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Species 2020

Spatial and non-spatial data are available as foreign tables pointing at external files (shp, gdb, csv, xlsx) files in different schemas. Each foreign table is converted to real table (geometric or non-geometric) inside the schema species_202001 using this sql script, with following parameters (where they apply):

WHERE presence IN (1,2) AND origin IN (1,2) AND seasonal IN (1,2,3)

which will include: Extant and Probably Extant (IUCN will discontinue this code); Native and Reintroduced; Resident, Breeding Season and Non-breeding Season.


Spatial and non-spatial data for birds are available as foreign tables pointing at gdb file in schema species_birdlife_201903, and they contain the fields (relevants in bold):

Birdlife: spatial table "All_species"

  • fid bigint,
  • shape geometry(MultiPolygon,4326),
  • sisid integer (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: id_no),
  • sciname character varying (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: binomial),
  • date_ character varying,
  • source character varying,
  • presence integer,
  • origin integer,
  • seasonal integer,
  • data_sens character varying,
  • sens_comm character varying,
  • compiler character varying,
  • tax_com character varying,
  • dist_com character varying,
  • reviewers character varying,
  • citation character varying,
  • version character varying,
  • shape_length double precision,
  • shape_area double precision,
  • filename character varying,
  • vxcount integer

Birdlife: non-spatial table "SppListAdditional"

  • fid bigint,
  • id_no integer,
  • binomial character varying,
  • common_name character varying,
  • kingdom character varying,
  • phylum character varying,
  • class character varying,
  • order_ character varying,
  • family character varying,
  • genus character varying,
  • category character varying,
  • criteria character varying,
  • assessor character varying,
  • assessment_date timestamp with time zone,
  • biome_marine character varying (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: marine),
  • biome_terrestrial character varying (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: terrestrial),
  • biome_freshwater character varying (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: freshwater),
  • publication_yr smallint,
  • population_trend character varying

Birdlife: non-spatial table "BirdLife_HBW_Taxonomic_Checklist_V4"

  • fid bigint,
  • sequence integer,
  • order_ character varying,
  • family_name character varying (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: family),
  • family character varying,
  • subfamily_name character varying,
  • tribe_name character varying,
  • common_name character varying,
  • scientific_name character varying (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: binomial),
  • authority character varying,
  • birdlife_taxonomic_treatment character varying,
  • f2019_iucn_red_list_category character varying (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: category),
  • synonyms character varying,
  • alternative_common_names character varying,
  • taxonomic_notes character varying,
  • taxonomic_source character varying,
  • sisrecid integer (corresponds to IUCN spatial table field: id_no),
  • marine character varying,
  • freshwater character varying,
  • terrestrial character varying

An additional non spatial table is available as foreign table pointing at xlsx file in schema/table species_birdlife_non_spatial_201903.sheet1, and contains just a list with five species ( 22712690, 22716650, 22732350, 103774724, 103878817) missing information related to ecosystems.

IUCN tables

IUCN spatial tables for corals, chondrichthyes, amphibians, mammals

Spatial data are available as foreign tables pointing at shps files in schema species_iucn_spatial_202001, and they all contain the fields (relevants in bold):

  • fid bigint,
  • geom geometry(Polygon,4326),
  • id_no bigint,
  • binomial character varying,
  • presence integer,
  • origin integer,
  • seasonal integer,
  • compiler character varying,
  • yrcompiled integer,
  • citation character varying,
  • source character varying,
  • dist_comm character varying,
  • island character varying,
  • subspecies character varying,
  • subpop character varying,
  • legend character varying,
  • tax_comm character varying,
  • kingdom character varying,
  • phylum character varying,
  • class character varying,
  • order_ character varying,
  • family character varying,
  • genus character varying,
  • category character varying,
  • marine character varying,
  • terrestial character varying,
  • freshwater character varying,
  • shape_leng double precision,
  • shape_area double precision

These fields are (partially?) described on Mapping and Distribution Data Attribute Standards for the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species

fid is a weak, temporary, serial field (is not unique in case of appended corals). The field id_no is unique by species, but redundant by fields (within the ones of some interest for the analysis): presence, origin, seasonal, subspecies, subpop, (others?), and each row corresponds to a different polygon. The next steps in spatial processing will merge/dissolve these polygons by id_no, making this field unique, Primary Key.

IUCN non-spatial tables

Because of limits (10K records) of the IUCN website, downloads are split in:

  • species_iucn_non_spatial_non_passeriformes_202001
  • species_iucn_non_spatial_only_passeriformes_202001

All the non-spatial tables are:

  • all_other_fields
  • assessments
  • common_names
  • conservation_needed
  • countries
  • credits
  • dois
  • fao (not available for all the groups)
  • habitats
  • lme (not available for all the groups)
  • plant_specific (not available for all the groups)
  • references
  • research_needed
  • simple_summary
  • synonyms
  • taxonomy
  • threats
  • usetrade

The available fields (by table) are:

  • all_other_fields.aoo_range
  • all_other_fields.arearestricted_isrestricted
  • all_other_fields.assessmentid
  • all_other_fields.congregatory_value
  • all_other_fields.cropwildrelative_isrelative
  • all_other_fields.depthlower_limit
  • all_other_fields.depthupper_limit
  • all_other_fields.elevationlower_limit
  • all_other_fields.elevationupper_limit
  • all_other_fields.eoo_range
  • all_other_fields.fid
  • all_other_fields.generationlength_range
  • all_other_fields.inplaceeducationcontrolled_value
  • all_other_fields.inplaceeducationinternationallegislation_value
  • all_other_fields.inplaceeducationsubjecttoprograms_value
  • all_other_fields.inplacelandwaterprotectionareaplanned_value
  • all_other_fields.inplacelandwaterprotectioninpa_value
  • all_other_fields.inplacelandwaterprotectioninvasivecontrol_value
  • all_other_fields.inplacelandwaterprotectionpercentprotected_value
  • all_other_fields.inplacelandwaterprotectionsitesidentified_value
  • all_other_fields.inplaceresearchmonitoringscheme_value
  • all_other_fields.inplaceresearchrecoveryplan_value
  • all_other_fields.inplacespeciesmanagementexsitu_value
  • all_other_fields.inplacespeciesmanagementharvestplan_value
  • all_other_fields.internaltaxonid
  • all_other_fields.locationsnumber_range
  • all_other_fields.movementpatterns_pattern
  • all_other_fields.nothreats_nothreats
  • all_other_fields.populationsize_range
  • all_other_fields.scientificname
  • all_other_fields.severefragmentation_isfragmented
  • all_other_fields.subpopulationnumber_range
  • all_other_fields.threatsunknown_value
  • all_other_fields.yearofpopulationestimate_value
  • assessments.assessmentdate
  • assessments.assessmentid
  • assessments.conservationactions
  • assessments.criteriaversion
  • assessments.fid
  • assessments.habitat
  • assessments.internaltaxonid
  • assessments.language
  • assessments.population
  • assessments.populationtrend
  • assessments.possiblyextinct
  • assessments.possiblyextinctinthewild
  • assessments.range
  • assessments.rationale
  • assessments.realm
  • assessments.redlistcategory
  • assessments.redlistcriteria
  • assessments.scientificname
  • assessments.scopes
  • assessments.threats
  • assessments.usetrade
  • assessments.yearlastseen
  • assessments.yearpublished
  • common_names.fid
  • common_names.internaltaxonid
  • common_names.language
  • common_names.main
  • common_names.scientificname
  • conservation_needed.assessmentid
  • conservation_needed.code
  • conservation_needed.fid
  • conservation_needed.internaltaxonid
  • conservation_needed.note
  • conservation_needed.scientificname
  • countries.assessmentid
  • countries.code
  • countries.fid
  • countries.formerlybred
  • countries.internaltaxonid
  • countries.origin
  • countries.presence
  • countries.scientificname
  • countries.seasonality
  • credits.assessmentid
  • credits.fid
  • credits.full
  • credits.internaltaxonid
  • credits.order
  • credits.scientificname
  • credits.text
  • credits.type
  • credits.value
  • dois.assessmentid
  • dois.doi
  • dois.fid
  • dois.internaltaxonid
  • dois.scientificname
  • fao.assessmentid
  • fao.code
  • fao.fid
  • fao.formerlybred
  • fao.internaltaxonid
  • fao.origin
  • fao.presence
  • fao.scientificname
  • fao.seasonality
  • habitats.assessmentid
  • habitats.code
  • habitats.fid
  • habitats.internaltaxonid
  • habitats.majorimportance
  • habitats.scientificname
  • habitats.season
  • habitats.suitability
  • lme.assessmentid
  • lme.code
  • lme.fid
  • lme.formerlybred
  • lme.internaltaxonid
  • lme.origin
  • lme.presence
  • lme.scientificname
  • lme.seasonality
  • plant_specific.assessmentid
  • plant_specific.code
  • plant_specific.fid
  • plant_specific.internaltaxonid
  • plant_specific.scientificname
  • references.assessmentid
  • references.citation
  • references.fid
  • references.internaltaxonid
  • references.scientificname
  • references.title
  • references.year
  • research_needed.assessmentid
  • research_needed.code
  • research_needed.fid
  • research_needed.internaltaxonid
  • research_needed.note
  • research_needed.scientificname
  • simple_summary.assessmentid
  • simple_summary.authority
  • simple_summary.classname
  • simple_summary.criteriaversion
  • simple_summary.familyname
  • simple_summary.fid
  • simple_summary.genusname
  • simple_summary.infraauthority
  • simple_summary.infraname
  • simple_summary.infratype
  • simple_summary.internaltaxonid
  • simple_summary.kingdomname
  • simple_summary.ordername
  • simple_summary.phylumname
  • simple_summary.populationtrend
  • simple_summary.redlistcategory
  • simple_summary.redlistcriteria
  • simple_summary.scientificname
  • simple_summary.scopes
  • simple_summary.speciesname
  • synonyms.fid
  • synonyms.genusname
  • synonyms.infrarankauthor
  • synonyms.infratype
  • synonyms.internaltaxonid
  • synonyms.scientificname
  • synonyms.speciesauthor
  • synonyms.speciesname
  • taxonomy.authority
  • taxonomy.classname
  • taxonomy.familyname
  • taxonomy.fid
  • taxonomy.genusname
  • taxonomy.infraauthority
  • taxonomy.infraname
  • taxonomy.infratype
  • taxonomy.internaltaxonid
  • taxonomy.kingdomname
  • taxonomy.ordername
  • taxonomy.phylumname
  • taxonomy.scientificname
  • taxonomy.speciesname
  • taxonomy.subpopulationname
  • taxonomy.taxonomicnotes
  • threats.ancestry
  • threats.assessmentid
  • threats.code
  • threats.fid
  • threats.ias
  • threats.internaltaxonid
  • threats.internationaltrade
  • threats.scientificname
  • threats.scope
  • threats.severity
  • threats.stresscode
  • threats.stressname
  • threats.text
  • threats.timing
  • threats.virus
  • usetrade.assessmentid
  • usetrade.code
  • usetrade.fid
  • usetrade.internaltaxonid
  • usetrade.national
  • usetrade.other
  • usetrade.scientificname
  • usetrade.subsistence

The analysis and selection of the relevant fields out of the total (216) is one of the target of the preprocessing task.