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number theory 1 :

  • modular arithmetic & property of modulo
  • modular exponential (power)
  • gcd with euclidian algo
  • modular multiplicative inverse

number theory 2 :

  • prime number vs composite number, for i = 1;i*i <= N approch bigO(sqrt(n))
  • Sieve of Erastothenes
  • factorization

Primality Tests (check number is prime nb or not)

  • for (int i = 2; i*i <= N; ++i){if(N%i == 0)return false} return true ... not fast >= 10^15 Probable prime checker:
  • fermat theorem: P (=prime), a (0 < a < P) => a^(p-1) = 1%p , check for k nb.
  • Miller-Rabin: if X^2=(Y^2)%N and X! = +-Y%N => N(=composite)

Euler's totient function --> X(=nat), all Y (1 <= Y < X) <=> GCD(X,Y) = 1 ==> count(all Y) (get all coprimes of X)

  • avoid bruteforce using: N∏p(=prime, 1 <= p < n) (1-1/p)


  • permutation formulation (R out of N): = N! / (N - R)!
  • combination formula (R out of N): = N! / (N-R)! * R!
  • Rules: A(=set{}), B(=set{}), X(=len(A)), Y(=len(B)), r of product: extractAny(A) + extractAny(B) => X*Y possibility. r of sum: extractAny(A + B) => X+Y possibility. (NOT FINISH, --pascal triangle)

Basics of Disjoint Data Structures :

  • union
  • find

Lagrange multiplier (by doing exo tic-tac-toe): ( NOT FINISH --to check)

contest training, March Easy 2018

  • exos: 1/5 perfect, 3/5 exercises tried
  • points: 120/500 points
  • finish: 264/1545 participants

  • sum of integers: sum(1 + 2 + 3 + ... + N) <=> ( N*(N+1) ) /2

  • number of possibilites

identite remarquable: (a + b)^2 = a^2 + 2ab + b^2 (a - b)^2 = a^2 - 2ab + b^2 (a + b)(a - b) = a^2 - b^2

  • quadratic equation: equation of degre 2: ax^2 + bx + c = 0 with (a != 0)
  • linear equation: equation of degree 1: ax + b = 0 (with a != 0) || ax + by + c = 0 (with a and b != 0)

law of exponents:

  • x^m + x^n = x^(m + n)

  • (x^m)^n = x^(mn)

binary theorem