Releases: antvis/G6
Releases · antvis/G6
- fix: node:click is triggered twice while clicking a node;
- fix: update combo edge when drag node out of it problem;
- feat: animate configuration for combo, true by default;
- fix: calling canvas.on('*', ...) instead of origin way in event controller leads to malposition while dragging nodes with zoomed graph.
- feat: graph.priorityState api;
- feat: graph.on support name:event mode.
- fix: combo edge with uncorrect end points;
- fix: combo polyline edge with wrong path;
- fix: getViewCenter with padding problem;
- fix: cannot read property 'getModel' of null problem on contextmenu when the target is not an item;
- feat: allow user to configure the initial positions for empty combos;
- feat: optimize by hiding edges and shapes which are not keyShape while dragging canvas;
- feat: fix the initial positions by equably distributing for layout to produce similar result.
- fix: fitView and fitCenter with animate in the initial state;
- fix: dulplicated edges in nodeselectchange event of brush-select;
- fix: triple click and drag canvas problem;
- fix: sync the minZoom and maxZoom in drag-canvas and graph;
- fix: integrate getSourceNeighbors and getTargetNeighbors to getNeighbors(node, type);
- feat: initial x and y for combo data;
- feat: dagre layout supports sortByCombo;
- feat: allow user to disable relayout in collapse-expand-combo behavior;
- feat: dijkstra shortest path lenght algorithm.
- fix: multiple animate update shape for combo;
- fix: removeItem from a combo.
- fix: combo edge problem, issues #1722;
- feat: adjacency matrix algorithm;
- feat: Floyd Warshall shortest path algorithm;
- feat: built-in arrows;
- feat: built-in markers;
- fix: force layout with addItem and relayout;
- fix: create combo with parentId problem;
- feat: allow user to configure the pixelRatio for Canvas;
- chore: update G to resolve the blur canvas problem.
- fix: transplie d3-force to support IE11.
- feat: update the keyShape type minimap when the node or edge's style is updated;
- fix: problem about switching to another applications or browser menu and then switch back, the drag-canvas does not take effect;
- fix: fix the problem about fail to render the graph when the animate and fitView are true by turn off the animate for rendering temporary;
- fix: curveOffset for arc, quadratic, cubic edge.