Migration to Java some part of C/C++ code from my math-library repository
- JDK 21
Gradle isn't required because of embedded Gradle presence in the project
./gradlew clean build
Parabolic equation (described heat/mass transfer process):
M(x,t,U)*dU_dt = dU( K(x,t,U)*dU_dx )_dx + V(x,t,U)*dU_dx + F(x,t,U) where U = U(x,t)
Check ParabolicEquation for details -
Hyperbolic equation (described oscillation process):
M(x,t,U)*d2U_dt2 + L(x,t,U)*dU_dt = dU( K(x,t,U)*dU_dx )_dx + V(x,t,U)*dU_dx + F(x,t,U) where U = U(x,t)
Check HyperbolicEquation for details
- Border condition type 1 (definite mode): U(X,t)
- Border condition type 2 (definite force): dU_dx(X,t)
- Border condition type 3 (elastic fixing): dU_dx(X,t) = h*(U(X,t) - Theta(t))
The finite-difference method was used, in result we get tridiagonal system of linear equations and solve it with help of tridiagonal matrix algorithm (or Thomas algorithm) (or "метод прогонки" in Russian).
Check solved problems in tests: