Declare HTTP routes once.
Use declarations on server and client code.
Uses type-mapping
for input/output mapping.
On their own, the declarations do not do much.
However, the declarations may be used by networking libraries to make HTTP requests and map the input/output.
The declarations may also be used by routing libraries to implement API endpoints.
npm install --save route-declaration
import * as tm from "type-mapping/fluent";
import {route} from "route-declaration";
const appFields = tm.fields({
appId : tm.mysql.bigIntUnsigned(),
name : tm.mysql.varChar(1, 255),
description : tm.mysql.varChar(1, 1024),
enabled : tm.mysql.boolean(),
secret : tm.mysql.varChar(64, 255),
const appResponse = tm.object(appFields);
We declare the routes of the resource `app`
export const app = {
POST /app
To create an app
create : route()
//HTTP method is "POST" when method is not set
//but body is set
//You may explicitly set the HTTP method
GET /app
To paginate a list of apps
//HTTP method is "GET" when method is not set
//and body is not set
paginate : route()
page : tm.stringToUnsignedInteger().optional(),
rowsPerPage : tm.stringToInteger().pipe(,
//You may explicitly set the HTTP method
rows : appResponse.array(),
info : tm.object({
page : tm.unsignedInteger(),
rowsPerPage : tm.integer().pipe(,
rowsFound : tm.unsignedInteger(),
pagesFound : tm.unsignedInteger(),
GET /app/:appId
To fetch a particular app
fetch : route()
//Regex to validate the param name is optional
.appendParam("appId", /\d+/)
PUT /app/:appId
To update a particular app
May change the name, description, enabled properties
update : route()
//In general, the route builder does not
//enforce calling the methods in any
//particular order.
//However, the order of `.append()` and
//`.appendParam()` calls is important
.appendParam("appId", /\d+/)
DELETE /app/:appId
To delete a particular app
delete : route()
.appendParam("appId", /\d+/)
npm run sanity-check
The above command rebuilds this package and runs the compile-time and run-time tests.