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Our investor, Bloomberg L.P.

Bloomberg L.P. is our sole investor.

We appreciate many things about our investor: Bloomberg is a very different kind of company. Bloomberg is a pioneer -- it created one of the original SaaS businesses, the first professional social network, and invented many practices that are now widely adopted by startups. We hope startups will be inspired by Bloomberg’s example, as we are.

Bloomberg knows and respects technology and technology companies, is set up to be independent-minded, and builds toward long-term value. Bloomberg was created 30 years ago on a then-controversial idea -- that information in financial markets should be more widely shared. Bloomberg has reached global scale and influence, with more than 15,000 employees in almost 200 locations -- and yet it is still a private company, held by its founders.

Why did Bloomberg L.P. create Bloomberg Beta? Bloomberg wants a window onto the world of startups to understand meaningful trends early, and know founders and companies long before it becomes obvious that they will be significant. To do this, Bloomberg wants a way to support founders and collaborate with them that doesn’t involve an ordinary commercial relationship. (Many startups are not ready to partner with Bloomberg -- or any established, larger company -- until they’ve grown, settled on a direction, and decided to make a partnership a priority. That can take as long as a few years after the company is founded.)

Bloomberg L.P. invested in Bloomberg Beta to open that window to startups, and set it up with a structure that is rare for a corporate-sponsored firm -- a true fund that invests for financial return, not an “operating division.” Bloomberg knows that great founders want investors whose interests are fully aligned with their own.

So Bloomberg Beta is set up to choose its own investments, and back companies solely on their merits and financial potential, regardless of whether they have (or intend to have) a business relationship with Bloomberg. We do focus exclusively on areas that are of relevance to Bloomberg -- we wouldn’t invest in a videogame, or a consumer e-commerce site for example. One way to think of our focus: we look at the world of work. If you’re focused on making leisure or family life better, we’re probably not your people.

Ultimately, Bloomberg L.P.’s founders have succeeded at doing what we hope to help other companies do -- create something extraordinary.

What we look for

We recognize that seeing early signs of greatness is hard, and nobody’s cracked how to do it reliably. That said, there are a few things we do look for: certain qualities of a founding team, an early product, and the right moment in a company’s life. We also focus on investing in areas where we think we can be helpful.


We look for a reason to believe a founding team is extraordinary. Not that they have the perfect skills or experiences to match the business they want to build (which is where the “team” slide in the deck tends to focus), but that they have the capacity for greatness.

What gives us a sense the founders could be extraordinary? Often times, they just have an unusual psychology -- they think they are exceptional, see grand patterns others don’t, they are indifferent to norms, and they may have an exceptionally high pain threshold. We are inspired by Michael Dearing’s description of the cognitive distortions of founders.

So much of backing founders is about trust -- many of the companies we’ve backed are led by people who we’ve known for years, and grown to trust. If we don’t know you ourselves, we prefer if someone we trust knows you. Otherwise we find it hard to trust our impressions of you after a meeting or two; first impressions are so unreliable. That said, we’ve backed founders who we only just met -- sometimes you “just know.”

We have passed on companies because we didn’t think the founders were crazy enough -- they seemed too textbook. (And we don't mean their appearance or background, we mean their level of extraordinary determination, willingness to try, or insight.)

We also are committed to diversity and especially encourage founders of underrepresented communities to speak with us about their companies. We believe that a community of companies is stronger the more different viewpoints come to the table, and we're happy to speak more about our record in this area with founders who are interested.


We prefer to see products that are intensely successful in some initial market, over products that grow to large numbers but don’t play an important role in the lives of their users. We like for a product to be the most important service to at least some of its users.

We like products we ourselves would use and understand. We’ve been technology buyers, software developers, founders, entry-level employees, and of course consumers of many types of media -- so the range of products we might use and understand is broad.

If a product is launched, we care about how well it is doing -- the famous “traction” -- but we tend not to focus on absolute numbers. We focus on month-over-month (or, in earlier-stage cases, week-over-week) growth, ask questions about how different cohorts of users behave, and try to understand the per-user behavior (how much does any one user really value the product).


We strongly prefer to be the first money into a company, and to invest as early in the startup's life as possible. If a startup incorporates itself to take money from us, that's great.

This isn’t so much a rational investment calculation (arguably there is less competition to write bigger, later checks) -- but it’s a matter of our style. This just happens to be what we like. We make exceptions when there is some other good reason (a founder or company we just couldn’t resist).

“First money in” doesn’t necessarily mean lead investor -- sometimes we are the only ones at the table, sometimes one of many. Sometimes the founder sets the terms, sometimes another investor does, sometimes we do. We don’t think that matters.

We are more than happy to invest in companies that might take a very long time to prove they are on to something -- our investor, Bloomberg, has a decades-long view and is willing to build for the long-term. We do not have a fixed time horizon to expect our companies to return capital. In fact, we prefer companies who are building for permanence. In a world of small add-on ideas, we prefer the truly meaningful ones.


Greatness can start anywhere, but we can really only help if we’re nearby. We are heavily biased toward investing in companies we can see in person. That means San Francisco and New York since our team is in both of those cities. Our team has deep roots in both places so our ability to bring in local folks that can help is greater there. This isn’t to say that we won’t consider an investment elsewhere (for example if an area has a deep specialty, as some regions do with security startups), but we’re very careful to choose companies where we can be disproportionately helpful, and being local is a real part of that.

We have invested outside of San Francisco and New York a couple of times (Seattle once… and we’d consider Boston and Washington, DC), though it is rare.


We find investments in many ways, but our favorite is for founders we have already backed to refer other founders.

Founders are our customers, and we believe in doing more than waiting to be introduced to them -- we want to get to know them early. So we have developed a model in partnership with Mattermark, to predict who are the people in Silicon Valley and New York statistically most likely to become founders, who haven't yet -- our "Future Founders" group. We reach out to these individuals ourselves to form relationships with them, and for them to form relationships with each other.

After that, we are most likely to invest in companies that come to us through someone we trust. Several of those have come our way through referrals from the staff at Bloomberg -- this creates an instant “customer reference,” often from someone whose judgment we respect.

We don’t really find companies, we mostly find founders. We tend to ask people we trust who are the 1-2 most exceptional people you’ve met, whether in school or at work, or in some other way -- and then we get to know those people. We hope that some of those people evolve to be great founders, and we’d like to know them whether or not they do.

We also try a lot of products. Our phones have many, many apps installed. And we read. We reach out to people and companies whose products we like, or who we read about.

We keep track of companies we’ve been in touch with -- just like we’d hope that our companies do, we have an organized system for our outreach.


Our overall focus is investing in companies that improve work -- these can be individual-facing (not all “enterprise”) so long as they help a person be more productive, knowledgeable, or content at work. Of course they can also be services for businesses.

We are focused on the following areas (all of which are of great interest to Bloomberg L.P.): data, technology platforms, media distribution, content discovery, networks & communities, human-computer interaction, and radically new organizational models. It’s a wide range.

We don’t focus on investments in financial services or other companies that intend to compete with Bloomberg clients.

We have doubts about the importance of overly theme-based investing (i.e., some of us are more thesis focused, some more founder focused). We’ve found that the best founders can surprise an investor with a completely unexpected take -- and prompt the investor to see a category anew.

That said, within our themes there are specific ideas we currently care about:

  • Networks & communities: Connecting professional networks other than office workers (especially those where most of the work is in mobile contexts)
  • New organizational models: Bringing software development methodologies to other applications (e.g., version control for the real world); design as a differentiator; unbundling of corporations
  • Human-computer interaction: Hardware companies with network effects
  • Media distribution: Over-the-top television
  • Content discovery: Self-development through professional skill development
  • Technology platforms: Exploiting the increasing power of the browser, and WebRTC in particular
  • Data: Vertical applications and analytical tools that affect business decisions

We find it hard to imagine we’d make an investment in e-commerce or entertainment.

“The Deck”

A demo is 50 times more useful than slides. One is a description of a thing, the other is the thing itself. We look at your demo the way a new user would.

We don’t like the idea of founders spending lots of time making presentations. When we see “v36” in the filename of a presentation, it terrifies us. That said, we do value the work founders do writing down their plans for their company, because it gives us a sense of:

  • How the team thinks
  • How well the team communicates
  • Whether, if we don’t know the team, we should spend the time to meet in person

There is no standard format we like, but we probably spend 2-5 minutes reading a deck when we are deciding whether to meet a company. How many slides? Depends, but if you need 20 detailed pages to tell your story, your story needs work.

In roughly one-fifth of our portfolio companies, we never saw a deck before investing -- usually because the product spoke so loudly for itself, or we knew the team and business so well we didn’t need a deck.

In some cases, where we know the team well, we’ve helped founders (even before we decide whether to invest) write their deck for other investors.

In day-zero companies, we don't pay much attention to your milestones -- if you are in the discovery phase, trying to figure out what works, you'll generally be unable to predict where you will be beyond 2 months from now.

We do care about what metrics you intend to track -- what experiments are you running, what hypotheses is your first product testing.

We also don’t believe, in most cases, that a long-term financial model makes much sense for a day-zero startup to build -- except to show what the “unit economics” (revenue and cost from a single user or customer) need to be for the business to work. If you can’t come up with assumptions that make the overall business wildly profitable in a few years, then you probably should be doing something else for a living.

That said, we do care about the short-term financial plan. How many people do you intend to hire, where will you spend the money? This helps us figure out how much time you will have before you need more capital, and how far we believe you can get in that amount of time. We prefer not to see early-stage companies spending much if any of their capital on anything but building their product.

Put another way, a five-year financial plan is mostly useless for early stage companies -- a monthly plan for the next twelve months and a quarterly plan for the next two years could be very useful.

In-person meetings

Once we’re meeting in person, you can often leave the laptop closed. We’re trying to get a sense of you as a founder, ask you hard questions and see how you respond.

If your product is public, you should assume when you walk into the room that we’ve spent the time to play with it.

Some things we tend to say, ask, or think in meetings:

  • We act more like an individual investor in many ways than a fund. More like a “CEO who invests” -- because we both create and invest in companies, because we’ve all been “on the other side,” and because we always enjoyed the CEO-investors who backed companies and found them to be incredibly valuable per minute spent.
  • We don’t put great faith in the value of advice (including, often, our own) -- the world of users and customers has more to teach a company than any smart, well-intentioned person.
  • What makes you an outlier?
  • What do you want out of your investors other than money? (We’re trying to figure out if we can be uniquely helpful.)
  • If a dozen other companies are creating a company right now with this exact idea, how could you still succeed? (We truly believe that ideas are almost valueless in and of themselves.)
  • Who will you pick as your first customers? (This tends to be, in our view, one of the most important early choices founders make.)
  • Why are you raising money at all? (We find there are plenty of startups who actually don’t need to raise money and, in general, that’s better for them -- even if it means we don’t get to participate.)

We try to avoid some of the, shall we say, less useful questions others ask:

  • What will you do if [big scary company X] competes with you?
  • Have you patented any of this?
  • How’s it going?

Founders are sometimes surprised at how quickly our meetings move, we often will take you off your story to zero in on something we believe is a key driver. This is how we’d work with you after our investment, so if you’re not having fun it may mean we are not the right partner for you.

At any point, we’d be happy to narrate for you our level of interest -- though you might not always like what you hear. (And remember, an 80% chance of wanting to work together still means there is a 20% chance we will not want to work together.)

Immediately after we meet, a frequent thing we need to do is just think on it -- if we find ourselves getting less excited a day or two later, that’s probably a bad sign. If we find ourselves returning to the conversation in our heads, wondering what you meant when you said such-and-such, and imagining how great the product will be, that’s a great sign.

A lot of founders wonder why investors don’t get back to them quickly. This is an unacceptable pattern, and yet one we’ve been guilty of from time to time. Sometimes, the reason is we’re doing work on your company (e.g., calling references, who might take a few days to get back themselves). Sometimes it’s that we’re not sure and we’re giving ourselves a few days to see if we get more excited or less as we think on it more. Sometimes we just mess up and forget to reply. It’s not OK when that happens. We try to at least narrate as we go with “I know you haven’t heard from us in a few days, this is what’s happening…”

We aspire to be at the extreme end of the “we communicate openly with you” scale.

“Doing the work” and calling references

If we decide we are going to invest, we often (but not always) go through a short cycle of working on our own view -- probing for holes in our own thinking, asking the advice of our one friend who has been thinking about this industry for 10 years, understanding other approaches that have been tried (or are current competitors), and spending as much time as we can using the product. Many of the same kinds of things we find that founders do in the early days of contemplating creating a new company.

During this period, we try to be open with the founder about whether we will call around to ask about them. We put great faith in the value of these reference calls, and we owe a debt to the friends, colleagues, and partners who are willing to share open, unvarnished views. We try to skip nonsense questions (“what are their strengths and weaknesses”) and instead focus on things that will help us decide whether to back a founder:

  • How does this person compare to other founders you’ve known? Top 10%? 5%? 1%?
  • What makes you believe this person is extraordinary?
  • If you were us, and decided to invest in the company, in what areas would you guess this person would need the most help?

We call as many references as we can find.

How we decide

We have an “anyone can say yes” policy. Yes, any of our team members can say yes. And no, you don’t have to meet my other partners. We believe the best founders and companies are polarizing. Our best investments might have been, originally, opposed by one or more of our partners. Teams are great at gathering information and surfacing wisdom, but terrible at making decisions. We believe in individual accountability -- if anyone can say yes, then everyone feels the weight of making a decision. (That said, we do require that before anyone says yes they mention the investment to the rest of us -- that way they get the benefit of the team’s input, and it’s a good way to slow down and think for a second.)

We value each others’ opinions and seek them out. Our team is unusual in that we don’t (yet!) have any of the “partner issues” we hear about at other funds. We believe in each others’ talents, trust each other enough not to mind when someone is wildly wrong, and enjoy each others’ views. We talk as a full group twice a week, to think out loud about companies we’ve invested in or might invest in, and we meet for a full few days once every couple of months.

Because any one of us is empowered to “yes” a deal, we all share and share alike on helping each others’ deals succeed. “Before the investment, it’s your deal; after the investment, it’s our deal.”

When we think about companies, we find ourselves asking questions like:

  • Why do we believe this company has a shot at doing something unique and potentially revolutionary?
  • How do we like the product or, if the product isn’t yet built, the planned approach? Do we think users will love the product? Will they like it enough to convince their closest friends / colleagues to use it?
  • Do we really believe we understand this product or team better than others?
  • How useful can we really be to this company -- are we “just a check” -- and if the company succeeds, how likely is it that we’ll be able to continue to support them?
  • When will the company need more capital, and what will it need to accomplish before it can earn that capital?

We’ve had investments where the founder only ever met one person on our team before we invested (though, afterward we all want to meet our companies so we can help them). In practice, each of us often asks the founders if they’d like to meet one of our other colleagues because the founders will get a better feel for us, and because we like and respect our colleagues.

In practice, here are your odds: we have invested in 2% of the companies we have spent time reviewing.

Our deal memo

Before we invest, we write a “note to self” outlining our views. We do this so we can be as disciplined about our commitments as founders are about their commitments. We also share this note with a small advisory group at Bloomberg L.P.

In order of importance, we write about:

  • The founders’ vision
  • Our thoughts on the founding team, and what our diligence calls revealed (including how we met the team)
  • Why we are excited about the company
  • If the product is built, what we think of it and how well it is doing
  • Ways we plan to help
  • Whether Bloomberg L.P. can help the company and whether the company, in success, could create benefits for Bloomberg L.P. (this is not a criterion for investing, but something we want to know -- to best realize that potential opportunity later)
  • What we believe the company needs to do to succeed (or make the next major milestone, like a further round of funding)
  • The terms of the deal
  • Other stuff: competition, market size (to the extent we can tell), use of the funding, business model (in our experience it is usually either unknowable or obvious, and not worth much mental energy either way)

How long it takes

We’ve made investment decisions in the first meeting (though usually when we already knew the founder and something about what they are working on), and we’ve had cases where we get to know the founder over a period of weeks or months and watch their business evolve (often paying a higher price as we watch the founder make progress).

Our “Service-Level Agreement”

Some firms commit to giving you an answer in a certain amount of time. We commit that at any point in time, if you ask us to narrate the likelihood of investment and timeframe, we’ll give you our best guess.

The reason we don’t have a guideline like “3 meetings in two weeks” is because that smells like a transaction, and we’d rather be in a long-term relationship with you. We take seriously the process of getting to know an founder and a company, and having the founder truly know and like us.

Many of our investments have evolved out of months or years of conversation with an founder, much of which started before Bloomberg Beta even existed. Yes, some are love at first sight -- but it’s exceedingly rare. We’re not sure which will turn out better. But would you tell someone on the first date how many times you had to date them before you decided whether to get married? It’s fundamentally unpredictable at first, but it does become clear quickly.

If you’re in a conversation with us, our policy is “do ask, do tell” -- we are happy to share with you our current sense of excitement and timing. You might have to make a decision, and we want you to know where we stand. If the elevator doors close while we are thinking on it, so be it.

We intend to always give a clear “no” with straightforward reasoning. That reasoning, while straightforward, might still be subjective (“we just didn’t get excited about this and we’re not sure why”).

The deal terms

Our goal, particularly with first-time founders, is to explain what we want and why in plain language. We want to act in a way where, if our asks were widely publicized, we’d be proud of them.

How much risk do we take

Since we bet early, and expect the vast majority of our portfolio companies to fail to return much money, our winners need to be big. We fully expect that, if we succeed, one investment we make will return our entire fund. So we need to believe that every company could be that investment.

We prefer enormous growth in modest markets to modest growth in enormous markets.


We are not big fans of boards in day-zero companies. While we like founders having a close circle of trusted colleagues to ask for advice and we aspire to be in that trusted circle, when we imagine early-stage founders working on slide decks instead of products, it makes us feel a little ill. We also feel that the cadence of board review (every couple of months, let’s say) isn’t well matched to the cadence of a day-zero company (which evolves every week or two). Later on, boards can be great. If people don’t talk just to hear themselves talk, which each of us has been guilty of now and then.

More generally, we are ambivalent about whether investor control is useful at all. We’ve seen it cut both ways.

So, we generally prefer not to have a seat on a company’s board. But, that said, if the company wants us on the board, we’re open to talking about it. We have yet to take a board seat in any of our investments.

Rights we want

We care about getting pro rata rights. If you don’t know what these are, this means that if an founder offers another investor the opportunity to invest at a certain price, we want to invest at that price too -- at least up to the amount needed to preserve our ownership of the company.

We also want to approve of any investments you take that might get their capital repaid before ours.

We care about getting some information rights -- basically the ability for us to understand how well the company is doing, and its financials.

The numbers

Our standard maximum for a first check is $250,000. We have no minimum check size, and have written checks as small as $25,000. Although our fund can comfortably write much bigger checks, we believe that the early days of funds, just like the early days of companies, should burn capital more slowly while they find product-market fit. As we mature, we may become more rigid in our financial requirements for deals as we learn what works for us, and we will write bigger checks.

We care about price. We do not have a target ownership level, but would like to see a path where we can put more money into a company and own a meaningful amount of the company. Our view is that we are comfortable taking the highest possible levels of risk and that founders, and their investors, should be rewarded for that. We believe companies are successful when their teams also get generous equity grants that incentivize the early team members to create something valuable.

We also believe “the price is the price” -- we won’t ask for unusual discounts for ourselves with strange terms like participating preferred equity. We don’t mind whether our investment is structured as convertible debt or as equity.

No, not every VC wants to own 30% of your company. In fact, we think at seed stages too much ownership by the early investors can ruin the cap table -- basically make it difficult for the founders to make money, or later investors to own enough of the company when the company needs bigger dollars to scale.

Like a startup, we’re burning our capital slowly at first while we find product-market fit. In our case, our product is our offering to founders. We welcome ideas and suggestions. We are optimizing at this stage for being involved with the best founders and the best companies, and more flexible on the precise structure for our involvement (check size, stage, level of involvement).

We believe in transparency. If a startup that takes our money wants to publicize the terms of our investment, we’d generally support that. (Of course we’d never disclose anything confidential without consent, and we expect the same of our founders.)

The average pre-money valuation of our investments for the year to date in 2013 was $6M. (We intend to update this number from time to time, but not too frequently -- to avoid inadvertently disclosing the terms of any one deal. This average includes only our investments where we were part of the first money into a company -- we could not figure out a way to make our small number of later-stage investments comparable on an apples-to-apples basis.)

While we’d like to claim that the amount of work we do on behalf of a company will vary dramatically based on our ownership interest, we’re not sure that is true yet -- the reality is that the amount of work we do for a company depends most of all on how much the company needs and wants our help. If they ask us to work for them, we do all we can to help.

Other investors

We don’t care whether we are the lead investor or not. While we prefer to co-invest with others, we have invested in situations where we are the only investor. We have also invested in situations where we own such a miniscule percentage of a company that it rounds to zero.

When we do co-invest, we care who a company’s other investors are, because the investors form an extended team around a company -- and we want our companies to have the best teams possible. We get concerned when we see situations with many investors, none of whom have a significant stake, because we worry that none will actually work to help the company.

Following on

Because we have a relatively big fund ($75M) for writing modest initial checks, we do plan to devote an unusually large proportion of our fund’s resources to following on. We will deploy our capital over the usual length of time for a fund: five years or so for all our initial investments, and then follow-on capital after that. We do not have a specific timetable for expected returns, one of the benefits of having a single LP with a long-term focus.

We won’t follow on in every investment, but if we are excited about putting in more money we might want to follow on for 5x our initial investment -- or more. That said, there will also be situations where a company evolves in a way where -- even though it is still a great company -- it would benefit more from another investor’s capital than from ours, so we might not always follow on in great companies.

If asked, we’re happy to be explicit about the conditions under which we’d ask to put more capital into a company. Generally, when a team's initial bets prove to be right...

“Standard terms”

We believe investors should get a “1x liquidation preference” -- in other words, if the company ends up being worth less than the value that we invested at, we should be able to at least get our money back.

We want to protect your confidentiality and ours, and usually include a standard term to accomplish that -- though the best protection is trust.

Our “products,” or, how we work with founders

We think of our “products” as offerings of support and capital to a company, and the price we charge is ownership in a company.


Our preference is to be the first money into a company, and to contribute a meaningful amount of capital. We want to be able to add capital, often increasing our ownership stake, as the company evolves. This is the core of what we do, and it reflects roughly four-fifths of the investments we’ve made.


In some cases, we can only put a small amount of money to work (for example, in rounds where the founder is fortunate to have many investors who want to support the company), and it is unlikely we can invest more. In these cases, our support is as much symbolic as it is financial -- we want to be part of something, even though we know it is unlikely to be an investment that is meaningful to our fund financially.

“Red Zone”

We may do selected later-stage investments where we think we have an unusual insight or ability to contribute. The bar is much higher for how confident we have to be in these companies, given their higher valuations and our generally lower ownership. This is almost always in the case of an founder whose company we have watched, and perhaps already been helping, for quite some time.


We also seek out opportunities to create companies. We are fundamentally founders, and sometimes want to see something in the world and do not see another team working to build what we believe should exist. So, in these cases, we try to form a team and go after it ourselves. How does this work? We partner with a CEO we know to form a new company, which the founders control -- but for which we commit to play an unusually large role. From the perspective of the founders, we feel like another founder (although one who also brings “you can quit your day job” capital). In these situations, we may earn regular founder common stock (which vests, in case the founders ever want to fire us) -- in addition to our financial investment. We will make very few investments like this -- perhaps one a year.

How we support our companies

We aspire to be the most useful investors per minute spent with us.

We want to work with startups the way they work, not the way that big companies or traditional investors work. We prefer to take the formality out of the investor-founder relationship. Instead of requesting board seats and scheduling formulaic calls, we share with founders and encourage them to reach out to us when we can help. Consider us “on speed dial.”

Our team works closely together -- we speak often and love helping each other, and we each know the full portfolio -- so every portfolio company has access to every member of our team. We think this is different to some other venture firms we’ve met -- a “no dysfunction” partner.

Areas where we tend to be most useful

While we’re happy to help companies across the full range of early-stage company questions -- recruiting, fundraising (should I take more money or call it a day?), services (who do I use for HR?) -- we concentrate on the range of skills loosely called “going to market.”

To us, that includes finding product-market fit, pricing, segmenting your market, sequencing your approaches to potential users or customers, understanding when to review and when to ignore the competition, using the various organic marketing tools, paid marketing, press, partnerships, planning to raise more capital, and just the overall understanding of the importance of communicating who you are and why you are. We find we have many views here that are surprising to startups.

We have presence in both San Francisco and New York. We've found that SF-based founders appreciate introductions to customers in New York -- we can open that door. We make a concerted effort to help the transition from “west to east” and “east to west.”

We don’t care about face time -- you won’t get a “hey let’s have coffee just to catch up” every two weeks. But we do spring into action when we see the Bat Signal. We adjust the intensity of how often we’re in touch with a company based on what we believe would be useful to them -- and we take feedback from companies on what they want. Some of our companies have asked us to do monthly, or even weekly, meetings with them, others “go into hiding” while working on their product -- we’re good either way.

Because we may be creating our own products, we are current on tactical trends and know them firsthand. We don’t believe that investors and founders are fundamentally different -- we may face different risks and questions, but we’re all just trying to spark something great in this big wide world.

One thing many founders don’t realize is how little direct control their investors ultimately have -- we can’t demand certain information from you unless it’s specifically written into our agreements (where we often ask only for general financial information), we won’t make you hire or fire anyone -- we work with you based on mutual trust.

How we like to work with you

It varies. There are some cases where most of our communication with a company is by IM, others where we do a regularly-scheduled call, others where we meet in person from time to time -- it just depends on what the founder wants. At minimum, we generally like to know the number one thing we can help a company with at a given time and focus on that.

We appreciate getting regular investment updates (e.g., a monthly email) from our companies, since it creates a background of good understanding that helps us help you. In practice, about two-thirds of our portfolio companies are in this habit.

What makes a good written update for investors?

  • The one key operational metric you believe tells the story of where you are, and how that metric changed since last time you communicated it (and relative to your expectations)
  • What you’re most excited about that you just achieved
  • What we can expect you to achieve in the near future
  • How you’re doing financially (cash left, burn)
  • Team additions or changes
  • Where you want help from us

Here is a link to an anonymized update from one of our companies:

We do try to get the right to receive your financials, it’s a good way to give us a snapshot of your likely future capital needs.

What’s even better than an update intended for investors, is some passive way for you to keep us updated (i.e., something that requires no incremental work). If you send a weekly internal update, copying us is great; if you use a team collaboration tool (Yammer, Trello, Basecamp, a Skype chat, etc.) we’d love to be included and take it as a great sign of trust; we have even subscribed to the private Github repo of one of our portfolio companies.

How to make the most of us

What gets us going is helping companies realize their potential. We are happiest when we are “in it” with you, whiteboarding a set of features, pushing back on your plan to announce your fancy new product release, or getting that late night call that you think things aren’t working out with the person you just spent six months to recruit. We feed off your enthusiasm, and hope to help you build even more of it.

We also know that startups are not all roses and sunshine, even for the best of companies. We aspire to be most helpful to you when times are tough, not when you are on top of the world.

Investing, to us, is really nothing more than the mechanism we use to find a way to work with you. We are more comfortable talking about new product launches than about how to optimize our allocation of capital across our portfolio.

How our fund works with Bloomberg L.P.

We look for opportunities to connect startups (including our portfolio companies and others) with Bloomberg L.P. -- we invest significant time in understanding what Bloomberg may be interested in seeing. In practice, we refer more companies to Bloomberg that are not our portfolio companies, than are our portfolio companies. And at the moment only one-fourth of our portfolio companies have contact with Bloomberg. Bloomberg Beta would never be a party to a business relationship between a startup and Bloomberg L.P.; those relationships are all at arms’ length.

We have an Advisory Committee at Bloomberg L.P. that hears from us about common themes we see, gives us input and feedback, and approves big checks.

Relationship between Bloomberg and startups

There are areas where access to Bloomberg may be enormously helpful to a startup. For example, some areas where Bloomberg has some of the best expertise in the world: the creation of a data-driven subscription business, selected technical specialties, high-touch customer service.

That said, we are set up as a separate legal entity to protect the confidentiality of startups with whom we work.

While Bloomberg will only work with your startup if it makes sense for Bloomberg (no, you can’t have a discount on a Bloomberg terminal), we have a great understanding of how to facilitate the right conversation quickly.


We recognize that founders don’t have the time to plan for their own professional growth and learning, so we offer them some of that. We might do a training on how to create useful communication with technical teams, or invite founders to a panel on a subject we think they might care about.

Events we host

Sometimes, one way we can help companies is just by getting them out of the building. We get our founders together every so often with an extended group of our friends. These events are completely optional, and have no direct usefulness at all. The last one we did was building robots at TechShop.

We do host some selective events (for example, with a senior government official or business leader) to which we invite our portfolio company founders.

Each other

Now that we are beginning to have a critical mass of companies in our portfolio, the companies can be helpful to each other should they want to be -- vendor referrals, emotional support, product tips, etc.

After the exit...

We haven’t gotten to do this part yet, but we intend to be disciplined about learning from every company. We will write up a retrospective report where we evaluate our value added to the team -- vs. what we wish we could have added. We assess whether we were right on the risks the company faced, and what lessons we learned. Most important, we ask whether the founder would have asked for our money again.

Company feedback on us

Once a year we ask all our founders to do a short (under 3 minutes) anonymous survey to give us feedback on what we can do better. We do a Net Promoter Score as part of this. We would share it here, but we don’t want our founders to feel we are using their feedback to market ourselves. (Though we’d be happy to tell you in person.)

Always be learning from your customers -- ours are founders.

Finding us

If you don’t know how to find us, figure it out. Great founders overcome much more than that. If you can't, you don’t know how to use the Internet and you should probably rethink whether being an founder is the right career for you.

How to reach out

Should you send us a cold email? Probably not. If we were a customer of yours, would you email us cold? Wouldn’t you rather try to find someone in common? If you have to resort to a cold email, which great people sometimes do, at least show us that you took the time to exhaust the available sources of information first. Write an interesting headline. Tell us you read this…sentence…right…here.

Caveats founders should know

Things not to try on us, that others have tried:

  • A first email that says “My round is closing next week. Do you have interest?” We understand that founders are eager to close their funding rounds. Sometimes timing doesn’t work -- we have no fear of the elevator doors closing on us.
  • “You can only try our product if you invest.” If the product isn’t ready, we understand that. But if it is ready and we can’t play with it, we can't figure out whether to work with you.

We will not invest in a company that is a known competitor today to one of our portfolio companies. We recognize that competition issues can be complicated, and our intent is to respect the interests of our portfolio companies.

Why you should take our money

We were going to write a more elaborate argument here, but we hope this entire manual gives you a sense of how we work -- that’s the reason to take our investment, or to avoid us if our approach isn't your style.

Thank you

We all move fast, and prefer to spend our time on things that matter. So if you read this, and if you spend time with us, we hope that -- whether or not we work together -- you find it worth it.