Part of coursework at BITS Pilani - Hyderabad Campus.
- KNR-style bracing (all braces start on same line)
- 4-space tabs for indentation!
Would strongly recommend as a primary text-editor. Quite frankly, it kicks ass.
Java-style HTML documentation using Doxygen. For example usage:
For any change that you want to make, create a separate branch named as per the following convention:
**fix_**bugfix_name or **feature_**bugfix_name
Then, create a new pull request, during which you should add at least one other team member who will review your code before merging it in. This acts like an inbuilt code-review process.
Important Note on Merge Conflicts: Thou shalt resolve thy own merge conflicts and not expect thy reviewer to do so.
If you're new to using GIT, this will help jump-start your journey to version-control glory:
Angad S. Nadkarni 2011A7PS178H (append your name and ID here)