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My NeoVim Config

TODO: Walkthrough video


Required neovim version NVIM v0.9+, if your distro's package repository doesn't provide then have a look at this reddit comment.

After Installation check the version by running nvim --version

Create a repos dir in home dir and cd into it

mkdir ~/repos && cd ~/repos

Clone my linux config repo

git clone

Create a symbolic link of my neovim config dir to your ~/.config/nvim

ln -s $HOME/repos/my-linux-setup/config/nvim $HOME/.config/nvim

Open neovim, you should get some errors, just press enter key and run :PackerInstall followed by :PackerSync. This will install all the plugins.

Install the Required LSP servers using :Mason, if that doesnt work then install them manually as follow

-- Use following commadn to install language server in arch using pacman, paru(AUR) and npm
-- pacman pyright bash-language-server lua-language-server ccls haskell-language-server
-- paru typescript-language-server-git arduino-language-server cmake-language-server-git cssmodules-language-server jdtls
-- npm i -g vscode-langservers-extracted
-- If you dont use Arch then check the installation process for your distro.

To get the latest changed you just have to do cd ~/repos/my-linux-setup && git pull. This will pull the latest commits and its a symbolic link to ~/.config, so the changes will reflect there also.

Go Through all the configs and understand it and make changes as per your needs.