
      • Read as single row, scanned or range scanned.
      • ACID transactions only for a single entity.
    • Sequences os entities are stored in tablets;
      • Tablet: a range of rows;
      • Stored in SSTable files;
  • Architecture:

    • Master performs the following tasks:
      • Table creation;
      • Column family creation;
      • Startpoint for entity location;
      • Allocation and elimination of tablets;
    • Tablet Servers:
      • Performs reading, writing directly with clients;
      • Partitioning for tablets that are too large, employing tree with levels of metadata tablets, and leaves are data tablets;
    • Writing is done on two tablet server structures: redo log and memtable;
      • Minor: when a memtable is full, it is flushed to disk as an SSTable;
      • Merge: groups SSTables from minor compactions;
      • Major: converts SSTables to a minimum by filtering entity removals;
  • Datastore: BigTable for programmers;

    • NoSQL database;
    • Each entity has an unique ID that includes appID and kindID;
      • AppID: application identifier;
      • Kind is a namespace;
    • Data items are stored in the entities columns, and columns have a name and a value;
    • Megastore is an intermediate layer between BigTable and Datastore, that:
      • Executed queries;
      • Builds indexes;
      • Performs multi-record transactions.
    • Datastore supports transactions on several entities, but are limited:
      • Only operate on one entity group;
      • No distributed transactions.

Big-Data Processing


  • MapReduce is a programming model for processing large data sets with a parallel, distributed algorithm on a cluster;

  • Operates over lists of <key, value> pairs;

    • Map operation: processes each <key1, value1> pair and produces a list of intermediate <key2, value2> pairs;
    • Reduce operation: processes all intermediate values associated with the same intermediate key <key2, list(value2)> and produces a list of final <key3, value3> pairs;
  • Hadoop

    • Execution controlled by the master process:
      • Input data are split into blocks of 64MB and distributed to the worker nodes dynamically - workers can be mappers or reducers;
      • Hadoop tries to create splits containing data local to the worker node, to minimize network traffic;
    • Master assigns each map task (1 split) to a mapper;
      • Worker reads the input data from the closest location and produces a set of intermediate <key, value> pairs;
    • Master assigns each reduce task to a reducer node;
      • Reducer reads the intermediate data from the mappers and produces the final output applying the reduce function;
    • Shuffling: input to the reducer is the output sorted by the mappers;
      • The framework fetches (copies) the intermediate data from the mappers to the reducers, and while is being copied, it is merged for efficiency.


  • Spark makes working sets a first-class concept, to efficiently support two common types of applications that repeatedly reuse a working set of data;

  • Provides a distributed memory abstractions for clusters to support apps with working sets;

  • Data flow model with RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets);

    • Immutable collections partitioned across the nodes of the cluster that can be reused across multiple parallel operations;
    • It is not needed to be materialized on disk;
    • Created by RDD transformations - map, filter, join, etc;
    • Can be cached in memory across operations;
    • Parallel operations: reduce, collect, count, etc;
    • Consistency is easy due to immutability.
  • Spark Streaming is an extension of the core Spark API that enables scalable, high-throughput, fault-tolerant stream processing of live data streams;

    • Run a streaming computation as a series of small batch computations on small time intervals;
  • Open-source stream processing framework with powerful stream and batch processing capabilities;

Data Centers Design and Operation

  • PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) - ratio of total facility power to IT equipment power;
    • $PUE = \frac{Total Facility Power}{IT Equipment Power}$;
  • DCIE (Data Center Infrastructure Efficiency) - reciprocal of PUE;
    • $DCIE = \frac{1}{PUE}$;
  • tPUE (Total PUE) - includes the power used by the IT equipment - critical components;
    • $tPUE = \frac{Total Facility Power}{Total IT Equipment Power}$;
    • Not easy to implement, but it can be an ideal metric;
  • Chiller - a device that removes heat from a liquid via a vapor-compression or absorption refrigeration cycle; e.g., air conditioning units;
    • Chiller-less DCs - DCs that use outside air for cooling.
  • CEMS (Cooperative Expendable Micro-Slice Servers) - servers with low-power CPUs and no local storage;