diff --git a/conf/core-site.xml b/conf/core-site.xml
index d52ec9d921984..8917ebab2caf7 100644
--- a/conf/core-site.xml
+++ b/conf/core-site.xml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-    <value>hdfs://ec2-184-72-130-69.compute-1.amazonaws.com:9000</value>
+    <value>hdfs://ec2-54-80-197-211.compute-1.amazonaws.com:9000</value>
diff --git a/conf/slaves b/conf/slaves
index cb1ffa832a628..ff41e88b997c4 100644
--- a/conf/slaves
+++ b/conf/slaves
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/GraphKryoRegistrator.scala b/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/GraphKryoRegistrator.scala
index 3c9145c02f3f8..21ed03a63ad7c 100644
--- a/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/GraphKryoRegistrator.scala
+++ b/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/GraphKryoRegistrator.scala
@@ -52,8 +52,9 @@ class GraphKryoRegistrator extends KryoRegistrator {
-    kryo.register(classOf[JHashSet[VertexId]])
+    // kryo.register(classOf[JHashSet[VertexId]])
+    kryo.register(classOf[TrackCounts])
 //     kryo.register(classOf[MakeString])
 //     kryo.register(classOf[PrePostProcessWikipedia])
 //     kryo.register(classOf[(LongWritable, Text)])
diff --git a/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/PrePostProcessWiki.scala b/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/PrePostProcessWiki.scala
index 8b59e5619a739..ce71ec1ca3020 100644
--- a/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/PrePostProcessWiki.scala
+++ b/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/PrePostProcessWiki.scala
@@ -14,6 +14,43 @@ import org.apache.spark.Logging
 import java.util.{HashSet => JHashSet, TreeSet => JTreeSet}
 // import org.apache.spark.graphx.MakeString
+class TrackCounts extends Serializable {
+  var red: Long = 0
+  var stub: Long = 0
+  var disambig: Long = 0
+  var notFound: Long = 0
+  var titleNull: Long = 0
+  var relevant: Long = 0
+  var total: Long = 0
+  def update(o: TrackCounts) {
+    red += o.red
+    stub += o.stub
+    disambig += o.disambig
+    notFound += o.notFound
+    titleNull += o.titleNull
+    relevant += o.relevant
+    total += o.total
+  }
+  def addArticle(art: WikiArticle) {
+    if (art.redirect) red += 1
+    if (art.stub) stub += 1
+    if (art.disambig) disambig += 1
+    if (art.title == WikiArticle.notFoundString) notFound += 1
+    if (art.title == null) titleNull += 1
+    if (art.relevant) relevant += 1
+    total += 1
+  }
+  override def toString: String = {
+    s"Redirects: $red, Stubs: $stub, Disambig: $disambig, Not Found: $notFound, Null: $titleNull, RELEVANT: $relevant, TOTAL: $total"
+  }
 object PrePostProcessWikipedia extends Logging {
@@ -104,19 +141,39 @@ object PrePostProcessWikipedia extends Logging {
     logWarning(s"XML RDD counted. Found ${xmlRDD.count} raw articles.")
     val allArtsRDD = xmlRDD.map { raw => new WikiArticle(raw) }.cache
-    val numRedirects = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.redirect }.count
-    val numStubs = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.stub }.count
-    val numDisambig = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.disambig }.count
-    val numTitleNotFound = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.title == WikiArticle.notFoundString }.count
-    logWarning(s"Filter results:\tRedirects: $numRedirects \tStubs: $numStubs \tDisambiguations: $numDisambig \t Title not found: $numTitleNotFound")
+    // val numRedirects = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.redirect }.count
+    // val numStubs = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.stub }.count
+    // val numDisambig = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.disambig }.count
+    // val numTitleNotFound = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.title == WikiArticle.notFoundString }.count
+    // logWarning(s"Filter results:\tRedirects: $numRedirects \tStubs: $numStubs \tDisambiguations: $numDisambig \t Title not found: $numTitleNotFound")
-    val wikiRDD = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.relevant }.repartition(128)
-    logWarning(s"wikiRDD counted. Found ${wikiRDD.count} relevant articles.")
+    val wikiRDD = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.relevant }.cache //.repartition(128)
+    wikiRDD.repartition(128)
+    // val wikiRDD = allArtsRDD.filter { art => art.relevant }.repartition(128)
+    val wikiRDDCount = wikiRDD.count
+    logWarning(s"wikiRDD counted. Found ${wikiRDDCount} relevant articles.")
+    // logWarning("Counting differently")
+    // count: redirects, stubs, disambigs, titlenotfound, titlenull, relevant, total
+//     val zeroCount = new TrackCounts
+//     val countSeqOp = (curCount: TrackCounts, art: WikiArticle) => {
+//       curCount.addArticle(art)
+//       curCount
+//     }
+//     val countCombOp = (c1: TrackCounts, c2: TrackCounts) => {
+//       c1.update(c2)
+//       c1
+//     }
+//     val cr = allArtsRDD.aggregate(zeroCount)(countSeqOp, countCombOp)
+//     logWarning(s"Different count results: $cr")
+//     System.exit(0)
     val vertices: RDD[(VertexId, String)] = wikiRDD.map { art => (art.vertexID, art.title) }
     val edges: RDD[Edge[Double]] = wikiRDD.flatMap { art => art.edges }
     logWarning("creating graph")
     val g = Graph(vertices, edges)
-    val cleanG = g.subgraph(x => true, (vid, vd) => vd != null)
+    val cleanG = g.subgraph(x => true, (vid, vd) => vd != null).cache
     logWarning(s"DIRTY graph has ${g.triplets.count()} EDGES, ${g.vertices.count()} VERTICES")
     logWarning(s"CLEAN graph has ${cleanG.triplets.count()} EDGES, ${cleanG.vertices.count()} VERTICES")
     val resultG = pagerankConnComponentsAlt(numIters, cleanG)
@@ -134,12 +191,13 @@ object PrePostProcessWikipedia extends Logging {
     var currentGraph = g
     logWarning("starting iterations")
     for (i <- 0 to numRepetitions) {
+      currentGraph.cache
       val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis
       logWarning("starting pagerank")
-      val pr = PageRank.run(currentGraph, 20)
+      val pr = PageRank.run(currentGraph, 20).cache
       logWarning("Pagerank completed")
-      val prAndTitle = currentGraph.outerJoinVertices(pr.vertices)({(id: VertexId, title: String, rank: Option[Double]) => (title, rank.getOrElse(0.0))})
+      val prAndTitle = currentGraph.outerJoinVertices(pr.vertices)({(id: VertexId, title: String, rank: Option[Double]) => (title, rank.getOrElse(0.0))}).cache
       logWarning("join completed.")
       val top20 = prAndTitle.vertices.top(20)(Ordering.by((entry: (VertexId, (String, Double))) => entry._2._2))
@@ -149,8 +207,8 @@ object PrePostProcessWikipedia extends Logging {
       val filterTop20 = {(v: VertexId, d: String) =>
-      val newGraph = currentGraph.subgraph(x => true, filterTop20)
-      val ccGraph = ConnectedComponents.run(newGraph)
+      val newGraph = currentGraph.subgraph(x => true, filterTop20).cache
+      val ccGraph = ConnectedComponents.run(newGraph).cache
 //       val zeroVal = new mutable.HashSet[VertexId]()
 //       val seqOp = (s: mutable.HashSet[VertexId], vtuple: (VertexId, VertexId)) => {
 //         s.add(vtuple._2)
diff --git a/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/impl/GraphImpl.scala b/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/impl/GraphImpl.scala
index 81f27d0a2b86c..10f4b380bb7a9 100644
--- a/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/impl/GraphImpl.scala
+++ b/graphx/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/graphx/impl/GraphImpl.scala
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ package org.apache.spark.graphx.impl
 import scala.reflect.{classTag, ClassTag}
 import org.apache.spark.util.collection.PrimitiveVector
-import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, Partitioner}
+import org.apache.spark.{HashPartitioner, Partitioner, Logging}
 import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
 import org.apache.spark.graphx._
 import org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl._
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import org.apache.spark.graphx.util.BytecodeUtils
 import org.apache.spark.rdd.{ShuffledRDD, RDD}
 import org.apache.spark.storage.StorageLevel
 import org.apache.spark.util.ClosureCleaner
+import java.util.NoSuchElementException
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ class GraphImpl[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag] protected (
     @transient val edges: EdgeRDD[ED],
     @transient val routingTable: RoutingTable,
     @transient val replicatedVertexView: ReplicatedVertexView[VD])
-  extends Graph[VD, ED] with Serializable {
+  extends Graph[VD, ED] with Serializable with Logging {
   /** Default constructor is provided to support serialization */
   protected def this() = this(null, null, null, null)
@@ -216,50 +217,55 @@ class GraphImpl[VD: ClassTag, ED: ClassTag] protected (
     // Map and combine.
     val preAgg = edges.partitionsRDD.zipPartitions(vs, true) { (ePartIter, vPartIter) =>
-      val (ePid, edgePartition) = ePartIter.next()
-      val (vPid, vPart) = vPartIter.next()
-      assert(!vPartIter.hasNext)
-      assert(ePid == vPid)
-      // Choose scan method
-      val activeFraction = vPart.numActives.getOrElse(0) / edgePartition.indexSize.toFloat
-      val edgeIter = activeDirectionOpt match {
-        case Some(EdgeDirection.Both) =>
-          if (activeFraction < 0.8) {
-            edgePartition.indexIterator(srcVertexId => vPart.isActive(srcVertexId))
-              .filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.dstId))
-          } else {
-            edgePartition.iterator.filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.srcId) && vPart.isActive(e.dstId))
+      if (ePartIter.hasNext) {
+        val (ePid, edgePartition) = ePartIter.next()
+        val (vPid, vPart) = vPartIter.next()
+        assert(!vPartIter.hasNext)
+        assert(ePid == vPid)
+        // Choose scan method
+        val activeFraction = vPart.numActives.getOrElse(0) / edgePartition.indexSize.toFloat
+        val edgeIter = activeDirectionOpt match {
+          case Some(EdgeDirection.Both) =>
+            if (activeFraction < 0.8) {
+              edgePartition.indexIterator(srcVertexId => vPart.isActive(srcVertexId))
+                .filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.dstId))
+            } else {
+              edgePartition.iterator.filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.srcId) && vPart.isActive(e.dstId))
+            }
+          case Some(EdgeDirection.Either) =>
+            // TODO: Because we only have a clustered index on the source vertex ID, we can't filter
+            // the index here. Instead we have to scan all edges and then do the filter.
+            edgePartition.iterator.filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.srcId) || vPart.isActive(e.dstId))
+          case Some(EdgeDirection.Out) =>
+            if (activeFraction < 0.8) {
+              edgePartition.indexIterator(srcVertexId => vPart.isActive(srcVertexId))
+            } else {
+              edgePartition.iterator.filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.srcId))
+            }
+          case Some(EdgeDirection.In) =>
+            edgePartition.iterator.filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.dstId))
+          case _ => // None
+            edgePartition.iterator
+        }
+        // Scan edges and run the map function
+        val et = new EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]
+        val mapOutputs = edgeIter.flatMap { e =>
+          et.set(e)
+          if (mapUsesSrcAttr) {
+            et.srcAttr = vPart(e.srcId)
-        case Some(EdgeDirection.Either) =>
-          // TODO: Because we only have a clustered index on the source vertex ID, we can't filter
-          // the index here. Instead we have to scan all edges and then do the filter.
-          edgePartition.iterator.filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.srcId) || vPart.isActive(e.dstId))
-        case Some(EdgeDirection.Out) =>
-          if (activeFraction < 0.8) {
-            edgePartition.indexIterator(srcVertexId => vPart.isActive(srcVertexId))
-          } else {
-            edgePartition.iterator.filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.srcId))
+          if (mapUsesDstAttr) {
+            et.dstAttr = vPart(e.dstId)
-        case Some(EdgeDirection.In) =>
-          edgePartition.iterator.filter(e => vPart.isActive(e.dstId))
-        case _ => // None
-          edgePartition.iterator
-      }
-      // Scan edges and run the map function
-      val et = new EdgeTriplet[VD, ED]
-      val mapOutputs = edgeIter.flatMap { e =>
-        et.set(e)
-        if (mapUsesSrcAttr) {
-          et.srcAttr = vPart(e.srcId)
-        }
-        if (mapUsesDstAttr) {
-          et.dstAttr = vPart(e.dstId)
+          mapFunc(et)
-        mapFunc(et)
+        // Note: This doesn't allow users to send messages to arbitrary vertices.
+        vPart.aggregateUsingIndex(mapOutputs, reduceFunc).iterator
+      } else {
+        logError("preAgg in mapReduceTriplets tried to iterate over empty partition.")
+        Iterator.empty
-      // Note: This doesn't allow users to send messages to arbitrary vertices.
-      vPart.aggregateUsingIndex(mapOutputs, reduceFunc).iterator
     // do the final reduction reusing the index map