First,Download the Swagger.json example:
Platform | Command |
PowerShell | iwr -o swagger.json |
Linux/OS X | curl -O |
Next, generate the client:
# generate the client
> autorest -Input petstore.json -CodeGenerator CSharp -OutputDirectory CSharp_PetStore -Namespace PetStore
The Microsoft.Rest.ClientRuntime.2.2.0 nuget package is required to compile the generated code.
# show what got generated:
> ls CSharp_PetStore -r
Directory: ...\CSharp_PetStore
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d----- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM Models
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 17657 ISwaggerPetstore.cs
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 133979 SwaggerPetstore.cs
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 36933 SwaggerPetstoreExtensions.cs
Directory: ...\CSharp_PetStore\Models
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 2454 Category.cs
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 5214 Order.cs
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 6610 Pet.cs
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 2409 Tag.cs
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 6305 User.cs
-a---- 2/24/2017 12:20 PM 4026 XmlSerialization.cs