This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes) done in 3.2 minor versions.
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash To get the diff between two versions, go to
3.2.2 (2017-01-12)
bug #21257 [Profiler][Form] Fix form profiler errors profiler_dump (ogizanagi)
bug #21243 [FrameworkBundle] Fix class_exists() checks in PhpArrayAdapter-related cache warmers (nicolas-grekas, mpajunen)
bug #21218 [Form] DateTimeToLocalizedStringTransformer does not use timezone when using date only (magnetik)
bug #20605 [Ldap] Always have a valid connection when using the EntryManager (bobvandevijver)
bug #21104 [FrameworkBundle] fix IPv6 address handling in server commands (xabbuh)
bug #20793 [Validator] Fix caching of constraints derived from non-serializable parents (uwej711)
bug #19586 [TwigBundle] Fix bug where namespaced paths don't take parent bundles in account (wesleylancel)
bug #21237 [FrameworkBundle] Fix relative paths used as cache keys (nicolas-grekas)
bug #21183 [Validator] respect groups when merging constraints (xabbuh)
bug #21179 [TwigBundle] Fixing regression in TwigEngine exception handling (Bertalan Attila)
bug #21220 [DI] Fix missing new line after private alias (ogizanagi)
bug #21211 Classloader tmpname (lyrixx)
bug #21205 [TwigBundle] fixed usage when Templating is not installed (fabpot)
bug #21155 [Validator] Check cascasdedGroups for being countable (scaytrase)
bug #21200 [Filesystem] Check that directory is writable after created it in dumpFile() (chalasr)
bug #21186 [Bridge/PhpUnit] Relax expectedDeprecation for forward compat (nicolas-grekas)
bug #21184 [FrameworkBundle] Remove Response* from classes to compile (nicolas-grekas)
bug #21165 [Serializer] int is valid when float is expected when deserializing JSON (dunglas)
bug #21167 [Cache] Remove silenced warning tiggered by PhpArrayAdapter (nicolas-grekas)
bug #21166 [Cache] Fix order of writes in ChainAdapter (nicolas-grekas)
bug #21113 [FrameworkBundle][HttpKernel] Fix resources loading for bundles with custom structure (chalasr)
bug #20995 [DependencyInjection] Fix the priority order of compiler pass trait (francoispluchino)
bug #21084 [Yaml] handle empty lines inside unindented collection (xabbuh)
bug #21143 [PhpUnitBridge] Set COMPOSER_ROOT_VERSION while installing (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20925 [HttpFoundation] Validate/cast cookie expire time (ro0NL)
bug #21138 [PhpUnitBridge] skip tests with failure and error states too (xabbuh)
bug #21135 [PhpUnitBridge] hide stack trace of expected deprecation failures (xabbuh)
bug #21117 [Yaml] add missing indicator character (xabbuh)
bug #21121 [PhpUnitBridge] respect skipped and incomplete tests (xabbuh)
bug #21032 [SecurityBundle] Made collection of user provider unique when injecting them to the RemberMeService (lyrixx)
bug #21078 [Console] Escape default value when dumping help (lyrixx)
bug #21076 [Console] OS X Can't call cli_set_process_title php without superuser (ogizanagi)
bug #20900 [Console] Descriptors should use Helper::strlen (ogizanagi)
bug #21025 [Cache] remove is_writable check on filesystem cache (4rthem)
bug #21064 [Debug] Wrap call to ->log in a try catch block (lyrixx)
bug #21069 [Debug] Fixed cast of stream (lyrixx)
bug #21010 [Debug] UndefinedMethodFatalErrorHandler - Handle anonymous classes (SpacePossum)
bug #20991 [cache] Bump RedisAdapter default timeout to 5s (Nicofuma)
bug #20959 [FrameworkBundle] Ignore AnnotationException exceptions in the AnnotationsCacheWarmer (fancyweb)
bug #20795 [FrameworkBundle] Allow multiple transitions with the same name (Padam87)
bug #20859 Avoid warning in PHP 7.2 because of non-countable data (wouterj)
bug #21053 [Validator] override property constraints in child class (xabbuh)
bug #21034 [FrameworkBundle] Make TemplateController working without the Templating component (dunglas)
bug #20970 [Console] Fix question formatting using SymfonyStyle::ask() (chalasr, ogizanagi)
bug #20999 [HttpKernel] Continuation of #20599 for 3.1 (ro0NL)
bug #20975 [Form] fix group sequence based validation (xabbuh)
bug #20599 [WebProfilerBundle] Display multiple HTTP headers in WDT (ro0NL)
bug #20799 [TwigBundle] do not try to register incomplete definitions (xabbuh)
bug #20961 [Validator] phpize default option values (xabbuh)
bug #20934 [FrameworkBundle] Fix PHP form templates on translatable attributes (ro0NL)
bug #20957 [FrameworkBundle] test for the Validator component to be present (xabbuh)
bug #20936 [DependencyInjection] Fix on-invalid attribute type in xsd (ogizanagi)
bug #20931 [VarDumper] Fix dumping by-ref variadics (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20749 [FrameworkBundle] Smarter default for framework.annotations (ogizanagi)
bug #20734 [Security] AbstractVoter->supportsAttribute gives false positive if attribute is zero (0) (martynas-foodpanda)
bug #14082 [config] Fix issue when key removed and left value only (zerustech)
bug #20910 [HttpFoundation] Fix cookie to string conversion for raw cookies (ro0NL)
bug #20909 Fix misresolved parameters in debug:config on 3.2 (chalasr)
bug #20904 [TwigBundle] Config is now a hard dependency (dunglas)
bug #20847 [Console] fixed BC issue with static closures (araines)
3.2.1 (2016-12-13)
bug #20891 Add support for REDIS_URL environment variables. (robinvdvleuten)
bug #20724 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix AJAX panel with fetch requests (OnekO)
bug #20883 Don’t compile when Opcache is not enabled on CLI (ruudk)
bug #20877 DateIntervalType: 'invert' should not inherit the 'required' option (galeaspablo)
bug #20886 [Form] DateIntervalType: Do not try to translate choices (ogizanagi)
bug #20855 [Yaml] do not trigger deprecations for valid YAML (xabbuh)
bug #20714 [FrameworkBundle] Fix unresolved parameters from default configs in debug:config (chalasr)
bug #20862 Allow simple-phpunit to be used with an HTTP proxy (Cydonia7)
bug #20882 [TwigBridge] fix constructor args check (xabbuh)
bug #20860 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix a web profiler form issue with fields added to the form after the form was built (tgalopin)
bug #20442 [FrameworkBundle] Bundle commands are not available via find() (julienfalque)
bug #20840 [WebProfilerBundle] add dependency on Twig (xabbuh)
bug #20833 [HttpKernel] Fix open_basedir compat in DataCollector (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20828 [Validator] Fix init of YamlFileLoader::$classes for empty files (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20688 [FrameworkBundle] Resolve env params in debug:config command (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20725 [HttpKernel] Fix annotation cache warmer with failing or missing classes (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20830 [FrameworkBundle] Fix validation cache warmer with failing or missing classes (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20760 [FrameworkBundle] [Workflow] Fix service marking store configuration (fduch)
bug #20745 [Validator] add class name to the cache key (Simperfit)
bug #20530 [Serializer] Remove AbstractObjectNormalizer::isAttributeToNormalize (dunglas)
bug #19141 Throw less misleading exception when property access not found (bramtweedegolf)
bug #20539 Cast result to int before adding to it (alcaeus)
bug #20831 [Twig] Fix deprecations with Twig 1.29 (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20701 Ignore missing 'debug.file_link_formatter' service in Debug and Twig bundles (mbabker)
bug #20816 [FrameworkBundle] Removed kernel.debug from the cache pool namespace seed (Sander Toonen)
bug #20769 [Bridge\Twig] Trigger deprecation when using FormExtension::$renderer (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20646 Maintain the selected panel when redirecting to another profile (javiereguiluz)
bug #20767 [Cache] Fix dumping SplDoublyLinkedList iter mode (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20690 [Serializer] Fix argument object denormalization (ogizanagi)
bug #20762 [Form] Fix FormDataCollector (nicolas-grekas, Padam87)
bug #20747 [HttpKernel] Fixed RequestDataCollector handling of null header values. (Gabriel Moreira)
bug #20727 [TwigBundle] Inject project root path into twig filesystem loader (4rthem)
bug #20736 [Console] fixed PHP7 Errors when not using Dispatcher (keradus)
bug #20756 [HttpKernel] Regression test for missing controller arguments (iltar)
bug #20755 [HttpKernel] Regression test for missing controller arguments (iltar)
bug #20732 fix the inline level for dumped multi-line strings (xabbuh)
bug #20418 [Form][DX] FileType "multiple" fixes (yceruto)
bug #19902 [DependencyInjection] PhpDumper.php: hasReference() shouldn't search references in lazy service. (antanas-arvasevicius)
bug #20704 [Console] Fix wrong handling of multiline arg/opt descriptions (ogizanagi)
bug #20700 [WebProfilerBundle][Translator] Fix TranslationDataCollector should use cloneVar (ogizanagi)
bug #20712 [TwigBundle] Fix twig loader registered twice (ogizanagi)
bug #20716 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix dump block is unfairly restrained (ogizanagi)
bug #20717 Fix hide button in toolbar (nicolasdewez)
3.2.0 (2016-11-30)
bug #20687 [FrameworkBundle] Forbid env parameters in routing configuration (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20607 [Validator] Bring egulias/email-validator ~2.0 to parity with ~1.2 (Lctrs)
bug #20671 [Config] ConfigCache::isFresh() should return false when unserialize() fails (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20679 [VarDumper] Use default color for ellipsed namespaces/paths (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20676 [ClassLoader] Use only forward slashes in generated class map (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20664 [Validator] ensure the proper context for nested validations (xabbuh)
bug #20661 bug #20653 [WebProfilerBundle] Profiler includes ghost panels (jzawadzki)
bug #20652 Fixed getRouteParams() when no parameters are available (wouterj)
3.2.0-RC2 (2016-11-27)
bug #20601 [FrameworkBundle] Don't rely on any parent definition for "cache.annotations" (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20638 Fix legacy tests that do not trigger any depreciation (julienfalque)
bug #20374 [FrameworkBundle] Improve performance of ControllerNameParser (enumag)
bug #20474 [Routing] Fail properly when a route parameter name cannot be used as a PCRE subpattern name (fancyweb)
bug #20616 [Bridge/Doctrine] Use cache.prefix.seed parameter for generating cache namespace (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20566 [DI] Initialize properties before method calls (ro0NL)
bug #20583 [Workflow] Fixed graphviz dumper for state machine (lyrixx)
bug #20621 [HttpKernel] Fix exception when serializing request attributes (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20609 [DI] Fixed custom services definition BC break introduced in ec7e70fb… (kiler129)
bug #20598 [DI] Aliases should preserve the aliased invalid behavior (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20600 [Process] Fix process continuing after reached timeout using getIterator() (chalasr)
bug #20603 [HttpKernel] Deprecate checking for cacheable HTTP methods in Request::isMethodSafe() (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20602 [HttpKernel] Revert BC breaking change of Request::isMethodSafe() (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20610 [FrameworkBundle] Add framework.cache.prefix_seed for predictible cache key prefixes (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20595 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix deprecated uses of profiler_dump (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20589 [SecurityBundle] Fix FirewallConfig nullable arguments (ogizanagi)
bug #20590 [DI] Allow null as default env value (sroze)
bug #20499 [Doctrine][Form] support large integers (xabbuh)
bug #20559 [FrameworkBundle] Avoid warming up the validator cache for non-existent class (Seldaek)
bug #20576 [Process] Do feat test before enabling TTY mode (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20577 [FrameworkBundle] Mark cache.default_*_provider services private (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20550 [YAML] Fix processing timestamp strings with timezone (myesain)
bug #20543 [DI] Fix error when trying to resolve a DefinitionDecorator (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20544 [PhpUnitBridge] Fix time-sensitive tests that use data providers (julienfalque)
3.2.0-RC1 (2016-11-17)
feature #20533 [DI] Revert "deprecate get() for uncompiled container builders" (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20525 [TwigBundle] Give some love to exception pages (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20484 bumped min version of Twig to 1.28 (fabpot)
bug #20512 [DI] Fix accepting null as default env param value (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20519 [Debug] Remove GLOBALS from exception context to avoid endless recursion (Seldaek)
bug #20455 [ClassLoader] Fix ClassCollectionLoader inlining with __halt_compiler (giosh94mhz)
bug #20307 [Form] Fix Date\TimeType marked as invalid on request with single_text and zero seconds (LuisDeimos)
bug #20432 [FrameworkBundle] Add --no-prefix option to translation:update (chalasr)
bug #20480 [FrameworkBundle] Register the ArrayDenormalizer (dunglas)
bug #20286 [Serializer] Fix DataUriNormalizer's regex (dunglas)
bug #20466 [Translation] fixed nested fallback catalogue using multiple locales. (aitboudad)
bug #20465 [#18637][TranslationDebug] workaround for getFallbackLocales. (aitboudad)
bug #20453 [Cache] Make directory hashing case insensitive (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20428 [TwigBundle] fixed template root path (fabpot)
feature #20447 [DI] Force env params to be string|null (nicolas-grekas)
feature #20451 [Workflow] Added Definition builder (Nyholm)
bug #20460 [FrameworkBundle] Fixed WorkflowCommand to support state machines (HeahDude)
bug #20440 [TwigBridge][TwigBundle][HttpKernel] prefer getSourceContext() over getSource() (xabbuh)
feature #19629 [Workflow] Make the Workflow support State Machines (Nyholm, lyrixx)
bug #20287 Properly format value in UniqueEntityValidator (alcaeus)
bug #20422 [Translation][fallback] add missing resources in parent catalogues. (aitboudad)
bug #20378 [Form] Fixed show float values as choice value in ChoiceType (yceruto)
feature #20416 [Bridge\Monolog][FrameworkBundle] Add & wire a DebugProcessor (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20415 [DI][Serializer] Add missing deprecations (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20294 Improved the design of the metrics in the profiler (javiereguiluz)
bug #20375 [HttpFoundation][Session] Fix memcache session handler (klandaika)
bug #20377 [Console] Fix infinite loop on missing input (chalasr)
feature #20232 [DependencyInjection] fixed ini file values conversion (fabpot)
feature #19490 [SecurityBundle] Integrate current firewall in Profiler (chalasr)
feature #19398 [DX][SecurityBundle] Introduce a FirewallConfig class accessible from FirewallContext (chalasr)
bug #20336 [HttpKernel] Base DataCollector throws warning on unsupported scheme strings (ogizanagi)
bug #20335 [Yaml] Fix String offset cast error in Inline parser (romainneutron)
bug #20372 [Console] simplified code (fabpot)
bug #20342 [Form] Fix UrlType transforms valid protocols (ogizanagi)
bug #20341 Fix YamlReferenceDumper unnamed nested prototypes (ogizanagi)
bug #20292 Enhance GAE compat by removing some realpath() (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20325 [VarDumper] Fix source links to Twig files (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20328 [Console] Fix empty COLUMNS/LINES env vars (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20326 [VarDumper] Fix dumping Twig source in stack traces (nicolas-grekas)
bug #20321 Compatibility with Twig 1.27 (xkobal)
3.2.0-BETA1 (2016-10-27)
feature #19973 Added a default ide file link web view (jeremyFreeAgent)
feature #20285 [TwigBundle] made Twig cache independent of the project root directory (fabpot)
feature #20266 [Console] rename Command::private to Command::hidden (xabbuh)
feature #20270 [PhpUnitBridge] Drop ErrorAssert (nicolas-grekas)
feature #20256 [PhpUnitBridge] Allow configuring removed deps and phpunit versions (nicolas-grekas)
feature #20255 [PhpUnitBridge] Replace ErrorAssert by
(nicolas-grekas) -
feature #20047 [Form] Change FormTypeGuesserChain to accept Traversable (enumag)
feature #19982 [Validator] Allow validating multiple groups in one GroupSequence step (enumag)
feature #19741 [ExpressionLanguage] Making cache PSR6 compliant (Alexandre GESLIN)
feature #20217 [Serializer] Support specifying format for DateTimeNormalizer::denormalize (teohhanhui)
feature #19452 Remove the new SecurityUserValueResolver (weaverryan)
feature #15002 [DoctrineBridge] Add a way to select the repository used by the UniqueEntity validator (ogizanagi)
feature #20113 Use the method map as authoritative list of factories for dumped containers (stof)
feature #19576 [WebProfiler] added support for window.fetch calls in ajax section (ivoba)
feature #19991 [TwigBridge] Added access to token from twig AppVariable (HeahDude)
feature #20029 Hide commands from ApplicationDescriptor, but allow invoking (jwdeitch, Jordan Deitch)
feature #20121 Class existence resource (fabpot)
feature #20119 [TwigBundle] changed the runtime loader to return null if there is no match (fabpot)
feature #20093 Twig extensions refatoring to decouple definitions from implementations (fabpot)
feature #20094 added Twig runtimes for "critical" Twig extensions (fabpot)
feature #20097 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Doctrine Annotations lib dependency on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
feature #20019 [FrameworkBundle] Add phpstorm ide (hason)
feature #20092 added a Twig runtime loader (fabpot)
feature #20075 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Security Core and Security CSRF component dependencies on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
feature #20072 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Templating component dependency on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
feature #20070 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Translation component dependency on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
feature #20067 [FrameworkBundle] removed the Asset component dependency on FrameworkBundle (fabpot)
feature #20037 [Cache] Handle arbitrary key length when the backend cant using hashing (nicolas-grekas)
feature #20040 [Bridge/PhpUnit] Handle native E_DEPRECATED (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19987 [VarDumper] Use ClassStub for reflected types (nicolas-grekas)
feature #20012 [Translation] added Base Exception for the component. (aitboudad)
feature #19996 removed obsolete images (since 2.2) (fabpot)
feature #19997 inlined some CSS (fabpot)
feature #19304 [Yaml] fix parsing multi-line mapping values (xabbuh)
feature #19191 [DependencyInjection] Automatically detect the definitions class when possible (Ener-Getick)
feature #19745 [Validator] Added context object method callback to choice validator (Peter Bouwdewijn)
feature #19614 [HttpKernel] Use VarDumper in the profiler (wouterj, nicolas-grekas)
feature #19480 [Config] Fix (Yaml|Xml)ReferenceDumper for nested prototypes (ogizanagi)
feature #19681 [DI] Allow injecting ENV parameters at runtime using env(MY_ENV_VAR) (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19197 [Serializer][FrameworkBundle] Add a CSV encoder (dunglas)
feature #19257 [Validator][Choice] Make strict the default option for choice validation (peterrehm)
feature #19326 [Serializer][FrameworkBundle] Add a YAML encoder (dunglas)
feature #19484 [PropertyInfo] Extract the logic converting a php doc to a Type (Ener-Getick)
feature #19495 [master][console] Allow multiple options to be set. (SpacePossum)
feature #19584 [DependencyInjection] Improve ParameterNotFoundException when accessing a nested parameter (wouterj)
feature #19485 [FrameworkBundle] Introduce a cache warmer for Validator based on PhpArrayAdapter (tgalopin)
feature #19790 [FrameworkBundle] add support for prioritizing form type extension tags (dmaicher)
feature #19507 [FrameworkBundle] Introduce a cache warmer for Serializer based on PhpArrayAdapter (tgalopin)
feature #19734 [HttpFoundation] Deprecate extending some methods (Ener-Getick)
feature #19795 Replace count with a given number out of the box (bocharsky-bw)
feature #19807 [FrameworkBundle] Add debug.file_link_format with remapping for IDE links (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19891 [FrameworkBundle] Add cache:pool:clear command (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19900 [FrameworkBundle] Add CachePoolClearerPass for weak cache pool refs in cache clearers (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19570 [Config] Fix YamlReferenceDumper prototyped array support (ogizanagi)
feature #19824 [Console] Add ability to regress the ProgressBar (jameshalsall)
feature #19892 [DI] Add corresponding service id in some exception messages (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19843 [Security] Allow run-time configuration of hash algo (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19894 [Cache] Add "persistent_id" option to RedisAdapter::createConnection() (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19915 [Bridge/PhpUnit] Add bin/simple-phpunit wrapper (=phpunit - yaml - prophecy) (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19826 [VarDumper] Add ClassStub for clickable & shorter PHP identifiers (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19816 [VarDumper] Add LinkStub to create links in HTML dumps (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19768 [VarDumper] Enhance dumping arguments in stack traces (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19796 [VarDumper] Make the line clickable to toggle dumps (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19764 [Config] Add ExprBuilder::ifEmpty() (ogizanagi)
feature #19797 [VarDumper] Handle attributes in Data clones for more semantic dumps (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19755 [VarDumper] Get dump as string with
$dumper->dump(..., true);
(nicolas-grekas) -
feature #19604 [Routing] Add seamless support for unicode requirements (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19714 [VarDumper] Handle "title" attribute on virtual properties (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19687 [FrameworkBundle] Use relative paths in templates paths cache (tgalopin)
feature #19339 [WebProfilerBundle][Form][DX] To expand the form nodes that contains children with errors (yceruto)
feature #19519 [Cache] Add PDO + Doctrine DBAL adapter (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19672 [VarDumper] Allow dumping subparts of cloned Data structures (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19657 [VarDumper] Add line in trace indexes (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19639 [Routing] Generate URLs in compliance with PHP_QUERY_RFC3986 (jameshalsall)
feature #19568 [Debug] Better error handling (lyrixx)
feature #19552 [HttpFoundation] Add named constructor on JsonResponse (tyx)
feature #19630 [VarDumper] Enhance dumping __PHP_Incomplete_Class objects (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19515 [Cache] Drop TaggedCacheItemInterface (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19511 Use a dedicated exception in the file locator (leofeyer)
feature #19529 Add Yaml::PARSE_EXCEPTION_ON_DUPLICATE to throw exceptions on duplicates (Alex Pott)
feature #19473 [Security] Expose the required roles in AccessDeniedException (Nicofuma)
feature #19524 [Cache] Add generic TagAwareAdapter wrapper (replaces TagAwareRedisAdapter) (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19504 [Yaml] deprecate missing space after mapping key colon (xabbuh)
feature #19430 [DomCrawler] Add support for XPath expression evaluation (jakzal)
feature #19205 [HttpKernel] Allow bundles to declare classes and annotated classes to compile using patterns (tgalopin)
feature #18533 [FrameworkBundle] Wire PhpArrayAdapter with a new cache warmer for annotations (tgalopin)
feature #17498 [Filesystem] Add a cross-platform readlink method (tgalopin)
feature #19289 [VarDumper] Dumping exceptions is now more compact (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19276 [ClassLoader] Add ClassCollectionLoader::inline() to generate inlined-classes files (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19325 [FrameworkBundle] Allow to specify a domain when updating translations (antograssiot)
feature #19277 [Serializer] Argument objects (theofidry, dunglas)
feature #19322 [HttpFoundation] Add Request::isMethodIdempotent method (dunglas)
feature #18510 Added a SecurityUserValueResolver for controllers (iltar)
feature #19203 [Bridge/Doctrine] Reset the EM lazy-proxy instead of the EM service (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19236 [FrameworkBundle] Deprecate the service serializer.mapping.cache.doctrine.apc (Ener-Getick)
feature #19174 [FrameworkBundle] Show server:run logs by default (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19137 [Serializer] Allow to use easily static constructors (Ener-Getick)
feature #19146 [DependencyInjection] deprecate access to private shared services. (hhamon)
feature #19190 [DependencyInjection] Add support for short services configurators syntax (voronkovich)
feature #18823 [Cache] Add PhpArrayAdapter to use shared memory on PHP 7.0 (tgalopin)
feature #18948 [VarDumper] Add maxDepth & maxStringLength display options (MGDSoft, nicolas-grekas)
feature #18626 [Yaml] Added support for parsing PHP constants (HeahDude)
feature #19104 Adds support for the SameSite attribute in cookies. (iangcarroll)
feature #19153 [Validator] support egulias/email-validator 2.x (xabbuh)
feature #11394 [Routing] support for array values in route defaults (xabbuh)
feature #11882 [Workflow] Introducing the workflow component (fabpot, lyrixx)
feature #19151 [VarDumper] Add support for XmlReader objects (Taluu)
feature #18471 [Console] Add Lockable trait (geoffrey-brier)
feature #19139 [FrameworkBundle][Yaml] Move YamlLintCommand to the Yaml component (chalasr)
feature #19143 Response headers fix (fabpot)
feature #16809 [Form][FrameworkBundle][Bridge] Add a DateInterval form type (MisatoTremor)
feature #18466 [Bridge][Twig] Optionally pass dumper into DumpExtension (CarsonF)
feature #18022 [DependencyInjection] Sort the CompilerPass by priority (Ener-Getick)
feature #19090 [Console] Add ConsoleLogger::hasErrored() (nicolas-grekas)
feature #19079 [Debug] Do not quote numbers in stack trace (c960657)
feature #19012 [Console] progress bar fix (TomasVotruba, fabpot)
feature #19047 [Cache] Add tags based invalidation + TagAwareRedisAdapter (nicolas-grekas)
feature #17644 Deprecate using Form::isValid() with an unsubmitted form (Ener-Getick)
feature #12979 [Router] added appending of new optional document fragment (rodnaph)
feature #18710 [Console] Simplify simulation of user inputs in CommandTester (chalasr)
feature #18999 [Console] Centralize input stream in base Input class (chalasr)
feature #19060 [ExpressionLanguage] Add a way to hook on each node when dumping the AST (nicolas-grekas)
feature #18880 [PhpUnitBridge] add a triggered errors assertion helper (xabbuh)
feature #16906 [Console] Better support for one command app (lyrixx)
feature #17203 Move Constraint validator test case to Test namespace (WouterJ)
feature #18502 [FrameworkBundle] Add file helper to Controller (dfridrich)
feature #19053 [Process] Allow inheriting env vars instead of replacing them (nicolas-grekas)
feature #18833 [HttpKernel] Move duplicated logic from Esi/Ssi to an AbstractSurrogate (chalasr)
feature #18220 Don't send default cache header for 301 redirects (e-moe)
feature #17662 [Translation][transChoice] allows escaping the pipe character. (aitboudad)
feature #18322 [DomCrawler] Attach label to form fields (carlosV2)
feature #18482 Created a trait to sort tagged services (iltar)
feature #15458 [Filesystem] Add feature to create hardlinks for files (andrerom)
feature #18940 [Console] Add path argument to dump a specific option in debug:config (chalasr)
feature #19013 [ExpressionLanguage] Added a way to dump the AST (lyrixx)
feature #18332 [Form] added
and refactored ChoiceType's children (HeahDude) -
feature #18869 [Routing] Throw exception when PHP start tag is missing (WouterJ)
feature #18781 [Console] Display errors in quiet mode (multi-io)
feature #19011 [HttpKernel] Add convenient method ArgumentResolver:: getDefaultArgumentValueResolvers (romainneutron)
feature #18568 [WebProfilerBundle] Fix bundle usage in Content-Security-Policy context without unsafe-inline (romainneutron)
feature #16838 [PropertyAccess] Add PSR-6 cache (dunglas)
feature #18790 [Console] Show aliases in command description instead of in different lines in application description (juanmirod)
feature #18728 deprecate get() for uncompiled container builders (xabbuh)
feature #18483 [Serializer] Deprecate SerializerAwareEncoder (JhonnyL)
feature #18337 [PropertyInfo] Support singular adder and remover (dunglas)
feature #18894 [Cache] Added PhpFilesAdapter (trakos, nicolas-grekas)
feature #18964 [PhpUnitBridge] Make DnsMock match namespaces that begin with Tests\ (teohhanhui)
feature #18726 [PhpUnitBridge] Make ClockMock match namespaces that begin with Tests\ (teohhanhui)
feature #18825 [Cache] Create NullAdapter to disable cache if needed (tgalopin)
feature #18675 [VarDumper] Add Redis caster (nicolas-grekas)
feature #18785 [Yaml] deprecate comma separators in floats (xabbuh)
feature #18486 [Yaml] Allow using _ in some numeric notations (Taluu)