Factorio mod that spawns massive furnances and assembly machines around the map to make the game all about trains.
In config/buildinfo.json
change the value of output_directory
to point to the /mods
folder of the Factorio installation you wish to target.
In Powershell, run build.ps1
. This will clean out the old mod folder and copy the necessary files to a new mod folder in your specefied factorio installation. It takes care of giving it the proper version suffix to match the info.json
In Powershell reun deplpy.ps1 -Tag [Tag Name]
. This will checkout the specified Tag (if it exists) and create a zip package ready to drop into a mods folder. The tag name is identical to the version number built.
Thank you to users DellAquila, Daedeross, Gangsir, and Bilka for their contributions to this mod