Releases: antoinecarme/pyaf
Releases · antoinecarme/pyaf
July 2023
Released on 2023-07-14
Uploaded to PyPI : pip install pyaf
Changelog :
- Python 3.11 Support :
Python 3.11 support #227 - New Hardware Support :
RISC-V Hardware Platform Validation #208 - New Performance Measures :
Outlier-resistant forecasting Performance Measures #209,
Add Differentiable Variant of SMAPE Performance Measure #221 - Model Selection Improvement :
Investigate Model Esthetics for PyAF #212,
Investigate Large Horizon Models #213 ,
Revisit Model Complexity Definition #223,
Use MASE by default for PyAF Model Selection #229 - Signal Transformation Improvements :
Use MaxAbsScaler for some Multiplicative Signal Transformations #235,
Pyaf 5.0 Final Touch 8 : Use an Optimal Choice Rule for the Quantization Signal transform #239 - Generic Modeling :
PyAF 5.0 Final Touch 1 : discard some non-significant components #230,
PyAF 5.0 Final Touch 2: Disable alpha in ridge regressions #231,
Pyaf 5.0 Final Touch 5 : Add more info about Exogenous Data Used in ARX Models #236,
Pyaf 5.0 Final Touch 7 : Improve the Guess of Window Length for Moving Average Trends #238 - Plotting Functions Improvements and Bug Fixes :
Bad plot for shaded area around prediction intervals in hourly data #216,
Forecast Quantiles Plots Improved #225,
Pyaf 5.0 Final Touch 3 : report plot filenames in the logs #232 - New Docs :
Provide some UML docs for PyAF integrators #233 - Bug Fixes :
Failure to build a multiplicative ozone model with Lag1 trend #220 - PyAF "Forecast Tasks" :
Use PyTorch as the reference deep learning framework/architecture for future projects #211,
Automate Prototyping Activities - R-based Models #217 - Recurrent Tasks :
Re-run the Benchmarking process for PyAF 5.0 #222,
Run some Sanity Checks for PyAF 5.0 #224,
Pyaf 5.0 Final Touch 4 : Add More Tests #234,
Pyaf 5.0 Final Touch 6 : Disable Timing Loggers by default #237
July 2022
RELEASE 4.0 ( 2022-07-14 )
- Python 3.10 support #186
- Add Multiplicative Models/Seasonals #178
- Speed Performance Improvements : #190 , #191
- Exogenous data support improvements : #193, #197, #198
- PyAF support for ARM64 Architecture #187
- PyTorch support : #199
- Improved Logging : #185
- Bug Fixes : #156, #179, #182, #184
- Release Process : Pre-release Benchmarks #194
- Release Process : Profiling and Warning Hunts #195
- Release Process : Review Existing Docs #196, #35
July 2021
RELEASE 3.0 ( 2021-07-14 )
- Python 3.9 support #149
- Probabilistic Forecasting : Forecast quantiles (#140), CRPS (#74), Plots and Docs (#158).
- Add LightGBM based models #143
- Add more Performance Measures : MedAE (#144) , LnQ ( #43 )
- PyAF Powerpc support (IBM S822xx) #160
- More Parallelization Efforts (#145)
- Add Missing Data Imputation Methods (#146 )
- Improved long signals modeling (#167)
- Warning Hunts (#153)
- Some Bug Fixes (#163, #142, #168).
- Switched to Circle-CI (#164)
- Plot Functions Improvement #169
- Model Complexity Improvement (#171)
- Documentation review/corrections (#174)
July 2020
RELEASE 2.0 (2020-07-14)
- Time column is normalized frequently leading to a performance issue. Profiling. Significant speedup. Issue #121
- Corrected PyPi packaging. Issue #123
- Allow using exogenous data in hierarchical forecasting models. Issue #124
- Properly handle very large signals. Add Sampling. Issue #126
- Add temporal hierarchical forecasting. Issue #127
- Analyze Business Seasonals (HourOfWeek and derivatives) . Issue #131
- Improved logs (More model details). Issue #133, #134, #135
- More robust cycles (use target median instead of target mean encoding). Issue #132
- Analyze Business Seasonals (WeekOfMonth and derivatives). Issue #137
- Improved JSON output (added Model Options). Issue #136
- Improved CPU usage (parallelization) for hierarchical models. Issue #115
- Speedups in multiple places : forecasts generation, plotting, AR Modelling (feature selection).
April 2020 - Fixes - 3
A few fixes, Added long description for PyPI
April 2020 - Fixes - Bis
Minor release following Travis-ci tests.
April 2020 - Fixes
PyAF now has a pypi installer. You can now use :
pip install pyaf
to install it.
Addiitonal tweaks ... double check PyPI / twine / demo scripts.
July 2019
Jan 2018
Forecast dates are shifting #86 use pandas.DateOffset instead of numpy.timedelta Updatd these logs
First Benchmarked Release
Put in place a "serious" benchmark process #45
Benchmark data under