output code optimized
- uv-parameters: forEach loop
- images.environment =undefined
additional mesh
- bolt2a.gltf
additional toolbar button
- usermesh: button for visualizing an usermesh
additional scene_properties (will be saved within the graph):
- usermesh_path path to the usermesh (default: assets/meshes/)
- usermesh_file filename of the usermesh incl. extension (valid types: *.babylon, *.gltf, *.glb, *.obj)
- usermesh_createRoot flag if a mesh root node should be created (if more than one meshes are on top level)
- usermesh_scale skalar value for resizing the mesh in all dimensions(x,y,z)
additional TextureSample properties:
- invertU (default false): inverts U coordinate
- invertV (default false): inverts V coordinate