- 1.1. Revision
- 1.2. Scope
- 1.3. Definitions/Abbreviations
- 1.4. Overview
- 1.5. Requirements
- 1.6. Architecture Design
- 1.7. High-Level Design
- 1.7.1. Flow description
- 1.7.2. California Law Constrains
- 1.8. Init Flow
- 1.8.1. Compilation
- 1.8.2. Dependencies
- 1.8.3. Feature default
- 1.9. SAI API
- 1.10. Configuration and management
- 1.11. Warmboot and Fastboot Design Impact
- 1.12. Restrictions/Limitations
- 1.13. Upgrade Flow
- 1.14. Test Plan
- 1.14.1. Unit Test cases
- 1.14.2. System Test cases
- 1.14.3. Pasword Change Flow
- 1.15. 3rd Party Components
- 1.15.1. PW Force Expiration
- 1.15.2. Pam Unix
Rev | Date | Author | Change Description |
0.1 | 08/2022 | Andriy Dobush | Phase 1 Design |
The California Law hld doc described the requirements, architecture and configuration details of California Law feature in switches SONIC OS based. Feature is designed to add California SB-327 conformance.
PW - password
PASSWH - Password Hardening
PAM - Pluggable Authentication Modules
California Law - Default Credential Management for California Law SB-327 Conformance
Most users won't change the password because of various reasons: forgot to change, don't realize default password should be changed and other. As a result default passwords in connected devices is one of a primary attack method used by malicious actors. The main motivation and functionality of the feature is to force user to change default password on first login.
- Force change of default password on first login
- Support several default users
- Force to change password after image update
- Don't affect Password hardening feature
- Expire password only for user that can do login. (login shell is /bin/bash or /bin/sh)
(flow description in the chapter below)
In this section we will present the design (as thorough as possible) for the California Law implementation.
Common approach to force user to change a password is making user password expired.
The feature will use native Linux tool and linux lib: chage and pam_unix_account.so
chage: support requirement of PW aging, change user password expire information
pam_unix_account module retrieves password aging information and verifies that the password and the user's account have not expired.
Note: See linux 3rd Party Components for more description.
Feature is expected to be disabled by default. Build flag CHANGE_DEFAULT_PASSWORD will be used to set feature state.
Feature uses only Linux native system tools. As a result doesn't require interaction with cli or db.
On a first boot, password will be forced to expire for every default user.
First boot is processed in file /etc/rc.local. To get available users list grep from /etc/passwd will be used.
On next ssh login user is prompted to provide new password. Note that after providing new password user is logged out and need to login with new password.
The only constrain for now is that user is logged out after providing new password
PW age from feature PW hardening is not affected.
This feature will be disabled by default. A build flag CHANGE_DEFAULT_PASSWORD will be used to enable or disable feature. Build flag will be checked on runtime
Build example
CHANGE_DEFAULT_PASSWORD=true make target/sonic.bin
Feature is disabled by default. If enabled will force all available users to change a password
not changed.
Not relevant
The feature can be triggered after sonic upgrade and warm reboot and feature doesn't affect trafic.
The California law feature is not supported on remote AAA.
LDAP/Radius/Tacacs is under customer responsibility.
After install new image with sonic-install 1st boot flow is triggered and users will be forced to change their passwords
Unit tests do not cover login and 1st boot flow
Force 1st boot in next ways:
- Onie install
- Image update reboot/warm boot Check affecting password hardening feature:
- Do 1st boot and test password change force with password hardening disabled
- Do 1st boot and test password change force with password hardening enabled Check password hardening age is not affected
Example of password change during 1st login.
ssh admin@sonic-switch
The authenticity of host 'sonic-switch (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:l7jfE2zxvJ2PQNJZNB3ErqA/LvTUFi1tTlhDZTViPDI.
RSA key fingerprint is MD5:08:8c:5a:8a:7a:a7:65:13:5a:71:66:4c:30:2b:5c:ba.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'sonic-switch,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
admin@sonic-switch's password:
You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced).
You are required to change your password immediately (administrator enforced).
Linux sonic-switch 5.10.0-12-2-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.103-1 (2022-03-07) x86_64
You are on
____ ___ _ _ _ ____
/ ___| / _ \| \ | (_)/ ___|
\___ \| | | | \| | | |
___) | |_| | |\ | | |___
|____/ \___/|_| \_|_|\____|
-- Software for Open Networking in the Cloud --
Unauthorized access and/or use are prohibited.
All access and/or use are subject to monitoring.
Help: http://azure.github.io/SONiC/
Last login: Sat Aug 13 13:31:19 2022 from
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for admin.
Current password:
New password:
Retype new password:
The password has not been changed.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Connection to sonic-switch closed.
In this section, you can find options used for password expiring with chage and pwhistory
Tool for password expiration:
The option which apply to the chage command is:
-d, --lastday LAST_DAY
Example :
chage -d 0 ${user}
pam_unix: standard Unix authentication PAM module
This module performs validating status of a user's account based on password expiration and other elements Module is used as is, without any additional, configuration or modification.