Python implementation of a Naive Bayes classifier which takes a series of text documents and categorizes them into five different categories: business, entertainment, sport, politics and tech by applyng multi-category classification. : the python implementation of the algorithm
stopwords-en.txt : a text file containing the main english stopwords
Once you have downloaded the repository, you have to create a folder named "Dataset" inside the repository.
Then you can download the dataset here: by clicking on " >> Download raw text files ".
The download will produce a folder named "bbc" containing the five folders (one for each category) that you will have to move inside the "Dataset" folder created before.
As there is a different number of documents for each category, I chose to equalize them to the minor number (386).
At this point the structure of your project should be the following:
- stopwords-en.txt
- Dataset
- business (containing business text files)
- entertainment (containing entertainment text files)
- politics (containing politics text files)
- sport (containing sport text files)
- tech (containing tech text files)
Run the project is trivial, you must use the following command line inside the root directory: