I'm a Python Developer (DevOps) who makes cool applications and likes to solve interesting problems at hackathons.
Also, I always try to learn something new and now I really want to get into the Yandex Data Analysis School.
- Telegram: @natalenko_sergey
- Email: sergey.natalenko@mail.ru
- LinkedIn: @Sergey Natalenko
- andy-takker/rental-bot - Script for auto parsing rental sites and send messages to Telegram
- NEROTEX-Team/vtb-api-2024-grpc - An example of a Golang server application using pure architecture and GRPC
- andy-takker/example-web-service - Simple FastAPI web service with clean architecture and test
- andy-takker/asyncly - Simple HTTP client and server for your integrations based on aiohttp
- NEROTEX-Team/fic-ideaton-2024 - Разработка концептуальной архитектуры веб-приложения с учетом требований к безопасности, защитой от кибератак, масштабируемости и высокой доступности на всей территории России
- Arlandaren/auth-microservice - Superior auth microservice, that includes WEB UI, and implementing best practices
- home-assistant/core - 🏡 Open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.
- freetonik/ansible-tuto-rus - Ansible tutorial (Russian)
- TheAlgorithms/Python - All Algorithms implemented in Python
- donnemartin/system-design-primer - Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Inspired by
- @dolfinus Github profile
- @maximousblk Github profile
- Awesome Developer Profile repo
- Awesome GitHub Profile README repo
- Creating a profile README file on GitHub article