Before procceeding to the actual process, be sure that you are familiar with deploying a server and then getting it started. You can find information about these steps in the official VXQuery website. It would, also, be good to verify that you can ssh in different nodes without verifying the password since the scripts require to ssh from the current node to different ones.
The NOAA has hosted DAILY GLOBAL HISTORICAL CLIMATOLOGY NETWORK (GHCN-DAILY) .dat files. has an RSS/XML feed that gives current weather sensor readings. Using the RSS feed as a template, the GHCN-DAILY historical information is used to generate past RSS feed XML documents. The process allows testing on a large set of information with out having to continually monitor the site for all the weather details for years.
Detailed GHDN-DAILY information:
The process takes a save folder for the data. The folder contains a several folders:
- all_xml_files (The generated xml files for a given package)
- downloads (All files taken from the NOAA HTTP site)
- dataset-[name] (all files related to a single dataset)
To convert the weather data to XML, 4 stages have to be completed. The stages are described below:
- download (Dowload the weather data from the website)
- progress_file (Verify that all the data have been downloaded)
- sensor_build (Convert the sensor readings to XML files)
- station_build (Convert the station data to XML files)
After the convertion is completed, the system has to be setup to execute some queries to evaluate its performance. The steps for this procedure are described below:
- partition (The partition schemes are configured in an XML file. An example of this file is the weather_example_cluster.xml. This stage configures in how many partitions the raw data will be partitioned in each node)
- test_links (establish the correspondence between the partitioned data and the raw data)
- queries (creates a folder with all the XML queries)
Downloading python -l download -x weather_example.xml
Building python -l sensor_build -x weather_example.xml (-l station_build for the station data)
Partitioning python -l partition -x weather_example.xml
Linking python -l test_links -x weather_example.xml
Building queries python -l queries -x weather_example.xml
Executing queries cluster_ip path/to/weather_folder