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Digital Buildings Toolkit

The Digital Buildings Toolkit provides a centralized method for interfacing with all of the tools contained within the Digital Buildings Repository.


To install please follow the instructions below.

First create a virtual env

Create the virtual environment with virtualenv followed by the environment name, in this example: tooling

virtualenv tooling

Activate the virtual environment

Mac OS / Linux:

source tooling/bin/activate



Then you can either use pip or setuptools.


  1. Run python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip to ensure that your Python package management tools are up-to-date.

  2. Run bash or pip_install.bat (windows) from the following directory digitalbuildings/tools.

Setup (to be deprecated)

  1. Follow setup instructions for the Instance Validator.
  2. Follow setup instructions for the GUID Generator.
  3. Run sudo python for this directory.

Toolkit Workflow

Run python and provide the following arguments:

  1. -i/--input The absolute filepath of a building configuration file(.yaml).

  2. -m/--modified-types-filepath [Optional] Validate entity types in the building configuration file against a modified ontology that is not in the main repository. Default is the Digital Buildings Ontology.

  3. -g/--generate Generates GUIDs for entities in the building configuration file. Since the instance validator expects the new building configuration format, this option also converts a building configuration from the old format to the new format.

  4. -v/--validate Runs instance validator to validate the building configuration file.

  5. After a building configuration's entity types are validated, validation must also be run on the telemetry payload using:

  • -s/--subscription The fully-qualified path to a Google Cloud Pubsub subscription, e.g. projects/

  • -a/--service-account The fully-qualified path to a service account key file corresponding to an account that has permission to pull messages from the subscription.

  • -t/--timeout [Optional] The timeout duration in seconds for the telemetry validation test. The default value is 600 seconds, or 10 minutes. If this time limit is exceeded before the validator receives a test pubsub message for each of the entities configured in the given instance config file, the test will fail with an error and report the entities that were not heard from.

  • --udmi [Optional] Validates entity metadata as UDMI. Flag is set to True by default and include --udmi=False when not validating against udmi.

python -i input.yaml validates a building config against the udmi standard.

  • NOTE: The service account key and subscription are provided by the Google team. Please reach out to your IoT TPM for guidance.
  1. -d/--report-directory To write instance validation (instance_validation_report.txt) and telemetry validation (telemetry_validation_report.json) reports to the report-directory; otherwise writes instance validation to console and telemetry validation to current working directory.

For example: python -i //path/to/file -g -v -s subscription-name -a service-account-name -d //path/to/report-directory

  1. Takes in a building configuration file.
  2. Generates guids for every entity instance.
  3. Re-writes building config in the new format.
  4. Validates the building configuration.
  5. Validates the telemetry payload.
  6. Writes validation results to the report directory as //path/to/report-directory/instance_validation_report.txt and //path/to/report-directory/telemetry_validation_report.json for instance validation and telemetry validation respectfully.

NOTE: The new building configuration format switches entities being keyed by codes to being keyed by guids, and Ids are removed. To convert from old format to the new format, run your building configuration file(.yaml) through the guid generator.