Ethereum SupplyChain Dapp is a supply chain item's tracker.
- The product's authenticity can be tracked and audited
- The smart contracts have a fine-grain user permission's management
- A state machine controls the correct state transition
This is the 3th project from the Udacity - Blockchain Developer Nanodegree Program
- Contract address:
- Program version number: 1.0.0 (src/js/app.js)
- Node v10.15.3
- Truffle v5.3.6 (core: 5.3.6)
- Solidity v0.5.16 (solc-js)
- Web3.js v1.3.5
- Ganache CLI v6.12.2 (ganache-core: 2.13.2)
- MetaMask 9.5.2
- AccessControl - Collection of Contracts: These contracts manages the various addresses and constraints for operations that can be executed only by specific roles.
- Base - SupplyChain.sol: This is where we define the most fundamental code shared throughout the core functionality. This includes our main data storage, constants and data types, plus internal functions for managing these items.
- Core - Ownable.sol: is the contract that controls ownership and transfer of ownership.
ganache-cli -m "spirit supply whale amount human item harsh scare congress discover talent hamster"
=> log
truffle compile
=> log
truffle migrate
=> log
For this project, as with any project, make sure to test your smart contracts to ensure they are working properly in different situations without any risk.
truffle test
=> log
Using Truffle framework, deploy your smart contract with the Rinkeby test network. Take note of your contract hash and address after successful deployment.
- install 'npm install @truffle/hdwallet-provider' if not already installed
- install 'npm install truffle-hdwallet-provider@web3-one' if not already installed
- create a file .secret in root folder with a mnemonic seed for Rinkeby network with enough credit
- create a file .rinkeby-infurakey containing your rinkeby infurakey
- be sure that you never commit .secret and .rinkeby-infurakey to GitHub (.gitignore)
- execute 'truffle migrate --network rinkeby' to deploy it to the Rinkeby network
truffle migrate --network rinkeby
=> log
- contract hash: 0xa5dca8e800e007172d2bdb27673feacf30564469d647a9d8bc33fbaea973856e
- contract address: 0x3dFacD7FbC83FF51Fc4eA2F74d529De704B9E31F
Provide a document with your project submission that includes the contract address.
Front-end is configured to:
- Submit a product for shipment (farmer to the distributor, distributor to retailer, etc).
- Receive product from shipment.
- Validate the authenticity of the product.️
Frontend code can be downloaded and executed from a local environment.
- Stop first all running ganache-cli, truffle and npm instances (required a fresh start to test the UI)
- Install ganache-cli if not already installed 'npm install -g ganache-cli'
- Start in a new terminal ganache-cli to simulate an ethereum blockchain locally with predefined addresses
=> ganache-cli -m "spirit supply whale amount human item harsh scare congress discover talent hamster"
- Install truffle if not already installed 'npm install -g truffle'
- Start in a new terminal truffle to deploy the contracts to the local blockchain
=> truffle compile
=> truffle migrate
Install all node dependencies 'npm install'
Make sure the first 5 addresses (contractOwnerID .. consumerId) found in src/js/app.js are exactly the same created by ganache-cli. If you want to use different addresses please update app.js
Download in browser the latest MetaMask version (tested with MetaMask 9.5.2 in Chrome)
Using Localhost 8545 import in MetaMask all accounts with the seed "spirit supply whale amount human item harsh scare congress discover talent hamster"
Select in MetaMask the first address which is the contract creator
In case you restarted ganache or if you have change the account without refreshing the front-end, it's always a good idea to do Restart Account to avoid some internal MetaMask transaction state problems
Start the front-end 'npm run dev'
Open in the browser with MetaMask 'http://localhost:3000'
After the app has started, it will try to connect to your accounts in MetaMask. Authorize all your first 5 accounts
Now, the first step to do as contract creator is to assign roles to the farmer, distributor, retailer and consumer account. To do that:
Click on the button [1. Set access control for all roles (as contractOwner)]
After that authorize the role assignment for the four other accounts in the popups which will appear automatically
If everything has worked fine, you should see in the bottom of UI the contract events, certifying the roles creation
The second step in the process is to do all actions as farmer:
- Select Account2 from MetaMask
- Reset the account from MetaMask
- At this point you should see in UI that the switch from contractOwner to the Farmer account has worked
- Click the buttons [Harvest], [Process], [Pack] and [For Sale]. After each step a confirm from MetaMask will be ask to provide enough gas for contract execution
- If everything has worked fine, you should see in the bottom of UI the contract events, certifying the actions performed
The third step in the process is to do all actions as distributor:
- Select Account3 from MetaMask
- Reset the account from MetaMask
- At this point you should see in UI that the switch from Farmer to the Distributor account has worked
- Click the buttons [Buy] and [Ship]. After each step a confirm from MetaMask will be ask to provide enough gas for contract execution
- If everything has worked fine, you should see in the bottom of UI the contract events, certifying the actions performed
The fourth step in the process is to do all actions as retailer:
- Select Account4 from MetaMask
- Reset the account from MetaMask
- At this point you should see in UI that the switch from Distributor to the Retailer account has worked
- Click the button [Receive] and confirm from MetaMask to provide enough gas for contract execution
- If everything has worked fine, you should see in the bottom of UI the contract event, certifying the action performed
The fifth final step in the process is to do all actions as consumer:
- Select Account5 from MetaMask
- Reset the account from MetaMask
- At this point you should see in UI that the switch from Retailer to the Consumer account has worked
- Click the button [Purchase] and confirm from MetaMask to provide enough gas for contract execution
- If everything has worked fine, you should see in the bottom of UI the contract event, certifying the action performed
At the end you will see the whole transaction history:
Transaction History
FarmerAdded - 0x81b1da8ec35bd49f989c2460b20f63c6e0d515604cabf7cf680c2593653ab9c3
DistributorAdded - 0x464aa0fcac7ab5d1e398f16c2c20949f27b323f01b7df2c5ce04194bc615d86c
RetailerAdded - 0x44480a56784f9ae9f67a546ca0b7e1c319239637816b69383d258e812bfbf1bf
ConsumerAdded - 0x61de653122cee4c294b1b70cb1a025e9c1c226d225f4a86c3296c2a4b9a74a9c
ConsumerAdded - 0x61de653122cee4c294b1b70cb1a025e9c1c226d225f4a86c3296c2a4b9a74a9c
Harvested - 0x31a6219ce951732fd46c2e839e57d1836eec9d6dc099267c12b38329f1700e93
Processed - 0x8453c4f37f792067a58044e659f21b71a2ae60f01d72c0d052fb0ec4ae0ea692
Packed - 0x42ffa3d72ebff307351558c8e8c721107aecef176b7a663a62967c3fcc3b4a2d
ForSale - 0x23825876619065b1fef47c4ce1037dafe27edfcb4dd2617ad7b825d9b783cd70
ForSale - 0x23825876619065b1fef47c4ce1037dafe27edfcb4dd2617ad7b825d9b783cd70
Sold - 0x63583915a4f6b9e4efa811a387fa94c1884a5f4b329c1796e31facde33271798
Shipped - 0xc199b671227ba283a7556dc1500b8631c75af78cd54061d067f935409dd8d5e4
Shipped - 0xc199b671227ba283a7556dc1500b8631c75af78cd54061d067f935409dd8d5e4
Received - 0x82b1502b839609658ceb2494a0692c5e094193a745ef1bb69cb05fba8b140c87
Received - 0x82b1502b839609658ceb2494a0692c5e094193a745ef1bb69cb05fba8b140c87
Purchased - 0xa164a9cc67e327ffc0d4db368b6f6e5cc2c9efb4e3b9f12d82577c911feea101
(!) Please note that the reason for the duplicates (but with the same hashcode) is that when the account in UI changes, the last event is popping out again.
(!) If you want to run the whole process again you have two options:
- opt1: Restart ganache and the whole blockchain
- opt2: Change manually in app.js the code of UPC from 1 to 2 for example and then run the UI again This is a simple GUI. So no effort was invested to make it usable. It's just good enough to test the contracts.