diff --git a/crypto/cipher/pom.xml b/crypto/cipher/pom.xml
index 2390a75135..f88d899c90 100644
--- a/crypto/cipher/pom.xml
+++ b/crypto/cipher/pom.xml
@@ -60,6 +60,13 @@
+ org.bouncycastle
+ bcprov-jdk15on
+ 1.64
+ test
diff --git a/crypto/cipher/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/crypto/AesCipherService.java b/crypto/cipher/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/crypto/AesCipherService.java
index 0c2f5cc7f2..13863ecbb7 100644
--- a/crypto/cipher/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/crypto/AesCipherService.java
+++ b/crypto/cipher/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/crypto/AesCipherService.java
@@ -18,13 +18,16 @@
package org.apache.shiro.crypto;
+import javax.crypto.spec.GCMParameterSpec;
+import java.security.spec.AlgorithmParameterSpec;
* {@code CipherService} using the {@code AES} cipher algorithm for all encryption, decryption, and key operations.
* The AES algorithm can support key sizes of {@code 128}, {@code 192} and {@code 256} bits*. This implementation
* defaults to 128 bits.
- * Note that this class retains the parent class's default {@link OperationMode#CBC CBC} mode of operation
+ * Note that this class retains changes the parent class's default {@link OperationMode#CBC CBC} mode to {@link OperationMode#GCM GCM} of operation
* instead of the typical JDK default of {@link OperationMode#ECB ECB}. {@code ECB} should not be used in
* security-sensitive environments because {@code ECB} does not allow for initialization vectors, which are
* considered necessary for strong encryption. See the {@link DefaultBlockCipherService parent class}'s JavaDoc and the
@@ -59,7 +62,7 @@ public class AesCipherService extends DefaultBlockCipherService {
* {@link #setMode mode} |
- * {@link OperationMode#CBC CBC}* |
+ * {@link OperationMode#GCM GCM}* |
* {@link #setPaddingScheme paddingScheme} |
@@ -75,16 +78,28 @@ public class AesCipherService extends DefaultBlockCipherService {
- * * The {@link OperationMode#CBC CBC} operation mode is used instead of the JDK default {@code ECB} to
+ * * The {@link OperationMode#GCM GCM} operation mode is used instead of the JDK default {@code ECB} to
* ensure strong encryption. {@code ECB} should not be used in security-sensitive environments - see the
* {@link DefaultBlockCipherService DefaultBlockCipherService} class JavaDoc's "Operation Mode" section
* for more.
- * **In conjunction with the default {@code CBC} operation mode, initialization vectors are generated by
+ * **In conjunction with the default {@code GCM} operation mode, initialization vectors are generated by
* default to ensure strong encryption. See the {@link JcaCipherService JcaCipherService} class JavaDoc for more.
public AesCipherService() {
+ setMode(OperationMode.GCM);
+ setStreamingMode(OperationMode.GCM);
+ @Override
+ protected AlgorithmParameterSpec createParameterSpec(byte[] iv, boolean streaming) {
+ if ((streaming && OperationMode.GCM.name().equals(getStreamingModeName()))
+ || (!streaming && OperationMode.GCM.name().equals(getModeName()))) {
+ return new GCMParameterSpec(getKeySize(), iv);
+ }
+ return super.createParameterSpec(iv, streaming);
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/cipher/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/crypto/JcaCipherService.java b/crypto/cipher/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/crypto/JcaCipherService.java
index bb215568e3..b305b02383 100644
--- a/crypto/cipher/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/crypto/JcaCipherService.java
+++ b/crypto/cipher/src/main/java/org/apache/shiro/crypto/JcaCipherService.java
@@ -590,13 +590,18 @@ private javax.crypto.Cipher initNewCipher(int jcaCipherMode, byte[] key, byte[]
javax.crypto.Cipher cipher = newCipherInstance(streaming);
java.security.Key jdkKey = new SecretKeySpec(key, getAlgorithmName());
- IvParameterSpec ivSpec = null;
+ AlgorithmParameterSpec ivSpec = null;
if (iv != null && iv.length > 0) {
- ivSpec = new IvParameterSpec(iv);
+ ivSpec = createParameterSpec(iv, streaming);
init(cipher, jcaCipherMode, jdkKey, ivSpec, getSecureRandom());
return cipher;
+ protected AlgorithmParameterSpec createParameterSpec(byte[] iv, boolean streaming) {
+ return new IvParameterSpec(iv);
+ }
diff --git a/crypto/cipher/src/test/groovy/org/apache/shiro/crypto/AesCipherServiceTest.groovy b/crypto/cipher/src/test/groovy/org/apache/shiro/crypto/AesCipherServiceTest.groovy
index f35751e72d..0385420b05 100644
--- a/crypto/cipher/src/test/groovy/org/apache/shiro/crypto/AesCipherServiceTest.groovy
+++ b/crypto/cipher/src/test/groovy/org/apache/shiro/crypto/AesCipherServiceTest.groovy
@@ -18,6 +18,12 @@
package org.apache.shiro.crypto
+import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider
+import java.security.Security
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
import org.apache.shiro.codec.CodecSupport
import org.apache.shiro.util.ByteSource
import org.junit.Test
@@ -29,46 +35,146 @@ import static junit.framework.Assert.*
* @since 1.0
-public class AesCipherServiceTest {
+class AesCipherServiceTest {
private static final String[] PLAINTEXTS = [
"Hello, this is a test.",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua."
- ];
+ ]
+ AesCipherServiceTest() {
+ Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider())
+ }
- public void testBlockOperations() {
- AesCipherService aes = new AesCipherService();
+ void testBlockOperations() {
+ AesCipherService cipher = new AesCipherService()
+ assertBlock(cipher)
+ }
- byte[] key = aes.generateNewKey().getEncoded();
+ @Test
+ void testStreamingOperations() {
+ AesCipherService cipher = new AesCipherService()
+ assertStreaming(cipher)
+ }
- for (String plain : PLAINTEXTS) {
- byte[] plaintext = CodecSupport.toBytes(plain);
- ByteSource ciphertext = aes.encrypt(plaintext, key);
- ByteSource decrypted = aes.decrypt(ciphertext.getBytes(), key);
- assertTrue(Arrays.equals(plaintext, decrypted.getBytes()));
- }
+ @Test
+ void testAesGcm() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.GCM)
+ assertStreaming(OperationMode.GCM)
- public void testStreamingOperations() {
+ void testCcm() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.CCM, PaddingScheme.NONE, 13 * 8) // 13 bytes
+ assertStreaming(OperationMode.CCM)
+ }
- AesCipherService cipher = new AesCipherService();
- byte[] key = cipher.generateNewKey().getEncoded();
+ @Test
+ void testCfb() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.CFB)
+ assertStreaming(OperationMode.CFB)
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testCtr() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.CTR)
+ assertStreaming(OperationMode.CTR)
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testEax() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.EAX)
+ assertStreaming(OperationMode.EAX)
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testEcb() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.ECB, PaddingScheme.PKCS5)
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testNone() {
+ assertBlock((OperationMode) null, null)
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testOcb() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.OCB, PaddingScheme.NONE, 15 * 8) // 15 bytes
+ assertStreaming(OperationMode.OCB, PaddingScheme.NONE, 16 * 8) // 16 bytes
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testOfb() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.OFB)
+ assertStreaming(OperationMode.OFB)
+ }
+ @Test
+ void testPcbc() {
+ assertBlock(OperationMode.PCBC, PaddingScheme.PKCS5)
+ assertStreaming(OperationMode.PCBC, PaddingScheme.PKCS5)
+ }
+ private static assertBlock(OperationMode mode, PaddingScheme scheme = PaddingScheme.NONE, int ivSize = JcaCipherService.DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE) {
+ AesCipherService cipher = new AesCipherService()
+ cipher.setInitializationVectorSize(ivSize)
+ if (mode == null) {
+ cipher.setModeName(null)
+ } else {
+ cipher.setMode(mode)
+ }
+ if (scheme == null) {
+ cipher.setPaddingSchemeName(null)
+ } else {
+ cipher.setPaddingScheme(scheme)
+ }
+ assertBlock(cipher)
+ }
+ private static assertStreaming(OperationMode mode, PaddingScheme scheme = PaddingScheme.NONE, int ivSize = JcaCipherService.DEFAULT_KEY_SIZE) {
+ AesCipherService cipher = new AesCipherService()
+ cipher.setInitializationVectorSize(ivSize)
+ if (mode == null) {
+ cipher.setStreamingModeName(null)
+ } else {
+ cipher.setStreamingMode(mode)
+ }
+ if (scheme == null) {
+ cipher.setStreamingPaddingScheme(null)
+ } else {
+ cipher.setStreamingPaddingScheme(scheme)
+ }
+ assertBlock(cipher)
+ }
+ private static assertBlock(AesCipherService cipher, byte[] key = cipher.generateNewKey().getEncoded()) {
for (String plain : PLAINTEXTS) {
- byte[] plaintext = CodecSupport.toBytes(plain);
- InputStream plainIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(plaintext);
- ByteArrayOutputStream cipherOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- cipher.encrypt(plainIn, cipherOut, key);
- byte[] ciphertext = cipherOut.toByteArray();
- InputStream cipherIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext);
- ByteArrayOutputStream plainOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- cipher.decrypt(cipherIn, plainOut, key);
- byte[] decrypted = plainOut.toByteArray();
- assertTrue(Arrays.equals(plaintext, decrypted));
+ byte[] plaintext = CodecSupport.toBytes(plain)
+ ByteSource ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(plaintext, key)
+ ByteSource decrypted = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext.getBytes(), key)
+ assertTrue(Arrays.equals(plaintext, decrypted.getBytes()))
+ }
+ }
+ private static assertStreaming(AesCipherService cipher, byte[] key = cipher.generateNewKey().getEncoded()) {
+ for (String plain : PLAINTEXTS) {
+ byte[] plaintext = CodecSupport.toBytes(plain)
+ InputStream plainIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(plaintext)
+ ByteArrayOutputStream cipherOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ cipher.encrypt(plainIn, cipherOut, key)
+ byte[] ciphertext = cipherOut.toByteArray()
+ InputStream cipherIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(ciphertext)
+ ByteArrayOutputStream plainOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
+ cipher.decrypt(cipherIn, plainOut, key)
+ byte[] decrypted = plainOut.toByteArray()
+ assertTrue(Arrays.equals(plaintext, decrypted))
diff --git a/web/src/test/java/org/apache/shiro/web/mgt/CookieRememberMeManagerTest.java b/web/src/test/java/org/apache/shiro/web/mgt/CookieRememberMeManagerTest.java
index 2f07865ef5..6eeb2785b3 100644
--- a/web/src/test/java/org/apache/shiro/web/mgt/CookieRememberMeManagerTest.java
+++ b/web/src/test/java/org/apache/shiro/web/mgt/CookieRememberMeManagerTest.java
@@ -125,13 +125,13 @@ public void getRememberedPrincipals() {
//The following base64 string was determined from the log output of the above 'onSuccessfulLogin' test.
//This will have to change any time the PrincipalCollection implementation changes:
- final String userPCAesBase64 = "WlD5MLzzZznN3dQ1lPJO/eScSuY245k29aECNmjUs31o7Yu478hWhaM5Sj" +
- "jmoe900/72JNu3hcJaPG6Q17Vuz4F8x0kBjbFnPVx4PqzsZYT6yreeS2jwO6OwfI+efqXOKyB2a5KPtnr" +
- "7jt5kZsyH38XJISb81cf6xqTGUru8zC+kNqJFz7E5RpO0kraBofS5jhMm45gDVjDRkjgPJAzocVWMtrza" +
- "zy67P8eb+kMSBCqGI251JTNAGboVgQ28KjfaAJ/6LXRJUj7kB7CGia7mgRk+hxzEJGDs81at5VOPqODJr" +
- "xb8tcIdemFUFIkiYVP9bGs4dP3ECtmw7aNrCzv+84sx3vRFUrd5DbDYpEuE12hF2Y9owDK9sxStbXoF0y" +
- "A32dhfGDIqS+agsass0sWn8WX2TM9i8SxrUjiFbxqyIG49HbqGrZp5QLM9IuIwO+TzGfF1FzumQGdwmWT" +
- "xkVapw5UESl34YvA615cb+82ue1I=";
+ final String userPCAesBase64 = "0o6DCfePYTjK4q579qzUFEfkeGRvbBOdKHp2y8/nGAltt1Vz8uW0Z8igeO" +
+ "Tq/yBmcw25f3Q0ui/Leg3x0iQZWhw9Bbu0mFHmHsGxEd6mPwtUpSegIjyX5c/kZpqnb7QLdajPWiczX8P" +
+ "Oc2Eku5+8ye1u38Y8uKlklHxcYCPh0pRiDSBxfjPsLaDfOpGbmPjZd4SVg68i/++TvUjqBNJyb+pDix3f" +
+ "PeuPvReWGcE50iovezVZrEfDOAQ0cZYW35ShypMWOmE9yZnb+p8++StDyAUegryyuIa4pjuRzfMh9D+sN" +
+ "F9tm/EnDC1VCer2S/a0AGlWAQiM7jrWt1sNinZcKIrvShaWI21tONJt8WhozNS2H72lk4p92rfLNHeglT" +
+ "xObxIYxLfTI9KiToSe1nYmpQmbBO8x1wWDkWBG//EqRvhgbIfQVqJp12T0fJC1nFuZuVhw/ZanaAZGDk8" +
+ "7aLMiw3T6FBZtWaspgvfH+0TJrTD8Ra386ekNXNN8JW8=";
Cookie[] cookies = new Cookie[]{
new Cookie(CookieRememberMeManager.DEFAULT_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE_NAME, userPCAesBase64)
@@ -165,13 +165,13 @@ public void getRememberedPrincipalsNoMoreDefaultCipher() {
//The following base64 string was determined from the log output of the above 'onSuccessfulLogin' test.
//This will have to change any time the PrincipalCollection implementation changes:
- final String userPCAesBase64 = "WlD5MLzzZznN3dQ1lPJO/eScSuY245k29aECNmjUs31o7Yu478hWhaM5Sj" +
- "jmoe900/72JNu3hcJaPG6Q17Vuz4F8x0kBjbFnPVx4PqzsZYT6yreeS2jwO6OwfI+efqXOKyB2a5KPtnr" +
- "7jt5kZsyH38XJISb81cf6xqTGUru8zC+kNqJFz7E5RpO0kraBofS5jhMm45gDVjDRkjgPJAzocVWMtrza" +
- "zy67P8eb+kMSBCqGI251JTNAGboVgQ28KjfaAJ/6LXRJUj7kB7CGia7mgRk+hxzEJGDs81at5VOPqODJr" +
- "xb8tcIdemFUFIkiYVP9bGs4dP3ECtmw7aNrCzv+84sx3vRFUrd5DbDYpEuE12hF2Y9owDK9sxStbXoF0y" +
- "A32dhfGDIqS+agsass0sWn8WX2TM9i8SxrUjiFbxqyIG49HbqGrZp5QLM9IuIwO+TzGfF1FzumQGdwmWT" +
- "xkVapw5UESl34YvA615cb+82ue1I=";
+ final String userPCAesBase64 = "0o6DCfePYTjK4q579qzUFEfkeGRvbBOdKHp2y8/nGAltt1Vz8uW0Z8igeO" +
+ "Tq/yBmcw25f3Q0ui/Leg3x0iQZWhw9Bbu0mFHmHsGxEd6mPwtUpSegIjyX5c/kZpqnb7QLdajPWiczX8P" +
+ "Oc2Eku5+8ye1u38Y8uKlklHxcYCPh0pRiDSBxfjPsLaDfOpGbmPjZd4SVg68i/++TvUjqBNJyb+pDix3f" +
+ "PeuPvReWGcE50iovezVZrEfDOAQ0cZYW35ShypMWOmE9yZnb+p8++StDyAUegryyuIa4pjuRzfMh9D+sN" +
+ "F9tm/EnDC1VCer2S/a0AGlWAQiM7jrWt1sNinZcKIrvShaWI21tONJt8WhozNS2H72lk4p92rfLNHeglT" +
+ "xObxIYxLfTI9KiToSe1nYmpQmbBO8x1wWDkWBG//EqRvhgbIfQVqJp12T0fJC1nFuZuVhw/ZanaAZGDk8" +
+ "7aLMiw3T6FBZtWaspgvfH+0TJrTD8Ra386ekNXNN8JW8=";
Cookie[] cookies = new Cookie[]{
new Cookie(CookieRememberMeManager.DEFAULT_REMEMBER_ME_COOKIE_NAME, userPCAesBase64)