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Delphix DCT API

  • API version: 3.9.0
    • Build date: 2024-04-03T12:50:51.668272+05:30[Asia/Kolkata]

Delphix DCT API

For more information, please visit

Automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator


Building the API client library requires:

  1. Java 1.7+
  2. Maven/Gradle


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn clean install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn clean deploy

Refer to the OSSRH Guide for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "com.delphix:dct-api:v1.0.1"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn clean package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/dct-api-v1.0.1.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

// Import classes:
import com.delphix.dct.ApiClient;
import com.delphix.dct.ApiException;
import com.delphix.dct.Configuration;
import com.delphix.dct.auth.*;
import com.delphix.dct.models.*;
import com.delphix.dct.api.AccountsApi;

public class Example {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
    // Configure API key authorization: ApiKeyAuth
    ApiKeyAuth ApiKeyAuth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
    ApiKeyAuth.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
    // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)

    AccountsApi apiInstance = new AccountsApi(defaultClient);
    Long id = 56L; // Long | Numeric ID of the Account.
    ChangePasswordParameter changePasswordParameter = new ChangePasswordParameter(); // ChangePasswordParameter | 
    try {
      apiInstance.changeAccountPassword(id, changePasswordParameter);
    } catch (ApiException e) {
      System.err.println("Exception when calling AccountsApi#changeAccountPassword");
      System.err.println("Status code: " + e.getCode());
      System.err.println("Reason: " + e.getResponseBody());
      System.err.println("Response headers: " + e.getResponseHeaders());

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to http://localhost/v3

Class Method HTTP request Description
AccountsApi changeAccountPassword POST /management/accounts/{id}/change_password Change Account Password.
AccountsApi createAccount POST /management/accounts Create a new Account
AccountsApi createAccountTags POST /management/accounts/{id}/tags Create tags for an Account.
AccountsApi deleteAccount DELETE /management/accounts/{id} Delete an Account
AccountsApi deleteAccountTags POST /management/accounts/{id}/tags/delete Delete tags for an Account.
AccountsApi disable POST /management/accounts/{id}/disable Disable an Account.
AccountsApi enableAccount POST /management/accounts/{id}/enable Enable an Account.
AccountsApi getAccount GET /management/accounts/{id} Get an Account by id
AccountsApi getAccountTags GET /management/accounts/{id}/tags Get tags for an Account.
AccountsApi getAccounts GET /management/accounts Returns a list of Accounts
AccountsApi getPasswordPolicies GET /management/accounts/password-policies Returns the password policies
AccountsApi resetAccountPassword POST /management/accounts/{id}/reset_password Reset Account Password.
AccountsApi searchAccounts POST /management/accounts/search Search for Accounts.
AccountsApi updateAccount PUT /management/accounts/{id} Update an Account
AccountsApi updatePasswordPolicies PATCH /management/accounts/password-policies Update password policies.
AlgorithmsApi createAlgorithm POST /algorithms Create a new algorithm.
AlgorithmsApi createAlgorithmRevision POST /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions Create a new algorithm revision.
AlgorithmsApi createAlgorithmRevisionTags POST /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions/{revisionId}/tags Create tags for an AlgorithmRevision.
AlgorithmsApi createAlgorithmTags POST /algorithms/{algorithmId}/tags Create tags for an Algorithm.
AlgorithmsApi deleteAlgorithm DELETE /algorithms/{algorithmId} Delete an algorithm.
AlgorithmsApi deleteAlgorithmRevision DELETE /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions/{revisionId} Delete an algorithm revision.
AlgorithmsApi deleteAlgorithmRevisionTags POST /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions/{revisionId}/tags/delete Delete tags for an AlgorithmRevision.
AlgorithmsApi deleteAlgorithmTags POST /algorithms/{algorithmId}/tags/delete Delete tags for an Algorithm.
AlgorithmsApi getAlgorithmById GET /algorithms/{algorithmId} Get an algorithm by ID.
AlgorithmsApi getAlgorithmRevisionById GET /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions/{revisionId} Retrieve a specific revision of an algorithm.
AlgorithmsApi getAlgorithmRevisionTags GET /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions/{revisionId}/tags Get tags for an AlgorithmRevision.
AlgorithmsApi getAlgorithmRevisions GET /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions Retrieve the list of algorithm revisions for the algorithm.
AlgorithmsApi getAlgorithmTags GET /algorithms/{algorithmId}/tags Get tags for an Algorithm.
AlgorithmsApi getAlgorithms GET /algorithms Retrieve the list of algorithms.
AlgorithmsApi searchAlgorithmRevisions POST /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions/search Search for algorithm revisions.
AlgorithmsApi searchAlgorithms POST /algorithms/search Search for algorithms.
AlgorithmsApi setAlgorithmPrimaryRevision POST /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions/{revisionId}/make-primary Set an algorithm revision to be the primary revision for the algorithm.
AlgorithmsApi updateAlgorithmRevision PATCH /algorithms/{algorithmId}/revisions/{revisionId} Update an algorithm revision
AuthorizationApi addAccessGroupAccountIds POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/account-ids Add account ids to an Access group
AuthorizationApi addAccessGroupAccountTags POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/tags Add account tags to an Access group
AuthorizationApi addAccessGroupScopes POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes Add scopes to an Access group
AuthorizationApi addAlwaysAllowedPermissions POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId}/always_allowed_permissions Add always allowed permissions for given object type.
AuthorizationApi addObjectsToAccessGroupScope POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId}/objects Add objects to the access group scope.
AuthorizationApi addRolePermissions POST /roles/{roleId}/permissions Add permissions to a role.
AuthorizationApi addTagsToScope POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId}/object-tags Add object tags to the access group scope.
AuthorizationApi createAccessGroup POST /access-groups Create a new access group.
AuthorizationApi createRole POST /roles Create custom role
AuthorizationApi createRoleTags POST /roles/{roleId}/tags Create tags for a role.
AuthorizationApi deleteAccessGroup DELETE /access-groups/{accessGroupId} Delete an Access group.
AuthorizationApi deleteAccessGroupScopeObjectTags POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId}/object-tags/delete Remove tags from the access group scope.
AuthorizationApi deleteAccessGroupScopeObjects POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId}/objects/delete Remove objects from the access group scope.
AuthorizationApi deleteRole DELETE /roles/{roleId} Delete role by ID.
AuthorizationApi deleteRoleTag POST /roles/{roleId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a Role.
AuthorizationApi getAccessGroupById GET /access-groups/{accessGroupId} Returns an Access group by ID.
AuthorizationApi getAccessGroupScope GET /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId} Get access group scope.
AuthorizationApi getAccessGroups GET /access-groups List all access groups.
AuthorizationApi getAllObjectPermissions GET /auth/object-permissions Returns all of the possible permissions for all of the objects.
AuthorizationApi getObjectPermissions GET /auth/permissions/objects/{objectType}/{objectId} Returns permissions for given object.
AuthorizationApi getRoleById GET /roles/{roleId} Returns role by ID.
AuthorizationApi getRoleTags GET /roles/{roleId}/tags Get tags for a Role.
AuthorizationApi getRoles GET /roles List all roles
AuthorizationApi removeAccessGroupAccountId DELETE /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/account-ids/{accountId} Remove the account from the access group.
AuthorizationApi removeAccessGroupAccountTags POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/tags/delete Remove account tags from an access group.
AuthorizationApi removeAccessGroupScope DELETE /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId} Remove the scope from the Access group.
AuthorizationApi removeAlwaysAllowedPermissions POST /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId}/always_allowed_permissions/delete Remove always allowed permissions for given object type.
AuthorizationApi removeRolePermissions POST /roles/{roleId}/permissions/delete Remove permissions from a role.
AuthorizationApi searchAccessGroups POST /access-groups/search Search for access groups.
AuthorizationApi searchRoles POST /roles/search Search for roles.
AuthorizationApi updateAccessGroup PATCH /access-groups/{accessGroupId} Update an Access group.
AuthorizationApi updateAccessGroupScope PATCH /access-groups/{accessGroupId}/scopes/{scopeId} Update access group scope.
AuthorizationApi updateRole PATCH /roles/{roleId} Update a Role.
ConnectorsApi connectorsTest POST /connectors/{connectorId}/test Checks connectivity between a masking engine and a remote data source.
ConnectorsApi createConnectorTags POST /connectors/{connectorId}/tags Create tags for a Connector.
ConnectorsApi deleteConnectorTag POST /connectors/{connectorId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a Connector.
ConnectorsApi getConnectorById GET /connectors/{connectorId} Retrieve a masking Connector by ID.
ConnectorsApi getConnectorTags GET /connectors/{connectorId}/tags Get tags for a Connector.
ConnectorsApi getConnectors GET /connectors Retrieve the list of masking connectors.
ConnectorsApi searchConnectors POST /connectors/search Search for masking Connectors.
ConnectorsApi updateConnectorById PATCH /connectors/{connectorId} Update a masking Connector by ID.
ExecutionsApi cancelExecution POST /executions/{executionId}/cancel Cancel an Execution.
ExecutionsApi cleanupExecution POST /executions/{executionId}/cleanup Cleanup an Execution (Hyperscale only).
ExecutionsApi getExecutionById GET /executions/{executionId} Retrieve an Execution by ID.
ExecutionsApi getExecutionEvents GET /executions/{executionId}/events Retrieve the list of events for a masking execution.
ExecutionsApi getExecutionLog GET /executions/{executionId}/log Retrieve the masking execution log.
ExecutionsApi getExecutions GET /executions Retrieve the list of masking executions.
ExecutionsApi restartExecution POST /executions/{executionId}/restart Restart an Execution (Hyperscale only).
ExecutionsApi searchExecutionEvents POST /executions/{executionId}/events/search Search masking executions events.
ExecutionsApi searchExecutions POST /executions/search Search masking executions.
FeatureFlagApi getEnabledFeaturesFlag GET /enabled-features-flag Get enabled feature flags.
HyperscaleInstanceApi addEngineToHyperscaleInstance POST /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId}/add-engine Add an engine to a Hyperscale Instance.
HyperscaleInstanceApi createHyperscaleInstanceTags POST /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId}/tags Create tags for a Hyperscale Instance.
HyperscaleInstanceApi deleteHyperscaleInstanceTags POST /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a Hyperscale Instance.
HyperscaleInstanceApi getHyperscaleInstanceById GET /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId} Returns a Hyperscale Instance by ID.
HyperscaleInstanceApi getHyperscaleInstanceTags GET /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId}/tags Get tags for a Hyperscale Instance.
HyperscaleInstanceApi getHyperscaleInstances GET /hyperscale-instances Returns a list of Hyperscale instances.
HyperscaleInstanceApi registerHyperscaleInstance POST /hyperscale-instances Register a Hyperscale instance
HyperscaleInstanceApi removeEngineFromHyperscaleInstance POST /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId}/remove-engine Remove an engine from a Hyperscale Instance.
HyperscaleInstanceApi searchHyperscaleInstances POST /hyperscale-instances/search Search for Hyperscale instances.
HyperscaleInstanceApi syncEnginesHyperscaleInstance POST /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId}/sync-engines Sync the global object from a source engine to engines on a Hyperscale Instance.
HyperscaleInstanceApi unregisterHyperscaleInstance DELETE /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId} Unregister a Hyperscale Instance.
HyperscaleInstanceApi updateHyperscaleInstance PATCH /hyperscale-instances/{hyperscaleInstanceId} Update an Hyperscale Instance
HyperscaleObjectsApi createHyperscaleConnector POST /hyperscale-connectors Create a Hyperscale Connector.
HyperscaleObjectsApi createHyperscaleConnectorTags POST /hyperscale-connectors/{hyperscaleConnectorId}/tags Create tags for a Hyperscale Connector.
HyperscaleObjectsApi createHyperscaleDatasetTags POST /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId}/tags Create tags for a Hyperscale Dataset.
HyperscaleObjectsApi createHyperscaleMountPoint POST /hyperscale-mount-points Create a Hyperscale Mount Point
HyperscaleObjectsApi deleteHyperscaleConnector DELETE /hyperscale-connectors/{hyperscaleConnectorId} Delete a Hyperscale Connector.
HyperscaleObjectsApi deleteHyperscaleConnectorTags POST /hyperscale-connectors/{hyperscaleConnectorId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a Hyperscale Connector.
HyperscaleObjectsApi deleteHyperscaleDatasetTags POST /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a Hyperscale Dataset.
HyperscaleObjectsApi deleteHyperscaleMountPoint DELETE /hyperscale-mount-points/{hyperscaleMountPointId} Delete a Hyperscale Mount Point.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleConnectorById GET /hyperscale-connectors/{hyperscaleConnectorId} Get a Hyperscale Connector.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleConnectorTags GET /hyperscale-connectors/{hyperscaleConnectorId}/tags Get tags for a Hyperscale Connector.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleConnectors GET /hyperscale-connectors Returns a list of Hyperscale Connectors.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleDatasetById GET /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId} Get a Hyperscale Dataset.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleDatasetTableOrFileById GET /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId}/tables-or-files/{hyperscaleDatasetTableOrFileId} Get a Hyperscale Dataset table or file by ID.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleDatasetTablesOrFiles GET /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId}/tables-or-files Get the tables or files of a hyperscale dataset
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleDatasetTags GET /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId}/tags Get tags for a Hyperscale Dataset.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleDatasets GET /hyperscale-datasets Returns a list of Hyperscale Datasets.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleMountPointById GET /hyperscale-mount-points/{hyperscaleMountPointId} Get a Hyperscale Mount Points.
HyperscaleObjectsApi getHyperscaleMountPoints GET /hyperscale-mount-points Returns a list of Hyperscale Mount Points.
HyperscaleObjectsApi searchHyperscaleConnectors POST /hyperscale-connectors/search Search for Hyperscale Connectors.
HyperscaleObjectsApi searchHyperscaleDatasetTablesOrFiles POST /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId}/tables-or-files/search Search the tables or files of a hyperscale dataset
HyperscaleObjectsApi searchHyperscaleDatasets POST /hyperscale-datasets/search Search for Hyperscale Datasets.
HyperscaleObjectsApi searchHyperscaleMountPoints POST /hyperscale-mount-points/search Search for Hyperscale Mount Points.
HyperscaleObjectsApi updateHyperscaleConnectorById PATCH /hyperscale-connectors/{hyperscaleConnectorId} Update a Hyperscale Connector by ID.
HyperscaleObjectsApi updateHyperscaleDatasetById PATCH /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId} Update a Hyperscale Dataset by ID.
HyperscaleObjectsApi updateHyperscaleDatasetTableOrFileById PATCH /hyperscale-datasets/{hyperscaleDatasetId}/tables-or-files/{hyperscaleDatasetTableOrFileId} Update a Hyperscale Dataset table or file by ID.
HyperscaleObjectsApi updateHyperscaleMountPointById PATCH /hyperscale-mount-points/{hyperscaleMountPointId} Update a Hyperscale Mount Point by ID.
JobsApi abandonJob POST /jobs/{jobId}/abandon Abandons a job.
JobsApi createJobTags POST /jobs/{jobId}/tags Create tags for a Job.
JobsApi deleteJobTag POST /jobs/{jobId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a Job.
JobsApi getJobById GET /jobs/{jobId} Returns a job by ID.
JobsApi getJobTags GET /jobs/{jobId}/tags Get tags for a Job.
JobsApi getJobs GET /jobs List all jobs.
JobsApi searchJobs POST /jobs/search Search for jobs.
LoginApi accountLogin POST /login Login to Account with Username and Password
LoginApi accountLogout POST /logout Invalidates username/password and SSO login session.
LoginApi tokenInfo POST /token-info Get Token Information
ManagementApi createEngineTags POST /management/engines/{engineId}/tags Create tags for an Engine.
ManagementApi createHashicorpVault POST /management/vaults/hashicorp Configure a new Hashicorp Vault
ManagementApi createHashicorpVaultTags POST /management/vaults/hashicorp/{vaultId}/tags Create tags for a Hashicorp vault.
ManagementApi deleteEngineTags POST /management/engines/{engineId}/tags/delete Delete tags for an Engine.
ManagementApi deleteHashicorpVault DELETE /management/vaults/hashicorp/{vaultId} Delete a Hashicorp vault by id
ManagementApi deleteHashicorpVaultTag POST /management/vaults/hashicorp/{vaultId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a Hashicorp vault.
ManagementApi getApiClassification GET /management/api-classification Get api classification.
ManagementApi getEngineAutoTaggingConfig GET /management/engines/{engineId}/auto-tagging Returns the engine's auto tagging configuration.
ManagementApi getEngineTags GET /management/engines/{engineId}/tags Get tags for a Engine.
ManagementApi getHashicorpVault GET /management/vaults/hashicorp/{vaultId} Get a Hashicorp vault by id
ManagementApi getHashicorpVaultTags GET /management/vaults/hashicorp/{vaultId}/tags Get tags for a Hashicorp vault.
ManagementApi getHashicorpVaults GET /management/vaults/hashicorp Returns a list of configured Hashicorp vaults.
ManagementApi getLdapConfig GET /management/ldap-config Returns the LDAP configuration
ManagementApi getMetadataDatabase GET /management/metadata-database Returns configuration information about the metadata database which stores the product data.
ManagementApi getPhonehomeEvents GET /management/phonehome/events Returns previous bundle upload events
ManagementApi getProductRegistrationDelphixConnectivityCheck GET /management/product-registration-delphix-connectivity-check Returns True if Delphix services are reachable for product registration.
ManagementApi getProductRegistrationKey GET /management/product-registration-offline Generates and returns a public key that can be used to register the product.
ManagementApi getProductRegistrationStatus GET /management/product-registration-status Returns the product registration status.
ManagementApi getProxyConfiguration GET /management/proxy Returns the current web proxy configuration to use to connect to Delphix services.
ManagementApi getRegisteredEngine GET /management/engines/{engineId} Returns a registered engine by ID.
ManagementApi getRegisteredEngines GET /management/engines Returns a list of registered engines.
ManagementApi getSamlConfig GET /management/saml-config Returns the SAML configuration
ManagementApi getSmtpConfig GET /management/smtp Returns the SMTP configuration
ManagementApi listProperties GET /management/properties Get global properties.
ManagementApi registerEngine POST /management/engines Register an engine.
ManagementApi registerProductOffline POST /management/product-registration-offline Registers the product using a manually generated payload.
ManagementApi registerProductOnline POST /management/product-registration-online Registers the product using the provided credentials.
ManagementApi searchEngines POST /management/engines/search Search for engines.
ManagementApi searchHashicorpVaults POST /management/vaults/hashicorp/search Search for configured Hashicorp vaults.
ManagementApi unregisterEngine DELETE /management/engines/{engineId} Unregister an engine.
ManagementApi updateApiClassification PUT /management/api-classification Update the api classification to new version.
ManagementApi updateEngineAutoTaggingConfig PATCH /management/engines/{engineId}/auto-tagging Update the engine's auto tagging configuration.
ManagementApi updateLdapConfig PUT /management/ldap-config Update LDAP Config.
ManagementApi updateProperties PATCH /management/properties Update value of predefined properties.
ManagementApi updateProxyConfiguration PUT /management/proxy Update the web proxy configuration to use to connect to Delphix services.
ManagementApi updateRegisteredEngine PUT /management/engines/{engineId} Update a registered engine.
ManagementApi updateRegisteredEnginePartial PATCH /management/engines/{engineId} Update a registered engine.
ManagementApi updateSamlConfig PUT /management/saml-config Update SAML Config.
ManagementApi updateSmtpConfig PUT /management/smtp Update SMTP Config.
ManagementApi validateLdapConfig POST /management/ldap-config/validate Validate LDAP Config. Without username/password, DCT performs an anonymous bind against the LDAP server. If credentials are provided DCT validates that authentication and mapping of optional properties are actually working with provided credentials. LDAP search is only validated if search attributes are set.
ManagementApi validateSmtpConfig POST /management/smtp/validate Validate SMTP Config.
MaskingEnvironmentsApi getMaskingEnvironmentById GET /masking-environments/{maskingEnvironmentId} Retrieve a MaskingEnvironment by ID.
MaskingEnvironmentsApi getMaskingEnvironments GET /masking-environments Retrieve the list of masking environments.
MaskingEnvironmentsApi searchMaskingEnvironments POST /masking-environments/search Search masking environments.
MaskingFilesApi uploadMaskingFile POST /masking-file-uploads Upload a file for masking.
MaskingJobsApi addEngineToMaskingJob POST /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/add-engine Add an engine to a Masking Job (Hyperscale Job only).
MaskingJobsApi copyMaskingJob POST /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/copy Copies the masking job to another engine.
MaskingJobsApi createMaskingJob POST /masking-jobs Create a Masking Job.
MaskingJobsApi createMaskingJobTag POST /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/tags Create tags for a Masking Job.
MaskingJobsApi deleteMaskingJob DELETE /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId} Delete a masking job.
MaskingJobsApi deleteMaskingJobTag POST /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a Masking Job.
MaskingJobsApi executeMaskingJob POST /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/execute Execute a MaskingJob.
MaskingJobsApi getMaskingJobById GET /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId} Retrieve a MaskingJob by ID.
MaskingJobsApi getMaskingJobConnectors GET /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/connectors Get connectors for a Masking Job by ID.
MaskingJobsApi getMaskingJobSourceEngines GET /masking-jobs/source-engines Retrieve the list of masking jobs along with their source engine.
MaskingJobsApi getMaskingJobTag GET /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/tags Get tags for a Masking Job.
MaskingJobsApi getMaskingJobs GET /masking-jobs Retrieve the list of masking jobs.
MaskingJobsApi migrateMaskingJob POST /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/migrate Migrates the masking job from its current source engine to another engine.
MaskingJobsApi reImportMaskingJob POST /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/re-import Re-import the dataset from the source MaskingJob (Hyperscale Job only).
MaskingJobsApi removeEngineFromMaskingJob POST /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId}/remove-engine Remove an engine from a Masking Job (Hyperscale Job only).
MaskingJobsApi searchMaskingJobSourceEngines POST /masking-jobs/source-engines/search Search the list of masking jobs along with their source engine.
MaskingJobsApi searchMaskingJobs POST /masking-jobs/search Search masking jobs.
MaskingJobsApi updateMaskingJobById PATCH /masking-jobs/{maskingJobId} Update values of a MaskingJob.
MaskingPluginsApi createMaskingPluginTags POST /masking-plugins/{maskingPluginId}/tags Create tags for a masking plugin.
MaskingPluginsApi deleteMaskingPlugin DELETE /masking-plugins/{maskingPluginId} Delete a custom masking plugin.
MaskingPluginsApi deleteMaskingPluginTags POST /masking-plugins/{maskingPluginId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a masking plugin.
MaskingPluginsApi getMaskingPluginById GET /masking-plugins/{maskingPluginId} Get a masking plugin by ID or name.
MaskingPluginsApi getMaskingPluginTags GET /masking-plugins/{maskingPluginId}/tags Get tags for a masking plugin.
MaskingPluginsApi getMaskingPlugins GET /masking-plugins Retrieve the list of masking plugins.
MaskingPluginsApi installMaskingPlugin POST /masking-plugins Install a custom masking plugin.
MaskingPluginsApi searchMaskingPlugins POST /masking-plugins/search Search for masking plugins.
ReportingApi createReportingSchedule POST /reporting/schedule Create a new report schedule.
ReportingApi createReportingScheduleTags POST /reporting/schedule/{reportId}/tags Create tags for a report schedule.
ReportingApi deleteReportingSchedule DELETE /reporting/schedule/{reportId} Delete report schedule by ID.
ReportingApi deleteReportingScheduleTag POST /reporting/schedule/{reportId}/tags/delete Delete tags for a report schedule.
ReportingApi getApiUsageReport GET /reporting/api-usage-report Gets the report of API usage metrics over a given time period. This API returns at the most 10000 results in the response to protect against the server running out of memory. Users might not hit this limit with the default report without any 'apiUsageReportGroupByParam' param but can hit this limit if the groupBy is by too granular like by 'client_name' or 'user_agent' only. Hence it is advisable to use startDate and endDate to 'limit' the scope of the report.
ReportingApi getAuditLogsSummaryReport GET /reporting/audit-logs-summary-report Gets the audit log summary report.
ReportingApi getEngineGlobalObjectStateReport GET /reporting/engine-global-object-state-report Get the masking engine global object state report.
ReportingApi getEnginePerformanceAnalyticsReport GET /reporting/engine-performance-analytic-report Gets the performance analytics report for engines.
ReportingApi getMaskingExecutionMetricsReport GET /reporting/masking-execution-metrics Get the masking execution metrics report.
ReportingApi getProductInfo GET /reporting/product_info Returns the DCT Product Information.
ReportingApi getReportingScheduleById GET /reporting/schedule/{reportId} Returns a report schedule by ID.
ReportingApi getReportingScheduleTags GET /reporting/schedule/{reportId}/tags Get tags for a report schedule.
ReportingApi getReportingSchedules GET /reporting/schedule List all report schedules.
ReportingApi getVirtualizationStorageSummaryReport GET /reporting/virtualization-storage-summary-report Gets the storage summary report for virtualization engines.
ReportingApi searchEngineGlobalObjectStateReport POST /reporting/engine-global-object-state-report/search Search the masking engine global object state report.
ReportingApi searchEnginePerformanceAnalyticTrends POST /reporting/engine-performance-analytic-trends/search Search the performance analytic trend data for engines.
ReportingApi searchEnginePerformanceAnalyticsReport POST /reporting/engine-performance-analytic-report/search Search the performance analytic report for engines.
ReportingApi searchMaskingExecutionMetricsReport POST /reporting/masking-execution-metrics/search Search the Masking execution metrics report.
ReportingApi searchReportingSchedules POST /reporting/schedule/search Search for report schedules.
ReportingApi searchVirtualizationStorageSummaryReport POST /reporting/virtualization-storage-summary-report/search Search the storage summary report for virtualization engines.
ReportingApi updateReportingSchedule PUT /reporting/schedule/{reportId} Update a reporting schedule by ID.
SamlLoginApi checkSaml GET /is-saml-enabled Check if SAML is enabled
TestApi enableScaleTesting POST /enable-scale-testing This is used for performance testing to enable engine and object duplication.

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.



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