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1321 lines (931 loc) · 74.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1321 lines (931 loc) · 74.6 KB

0.46 Breaking changes

@fluid-experimental/fluid-framework package name changed

The @fluid-experimental/fluid-framework package has been renamed to now be fluid-framework. The scope has been removed.

FrsClient has been renamed to AzureClient and moved out of experimental state

The @fluid-experimental/frs-client package for connecting with the Azure Fluid Relay service has been renamed to now be @fluidframework/azure-client. This also comes with the following name changes for the exported classes and interfaces from the package:

  • FrsClient -> AzureClient
  • FrsAudience -> AzureAudience
  • IFrsAudience -> IAzureAudience
  • FrsMember -> AzureMember
  • FrsConnectionConfig -> AzureConnectionConfig
  • FrsContainerConfig -> AzureContainerConfig
  • FrsResources -> AzureResources
  • FrsAzFunctionTokenProvider -> AzureFunctionTokenProvider
  • FrsUrlResolver -> AzureUrlResolver

documentId removed from IFluidDataStoreRuntime and IFluidDataStoreContext

  • documentId property is removed from IFluidDataStoreRuntime and IFluidDataStoreContext. It is a document level concept and is no longer exposed from data store level.

@fluid-experimental/tinylicious-client package name changed

The @fluid-experimental/tinylicious-client package has been renamed to now be @fluidframework/tinylicious-client.

@fluid-experimental/fluid-static package name changed

The @fluid-experimental/fluid-static package has been renamed to now be @fluidframework/fluid-static.

TinyliciousClient and AzureClient container API changed

Tinylicious and Azure client API changed to comply with the new container creation flow. From now on, the new container ID will be generated by the framework. In addition to that, the AzureContainerConfig parameter's got decommissioned and the logger's moved to the client's constructor.

// Create a client using connection settings and an optional logger
const client = new AzureClient(connectionConfig, logger);
// Create a new container
const { fluidContainer, containerServices } = await client.createContainer(containerSchema);
// Retrieve the new container ID
const containerId =;
// Access the existing container
const { fluidContainer, containerServices }= await client.getContainer(containerId, containerSchema);

0.45 Breaking changes

Changes to local testing in insecure environments and associated bundle size increase

Previously the @fluidframework/common-utils package exposed a setInsecureContextHashFn function so users could set an override when testing locally in insecure environments because the crypto.subtle library is not available. This is now done automatically as a fallback and the function is removed. The fallback exists as a dynamic import of our equivalent Node platform implementation, and will show as a chunk named "FluidFramework-HashFallback" and be up to ~25KB parsed in size. It will not be served when running normally in a modern browser.

Property removed from IFluidDataStoreRuntime

  • the existing property from IFluidDataStoreRuntime (and FluidDataStoreRuntime) has been removed. There is no need for this property in the class, as the flag can be supplied as a parameter to FluidDataStoreRuntime.load or to the constructor of FluidDataStoreRuntime. The IFluidDataStoreFactory.instantiateDataStore function has an existing parameter which can be supplied to the FluidDataStoreRuntime when the latter is created.

Changes to client-api Document

  • The existing property from the Document class in @fluid-internal/client-api has been removed. It can be assumed that the property would have always been true.

Changes to PureDataObject

  • The initializeInternal and the finishInitialization functions have a mandatory existing parameter to differentiate creating vs loading.

Changes to DataObject

  • The initializeInternal function has a mandatory existing parameter to differentiate creating vs loading.

Changes to PureDataObjectFactory

  • The createDataObject in PureDataObjectFactory has a mandatory existing parameter to differentiate creating vs loading.

webpack-fluid-loader package name changed

The webpack-fluid-loader utility was previously available from a package named @fluidframework/webpack-fluid-loader. However, since it is a tool and should not be used in production, it is now available under the tools scope @fluid-tools/webpack-fluid-loader.

Loggers without tag support now deprecated in ContainerContext

The logger property of ContainerContext has been marked deprecated. Loggers passed to ContainerContext will need to support tagged events.

Creating new containers with Container.load is no longer supported

getHashedDocumentId is now async

@fluidframework/odsp-driver's getHashedDocumentId function is now async to take advantage of shared hashing functionality. It drops its dependency on the sha.js package as a result, which contributed ~37KB to the parsed size of the odsp-driver bundle.

0.44 Breaking changes

Property removed from the ContainerRuntime class

  • the existing property from ContainerRuntime has been removed. Inspecting this property in order to decide whether or not to perform initialization operations should be replaced with extending the RuntimeFactoryHelper abstract class from @fluidframework/runtime-utils and overriding instantiateFirstTime and instantiateFromExisting. Alternatively, any class implementing IRuntimeFactory can supply an existing parameter to the instantiateRuntime method.

attach() should only be called once

Container.attach() will now throw if called more than once. Once called, it is responsible for retrying on retriable errors or closing the container on non-retriable errors.

Loader access in data stores is removed

Following the deprecation warning Loader in data stores deprecated, the associated APIs have now been removed. In addition to the original deprecation notes, users will automatically have an ILoader available on the container scope object as the ILoader property if the container was created through a Loader.

0.43 Breaking changes

TinyliciousClient and FrsClient are no longer static

TinyliciousClient and FrsClient global static properties are removed. Instead, object instantiation is now required.

Property removed from the Container class

Routerlicious Driver DeltaStorageService constructor changed

DeltaStorageService from @fluidframework/routerlicious-driver now takes a RestWrapper as the second constructor parameter, rather than a TokenProvider.

addGlobalAgentSchedulerAndLeaderElection removed

In 0.38, the IContainerRuntimeOptions option addGlobalAgentSchedulerAndLeaderElection was added (on by default), which could be explicitly disabled to remove the built-in AgentScheduler and leader election functionality. This flag was turned off by default in 0.40. In 0.43 the flag (and the functionality it enabled) has been removed.

See AgentScheduler-related deprecations for more information on this deprecation and back-compat support, as well as recommendations on how to migrate away from the built-in.

Creating new containers with Container.load has been deprecated

  • Container.load with inexistent files will fail instead of creating a new container. Going forward, please use Container.createDetached for this scenario.
  • To enable the legacy scenario, set the createOnLoad flag to true inside IContainerLoadOptions. Loader.request and Loader.resolve will enable the legacy scenario if the IClientDetails.environment property inside IRequest.headers contains the string enable-legacy-create-on-load (see LegacyCreateOnLoadEnvironmentKey from @fluidframework/container-loader).

Changes to client-api

  • The load function from document.ts will fail the container does not exist. Going forward, please use the create function to handle this scenario.

0.42 Breaking changes

0.42 package renames

We have renamed some packages to better reflect their status. See the npm package scopes page in the wiki for more information about the npm scopes.

  • @fluidframework/react-inputs is renamed to @fluid-experimental/react-inputs
  • @fluidframework/react is renamed to @fluid-experimental/react

IContainerRuntimeEvents changes

  • fluidDataStoreInstantiated has been removed from the interface and will no longer be emitted by the ContainerRuntime.

IContainerRuntime property removed

  • the existing property from IContainerRuntime has been removed.

Removed IParsedUrl interface, parseUrl, getSnapshotTreeFromSerializedContainer and convertProtocolAndAppSummaryToSnapshotTree api from export

These interface and apis are not supposed to be used outside the package. So stop exposing them.

0.41 Breaking changes

0.41 package renames

We have renamed some packages to better reflect their status. See the npm package scopes page in the wiki for more information about the npm scopes.

  • @fluidframework/last-edited-experimental is renamed to @fluid-experimental/last-edited

LoaderHeader.version could not be null

LoaderHeader.version in ILoader can not be null as we always load from existing snapshot in container.load();

Leadership API surface removed

In 0.38, the leadership API surface was deprecated, and in 0.40 it was turned off by default. In 0.41 it has now been removed. If you still require leadership functionality, you can use a TaskSubscription in combination with an AgentScheduler.

See AgentScheduler-related deprecations for more information on how to use TaskSubscription to migrate away from leadership election.

IContainerContext and Container storage API return type changed

IContainerContext and Container now will always have storage even in Detached mode, so its return type has changed and undefined is removed.

0.40 Breaking changes

AgentScheduler removed by default

In 0.38, the IContainerRuntimeOptions option addGlobalAgentSchedulerAndLeaderElection was added (on by default), which could be explicitly disabled to remove the built-in AgentScheduler and leader election functionality. This flag has now been turned off by default. If you still depend on this functionality, you can re-enable it by setting the flag to true, though this option will be removed in a future release.

See AgentScheduler-related deprecations for more information on this deprecation and back-compat support, as well as recommendations on how to migrate away from the built-in.

ITelemetryProperties may be tagged for privacy purposes

Telemetry properties on logs can (but are not yet required to) now be tagged. This is not a breaking change in 0.40, but users are strongly encouraged to add support for tags (see for more details).


This actually was a breaking change in 0.40, in that the type of the event parameter of ITelemetryBaseLogger.send changed to a more inclusive type which needs to be accounted for in implementations. However, in releases 0.40 through 0.44, no tagged events are sent to any ITelemetryBaseLogger by the Fluid Framework. We are preparing to do so soon, and will include an entry in when we do.

IContainerRuntimeDirtyable removed

The IContainerRuntimeDirtyable interface and isMessageDirtyable() method were deprecated in release 0.38. They have now been removed in 0.40. Please refer to the breaking change notice in 0.38 for instructions on migrating away from use of this interface.

Most RouterliciousDocumentServiceFactory params removed

The RouterliciousDocumentServiceFactory constructor no longer accepts the following params: useDocumentService2, disableCache, historianApi, gitCache, and credentials. Please open an issue if these flags/params were important to your project so that they can be re-incorporated into the upcoming IRouterliciousDriverPolicies param.

0.39 Breaking changes

connect event removed from Container

The "connect" event would previously fire on the Container after connect_document_success was received from the server (which likely happens before the client's own join message is processed). This event does not represent a safe-to-use state, and has been removed. To detect when the Container is fully connected, the "connected" event should be used instead.


LoaderHeader.pause has been removed. instead of

[LoaderHeader.pause]: true


[LoaderHeader.loadMode]: { deltaConnection: "none" }

ODSP driver definitions

A lot of definitions have been moved from @fluidframework/odsp-driver to @fluidframework/odsp-driver-definitions. This change is required in preparation for driver to be dynamically loaded by host. This new package contains all the dependencies of ODSP driver factory (like HostStoragePolicy, IPersistedCache, TokenFetcher) as well as outputs (OdspErrorType). @fluidframework/odsp-driver will continue to have defintions for non-factory functionality (like URI resolver, helper functionality to deal with sharing links, URI parsing, etc.)

ITelemetryLogger Remove redundant methods

Remove deprecated shipAssert debugAssert logException logGenericError in favor of sendErrorEvent as they provide the same behavior and semantics as sendErrorEventand in general are relatively unused. These methods were deprecated in 0.36.


Please use DriverErrorType.fileOverwrittenInStorage instead of OdspErrorType.epochVersionMismatch

absolutePath use in IFluidHandle is deprecated

Rather than retrieving the absolute path, ostensibly to be stored, one should instead store the handle itself. To load, first retrieve the handle and then call get on it to get the actual object. Note that it is assumed that the container is responsible both for mapping an external URI to an internal object and for requesting resolved objects with any remaining tail of the external URI. For example, if a container has some map that maps /a --> <some handle>, then a request like request(/a/b/c) should flow like request(/a/b/c) --> <some handle> --> <object> --> request(/b/c).

0.38 Breaking changes

IPersistedCache changes

IPersistedCache implementation no longer needs to implement updateUsage() method (removed form interface). Same goes for sequence number / maxOpCount arguments. put() changed from fire-and-forget to promise, with intention of returning write errors back to caller. Driver could use this information to stop recording any data about given file if driver needs to follow all-or-nothing strategy in regards to info about a file. Please note that format of data stored by driver changed. It will ignore cache entries recorded by previous versions of driver.

ODSP Driver Type Unification

This change reuses existing contracts to reduce redundancy improve consistency.

The breaking portion of this change does rename some parameters to some helper functions, but the change are purely mechanical. In most cases you will likely find you are pulling properties off an object individually to pass them as params, whereas now you can just pass the object itself.

// before:

// After:
    itemId: fileId,
    dataStorePath: "/",

    {driveId, itemId, siteUrl},


ODSP Driver url resolver for share link parameter consolidation

OdspDriverUrlResolverForShareLink constructor signature has been changed to simplify instance creation in case resolver is not supposed to generate share link. Instead of separately specifying constructor parameters that are used to fetch share link there will be single parameter in shape of object that consolidates all properties that are necessary to get share link.

// before:
new OdspDriverUrlResolverForShareLink(

// After:
new OdspDriverUrlResolverForShareLink(
    { tokenFetcher, identityType },

AgentScheduler-related deprecations

AgentScheduler is currently a built-in part of ContainerRuntime, but will be removed in an upcoming release. Correspondingly, the API surface of ContainerRuntime that relates to or relies on the AgentScheduler is deprecated.

Leadership deprecation

A .leader property and "leader"/"notleader" events are currently exposed on the ContainerRuntime, FluidDataStoreContext, and FluidDataStoreRuntime. These are deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release.

A TaskSubscription has been added to the @fluidframework/agent-scheduler package which can be used in conjunction with an AgentScheduler to get equivalent API surface:

const leadershipTaskSubscription = new TaskSubscription(agentScheduler, "leader");
if (leadershipTaskSubscription.haveTask()) {
    // client is the leader
leadershipTaskSubscription.on("gotTask", () => {
    // client just became leader
leadershipTaskSubscription.on("lostTask", () => {
    // client is no longer leader

The AgentScheduler can be one of your choosing, or the built-in AgentScheduler can be retrieved for this purpose using ContainerRuntime.getRootDataStore() (however, as noted above this will be removed in an upcoming release):

const agentScheduler = await requestFluidObject<IAgentScheduler>(
    await containerRuntime.getRootDataStore("_scheduler"),

IContainerRuntimeDirtyable deprecation

The IContainerRuntimeDirtyable interface provides the isMessageDirtyable() method, for use with last-edited functionality. This is only used to differentiate messages for the built-in AgentScheduler. With the deprecation of the AgentScheduler, this interface and method are no longer necessary and so are deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. From the ContainerRuntime's perspective all messages are considered dirtyable with this change.

If you continue to use the built-in AgentScheduler and want to replicate this filtering in your last-edited behavior, you can use the following in your shouldDiscardMessage() check:

import { ContainerMessageType } from "@fluidframework/container-runtime";
import { IEnvelope, InboundAttachMessage } from "@fluidframework/runtime-definitions";

// In shouldDiscardMessage()...
if (type === ContainerMessageType.Attach) {
    const attachMessage = contents as InboundAttachMessage;
    if ( === "_scheduler") {
        return true;
} else if (type === ContainerMessageType.FluidDataStoreOp) {
    const envelope = contents as IEnvelope;
    if (envelope.address === "_scheduler") {
        return true;
// Otherwise, proceed with other discard logic...

Deprecation of AgentScheduler in the container registry and instantiation of the _scheduler

Finally, the automatic addition to the registry and creation of the AgentScheduler with ID _scheduler is deprecated and will also be removed in an upcoming release. To prepare for this, you can proactively opt-out of the built-in by turning off the IContainerRuntimeOptions option addGlobalAgentSchedulerAndLeaderElection in your calls to Container.load or in the constructor of your BaseContainerRuntimeFactory or ContainerRuntimeFactoryWithDefaultDataStore.

For backwards compat with documents created prior to this change, you'll need to ensure the AgentSchedulerFactory.registryEntry is present in the container registry. You can add it explicitly in your calls to Container.load or in the constructor of your BaseContainerRuntimeFactory or ContainerRuntimeFactoryWithDefaultDataStore. The examples below show how to opt-out of the built-in while maintaining backward-compat with documents that were created with a built-in AgentScheduler.

const runtime = await ContainerRuntime.load(
        // Any other registry entries...
    // Opt-out of adding the AgentScheduler
    { addGlobalAgentSchedulerAndLeaderElection: false },
const SomeContainerRuntimeFactory = new ContainerRuntimeFactoryWithDefaultDataStore(
    new Map([
        // Any other registry entries...
    // Opt-out of adding the AgentScheduler
    { addGlobalAgentSchedulerAndLeaderElection: false },

If you use AgentScheduler functionality, it is recommended to instantiate this as a normal (non-root) data store (probably on your root data object). But if you are not yet ready to migrate away from the root data store, you can instantiate it yourself on new containers (you should do this while the container is still detached):

if (!context.existing) {
    await runtime.createRootDataStore(AgentSchedulerFactory.type, "_scheduler");

The option will be turned off by default in an upcoming release before being turned off permanently, so it is recommended to make these updates proactively.

Removed containerUrl from IContainerLoadOptions and IContainerConfig

Removed containerUrl from IContainerLoadOptions and IContainerConfig. This is no longer needed to route request.

0.37 Breaking changes

OpProcessingController marked for deprecation

OpProcessingController is marked for deprecation and we be removed in 0.38. LoaderContainerTracker is the replacement with better tracking. The API differs from OpProcessingController in the following ways:

  • Loader is added for tracking and any Container created/loaded will be automatically tracked
  • The op control APIs accept Container instead of DeltaManager

Loader in data stores deprecated

The loader property on the IContainerRuntime, IFluidDataStoreRuntime, and IFluidDataStoreContext interfaces is now deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. Data store objects will no longer have access to an ILoader by default. To replicate the same behavior, existing users can make the ILoader used to create a Container available on the scope property of these interfaces instead by setting the provideScopeLoader ILoaderOptions flag when creating the loader.

const loader = new Loader({
    options: { provideScopeLoader: true },
const loader: ILoader | undefined = this.context.scope.ILoader;

TelemetryLogger Properties Format

The TelemetryLogger's properties format has been updated to support error only properties. This includes: ChildLogger, MultiSinkLogger,DebugLogger. The previous format was just a property bag: ChildLogger.create(logger, undefined, { someProperty: uuid() }); Whereas now it has nested property bags for error categories including all and error: ChildLogger.create(logger, undefined, {all:{ someProperty: uuid() }});

IContainerRuntimeOptions Format Change

The runtime options passed into ContainerRuntime have been subdivided into nested objects, because all of them fall under two categories currently:

  • summaryOptions - contains all summary/summarizer related options
    • generateSummaries
    • initialSummarizerDelayMs
    • summaryConfigOverrides
    • disableIsolatedChannels
  • gcOptions - contains all Garbage Collection related options
    • disableGC
    • gcAllowed (new)
    • runFullGC

For a few versions we will keep supporting the old format, but the typings have already been updated.

AgentScheduler moves and renames

IAgentScheduler and IProvideAgentScheduler have been moved to the @fluidframework/agent-scheduler package, and taskSchedulerId has been renamed to agentSchedulerId.

0.36 Breaking changes

Some ILoader APIs moved to IHostLoader

The createDetachedContainer and rehydrateDetachedContainerFromSnapshot APIs are removed from the ILoader interface, and have been moved to the new IHostLoader interface. The Loader class now implements IHostLoader instead, and consumers who need these methods should operate on an IHostLoader instead of an ILoader, such as by creating a Loader.

TaskManager removed

The TaskManager has been removed, as well as methods to access it (e.g. the .taskManager member on DataObject). The AgentScheduler should be used instead for the time being and can be accessed via a request on the ContainerRuntime (e.g. await this.context.containerRuntime.request({ url: "/_scheduler" })), though we expect this will also be deprecated and removed in a future release when an alternative is made available (see #4413).

ContainerRuntime registerTasks removed

The registerTasks method has been removed from ContainerRuntime. The AgentScheduler should be used instead for task scheduling.


IContainerRuntime.getRootDataStore() used to have a backdoor allowing accessing any store, including non-root stores. This back door is removed - you can only access root data stores using this API.

Share link generation no longer exposed externally

Share link generation implementation has been refactored to remove options for generating share links of various kinds. Method for generating share link is no longer exported. ShareLinkTokenFetchOptions has been removed and OdspDriverUrlResolverForShareLink constructor has been changed to accept tokenFetcher parameter which will pass OdspResourceTokenFetchOptions instead of ShareLin kTokenFetchOptions.

ITelemetryLogger redundant method deprecation

Deprecate shipAssert debugAssert logException logGenericError in favor of sendErrorEvent as they provide the same behavior and semantics as sendErrorEventand in general are relatively unused.

0.35 Breaking changes


Removed authorizedFetchWithRetry, AuthorizedRequestTokenPolicy, AuthorizedFetchProps, asyncWithCache, asyncWithRetry, fetchWithRetry implementation from odspdriver.

get-tinylicious-container and get-session-storage-container moved

The functionality from the packages @fluidframework/get-tinylicious-container and @fluidframework/get-session-storage-container has been moved to the package @fluid-experimental/get-container.

Moved parseAuthErrorClaims from @fluidframework/odsp-driver to @fluidframework/odsp-doclib-utils

Moved parseAuthErrorClaims from @fluidframework/odsp-driver to @fluidframework/odsp-doclib-utils

Refactored token fetcher types in odsp-driver

Streamlined interfaces and types used to facilitate access tokens needed by odsp-driver to call ODSP implementation of Fluid services. Added support for passing siteUrl when fetching token that is used to establish co-authoring session for Fluid content stored in ODSP file which is hosted in external tenant. This token is used by ODSP ordering service implementation (aka ODSP Push service).

DeltaManager readonly and readOnlyPermissions properties deprecated

DeltaManager.readonly/Container.readonly and DeltaManager.readOnlyPermissions/Container.readOnlyPermissions have been deprecated. Please use DeltaManager.readOnlyInfo/Container.readOnlyInfo instead, which exposes the same information.

DirtyDocument events and property

The following 3 names have been deprecated - please use new names: "dirtyDocument" event -> "dirty" event "savedDocument" event -> "saved" event isDocumentDirty property -> isDirty property

Removed createDocumentService and createDocumentService2 from r11s driver

Removed the deprecated methods createDocumentService and createDocumentService2. Please use DocumentServiceFactory.createDocumentService instead.

0.34 Breaking changes

Aqueduct writeBlob() and BlobHandle implementation removed

writeBlob() and BlobHandle have been removed from aqueduct. Please use FluidDataStoreRuntime.uploadBlob() or ContainerRuntime.uploadBlob() instead.

Connected events raised on registration

Connected / disconnected listeners are called on registration. Please see Connectivity events section of Loader for more details

0.33 Breaking changes

Normalizing enum ContainerErrorType

In an effort to clarify error categorization, a name and value in this enumeration were changed.

Map and Directory typing changes from enabling strictNullCheck

Typescript compile options strictNullCheck is enabled for the @fluidframework/map package. Some of the API signature is updated to include possibility of undefined and null, which can cause new typescript compile error when upgrading. Existing code may need to update to handle the possiblity of undefined or `null.

MergeTree ReferencePosition getTileLabels getRangeLabels changes

This includes LocalReference and Marker. getTileLabels and getRangeLabels methods will return undefined instead of creating an empty if the properties for tile labels and range labels is not set.

Containers from Loader.request() are now cached by default

Some loader request header options that previously prevented caching (pause: true and reconnect: false) no longer do. Callers must now explicitly spcify cache: false in the request header to prevent caching of the returned container. Containers are evicted from the cache in their closed event, and closed containers that are requested are not cached.

0.32 Breaking changes

Node version updated to 12.17

Due to changes in server packages and introduction of AsyncLocalStorage module which requires Node version 12.17 or above, you will need to update Node version to 12.17 or above.

getAttachSnapshot removed from IFluidDataStoreChannel

getAttachSnapshot() has been removed from IFluidDataStoreChannel. It is replaced by getAttachSummary().

resolveDataStore replaced

The resolveDataStore method manually exported by the ODSP resolver has been replaced with checkUrl() from the same package.

0.30 Breaking Changes

Branching removed

The branching feature has been removed. This includes all related members, methods, etc. such as parentBranch, branchId, branch(), etc.

removeAllEntriesForDocId api name and signature change

removeAllEntriesForDocId api renamed to removeEntries. Now it takes IFileEntry as argument instead of just docId.

snapshot removed from IChannel and ISharedObject

snapshot has been removed from IChannel and ISharedObject. It is replaced by summarize which should be used to get a summary of the channel / shared object.

0.29 Breaking Changes

OdspDriverUrlResolver2 renamed to OdspDriverUrlResolverForShareLink

OdspDriverUrlResolver2 renamed to OdspDriverUrlResolverForShareLink

removeAllEntriesForDocId api in host storage changed

removeAllEntriesForDocId api in host storage is now an async api.


IProvideFluidDataStoreRegistry implementation moved from IContainerRuntimeBase to IContainerRuntime. Data stores and objects should not have access to global state in container. IProvideFluidDataStoreRegistry is removed from IFluidDataStoreChannel - it has not been implemented there for a while (it moved to context).

_createDataStoreWithProps returns IFluidRouter

IContainerRuntimeBase._createDataStoreWithProps returns IFluidRouter instead of IFluidDataStoreChannel. This is done to be consistent with other APIs create data stores, and ensure we do not return internal interfaces. This likely to expose areas where IFluidDataStoreChannel.bindToContext() was called manually on data store. Such usage should be re-evaluate - lifetime management should be left up to runtime, storage of any handle form data store in attached DDS will result in automatic attachment of data store (and all of its objects) to container. If absolutely needed, and only for staging, casting can be done to implement old behavior.

FluidDataStoreRuntime.registerRequestHandler deprecated

Please use mixinRequestHandler() as a way to create custom data store runtime factory/object and append request handling to existing implementation.

snapshot removed from IFluidDataStoreRuntime

snapshot has been removed from IFluidDataStoreRuntime.

getAttachSnapshot deprecated in IFluidDataStoreChannel

getAttachSnapshot() has been deprecated in IFluidDataStoreChannel. It is replaced by getAttachSummary().

0.28 Breaking Changes

FileName should contain extension for ODSP driver create new path

Now the ODSP driver expects file extension in the file name while creating a new detached container.

ODSP Driver IPersistedCache-Changes

Added api removeAllEntriesForDocId which allows removal of all entries for a given document id. Also the schema for entries stored inside odsp IPersistedCache has changed. It now stores/expect values as IPersistedCacheValueWithEpoch. So host needs to clear its cached entries in this version.

IFluidPackage Changes

  • Moving IFluidPackage and IFluidCodeDetails from "@fluidframework/container-definitions" to '@fluidframework/core-interfaces'
  • Remove npm specific IPackage interface
  • Simplify the IFluidPackage by removing browser and npm specific properties
  • Add new interface IFluidBrowserPackage, and isFluidBrowserPackage which defines browser specific properties
  • Added resolveFluidPackageEnvironment helper for resolving a package environment

DataObject changes

DataObject are now always created when Data Store is created. Full initialization for existing objects (in file) continues to happen to be on demand, i.e. when request() is processed. Full DataObject initialization does happen for newly created (detached) DataObjects. The impact of that change is that all changed objects would get loaded by summarizer container, but would not get initialized. Before this change, summarizer would not be loading any DataObjects. This change

  1. Ensures that initial summary generated for when data store attaches to container has fully initialized object, with all DDSs created. Before this change this initial snapshot was empty in most cases.
  2. Allows DataObjects to modify FluidDataStoreRuntime behavior before it gets registered and used by the rest of the system, including setting various hooks.

But it also puts more constraints on DataObject - its constructor should be light and not do any expensive work (all such work should be done in corresponding initialize methods), or access any data store runtime functionality that requires fully initialized runtime (like loading DDSs will not work in this state)


RequestParser's ctor is made protected. Please replace this code

    const a = new RequestParser(request);

with this one:

    const a = RequestParser.create(request);

IFluidLodable.url is removed

url property is removed. If you need a path to an object (in a container), you can use IFluidLoadable.handle.absolutePath instead.

Loader Constructor Changes

The loader constructor has changed to now take a props object, rather than a series of paramaters. This should make it easier to construct loaders as the optional services can be easily excluded.


const loader = new Loader(
    { blockUpdateMarkers: true },
    new Map()


const loader = new Loader({

if for some reason this change causes you problems, we've added a deprecated Loader._create method that has the same parameters as the previous constructor which can be used in the interim.

Moving DriverHeader and merge with CreateNewHeader

Compile time only API breaking change between runtime and driver. Only impacts driver implementer. No back-compat or mix version impact.

DriverHeader is a driver concept, so move from core-interface to driver-definitions. CreateNewHeader is also a kind of driver header, merged it into DriverHeader.

ODSP status codes moved modules from odsp-driver to odsp-doclib-utils

Error/status codes like offlineFetchFailureStatusCode which used to be imported like import { offlineFetchFailureStatusCode } from '@fluidframework/@odsp-driver'; have been moved to odspErrorUtils.ts in odsp-doclib-utils.

0.27 Breaking Changes

Local Web Host Removed

Local Web host is removed. Users who are using the local web host can use examples/utils/get-session-storage-container which provides the same functionality with the detached container flow.

0.25 Breaking Changes

External Component Loader and IComponentDefaultFactoryName removed

The @fluidframework/external-component-loader package has been removed from the repo. In addition to this, the IFluidExportDefaultFactoryName and the corresponding IProvideFluidExportDefaultFactoryName interfaces have also been dropped.

MockFluidDataStoreRuntime api rename

Runtime Test Utils's MockFluidDataStoreRuntime now has "requestDataStore" instead of "requestComponent"

Local Web Host API change

The renderDefaultComponent function has been updated to be renderDefaultFluidObject

Container runtime event changes

Container runtime now emits the event "fluidDataStoreInstantiated" instead of "componentInstantiated"

Component is removed from telemetry event names

The following telemetry event names have been updated to drop references to the term component:

ComponentRuntimeDisposeError -> ChannelDisposeError ComponentContextDisposeError -> FluidDataStoreContextDisposeError SignalComponentNotFound -> SignalFluidDataStoreNotFound

IComponentContextLegacy is removed

Deprecated in 0.18, removed.

IContainerRuntimeBase._createDataStoreWithProps is removed

Note: This change has been reverted for 0.25 and will be pushed to a later release.

IContainerRuntimeBase._createDataStoreWithProps() has been removed. Please use IContainerRuntimeBase.createDataStore() (returns IFluidRouter). If you need to pass props to data store, either use request() route to pass initial props directly, or to query Fluid object to interact with it (pass props / call methods to configure object).

_createDataStore APIs are removed

IFluidDataStoreContext._createDataStore() & IContainerRuntimeBase._createDataStore() are removed Please switch to using one of the following APIs:

  1. IContainerRuntime.createRootDataStore() - data store created that way is automatically bound to container. It will immediately be visible to remote clients (when/if container is attached). Such data stores are never garbage collected. Note that this API is on IContainerRuntime interface, which is not directly accessible to data stores. The intention is that only container owners are creating roots.
  2. IContainerRuntimeBase.createDataStore() - creates data store that is not bound to container. In order for this store to be bound to container (and thus be observable on remote clients), ensure that handle to it (or any of its objects / DDS) is stored into any other DDS that is already bound to container. In other words, newly created data store has to be reachable (there has to be a path) from some root data store in container. If, in future, such data store becomes unreachable from one of the roots, it will be garbage collected (implementation pending).

createDataStoreWithRealizationFn() APIs are removed

Removed from IFluidDataStoreContext & IContainerRuntime. Consider using (Pure)DataObject(Factory) for your objects - they support passing initial args. Otherwise consider implementing similar flow of exposing interface from your Fluid object that is used to initialize object after creation.

getDataStore() APIs is removed

IContainerRuntime.getDataStore() is removed. Only IContainerRuntime.getRootDataStore() is available to retrieve root data stores. For couple versions we will allow retrieving non-root data stores using this API, but this functionality is temporary and will be removed soon. You can use handleFromLegacyUri() for creating handles from container-internal URIs (i.e., in format /${dataStoreId}) and resolving those containers to get to non-root data stores. Please note that this functionality is strictly added for legacy files! In future, not using handles to refer to content (and storing handles in DDSes) will result in such data stores not being reachable from roots, and thus garbage collected (deleted) from file.

Package Renames

As a follow up to the changes in 0.24 we are updating a number of package names

  • @fluidframework/component-core-interfaces is renamed to @fluidframework/core-interfaces
  • @fluidframework/component-runtime-definitions is renamed to @fluidframework/datastore-definitions
  • @fluidframework/component-runtime is renamed to @fluidframework/datastore
  • @fluidframework/webpack-component-loader is renamed to @fluidframework/webpack-fluid-loader

IComponent and IComponent Interfaces Removed

In 0.24 IComponent and IComponent interfaces were deprecated, they are being removed in this build. Please move to IFluidObject and IFluidObject interfaces.

odsp-utils Changes

To support additional authentication scenarios, the signature and/or name of a few auth-related functions was modified.

LastEditedTrackerComponent renamed

It is renamed to LastEditedTrackerDataObject

ComponentProvider renamed to FluidObjectProvider

In the package @fluidframework/synthesize, these types are renamed:

ComponentKey -> FluidObjectKey ComponentSymbolProvider -> FluidObjectProvider AsyncRequiredcomponentProvider -> AsyncRequiredFluidObjectProvider AsyncOptionalComponentProvider -> AsyncOptionalFluidObjectProvider AsyncComponentProvider -> AsyncFluidObjectProvider NonNullableComponent -> NonNullableFluidObject

0.24 Breaking Changes

This release only contains renames. There are no functional changes in this release. You should ensure you have integrated and validated up to release 0.23 before integrating this release.

This is a followup to the forward compat added in release 0.22: Forward Compat For Loader IComponent Interfaces

You should ensure all container and components hosts are running at least 0.22 before integrating this release.

The below json describes all the renames done in this release. If you have a large typescript code base, we have automation that may help. Please contact us if that is the case.

All renames are 1-1, and global case senstive and whole word find replace for all should be safe. For IComponent Interfaces, both the type and property name were re-named.

    "dataStore": {
        "types": {
            "IComponentRuntimeChannel": "IFluidDataStoreChannel",
            "IComponentAttributes": "IFluidDataStoretAttributes",

            "IComponentContext": "IFluidDataStoreContext",
            "ComponentContext": "FluidDataStoreContext",
            "LocalComponentContext": "LocalFluidDataStoreContext",
            "RemotedComponentContext": "RemotedFluidDataStoreContext ",

            "IComponentRuntime": "IFluidDataStoreRuntime",
            "ComponentRuntime": "FluidDataStoreRuntime",
            "MockComponentRuntime": "MockFluidDataStoreRuntime"
        "methods": {
            "createComponent": "_createDataStore",
            "createComponentContext": "createDataStoreContext",
            "createComponentWithProps": "createDataStoreWithProps",
            "_createComponentWithProps": "_createDataStoreWithProps",
            "createComponentWithRealizationFn": "createDataStoreWithRealizationFn",
            "getComponentRuntime": "getDataStore",
            "notifyComponentInstantiated": "notifyDataStoreInstantiated"

    "aquaduct": {
        "IComponentInterfaces": {
            "IProvideComponentDefaultFactoryName": "IProvideFluidExportDefaultFactoryName",
            "IComponentDefaultFactoryName": "IFluidExportDefaultFactoryName"
        "types": {
            "SharedComponentFactory": "PureDataObjectFactory",
            "SharedComponent": "PureDataObject",

            "PrimedComponentFactory": "DataObjectFactory",
            "PrimedComponent": "DataObject",

            "ContainerRuntimeFactoryWithDefaultComponent": "ContainerRuntimeFactoryWithDefaultDataStore",

            "defaultComponentRuntimeRequestHandler": "defaultRouteRequestHandler"
        "methods": {
            "getComponent": "requestFluidObject",
            "asComponent": "asFluidObject",
            "createAndAttachComponent": "createAndAttachDataStore",
            "getComponentFromDirectory": "getFluidObjectFromDirectory",
            "getComponent_UNSAFE": "requestFluidObject_UNSAFE",
            "componentInitializingFirstTime": "initializingFirstTime",
            "componentInitializingFromExisting": "initializingFromExisting",
            "componentHasInitialized": "hasInitialized"

    "fluidObject": {
        "IComponentInterfaces": {
            "IProvideComponentRouter": "IProvideFluidRouter",
            "IComponentRouter": "IFluidRouter",

            "IProvideComponentLoadable": "IProvideFluidLoadable",
            "IComponentLoadable": "IFluidLoadable",

            "IProvideComponentHandle": "IProvideFluidHandle",
            "IComponentHandle": "IFluidHandle",

            "IProvideComponentHandleContext": "IProvideFluidHandleContext",
            "IComponentHandleContext": "IFluidHandleContext",

            "IProvideComponentSerializer": "IProvideFluidSerializer",
            "IComponentSerializer": "IFluidSerializer",

            "IProvideComponentRunnable": "IProvideFluidRunnable",
            "IComponentRunnable": "IFluidRunnable",

            "IProvideComponentConfiguration": "IProvideFluidConfiguration",
            "IComponentConfiguration": "IFluidConfiguration",

            "IProvideComponentHTMLView": "IProvideFluidHTMLView",
            "IComponentHTMLView": "IFluidHTMLView",
            "IComponentHTMLOptions": "IFluidHTMLOptions",

            "IProvideComponentMountableView": "IProvideFluidMountableView",
            "IComponentMountableViewClass": "IFluidMountableViewClass",
            "IComponentMountableView": "IFluidMountableView",

            "IProvideComponentLastEditedTracker": "IProvideFluidLastEditedTracker",
            "IComponentLastEditedTracker": "IFluidLastEditedTracker",

            "IProvideComponentRegistry": "IProvideFluidDataStoreRegistry",
            "IComponentRegistry": "IFluidDataStoreRegistry",

            "IProvideComponentFactory": "IProvideFluidDataStoreFactory",
            "IComponentFactory": "IFluidDataStoreFactory",

            "IProvideComponentCollection": "IProvideFluidObjectCollection",
            "IComponentCollection": "IFluidObjectCollection",

            "IProvideComponentDependencySynthesizer": "IProvideFluidDependencySynthesizer",
            "IComponentDependencySynthesizer": "IFluidDependencySynthesizer",

            "IProvideComponentTokenProvider": "IProvideFluidTokenProvider",
            "IComponentTokenProvider": "IFluidTokenProvider"
        "types": {
            "IComponent": "IFluidObject",
            "fluid/component": "fluid/object",

            "SharedObjectComponentHandle": "SharedObjectHandle",
            "RemoteComponentHandle": "RemoteFluidObjectHandle",
            "ComponentHandle": "FluidObjectHandle",
            "ComponentSerializer": "FluidSerializer",

            "ComponentHandleContext": "FluidHandleContext",

            "ComponentRegistryEntry": "FluidDataStoreRegistryEntry",
            "NamedComponentRegistryEntry": "NamedFluidDataStoreRegistryEntry",
            "NamedComponentRegistryEntries": "NamedFluidDataStoreRegistryEntries",
            "ComponentRegistry": "FluidDataStoreRegistry",
            "ContainerRuntimeComponentRegistry": "ContainerRuntimeDataStoreRegistry"
        "methods": {
            "instantiateComponent": "instantiateDataStore"

0.23 Breaking Changes

Removed collaborating event on IComponentRuntime

Component Runtime no longer fires the collaborating event on attaching. Now it fires attaching event.


ISharedObjectFactory renamed to IChannelFactory and moved from @fluidframework/shared-object-base to @fluidframework/datastore-definitions

LocalSessionStorageDbFactory moved to @fluidframework/local-driver

Previously, LocalSessionStorageDbFactory was part of the @fluidframework/webpack-component-loader package. It has been moved to the @fluidframework/local-driver package.

0.22 Breaking Changes

Deprecated path from IComponentHandleContext

Deprecated the path field from the interface IComponentHandleContext. This means that IComponentHandle will not have this going forward as well.

Added an absolutePath field to IComponentHandleContext which is the absolute path to reach it from the container runtime.

Dynamically loaded components

Components that were compiled against Fluid Framework <= 0.19.x releases will fail to load. A bunch of APIs has been deprecated in 0.20 & 0.21 and back compat support is being removed in 0.22. Some of the key APIs are:

  • IComponentRuntime.attach
  • ContainerContext.isAttached
  • ContainerContext.isLocal Such components needs to be compiled against >= 0.21 runtime and can be used in container that is built using >= 0.21 runtime as well.

ContainerRuntime.load Request Handler Changes

ContainerRuntime.load no longer accepts an array of RuntimeRequestHandlers. It has been changed to a single function parameter with a compatible signature: requestHandler?: (request: IRequest, runtime: IContainerRuntime) => Promise<IResponse>

To continue to use RuntimeRequestHandlers you can used the RuntimeRequestHandlerBuilder in the package @fluidframework/request-handler


const builder = new RuntimeRequestHandlerBuilder();

const runtime = await ContainerRuntime.load(
    async (req, rt) => builder.handleRequest(req, rt),

Additionally the class RequestParser has been moved to the @fluidframework/runtime-utils package

This will allow consumers of our ContainerRuntime to substitute other routing frameworks more easily.

IComponentHTMLVisual removed

The IComponentHTMLVisual interface was deprecated in 0.21, and is now removed in 0.22. To support multiview scenarios, consider split view/model patterns like those demonstrated in the multiview sample.

IComponentReactViewable deprecated

The IComponentReactViewable interface is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. For multiview scenarios, instead use a pattern like the one demonstrated in the sample in /components/experimental/multiview. This sample demonstrates how to create multiple views for a component.

Forward Compat For Loader IComponent Interfaces

As part of the Fluid Data Library (FDL) and Fluid Component Library (FCL) split we will be renaming a significant number of out interfaces. Some of these interfaces are used across the loader -> runtime boundary. For these interfaces we have introduced the newly renamed interfaces in this release. This will allow Host's to implment forward compatbitiy for these interfaces, so they are not broken when the implementations themselves are renamed.

  • IComponentLastEditedTracker will become IFluidLastEditedTracker
  • IComponentHTMLView will become IFluidHTMLView
  • IComponentMountableViewClass will become IFluidMountableViewClass
  • IComponentLoadable will become IFluidLoadable
  • IComponentRunnable will become IFluidRunnable
  • IComponentConfiguration will become IFluidConfiguration
  • IComponentRouter will become IFluidRouter
  • IComponentHandleContext will become IFluidHandleContext
  • IComponentHandle will become IFluidHandle
  • IComponentSerializer will become IFluidSerializer
  • IComponentTokenProvider will become IFluidTokenProvider

IComponent will also become IFluidObject, and the mime type for for requests will change from fluid/component to fluid/object

To ensure forward compatability when accessing the above interfaces outside the context of a container e.g. from the host, you should use the nullish coalesing operator (??).

For example

        if (response.status !== 200 ||
                response.mimeType === "fluid/component" ||
                response.mimeType === "fluid/object"
            )) {
            return undefined;

        const fluidObject = response.value as IComponent & IFluidObject;
        return fluidObject.IComponentHTMLView ?? fluidObject.IFluidHTMLView.

Add Undefined to getAbsoluteUrl return type

getAbsoluteUrl on the container runtime and component context now returns string | undefined. undefined will be returned if the container or component is not attached. You can determine if a component is attached and get its url with the below snippit:

import { waitForAttach } from "@fluidframework/aqueduct";

protected async hasInitialized() {
            .then(async () => {
                const url = await this.context.getAbsoluteUrl(this.url);
                this._absoluteUrl = url;

Renamed TestDeltaStorageService, TestDocumentDeltaConnection, TestDocumentService, TestDocumentServiceFactory and TestResolver

Renamed the following in "@fluidframework/local-driver" since these are used beyond testing:

  • TestDeltaStorageService -> LocalDeltaStorageService
  • TestDocumentDeltaConnection -> LocalDocumentDeltaConnection
  • TestDocumentService -> LocalDocumentService
  • TestDocumentServiceFactory -> LocalDocumentServiceFactory
  • TestResolver -> LocalResolver

DocumentDeltaEventManager has been renamed and moved to "@fluidframework/test-utils"

DocumentDeltaEventManager has moved to "@fluidframework/test-utils" and renamed to OpProcessingController.

The registerDocuments method has been renamed to addDeltaManagers and should be called with a list of delta managers. Similarly, all the other methods have been updated to be called with delta managers.

So, the usage has now changed to pass in the deltaManager from the object that was passed earlier. For example:

// Old usage
containerDeltaEventManager = new DocumentDeltaEventManager(

// New usage
opProcessingController = new OpProcessingController(deltaConnectionServer);

isAttached replaced with attachState property

isAttached is replaced with attachState property on IContainerContext, IContainerRuntime and IComponentContext. isAttached returned true when the entity was either attaching or attached to the storage. So if attachState is AttachState.Attaching or AttachState.Attached then isAttached would have returned true. Attaching is introduced in regards to Detached container where there is a time where state is neither AttachState.Detached nor AttachState.Attached.

0.21 Breaking Changes

Removed @fluidframework/local-test-utils

Removed this package so classes like TestHost are no longer supported. Please contact us if there were dependencies on this or if any assistance in required to get rid of it.

IComponentHTMLVisual deprecated

The IComponentHTMLVisual interface is deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. For multiview scenarios, instead use a pattern like the one demonstrated in the sample in /components/experimental/multiview. This sample demonstrates how to create multiple views for a component.

createValueType removed from SharedMap and SharedDirectory

The createValueType() method on SharedMap and SharedDirectory was deprecated in 0.20, and is now removed in 0.21. If Counter functionality is required, the @fluidframework/counter DDS can be used for counter functionality.

isLocal api removed

isLocal api is removed from the repo. It is now replaced with isAttached which tells that the entity is attached or getting attached to storage. So its meaning is opposite to isLocal.

register/attach api renames on handles, components and dds

Register on dds and attach on data store runtime is renamed to bindToContext(). attach on handles is renamed to attachGraph().

Error handling changes

ErrorType enum has been broken into 3 distinct enums / layers:

  1. ContainerErrorType - errors & warnings raised at loader level
  2. OdspErrorType and R11sErrorType - errors raised by ODSP and R11S drivers.
  3. Runtime errors, like "summarizingError", "dataCorruptionError". This class of errors it not pre-determined and depends on type of container loaded.

ICriticalContainerError.errorType is now a string, not enum, as loader has no visibility into full set of errors that can be potentially raised. Hosting application may package different drivers and open different types of containers, thus making errors list raised at container level dynamic.

Sequence snapshot format change

Due to a change in the sequence's snapshot format clients running a version less than 0.19 will not be able to load snapshots generated in 0.21. This will affect all sequence types includes shared string, and sparse matrix. If you need to support pre-0.19 clients please contact us for mitigations.

0.20 Breaking Changes

Value types deprecated on SharedMap and SharedDirectory

The Counter value type and createValueType() method on SharedMap and SharedDirectory are now deprecated and will be removed in an upcoming release. Instead, the @fluidframework/counter DDS can be used for counter functionality.

rename @fluidframework/aqueduct-react to @fluidframework/react-inputs

aqueduct-react is actually just a react library and renamed it to reflect such.

0.19 Breaking Changes

Package rename

Package with the prefix "@microsoft/fluid-" is renamed to "@fluidframework/" to take advanage a separate namespace for Fluid Framework SDK packages.

Container Error Event

"error" event is gone. All critical errors are raised on "closed" event via optiona error object. "warning" event is added to expose warnings. Currently it contains summarizer errors and throttling errors.

IUrlResolver change from requestUrl to getAbsoluteUrl

As we continue to refine our API around detached containers, and component urls, we've renamed IUrlResolver from requestUrl to getAbsoluteUrl

0.18 Breaking Changes

App Id removed as a parameter to OdspDocumentServiceFactory

@microsoft/fluid-odsp-driver no longer requires consumers to pass in an app id as an input. Consumers should simply remove this parameter from the OdspDocumentServiceFactory/OdspDocumentServiceFactoryWithCodeSplit constructor.

ConsensusRegisterCollection now supports storing handles

ConsensusRegisterCollection will properly serialize/deserialize handles added as values.

Summarizing errors on parent container

The parent container of the summarizing container will now raise "error" events related to summarization problems. These will be of type ISummarizingError and will have a description indicating either a problem creating the summarizing container, a problem generating a summary, or a nack or ack wait timeout from the server.

OdspDocumentServiceFactory no longer requires a logger

The logger will be passed in on createDocumentService or createContainer, no need to pass in one on construction of OdspDocumentServiceFactory.

0.17 and earlier Breaking Changes

For older versions' breaking changes, go here